My Elf Simulator

Chapter 361 National Level

The press conference is over.

The reporters who attended the conference left the venue with some excitement and some reluctance.

Kurosawa twisted his wrist and sat up from his seat.

"Thank you for your hard work."

"You have worked hard, everyone has worked hard."

Li Miao came to Kurosawa after the other staff members finished interacting with Kurosawa.

The next step is a detailed physical examination.

The detailed physical examination is also responsible for the contestants to prevent the contestants from having some diseases that are difficult to detect with ordinary medical means.

Zhongdu has the most advanced medical team and equipment in Haihua Country. If the disease cannot be detected here, it is basically a rare case beyond the existing human civilization.

The physical examination was not conducted at the base. Li Miao took Kurosawa to a black high-end unmanned vehicle and drove towards the central area.

The unmanned vehicle has no driving seat, only two rows of seats, surrounded by bright and open circular one-way light-transmitting glass, and the view from the car is very wide.

Kurosawa sat in the back seat and saw the scene outside through the car window.

Once entering the central area, the buildings and streets became more sci-fi.

The crisscrossing sky cable cars are moving freely overhead, and numerous robots and unmanned vehicles are driving in an orderly manner on the ground.

The entire huge central area is like being controlled by a huge network. Every link is operating precisely, and there are almost no accidents such as traffic accidents.

Li Miao introduced that a considerable part of the central area is located underground.

Due to the limited land area of ​​the central area, public training grounds like those in Haitang City and other cities are placed in the underground space in the central area. People go down to the underground battle space through elevators. In addition to small training grounds, there are also large battle parks and so on.

Kurosawa understood a little. No wonder he didn't find any facilities related to open-air training grounds on both sides of the road when he entered the central area.

The unmanned vehicle was driving at a uniform speed in an orderly manner in the dense traffic.

"There is still one minute to reach your destination. Please pack up your belongings and get ready to get off the car."

A radio host's tone suddenly sounded in the car.

The numbers on the screen in front were jumping rapidly.

At the moment when the last 1 returned to 0, the unmanned vehicle stopped, and the timing was just right.


The car door rose vertically like an insect wing, and Kurosawa and Li Miao got out of the car.

They came to a large hospital, the First People's Hospital of Central District.

As soon as they walked into the hospital gate, a pink medical robot drove over.

"Have you made an appointment in advance?"

Li Miao walked forward, identified the fingerprint, and confirmed the identity.

"Welcome, Ms. Li Miao and Mr. Kurosawa."

Li Miao turned to Kurosawa and explained.

"There are many patients in the First Hospital. Except for the emergency department, basically you need to make an appointment one to two weeks in advance. However, if you join the national team like you, you can come to see a doctor at any time without an appointment in the future, or bring your family and friends to see a doctor."

"In addition to all hospitals in Zhongdu, you have many rights in major training grounds, Elf Hospital and many other public places in the city, free use, no appointment, etc., which is also a little privilege of a member of the national team."

Kurosawa nodded.

Although he felt that with his physical fitness, he probably didn't need these privileges to come to the hospital, but from this, he could get a glimpse of the national team, even the status of the reserve team members was very high.

"Conduct the highest level of physical examination."

While Li Miao and the medical robot determined the specific medical examination items, Kurosawa silently observed the hospital lobby.

There were fewer people in the hospital lobby than Kurosawa had imagined, and there was no queue for registration when Kurosawa went to the hospital before.

But it was understandable if you think about it carefully.

Everything in the central area can be precisely planned, and the traffic on the road can be accurately measured to the second. The unnecessary process consumes much less time, and the efficiency is naturally high.

"Please follow me."

Kurosawa followed the medical robot silently.

Then there was a series of detailed physical examination procedures, blood drawing, and lying on various medical instruments one by one.

But when the results were finally released, there were still some minor twists and turns.

Because his physical fitness was too strong, many of his physical examination data seriously deviated from the normal human numerical range, and the medical robot directly considered it as an instrument abnormality, and took Kurosawa to other instruments for measurement twice.

At first, Kurosawa didn't think of this level, and was still thinking about why the same process was repeated.

