My Elf Simulator

Chapter 329 Battle of the Valley

After the short interview session, everyone showed their abilities and rushed to the large valley in the wild west of Shanmu Town.

The valley is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with a huge open space in the middle. Because of the dry soil and lack of water, it is barren most of the year and is not suitable for planting. However, as a natural battlefield, it is obviously very suitable.

It is uninhabited, large enough, and ecological enough to not accidentally hurt innocent wild animals and plants.

Hei Ze took Ning Yexing and the other two flying in the air.

Looking far away in the green forest, a touch of yellow-brown can be seen in the distance, which is the stage of this competition.

"Your flying ability is really convenient."

Ning Yexing said with emotion again.

None of the three of them have contracted flying spirits. If they were traveling normally, it would definitely not be as fast as it is now.

"Will it be hard to take the three of us? Will it affect your competition later?" Mi Liling agreed with Ning Yexing's envy, but asked one more question out of concern, worried that the temporary convenience would bring disadvantages to Hei Ze's competition.

"Don't worry, this ability of mine consumes very little, and I can fly for a few more days." Kurosawa explained.

Although the performance of flying in the battle is not strong, and the speed of displacement burst is far inferior to [Coordinate Movement], its biggest advantage is that it consumes less.

After all, the principle is different from the real flying ability. Ability like telekinesis relies on telekinesis to move one's body to achieve flight, while his flying only applies a floating state to the object, and then after achieving floating, it adds a previous power, which is a bit similar to the state of movement of objects in space.

These two completely different means of movement have created a huge difference in consumption.

Hearing Kurosawa say this, and seeing the unusually relaxed look on his face, the three of them were completely relieved.

After a while.

The four came to the sky above the valley, and Kurosawa led the three people to slowly land, and finally landed on a small artificial platform on the top of the mountain.

Standing on the concrete ground, the four looked around.

They are basically the fastest group. There are only a few people who came here, and the remaining players are still on the way.

Seeing the four people descend from the sky without relying on elves, the others showed appropriate surprise.

Talented abilities are rare among low-level elf masters, but at the master level, the proportion has increased significantly.

Because people with talented abilities are more likely to break through to the master level than ordinary people.

After landing, Kurosawa looked at the big valley and the surrounding environment.

Today the sky is very blue. Standing on the top of the mountain and looking around, the vast and flat huge valley in the near distance and the continuous green sea in the distance are all in sight. The moment I saw these scenes, all the distracting thoughts in my heart seemed to be washed away, and the breath in my chest became particularly comfortable.

Above the head, higher than the platform where everyone was standing, there were hovering photography birds and digital pterosaurs.

Since the competition was not held in the city, they took on the recording and information transmission work of this event.

When he looked up at the sky, the nearest photography bird also flapped its wings and flew over Kurosawa's head.

Kurosawa raised his hand slightly and waved at the dark and shining bird pupils. Ning Yexing and the other two saw it and waved.

He knew that the event team was filming him. Behind the unblinking pupils were countless pairs of expectant eyes of the audience.

In the live broadcast room of the Hanquan Provincial Super League account.

Millions of viewers had gathered early before the game started.

The barrage was as dense as rain.

"This year's competition venue is so open."

"I like this environment. It feels better than the environment of the base last year."

"I wish I could come here to travel someday. It must be very comfortable."

"You see the beautiful scenery, but what you don't see is the danger. Ordinary people can't get here in their lifetime."

As the camera bird's screen focused on Kurosawa, Kurosawa's fans in the barrage soon began to go crazy.

"My husband is really tall."

"Handsome, handsome."

"It was very windy at the scene, and Zebao's hair was blown all over the place."

"Recently, Zebao's temperament seems to have become a little cooler. Is it my illusion?"

"Children grow up like this."

"Are those people next to him Zebao's friends?"

"He is waving at me. He has me in his heart!"

There are also some new viewers who may have just started watching the game recently.

"Who is the tallest handsome guy in the picture?"

