My Elf Simulator

Chapter 346: League ends, annual mission

After the wounds on the body stopped bleeding, the Thunder Tyrannosaurus Rex turned its attention back to the White Dragon.

The White Dragon was much weaker than it in terms of strength, but it was injured. After the fierce battle with Flora, it had no time to rest and had to face another round of battles.

It was actually a little tired.

Ni Yin asked the Thunder Tyrannosaurus Rex to be patient, and she became much more cautious.

Hei Ze's Flora was stronger than she thought. The opponent's injury-free and burst methods were all within her expectations. She also dealt with them well, but the Thunder Tyrannosaurus Rex was still injured.

In those few short seconds, Flora's burst of strength was even stronger than that of the Thunder Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Fortunately, it didn't last long, otherwise it would be hard to say whether it would win or lose.

It was precisely because of the precedent of Flora that she was still frightened when she saw the White Dragon in the sky.

Hei Ze's spirit could not be judged by energy value and common sense.

This was also the reason why she asked the Thunder Tyrannosaurus Rex to calm down.

She was worried that the Thunder Tyrannosaurus would fall into Hei Ze's ambush because of his injury.

If there was another unexpected outbreak like the one just now, the Thunder Tyrannosaurus would be a bit overwhelmed.

Hei Ze didn't know that his opponent Ni Yin had already developed some fear of him.

He just followed the steps and let the White Dragon, the magic turret, pour out the dual element skills of ice and water.

The earth turned white in an instant.

The battle continued.

Although he didn't know why the opponent was too cautious, Hei Ze would not miss the rare output opportunity.

The ice cones released by the White Dragon fell from the sky like thousands of sharp blades.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

The blue-level ice cones of the White Dragon were also upgraded to the deep purple level by Hei Ze, and the power was much higher than the ordinary ice cones.

Ice cones are an extremely common ice skill. Although there are no ice elves in Ni Yin's elf lineup, as a top master who has experienced many battles, she has a clear grasp of the strength of this common skill.

"The strength is not right, so be careful."

Ni Yin frowned slightly as she watched the ice cone that smashed into the ground like tofu.

The more actively Hei Ze attacked, the more she felt that Hei Ze was probably planning something.

In the 8-to-4 match, Zhu Xiaochuan only played Fu Luo, which was a relatively ordinary opponent, and won easily, so naturally he could not see much of its strength.

The mountain-like body of the Thunder Tyrannosaurus Rex made it difficult to avoid such a large-scale attack.

A series of sharp ice pillars fell on its body, and the sharp cutting feeling and the extremely cold freezing released made it extremely uncomfortable.

But Ni Yin asked it to be careful, so it restrained the violent desire in its heart and honestly used the attribute energy to help its skin become tougher.

The battle between the two elves on the field lasted for more than ten minutes.

Bai Long and Hei Ze seized the precious opportunity to attack, causing great trouble to the Thunder Tyrannosaurus. After Ni Yin stabilized for a while, she probably realized that Hei Ze was bluffing, and quickly abandoned defense and went on the offensive, and the situation gradually turned to Ni Yin.

Although the Thunder Tyrannosaurus was in a bad state, consumed a lot of energy, and was injured, the gap between its strength and Bai Long was too big.

Another five minutes passed.

In the end, Hei Ze had no choice but to withdraw Bai Long from the battle.

He looked at the opponent's exhausted Thunder Tyrannosaurus and sighed.

Suddenly, there was a familiar feeling. Did other opponents in the previous rounds face his Flora in this way?

There may be a few opportunities to counterattack in the process, but in fact, the situation is always firmly controlled by the opponent.

The opponent can have dozens or hundreds of opportunities to make mistakes, but as long as he makes a mistake in attacking or dodging, he will face a head-on blow.

This is the biggest pain point of the weaker side in the elf battle. There is too little room for error. Even if there is a trump card, it is difficult to play.

Kurosawa then sent out the second strongest black goat cub, Little Blue.

This time, facing the Thunder Tyrannosaurus, Little Blue finally fought hard to win a victory for him.

Of course, this victory was not easy to come by. Although the Thunder Tyrannosaurus looked weak, it still put a lot of pressure on Kurosawa and Little Blue when it really entered the battle. During the process, he once thought he was going to lose, and was directly taken away by it 3:0.

Little Blue, who was struggling to win, was in a low state, so Ni Yin did not waste too much manpower in the singles stage, and sent out a Thunderbird with a strength of only 6,000 or 7,000 energy points to easily defeat Little Blue.

The singles round between Kurosawa and Ni Yin ended with a result of 1:3, and Ni Yin accumulated 2 points.

Entering the team battle round.

