My Elf Simulator

Chapter 354 The Shining Awakens

After training for a few hours, Kurosawa felt that he had almost mastered the surge in strength, so he left the archery hall.

The owner of the archery hall went on a business trip to another province yesterday, so he did not return during the time Kurosawa stayed.

Kurosawa massaged his arm.

He felt that the super-heavy bow suitable for elves was quite suitable for him.

He had a strong perception ability, an extremely strong body, the ability to fly in the air, and super-fast coordinate displacement. As long as he had a bow and arrow that could exert his full power, he could strike the opponent at a distance, and it was more concealed than the elves' attacks.

After all, most of the elves' attack methods carry attribute energy fluctuations, and this kind of kinetic strike that purely uses muscle strength has advantages in this respect.

At least it can play a good effect when performing dark missions.

"You can customize one specifically." Kurosawa, who had made up his mind, did not go to consult the owner of the archery hall. He would definitely be able to customize a more suitable one when he returned to the dark department to report in a few days.

The resources possessed by the Anbu are not comparable to those of the outside world. Not to mention customizing some weapons used by high-level elves, even stronger super-level and defensive weapons and equipment can be forged as long as you are willing to spend contribution points.

Two more days passed.

The sleeping little Shining finally woke up.

Today is a bright morning. After Kurosawa finished washing up, he went outside Shanmu Town to exercise with other elves, and released the little Shining to check its status.

In the past few days, the little Shining has been in a coma, but some magical changes are constantly taking place in the body, and the shape of the body is also changing day by day.

Kurosawa summoned the little Shining in the open space, and seeing that it was still sleeping, he subconsciously prepared to take it back, but perhaps because he felt Kurosawa's breath, the little Shining's body suddenly trembled.

So, Kurosawa gave up the idea of ​​taking it back, and patiently waited by the side of the little Shining.

The light of the little Shining became more and more obvious.

He looked expectantly at this scene.

At this moment, the aura of the little Shining Spirit has really become much stronger than before.

Under Kurosawa's gaze, the little Shining Spirit completely transformed into a white-gold lightning energy form.

Unlike the previous one that entered combat mode, the little Shining Spirit in front of Kurosawa's perception is a complete elemental body.

It is like a magical life naturally bred by a ball of lightning.

It floated up, and the light golden wings of lightning jumped wildly.

The plants on the ground were also quietly attached to a layer of lightning, but the difference was that the lightning attached to the surface of the plants did not cause any damage to them.

They were cleverly integrated together, and the plants, soil, and stones seemed to be assimilated by lightning.

It can be seen that the little Shining Spirit's ability to control lightning energy has been raised to a new level.

Kurosawa, who has been familiar with the skyrocketing power today, has a lot to say about this. Destruction is easy, but it is extremely difficult to make it easy and tame the strong lightning to be so docile.

Finally, when the momentum of the body reached the peak, the little Shining opened his eyes completely.


A magnificent roar sounded faintly in the air.

The golden lightning in its eyes swayed several times, and the golden light was sharp and confused.

The little Shining turned his head in confusion.

After a long sleep, its brain is now somewhat not working well.

However, after seeing Kurosawa again, its uneasiness disappeared instantly.

It quickly approached Kurosawa.

As it approached, Kurosawa's body was also covered by a layer of lightning.

The little Shining was startled by the change in his ability, and quickly dodged and retreated several times, fearing that the new ability that had not yet been fully mastered would hurt Kurosawa.

Instead, Kurosawa raised his hand curiously, sensing the white lightning that enveloped his body.

Unlike the lightning possession that entered the Zeus state, this white lightning did not have any brutality or threat, just like a layer of lightning coat.

He pinched his fingers lightly, and the lightning coat was lifted up like a layer of soft cloth.

Seeing that Kurosawa was not hurt, the little Shining slowly approached again.

It was now very unfamiliar with its own power.

Kurosawa touched it.

Then he opened the panel to check its status. In the previous sleeping state, its spirit information was a string of question marks and could not be viewed.

