My Elf Simulator

Chapter 326: Big Leap

July 25th.

Entering the summer season, the weather is extremely hot.

The outside became like a big melting pot, and within a few minutes, my back was soaked.

Kurosawa took a sip of the frozen carbonated drink and let the bubbles fight in his mouth.


"The weather is getting hotter every year."

However, this seems to be part of the current global warming trend and cannot be reversed by humans.

The only thing Kurosawa can influence is his environment.

In the club's campus, Bailong was practicing his skills at the outdoor training ground. The frosty air it created swept across, taking away most of the summer heat.

It can be regarded as making a small contribution to reducing global warming.

"Any other plans for the afternoon?"

Kurosawa looked at the work assistant beside him and asked.

During this period of rest, although there were no ANBU missions or competition schedules, he didn't really just lie down and die.

After being away for so long, I have accumulated a lot of work.

A lot of things were concentrated in these few weeks, but overall, it was relatively easy.

"This afternoon is for filming with your elves."

“The designer needs a complete image of the exterior.”


In the coming year, the main task of Kurosawa's Dream Building Company is to build its own brand.

In the past two months, the first sneaker Shining Generation was tested, and the market response was very good.

Therefore, in the future, we will also start to withdraw from The Shining II, as well as sports shoes and casual shoes with other elves in Kurosawa as design elements.

Generally speaking, the appearance designs of various Elf series follow the characteristics of their respective Elfs, so it is natural to need more detailed appearance data backup to facilitate subsequent designers to draw inspiration.

Qiu Lao and Kurosawa explained these matters in detail when they reported.

For example, the color scheme of the Shining series is mainly blue and white, and luminous lightning elements will be incorporated later.

The Flora series is mainly in green color. The first one is forest green shell shoes, which are more casual and quiet compared to the Shining series.

In the future, there will be light blue and white for White Dragon, gold for Mumu, deep blue and black for Black Goat's dirty color, and dark color for Curse Crow.

Kurosawa didn't expect the company to bring much profit at first. It was just a product used to maintain and operate the club. However, Qiu Yi seemed to have misunderstood his intentions, and gradually became better and bigger.

However, this is not a bad thing. At least with this career, Kurosawa can feel more at ease when he is outside, and he can finally leave something behind.

Kurosawa followed his assistant into the studio.

The elves are summoned. As for the elves that are too large, they can only be photographed outdoors.

The shoot went smoothly.

Little Shining and Flora are very popular among the female members of the filming studio, while giant elves like White Dragon and Mumu are even more popular among men.

However, something unexpected happened when it was the turn of the heterochromatic black goat cub Xiaolan.

Even if it has tried its best to control its momentum, looking directly at it at close range is still a very scary thing for ordinary people.

The few gay men who had the courage to carry out this work were quickly defeated.

Even though Xiaolan spends most of his time sleeping, which gives people a sense of simplicity and aloofness, in fact it is quite scary to the senses of others.

Most people have seen it a few times in the game footage before, and a few people may have seen it with their own eyes in the gymnasium, but that was also through the protective net. When standing in front of Xiaolan, it felt like Tarzan was coming. The immense pressure is unimaginable.

My hands and feet were shaking crazily and I couldn't control myself at all.

It is also for this reason that on weekdays, his elves White Dragon, Little Shining, Flora, etc. will often have free activities in the club park, with the exception of Little Blue.

Even training is conducted in closed venues, trying not to affect the daily work of other employees.

"I'll do it."

"Then thank you, boss." Many employees filming and watching on the scene seemed a little embarrassed.

"Little things."

Kurosawa waved to take the camera and followed the cameraman's instructions to shoot.

Soon, clear photos of all the elves from all angles were collected. These photos can not only be used by the designer when he needs inspiration, but can also be released from time to time on his personal account.

After finishing the shooting of the elves, the elves then dispersed and went to find things to do.

Some continue to devote themselves to training, while others are pursuing their own hobbies.

Flora had already taken care of the plants in the entire park during her lunch break, and now returned to the venue for individual training.

Its recent improvement speed is much faster than other elves.