"Three seconds, I want to receive all his information."

"Oh my god, is this a professional player or a male star? So young and handsome!"

"That's so embarrassing. Zebao is obviously much more handsome than a star."

Even though Kurosawa is now very famous among young players, there are still people who are not familiar with him.

This is normal. Not all viewers will pay attention to various information all the time. They may have been busy with work, study, and college entrance examinations before, and only recently have time to pay attention to various competitions.

In addition, Kurosawa basically had no news last year, so it is reasonable that new viewers are not familiar with him.

However, his appearance does help him stand out from the crowd. Although the others are also very good-looking, the gap is still obvious.

Especially after he became an adult, his facial features gradually grew up, and his originally soft facial features became much more resolute. Although he lost some of the intimacy of the boy next door, he gained a sense of alienated beauty.

After saying hello to the photography bird, Kurosawa stopped paying attention to it.

While communicating with Ning Yexing and the other two about their experience in elf training in the past year, he waited for the other players to arrive.

About half an hour later, the other players also arrived at the scene.

After all, they are all masters. They are completely free to navigate the dangerous forbidden area for ordinary people and low-level elf masters.

The other twelve seeded players did not come to the scene today.

Today is the first day of the elimination match where 46 unseeded players compete for four places to advance to the main competition.

Because it is a point elimination system, the net points and points gained in each game are very important.

And the singles round is particularly important. A singles 3:0 win can get 5 net points.

If the result is 2:1 or 3:2, even if you win, you still need to play a round of team battles, and the points will be less than those opponents who have always won singles.

This is also the main reason why Kurosawa failed to perform well in the last session despite a complete lineup of six super-level elves.

The strength advantage of the core elves is infinitely magnified.

As long as the core elf is strong enough, facing an opponent with overall balanced strength like Shang Hei Ze, it can easily take away 5 points, and continue to snowball, and finally achieve a crushing of points.

But today's situation is completely different.

Hei Ze's Flora's energy value has exceeded 10,000 leaves. Facing other masters, he is no longer the rookie who was in an absolute disadvantage with his core elf last year. On the contrary, when facing most of the players, Flora should be in an absolute advantage now.

While Hei Ze was thinking, the referee team that followed him to the scene also began to draw lots for the 46 players and assign corresponding opponents.

Soon, Hei Ze knew his first opponent in the first round.

Speaking of which, he also played against this opponent last year.

However, because the process was not too wonderful, he actively forgot some memories in his mind.

The opponent's name is Zhong Ning, a female master.

The core elf is a snow girl with an energy value of more than 5,000 leaves.

As for other elves, Hei Ze didn't know much because he only played against her elf last year.

The player on the opposite side named Zhong Ning obviously also remembered the situation of the match last year. When Kurosawa looked at her in the crowd, her face was filled with the joy of victory. When she found Kurosawa looking at her, she nodded to Kurosawa in a "friendly" way.


This smile is too real.

He can understand the psychological state of his opponent and the importance of winning the first battle. However, when the person who is regarded as a soft persimmon is himself, his mood is really complicated.

Although you won a complete victory last year, it would be better to restrain yourself.

Kurosawa shook his head, with a little helplessness on his face.

The vast valley flatland below has been divided into several battle areas.

The photography bird and the data pterosaur responsible for relaying signal transmission have already taken position in the sky.

The players entered their respective venues one by one under the mobilization of the referee team.

Kurosawa's game did not start so soon. He needed to wait for the others to finish their games and vacate the venue before he could go on the court.

Because of the fear that different battles would affect each other, the different battle areas were pulled apart.

Kurosawa watched the first round of the others' battles silently.

The importance of the first battle is self-evident. It can not only establish the points advantage first, but also help players establish a psychological advantage.

Don't underestimate the importance of psychological advantage. When a pair of players of similar strength fight, one is in a winning streak and the other is in a losing streak. The former is definitely more likely to win.

Kurosawa plans to send Flora to the first game later.

