My Elf Simulator

Chapter 381 Talent and Observatory

Kurosawa let Bailong fly hundreds of kilometers in one breath.

He landed only when there was no trace of human habitation around.

There should be no problem in deploying the wizard tower here, and there would not be many urban legends left.

Kurosawa closed his eyes, and after about ten seconds of transmission time.

A 10-meter square pure black cube fell in front of Kurosawa with a "bang".

Of course, it did not smash a deep pit or anything.

This pure black cube did not seem to be too heavy, at least not the actual weight it should have before the space was compressed.

Kurosawa flipped his hand and took out the pure white wizard staff.

The moment the wizard staff appeared, his connection with the wizard tower became close again.

"Hey, can it be partially deployed?"

Kurosawa held the staff and was about to deploy the wizard tower when he suddenly felt the feedback from the staff.

Generally speaking, he can only deploy the main tower of the wizard tower without deploying the cannon several kilometers high behind it.

In the future, he can add some expansion functions, and the same can be done.

Not bad, quite smart, but if he had known this earlier, he wouldn't have to fly so far and spend so much time choosing a place.

Kurosawa patted his forehead.

He waved his cane, and a little spiritual energy flowed into the wizard's cane, and a wave slowly spread along the tip of the cane.

"Ka Ka Ka——"

The pure black cube continued to twist, and the walls, tower body, and tower spire continued to "grow".

It may be that the space change this time does not involve the giant cannon, and the expansion speed is obviously much faster than the last compression.

In about a minute, a round tower over 60 meters high stood up.

Of course, the space inside the round tower is much larger than what it looks like outside now.

Kurosawa stood in front of the door, and the door sensed his arrival and opened immediately.

He entered the building, put the collected materials into the warehouse, and then started the only automatic repair smart machine that could work properly.

The appearance of the smart machine is somewhat similar to that of a robot, but it is taller.

It is about five meters tall, and has four flexible arms and many pipes that move like snakes.

Kurosawa pressed the switch to turn it on.

The repair machine had completed energy storage in the central room. After turning it on, accompanied by a noisy metal friction sound, it successfully resumed its activity today after who knows how many years.

"Hello, master. What do you need me to repair?"

After a short period of stagnation, the repair smart machine transmitted the signal to Kurosawa through the wizard staff.

Of course, the above information is also a similar result of translation.

The smart machine transmits the signal to the central room, the central room transmits it to the wizard staff, and finally the wizard staff connected to Kurosawa's spirit transmits it to Kurosawa.

The smart machine itself does not have much intelligence, it is just an instrument that receives instructions and then completes the work.

"Prioritize the repair of the other nine automatic repair smart machines, and then start the repair work of the wizard tower, from top to bottom, to ensure that the training room can be put into use normally."

Kurosawa also used the wizard staff to transmit the command.

After receiving the command, the smart machine quickly started working, took the required materials from the warehouse, and moved directly to the storage of other smart machines.

Kurosawa retracted his gaze.

Once again, I felt fortunate that with the help of Pan Zhiyin, I was able to complete the recognition of the wizard staff.

Otherwise, without this wizard staff, everything in the tower would not work.

While the repair machine was working, Kurosawa came to the top floor through the teleportation array in the tower.

Walked to the observatory.

He had a vague guess that he wanted to confirm.

Kurosawa looked at the sky through the transparent dome.

It was dusk, and the sky was about to get dark, but the light of the stars could be vaguely seen.

The orange-red sky continued to expand in front of Kurosawa's eyes, and a lofty will enveloped his head.

Although it was not the first time that he looked up at the starry sky through the observatory here, he still couldn't help but immerse himself in this magnificent experience.

Fortunately, he did not forget his purpose and suppressed his shocking emotions.

He began to slowly operate his various talents.

Natural power, flying in the air, coordinate movement.

After launching them one by one, Kurosawa took a deep breath excitedly.

Sure enough, his guess was not wrong.

Although he couldn't awaken the wizard talents and powers of ancient civilizations in this observatory, the effect of using his talents seemed to be particularly good here.

At the same time, the effect of training was far better than usual.

Kurosawa felt that a certain power deep in his body was being activated continuously.

By training here, his talents will be rapidly improved!

However, Kurosawa stopped after trying to train for a while.

There is still a lot of time to practice in the future, so there is no need to rush for such a short time.

He began to make more attempts and experiments.

For example, summon the elves and let them train here to see if they can achieve twice the result with half the effort like him.

After receiving his instructions, the elves immediately began to test.

Unfortunately, after a period of time, the results were not ideal.

None of the seven elves could feel the difference.

Obviously, the mystery of the observatory can only work when he practices his talents, and the directionality is quite strong.

Kurosawa pinched his chin and fell into thought.

Although, the above phenomenon may also be because he is a special existence for the wizard tower. After all, he left a spiritual imprint in the wizard staff.

But Kurosawa felt that the reason should not be that simple.

The astronomical observatory can inspire the wizard talents of those "humans" in Mu Continent, and now it can also help him, a gifted person, to cultivate his talents. It is hard to say that this is a coincidence.

Kurosawa shook his head.

He originally thought that the intelligent life of Mu Continent and the current human beings were two completely different species. There was no connection except that humans received some of their heritage.

But now all signs show that even with a huge time span of hundreds of millions of years, humans and the giants of Mu Continent seem to still have an inexplicable connection.

"But this is too..."

Countless studies have shown that even if the ancient humans who ate raw meat and drank blood are counted, human civilization has only a history of millions of years, which is too far away from the Mu Continent civilization that disappeared more than 100 million years ago.

Kurosawa shook his head helplessly, unable to figure out the connection.

He put aside the confusion for the time being, after all, it might just be a coincidence.

During the time when he tested the function of the astronomical observatory, the automatic repair machine was very efficient. With the necessary materials, it repaired two repair machines skillfully.

The two repair machines that had just been repaired were sent to the central room for recharging, and immediately started working after the recharging was completed.

As long as there was enough energy, they would not get tired.

Thus, in this silent forest, two days passed in the blink of an eye.

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