First, it is the effectiveness of the true name. The true name gives it far greater potential than ordinary elves.

Secondly, it also wears the golden elf concept weapon that Kurosawa just extracted some time ago, reaching the level of God.

The long-term ascension to the gods can help it increase its energy value faster. With the same training, the improvement it obtains may be 2-3 times that of when it is not worn, which is very exaggerated.

Perhaps it is because of the effect of ascending to the long level of God that Flora's desire to train has significantly increased during the recent period.

In addition to watering the flowers, taking care of the grass, and taking care of the plants, it usually spends time in the stadium for its own training. Even if Kurosawa does not have such strict requirements on it, it is quite self-disciplined.

Kurosawa stood in the stands, looking at Flora practicing in the stadium below, showing a pleased smile.

There is no way, the elves are too self-disciplined, and they don't even need too much supervision from him, the elf master.

"When Flora's energy value is fully improved to the super-level stage, I will remove the long steps of ascension and give them to other elves for improvement training."

Hei Ze thought silently in his heart.

This is also the best use of things. The effect of the long steps of ascension is to speed up the improvement of energy value, but it is not much helpful for crossing the bottleneck between different levels.

After a few days, Hei Ze ended his and the elves' vacation.

About a week of rest time allowed him to relax his body and mind completely.

At the same time, the impact of the Red Moon incident on Haitang City was completely bridged.

He went to find out.

This incident caused a total of nine deaths in Haitang City, a considerable number of whom were elderly people.

Their recovery ability and spirit are much weaker than those of ordinary young people, and their physical condition is like a candle in the wind, which can't withstand too much tossing.

In general, the emergency response in Haitang City was executed quite well this time, and the casualties were well controlled.

Of course, this is also because the impact on Haitang City was not so central, and there were two master elves who controlled the situation at the first time. Among them, Hei Ze is now much stronger than ordinary masters. Some small cities do not have such good treatment.

According to the information received by Hei Ze, the heads of several cities in the east were negligent about the Red Moon incident and were not active in mobilizing the elves under them, resulting in a death toll of more than 100.

Even on their local online media, there was a big storm.

It took a lot of effort to completely calm down the pressure of public opinion.

But obviously this way of handling is wrong, and I am afraid that a group of people will be punished by the provincial alliance.

There are rewards and punishments, it has always been like this.

Do your job in your position, even if you are the mayor of a city, you must bear the corresponding responsibility for your mistakes.

Soon two weeks passed in the training of Hei Ze and the elves.

The elves of other Haitang cities formed the Haitang team last week and set off to Changchuan to participate in the provincial A competition.

Since Kurosawa did not participate in this provincial championship, he did not follow other members to Changchuan, but chose to stay in Haitang.

On the one hand, he continued his personal training, and on the other hand, he also wanted to stay in Haitang to avoid any subsequent trouble.

The provincial super competition was postponed to August 30th.

Kurosawa now has a full month.

"Flora, take a break."

Kurosawa flashed beside Flora, patted it, and signaled it to take a halftime break.

Flora looked up at him and nodded casually.

Its recent training state is so good that Kurosawa often has to remind it to realize that its body is tired.

In the past one or two months, Flora's improvement has been almost leaps and bounds.

When she just finished her work in the Anbu and returned to Haitang City, Flora's energy value was 7421 leaves.

Now at the end of August, it has been upgraded to 9935, and it is about to break 10,000.

If others knew its progress speed, they would definitely call it a cheat.

Generally speaking, the energy value of each stage becomes more difficult to improve in the later stages, and there may even be a phenomenon of lack of strength and stagnation.

But Flora is good. Not only did she not slow down, but she was even faster than before.

However, Kurosawa's improvement speed is unrepeatable by other elf masters. Because of the advantages of various superpositions, his elves are often not stuck by energy value. The only thing that restricts them is time.

The elves have better potential. They have nutritional value and can be trained all day long. They are not short of magical resources and the bonus of affinity badges. He has stronger psychic power, personal titles, and long steps to ascend to the gods than masters of the same level.