Kurosawa took the initiative to admit defeat.

This is a rare thing for him. In the past, even if the opponent he met was much stronger than himself, he rarely gave up the game.

But this time the situation is special. First, the remaining elves of the opponent are too strong, concentrated around 8-9K leaf energy value, and his three stronger elves have been used in the single round, so there is no hope of winning.

Moreover, the little Shining is still dormant, and he can only send Mumu and Curse Crow in the team battle round. In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, Kurosawa still did not force the two elves to play.

"Since Kurosawa took the initiative to admit defeat, after the decision of the referee team, it was finally determined that Ni Yin won. She will advance to the finals and compete with the winner of the next game for the championship. Kurosawa will also compete for the third place in the first game in the afternoon."

The host in the studio received the result from the on-site referee team and announced it in the live broadcast room.

The barrage did not pay special attention to these process-style broadcasts.

In fact, as early as when the Thunder Tyrannosaurus Rex won frequently, the audience knew that Hei Ze was doomed.

The core elves had too much difference in strength, and the result was crushing.

"It's actually not bad to advance to the semi-finals. At least before the game, I didn't expect Ze Bao to achieve this result."

"I am three years older than Ze Bao. I am just a student, and he is already one of the top four players in the provincial super league. It's touching."

Some barrages expressed envy and joy, while other fans were a little regretful.

"Although I know that the gap in strength is relatively large, it still feels a pity to see Ze Bao lose."

"It would be great if he could enter the final round."

"Hei Ze: You all wait for me, I will abuse you later."

Hei Ze himself was not as emotional as some fans in the barrage.

He came to the midfield and shook hands with Ni Yin.

Probably because she won the game, Ni Yin was in a good mood and talked to him for a while.

After the game, the two flew back to the high mountain platform.

When the Sand Rock Crocodile Team repaired the valley venue, the second semi-final officially began.

The battle between Weng Yuanjing and Ming Xilai ended up being the same as most people expected, with the former winning easily.

Even from the perspective of perception, the gap between the two was even greater than that between Hei Ze and Ni Yin.

At noon, the masters on the scene did not return to Shanmu Town to rest.

The event team airlifted a lot of fresh meat and vegetables, which were cooked by the chefs who came to the scene, and the players enjoyed them on the high mountain platform.

The weather was clear and refreshing, and eating delicious food on the mountain hundreds of meters above sea level was also a special flavor.

At lunch time, the photography birds did not take pictures. They landed like the data pterosaurs to rest, eat, and replenish energy.

The masters also inevitably talked about the annual tasks after the end of the Provincial Super League.

The deep secret reality node where the annual task was located this time was located on a lake 40 kilometers northeast of Shanmu Town.

The Red Moon incident that just ended was a disaster brought by the deep secret realm, so the masters and the provincial alliance are particularly concerned about this annual task.

After losing in the semi-finals, Kurosawa became much more relaxed.

During the meal, he was still discussing the scenic spots around Jinliang City with Ning Yexing and the other two.

Since Ning Yexing and the other two did not need to compete, they visited many more tourist attractions than Kurosawa.

Time passed in the afternoon.

The first game was the third place battle as an appetizer, and the nature of the game determined that this game would not be too tense.

Ming Xilai even ran to chat with Kurosawa before the game, and the two talked and laughed.

Most of the players actually have a good relationship, but sometimes fans may quarrel over a victory or defeat.

The camera bird above the head captured this scene.

The audience asked questions one after another.

"What are you two guys talking about? We're going to compete soon. Be serious."

"Actually, we're not brothers. If we only look at age, Ming Xilai might be Kurosawa's grandfather [laughs]."

"Ming Xilai: Are you polite?"

"Zebao is quite popular. I've seen many players come to him to talk. Even Zhu Xiaochuan, who lost to him, talked to him for a long time after the game."

"How can he not be popular? He's strong, talented, and handsome. I want to go there to get close to him."

The audience doesn't really pay attention to the age of the players, but they occasionally mention it.

After all, it's hard to tell the age of the players just by looking at their appearance, and the first impression is easily confused.

Zhu Xiaochuan is only two or three years older than Ming Xilai, and they are almost players of the same generation, but the audience likes to call him Zhu Xiaotou, and rarely calls Ming Xilai "old man".

Probably because Zhu Xiaochuan's appearance remains mature, while Ming Xilai looks like a handsome boy in his twenties.

On the platform, the two people who were about to start the game were actually chatting in a relaxed manner.

After chatting about the topic of elves' aesthetics for a while, the relationship between the two became more familiar, and Ming Xilai mentioned what happened in the morning.

"Hei Ze, why did you admit defeat in the morning game?"