There is no such thing as hiding one's weakness in such a points game. If you want to play the pig and eat the tiger, you will really become a pig, because the points advantage in each round is very important.

Moreover, the core elf's strength is exposed, and it will not affect the overall situation, because almost all players send the first singles to the field. The strongest elf in the lineup, unless the gap in strength between the two sides is too large, the second singles may be sent to give the core elf a chance to rest.

King vs. King, General vs. General, it is almost a strategy of playing with open cards.

Among Kurosawa's friends, Mili Ling is now fighting on the field.

Standing on the viewing platform on the top of the mountain, he paid more attention to it.

There is no doubt that, as Kurosawa predicted before the game, her battle is not optimistic.

She was in her thirties, and although she must be older than Kurosawa, she had some disadvantages due to her age when playing against other players. After only five minutes on the court, her core elf was firmly suppressed by her opponent.

Kurosawa shook his head, feeling sorry for her.

The situation for new players is really difficult. If they want to win, it is not enough to be in good shape, and they must also face younger opponents. If they have bad luck, they may even lose all the games and it will be difficult to win.

Fortunately, I am different this year.

Not long after, Mi Liling, who finished the game, returned to the viewing platform dejectedly.

"You worked hard."

"What a pity."

"Your luck was a bit bad."

The three didn't know how to comfort her. Her opponent was Jiao Lana.

In the last provincial super league, she advanced to the main competition by virtue of the points elimination match.

Kurosawa also played against her in one round.

At that time, she met Kurosawa and sent out a wind god pterosaur with more than 6,000 leaves of energy.

Kurosawa later found out that it wasn't her strongest Pokémon, it was simply because it was Kurosawa who was ranked, so she thought that Quetzalcoatl would be enough.

And it was indeed the case. Kurosawa's three singles elves were defeated by it one after another.

The way Jiao Lana defeated Mili Ling was coincidentally the same as the situation against Kurosawa last year, and she also used a Quetzalcoatl to complete the singles.

This seemed to be her battle strategy. When facing the weakest players, she would send Quetzalcoatl to reduce the consumption of core elves.

The advantages of Quetzalcoatl are fast speed, powerful skills, and a field-clearing skill similar to a map cannon. Opponents with weaker strength than it have almost no room for maneuver.

Fortunately, Mili Ling knew what was going on before participating in the competition.

In a short moment, she adjusted the depressed mood brought by the failure, raised her head, and put on a beautiful smile on her face again.

"I'm actually fine. When I think about seeing Aning being abused later, I feel more balanced." She winked at Ning Yexing beside her.

"You vicious woman." Ning Yexing gritted his teeth. "I will definitely win."


Mili Ling laughed.

Happiness is always built on the pain of others.

Although Ning Yexing's opponent is not as strong as Jiao Lana, he is also ranked in the 30th place.

For these players who are ranked in the 40s and 50s, this kind of opponent in the middle class of the provincial super league is undoubtedly very challenging.

"Don't worry, wait for the second round." Ning Yexing retorted.

When they were arguing with each other, they were careful to avoid affecting Hei Ze.

The opponent that Hei Ze will face is Zhong Ning, who is ranked in the 20s. In their opinion, it is undoubtedly a battle without suspense.

You can't expect a player ranked in the 50s to defeat a player ranked in the 20s in the league.

Without looking at the top twelve seeded players, the strength gap between the remaining dozen to 20 is actually not as big as that of the back class.

In fact, these ten people are really competing for the four places in the main competition.

The others are actually just runners-up, coming to fight to exercise, and by the way, fulfilling the master's obligations after the game.

Hei Ze felt their deliberateness and knew what they were thinking, but he didn't say anything about it.

About half an hour later, the first batch of contestants had all won and lost.

A series of points were quickly listed.

Contestants such as Jiao Lana had already taken the lead by scoring five points and taking the lead.

Mi Liling patted Kurosawa on the shoulder, and with their encouragement, Kurosawa floated towards the venue below.

Next was his stage, where the results of his training over the past year would be displayed.

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