It wasn't until the medical robot got stuck and crashed that he communicated and checked the data and realized that it was his unique physiological reason. From the numbers, he didn't look like a human at all.

Kurosawa didn't know if the medical robot could understand, but he still communicated with it briefly.

"Understood! A special data model is being built for you!"

"I'm sorry, because the database of this hospital is limited, it has caused inconvenience to your medical experience. Please understand!"

The physical examination was finally completed. Kurosawa's physical fitness was much better than the model, but his body was undoubtedly very healthy and there was no hidden disease.

Kurosawa looked at the thick physical examination form and felt relieved.

The intelligence of the hospital's medical robot is much higher than Kurosawa imagined. Except for the bug caused by data anomalies, there are no obstacles in communication. It may be related to the entire central AI connected behind it.

Kurosawa thought he could bring his parents for a checkup in the future.

He walked back down the passage to the hall.

Li Miao sat patiently and waited for him.

For privacy reasons, she did not go in with him.

"Are your physical examination results okay?"

"very healthy."

Kurosawa felt there was no need to mention the abnormal data.

"That's good. You can also come for regular physical examinations in the future to ensure that your physical condition is always maintained at a high level."


Kurosawa nodded.

However, I couldn't help but smile in my heart. If his super level were to maintain the high level of ordinary people, it would be a negative improvement.

When they walked out of the hospital, the unmanned vehicle had automatically driven out of the basement and parked in front of the two of them.

Kurosawa got in the car, and the unmanned car continued to move towards the fifth area at a constant speed.

He silently looked out the window at the rapidly retreating modern high-rise buildings and various advanced venues.

"Teacher, she seems to be in the central district."

However, he still had some time to stay in Zhongdu, so he was not too anxious.

Return to the base where the reserve team is located.

Li Miao began to formally introduce to him the facilities and buildings in the base.

In addition to the large underground training space, there are also base-owned elf medical clinics, shops, body therapy rooms, gyms and other areas above ground.

Most features are available to him for free.

At the same time, as a benefit for joining the reserve team, Kurosawa also has special benefits.

He was able to receive a sub-god race elf egg.

When he heard this benefit, Kurosawa, who was originally calm and restless, instantly felt ripples, and his heart began to beat rapidly.

He looked at Li Miao who was introduced in shock.

It's not that he hasn't seen the world, it's just that this benefit seems a bit too precious to him.

Kurosawa can get the elven cubs that can be contracted by four-star races and five-star races. The only difference is the time and resources required.

But the sub-god race is a completely different concept. Its elf eggs cannot be exchanged for money and various currencies.

The upper limit of the growth of four-star races is super elves.

The upper limit of the growth of five-star races is the Guardian Elf.

The upper limit of the sub-god race is throne level!

Of course, it doesn't matter what level an elf is, it can reach the upper limit, but the sub-god species at least has the potential to reach the top, which is enough to show its preciousness.

After all, there are only a few types of sub-god races, and the higher the level of the elven race, the weaker its reproductive ability, and the number that can be obtained by humans is even less.

"I'm not very clear about the specific process. You need to further communicate with the head coach."


Kurosawa nodded expectantly.

The most qualified people in his team are Flora and Shining.

Both of them are five-star races plus their real names. They are considered half-step sub-god species, but they are definitely a little different from the real sub-god race.

In such an excited mood, Kurosawa also met two teammates from the reserve team at the base.

He didn't know the two of them, but they had known about Kurosawa's existence for a long time.

However, they were not too enthusiastic. They just came over to say hello to him as a teammate, and then went about their own business.

Kurosawa felt a frightening psychic intensity from their bodies. It was obvious that both of them were guardians.

Finally, Kurosawa, who had a complete understanding of the base, went to meet with the head coach of the reserve team, who was also the head coach of the entire base.

The head coach is a kind-hearted old man, and all previous coaches have been retired members of the national team.

"Hello, Coach Chu!"

"Hello, Kurosawa. I hope that by recruiting you at this time, you won't feel that it is too late. Breaking the rules always requires more resistance." Head coach Henry Chu patted Kurosawa on the shoulder. "Ignore this, old man, I will go directly to the topic. After all, you must want to know about the matter of receiving the sub-god race, right?"