He was also very curious about the transformation of the little Shining during this period.

Although the perception ability has already noticed its rapid progress, it is not as intuitive as the summary on paper by the system.

Spirit: Shining (real name)

Race qualification: five stars

Level: super

Attribute: thunder

Characteristics: pressure, super-speed regeneration, elemental body

Energy value: 10100

The few columns that Kurosawa saw at first glance gave him a great surprise.

First of all, the little Shining also got a real name after Flora.

Secondly, it evolved from a four-star race to a five-star race, and the attribute energy in the body became extremely pure after these two changes.

The energy value has officially exceeded 10,000, catching up with Flora. In addition, the higher tacit understanding between Shining and him, as well as the two joint capabilities, the combat power will only be stronger than Flora.

The previous single-core team leader has become a dual-core guarantee after Shining successfully evolved.

If his current lineup returns to the provincial super competition, he even feels that he has a chance to challenge Ni Yin and Ming Xilai, and the chance of winning is very high because his lineup is deeper.

In terms of characteristics, in addition to the previous pressure and super-speed regeneration, there is an additional elemental body.

Presumably, the elemental body is the current physical state of Shining.

Kurosawa's palm can even pass directly through its body.

Shining in the elemental body state has no entity. Without an entity, there is no obvious weakness, and the probability of being hit is greatly reduced. From this aspect, it is undoubtedly a major benefit to Shining's combat power increase.

In terms of skills, Shining has three more skills after evolution.

The first one is still the gold-level secret [Real Name Liberation], which needs no further explanation, and is exactly the same as Flora's.

The second one is a displacement skill, the gold-level skill [Thousand Lightning Thunder Road], which can use the ability of its elemental body. In this state, it can teleport arbitrarily in the area attached to the minefield.

For the specific speed and consumption, Kurosawa needs to practice with Shining in detail to find out.

But if the consumption is not too great, the threat of the little Shining to the enemy will soar straight up. Just imagine how terrible it would be for an elf who has mastered a variety of high-intensity burst abilities and has an unpredictable teleportation close-range method.

It will become a terrifying invisible assassin!

The third one is an offensive skill, the gold-level skill [Thunderbolt]. The effect of the skill is very simple. It is a pure thunder-destructive skill that will drop a terrifying thunderbolt on the enemy's head with fast speed and high energy.

If the previous racial qualifications and true names have given Shining more potential to be developed, the three gold-level skills have made its combat power soar to an extremely high level.


Kurosawa habitually wanted to whisper its head to encourage it.

But his palm easily penetrated its head, which was a little embarrassing.

Kurosawa looked at Shining and asked curiously.

"Shining, can you change back to your normal body now?"

Although the elemental body is extremely beneficial for combat, it is still a bit inconvenient in daily life. It cannot be touched, and the light that is constantly emitted is too dazzling, not to mention other problems.

Shining, who had just completed its evolution, heard Kurosawa's question, calmed down, and felt its physical state.

After a while, it nodded.

It can now switch between the two states of ordinary flesh and elemental body at will, and it will not bring any burden or switching delay.

In a few seconds, Shining switched back and forth several times in front of Kurosawa.

"Okay, switch to the elemental body."

Kurosawa stopped Shining, who was in a playful mood, and let it switch back to the elemental body.

Then a series of exercises are needed to get familiar with the coordination of the new body.

For the next half an hour.

Kurosawa was training with Shining near the open space.

It happened that Shining himself was not very familiar with the new body, and the effect of the training was not very good at first, but then slowly one person and one elf found their tacit understanding.

Other elves who were training nearby also came over unconsciously.

Staring at Shining with envy.

Especially the white dragon, the jealousy in the pair of blue dragon eyes was almost condensed into substance.

There is no doubt that it has been secretly jealous of Shining's complete evolution.

The two teams were evenly matched for a while, and it even had a slight advantage before the provincial super league started, becoming the second core of the Kurosawa team.

Unexpectedly, it gave up the second position after just one or two months.