One or two factors may only open up a small gap, but when everything is combined, he and others are completely on the same level. The latter are running on the ground, and he has taken off on a rocket.

Those who lag behind him basically have no chance to catch up again.

Kurosawa held Flora in his arms. As soon as it got close to him, it was as if all the bones and muscles were pulled out, and it leaned softly in his arms.

Hei Ze inputs nutrients into its body, which can help it quickly restore energy and relieve fatigue.


Flora's delicate face is full of comfort. She gracefully turns over and buries her head in Hei Ze's abdomen, rubbing and rubbing gently.

Elves often become more independent as they become stronger, so that there are extreme cases where elves look down on their masters. It is rare for a big boss like Flora, who has already surpassed the level, to still show full dependence on the elf master.

For example, Xiao Shining and Bai Long are a little embarrassed to act like a spoiled child with Hei Ze. Of course, they will still be very happy after being encouraged by him, but they will not express it emotionally like Flora.

They express their emotions more subtly and restrainedly, while Flora is more direct, and any happiness or unhappiness will be written directly on her face.

"You are about to break through the 10,000 leaf energy value."

Hei Ze rubbed its head and was proud of Flora.

"Fufu! Fufufu! Fufu!"

Flora's voice came out from Kurosawa's arms, and her voice was a little muffled through the clothes.

But Kurosawa probably understood what it meant.

It was asking about the progress of other elves. After all, it also paid attention to other elves and was working hard to train.

"Don't worry, you are the most valuable now. Little Shining and the others are still more than 7,000."

Hearing this, Flora laughed like a silver bell without thinking, and it was obvious that she was a little happy and proud when she heard the answer.

It was not because it surpassed other elves, but because Hei Ze's words were full of praise for it.

"Fu Fu! Fu Fu!"

"Let's go and have dinner."

Hei Ze held Flora and called the Curse Crow who was practicing on the other side of his stomach.

Little Shining, White Dragon and Mumu were training in the outdoor training ground, while Little Blue was in the Trial Tower space. Hei Ze had specially allocated a piece of land for it to train. The only thing to pay attention to was not to destroy other plants in it.

In a few days, it will be the 2024 Hanquan Provincial Super League. He plans to gradually reduce the intensity of training to avoid keeping the elves in a state of high-pressure physical and mental exhaustion.

Arriving at the park restaurant, Hei Ze sat at the same table with the shrunken elves.

He took his lunch and the elf food specially cooked for the elves, and began to enjoy it happily.

At other tables, after the employees thought they had finished discussing Kurosawa in a low voice, the topic jumped to the Provincial A League that ended some time ago.

Hearing the change of topic, Kurosawa pricked up his ears while eating.

In this Provincial A League, there is no doubt that the most dazzling team is the Haitang team, because their progress is the most significant.

Even though Kurosawa did not participate this year, the Haitang team has firmly sat on the top throne under the four cities of Changchuan, Taixiang, Guchuan, and Jinliang, and the team points are ranked fifth.

It is not even far away from Jinliang City, which had some problems this year.

Among them, Zhang Qingzi also made it to the main competition. Although it was only a one-round tour, it still made the fans of the Haitang League excited.

This means that the rise of the Haitang League is not just a flash in the pan, but a comprehensive enhancement. The addition of many young players has made the originally calm Haitang League turbulent and more competitive.

Presumably, more players will emerge in the future to break into the Provincial A competition.

However, although Haitang City has achieved breakthrough results, there are still some people who are criticizing this Haitang team.

"Last year they won the championship, but this year they are only in the top 16, which is undoubtedly a big step backwards!"

"Compradorism, just introducing some talented players like nouveau riche, does not mean that Haitang City has truly risen."

"The players in Haitang City are too young, and it is estimated that winning the championship will no longer be possible after Kurosawa leaves this arena."

The reason why there are these extremely picky fans is actually because of Kurosawa, Kurosawa's performance has greatly exceeded their expectations.

Therefore, this kind of complaint is doomed to be unsolvable, because Haitang only has one Kurosawa, and it cannot be split into two halves.

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