Henry Chu could naturally see Kurosawa's excitement, but he would not think that his personal charm was so great.

Kurosawa smiled and did not refute.

I am afraid that no elf master can refuse the temptation of an elf egg from the sub-god race, and he is certainly no exception.

"Here is a list of resources of the sub-god races stored in the treasury. You can choose them yourself. Let me know when you have made your choice."

Henry Chu didn’t show off and directly handed over a thin pamphlet.

"Thank you coach."

Kurosawa licked his lips and took the booklet.

Some can't wait to look through it.

Although the booklet is thin, there are more Elf Eggs of selectable demi-god races listed on it than Kurosawa imagined.

But there is only one to choose from, it would be great if I could contract two more.

"The elf eggs listed above are all national inventories. They are always locked in elf egg status through special preservation methods. Although they seem to be a large number, they must be considered for the future, so the number of places released each year is very small. The review is also very strict," Henry Chu explained softly.

Kurosawa nodded.

He looked through the book patiently.

There are more than a dozen types of elf eggs from the sub-god race on it.

He needs to choose an elf egg that suits him as much as possible.

"Storm Dragon King, Holy Pegasus, Mahakala Divine Dragon, Mountain Giant, Life Pika."

There are more than a dozen different sub-god races, and the specific information and abilities are clearly written on the booklet.

For example, Kurosawa, the divine dragon of Mahakala, had been in contact with him before, and his master had one, so he knew more about it.

It is good at powerful dark illusions and has extremely strong spiritual attributes.

There is also an evolution of the elves that Kurosawa had seen in the provincial super league before, Holy Pegasus, the apex of the tree system of this race.

There are also offensive kings of various attributes, or top-level assistants like Life Pika.

He was thinking secretly in his heart, and Chu Xuan did not disturb him, allowing him to think slowly.

Grass, thunder, dream, ghost, light, water, ice, and grotesque.

These are the attributes covered by all his current elves.

Obviously, the Mahakala Dragon, which focuses on the spirit, is not suitable for Kurosawa. There are already quite a few elves involved in the spiritual level in his lineup.

There are also shield and tank-type elves such as Mumu and Xiaolan. When necessary, the white dragon with the tough skin of the dragon race can also act as a meat shield.

Choose a high-burst offensive strong point or a top-level assistant with offensive ability.

Kurosawa roughly understands what he needs.

He now has two core combat forces, Flora and the evolved Shining.

Although the former is the core of the main battle and can also release a short burst through the true name, its ability is still a grass type that focuses on control and recovery. Like the white dragon, it has sufficient continuous output ability, but its burst ability is slightly lacking.

From his personal perspective, he prefers elemental elves.

The reason is simple. Elemental elves are easier and more intuitive to train.

For special attributes, cultivation and training may be slightly more complicated. A huge advantage of Kurosawa's self-training is that he can use the effect of the nutrient reserve to quickly restore the elves, and then repeatedly conduct a large number of skill training, so that the elves are always in a state of rapid consumption and rapid recovery.

In this way, the potential of the elves can be quickly tapped in the opening and closing.

It can be said that the nutrient reserve has always been the core of his training and elf cultivation.

The power of "Big Basic Skills" is fully reflected in Kurosawa.

Maybe his career as an elf master is not as long as others.

But he can allow the elves to conduct intensive skill training in a short period of time. This extreme training allows the elves to have extremely solid basic skills. Simple work repetition and continuous may also produce miracles.

Kurosawa hesitated and pondered for a long time, and finally locked his target on three elves.

Storm Dragon King, Phoenix and Life Pikachu.

The first two are the ultimate output of wind and fire attributes respectively.

Wind can be matched with all his existing system teams. Not only can it be strong in singles, but there are also many team combinations in team battles.

As for the Phoenix of fire attribute, it is an absolute offensive burst strong point.

The offensive ability of fire attribute actually has a leading position among the eight elements. The burst of fire is unquestionable, and the offensive ability is so strong that there is even a risk of losing control.

The Phoenix, one of the pinnacles of the fire system, has a regeneration talent. Unless the energy is exhausted, it will continue to regenerate. Whether it is continuous combat ability or burst, it is terrifying.

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