However, after feeling sour, it turned its head and flew away to continue its practice.

First, it was worried that Shining would notice it and drag it into a battle. Second, Shining's strength also aroused its stronger desire to win.

Kurosawa didn't know that the white dragon who was secretly observing from a distance came and went, and had such a complicated psychological activity.

He was immersed in the practice with Shining, and the more he practiced, the more satisfied he felt.

The elemental body is really strong.

In this state, Shining can change its appearance at will. It can be round or flat without a physical body.

And physical attacks without attribute energy can no longer hurt it.

The elemental body is 100% thunder attributed. In this state, even if thousands of soldiers with guns and live ammunition shoot at it, Shining will be immune.

Although the attributes of super-class elves are very high, they are not immune to physical attacks. Not to mention super-class, even the attributes of the defensive level cannot do it. Of course, it should be recognized that ordinary physical attacks cannot break the skin of the defensive level elves.

In addition to being immune to ordinary attacks, the elemental body also allows Shining to nearly double the speed of its own attribute energy allocation because there is no physical barrier. Its already fast casting speed is so fast that it is incredible.

Kurosawa tried several new abilities of Shining shallowly. He didn't use full firepower just to test the actual effect of the skills, but even if he didn't use all his strength, the destructive power caught up with Flora when she was going all out.

"Maybe Shining can compete with those top super-class elves now?" Kurosawa silently estimated in his heart.

Although the energy value difference between Shining and the top super class is four or five thousand, in other words, it is only four or five small levels, but Shining's current explosive power is too strong, and maybe it can really make up for the gap of four or five small levels.

"If you could wake up earlier, I, your master, might have won the championship."

Hei Ze patted Shining, who had regained his physical form, and sighed regretfully.

Shining showed an innocent look and shrank his neck.

However, Hei Ze just complained subconsciously, and he didn't really mind it.

If Shining had entered a breakthrough during the period of the provincial super competition, he might not be able to successfully help it survive the thunder tribulation.

Even if it survived, he would not be able to play in the subsequent competitions because he was seriously injured.

The third place on the surface and the fourth place in reality were the most ideal results for him.

He and the elves practiced nearby for another morning.

At noon, he returned to Shanmu Town.

After recovering from a serious injury, even if his physical condition was fully restored, he did not dare to overdraw too much. In the next few days, he still had to focus on moderate training and recuperation.

In the afternoon, he sat on the balcony to bask in the sun.

Prepare to try two more expedition simulations.

He had received thirty upgrade rewards before, and used them twice, leaving twenty-eight.

Since each time he would consume a certain amount of energy and bring fatigue, he would try to use it as much as possible in his spare time in the future.

Raise the expedition level as soon as possible, and the better the entries, the better the start.

For the elf master, the start is very important, enough to determine their fate.

Different talents, family backgrounds, personalities, and encounters will make the life of the elf master go to thousands of different paths.

Kurosawa entered the expedition interface.

He selected the little Shining Spirit that had just evolved. When it was sleeping before, he didn't dare to use it as a simulation object, worried that there would be accidents. Now there is no such concern.

"The simulation is being generated for you."

"Please choose the expedition difficulty! The difficulty will determine how much reward you get!"


"Your expedition adventure level is LV1 (43/100), and the corresponding adventure entries are being randomly refreshed for you. You can only choose one of them."

[White] Skill call

[White] Character stubbornness

[White] Bad luck

It's still three mediocre entries, and Kurosawa doesn't have much hope for it now.

What can you expect from the dialogue? Could it be possible to swipe out a powerful reincarnation? That's unrealistic.

After thinking for a while, Kurosawa chose the second entry, the character's stubborn personality.

There is nothing wrong with choosing 1, but it is obviously of no help to the simulation. A bird that is born with the ability to sing is still an extremely ordinary bird.

The character's stubborn personality doesn't sound good, and it contains a lot of negative emotions, but stubborn people are also more determined and not easily swayed by other people's evaluations.

Kurosawa has learned something through the first two simulations.

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