Ming Xilai was very curious about this topic. Maybe some people would not care, but in his impression, Hei Ze was not a player who was willing to surrender.

Hei Ze did not hide it.

He told the fact that his little Shining Spirit was dormant and could not play.

"I thought that if I only sent two elves to play, it might be misunderstood as not taking the game seriously. It's better to have less trouble than more, so I just surrendered."

Although it was a major disadvantage for Hei Ze to tell the opponent of the game about this inside information, Hei Ze didn't care too much about the competition for the third place.

The fourth place in the provincial super competition also has a trophy, so the gap between the third and fourth place in the award is not as obvious as in some competitions. This gap is more transferred to the difference between the fourth place and the fifth to eighth place.

He now knows his own strength. Ming Xilai and Ni Yin are equally strong, with a small gap. It is difficult for him to defeat these two with his current strength, not to mention Weng Yuanjing who has won the provincial super league three times in a row.

"Haha, it's almost the same as I thought." Ming Xilai shook his eyebrows, with a surprised but reasonable smile on his face.

"When Weng Yuanjing and I watched your game this morning, I guessed that it might be a similar reason, but Yuanjing thought I was overthinking. He thought you were just tired and didn't want to play because the gap was too big."

"In that case, I can't take advantage of others. For the sake of fairness, I will also hold down one of my super-class elves in the game later."

"No need, no need. It's my own problem. Besides, even if my lineup is complete, the ranking will probably not change."

Hei Ze waved his hands repeatedly, and he had a deep understanding of this.

Losing is originally inferior to others. He will not blame his defeat in the game on the sleep of the little Shining.

"I'm kidding, play well later and contribute a wonderful game. Don't vote again?"


The two talked and laughed until the staff reminded them that it was almost time for the game. The two stopped talking and flew into the field.

The process of the game was a bit dramatic.

Kurosawa originally thought that Ming Xilai's self-sealing was a joke, after all, he also agreed to play well later, but he didn't expect that he still did it. The elf he sealed was still the Tongbi Jinyuan, who usually played as the first singles.

Not only Kurosawa on the field was surprised by this, but even the commentators and viewers in the live broadcast room didn't quite understand what happened.

"Kurosawa was confused. Did Ming Xilai throw the wrong flash card? As for such a low-level mistake?"

"It shouldn't be. I saw Ming Xilai was smiling happily."

"Ming Xilai doesn't need this third place. He has already won two. The third and fourth places don't make much difference to him."

"That being said, if it was someone like Shen Qingyi who had a bad face, wouldn't Ming fight to death?"

Kurosawa, who had already sent Flora, shook his head and could only continue the game.

After all, there are various reasons for the selection of elves to fight, such as fatigue, injury or personal strategy, but if he also made random decisions in the battle, it would make the game ugly.

The two of them had a tacit understanding in their hearts. Ming Xilai just chose the elves casually, but he was very serious during the battle.

In the final singles session, the two played a very stalemate.

3:2, Kurosawa barely won and took away one point.

In the team battle round, Kurosawa sent out a double elf lineup of Mumu and Curse Crow, while Ming Xilai led the team with a single super-level.

His lineup was also very deep. With five super-level elves, he could still spare a 7,000-energy-value Earth Beast to lead the team in the team battle round when he actively sealed the strongest core elves.

The team battle between the two was also very tense. The two Mumu and Curse Crow with 5,000 leaves of energy did not have the imagined advantage against the combination of one super and two high-level elves on the opposite side.

First, the difference of 2,000 leaves in energy value is not a small gap. Second, there is a difference in quantity. The rock-type giant Earth Beast can divide part of its defensive power that it is good at to two high-level elves. When the two have more guarding power, they can still assist it from the side.

The two fought for nearly 40 minutes, and finally Kurosawa won the team battle with a slight advantage.

In general, except for giving up a core Pokémon, Ming Xilai played very seriously, and the strength of the two at this time was relatively close.

Of course, with the addition of Tongbi Jinyuan, the situation would be as completely crushed as facing Ni Yin.

Kurosawa still had a good idea in his mind.

After the game, Kurosawa came to the field and shook hands with Ming Xilai.

Ming Xilai smiled happily. If you only look at the picture on the camera at this moment, others will definitely think that he won the game.

In fact, Kurosawa, as the winner, did feel that he was being controlled.

Before the game, Ming Xilai agreed to play seriously. If you don't look at Tongbi Jinyuan, Ming Xilai did play very seriously, and the content of the battle was not a prank.

This made Kurosawa feel very entangled.

However, he was a person who would be very serious when entering the battle stage, so he still finished the game honestly.

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