My Elf Simulator

Chapter 40 The Differences in the World

"The peak energy burst is 26.38 leaves!"

The sound of the instrument's announcement came to Kurosawa's ears.

He turned his head and saw the eye-catching words on the screen.


Zeus's ability is so strong!

You should know that the power of the little Shining's [Electric Shock] has just exceeded 2 leaves.

And after all, Zeus just used it for the first time, so there is still a lot of room for optimization.

After optimization and adjustment, it should be able to continue to increase its power.

Kurosawa was shocked.

He looked at the buffer layer in front of him, which was pierced with a big hole.

Although the material of the buffer layer is consumable, it is really terrifying to be destroyed like this.

If it is placed outside, the previous attack is estimated to penetrate the concrete wall.

Of course, the disadvantages are also obvious.

Energy, especially his own physical energy consumption is too much.

Until now, his body has been unable to lift the energy, and his muscles are sore all over, like a puddle of mud.

The lightning armor strengthened his physical strength in a short period of time, allowing him to burst out with lightning speed and penetration.

But the sharp cutting force and penetration ability are far beyond his current body's ability to bear. If it weren't for the extremely calm brain and strong control over the body in the Zeus state, the powerful force might backfire on himself.

"Ability details: You can choose to merge with the Shining Bird to obtain a powerful thunder attribute attack method. After using this ability, you will enter a period of physical weakness. Please use it with caution."

He now looked at the details of Zeus's ability and somewhat understood the meaning of "please use with caution" at the end.

In his perception, even now, he can activate Zeus again, unlike the secret transformation, which has a regular cooling time.

But he didn't dare to activate Zeus a second time, his physical strength didn't allow it, and he might faint if he used it again.

After resting for ten minutes, the feeling of weakness had eased a lot, followed by a feeling of hunger.

He commanded the little Shining to bring the backpack over, and ate nearly ten energy bars in a row before stopping.

The side effects are quite obvious, and I'm afraid I have to buy some supplements in the alliance store to nourish my body after going out.

For the rest of the afternoon, Kurosawa was training Little Shining's electric shock skills.

As for Zeus, let's continue practicing tomorrow.

"What, you didn't interview anything in the past two days? Kong Bo, this is your work efficiency!"

In the office of the news editing team of the Haitang branch of Super Competition.

The editor-in-chief was furious with the external relations reporter Kong Bo.

Kong Bo explained the reason.

He couldn't get in touch with the phone, couldn't find anyone to carry out the task, and finally went out to "closed practice".

The reason was very sufficient, but it couldn't be an excuse for his failure to complete the external relations interview work.

Fortunately, other media did not get Kurosawa's exclusive interview, which made the editor-in-chief's anger slightly lowered.

"How about this, you go and follow up with Lin Daqing." The editor-in-chief calmed down and was about to send Kong Bo to do some other work. Suddenly, he slapped his head as if he thought of something.

"You just said that Kurosawa went directly to the suburbs to carry out the task at noon on the day when the game ended, right?"

"Yes, and he took a new task at 7 o'clock the next day." Kong Bo added.

"I suddenly have an idea." The editor-in-chief listened to his words thoughtfully, and glanced at the photo materials on the table. "Why don't we publish a special issue on the off-season week of the Spring Cup main competition players."

"Let the fans know what the sixteen main competition players are busy with during the off-season week."

"Of course, the protagonists are Lin Daqing and Kurosawa."

The editor-in-chief casually released a few materials, which were photos of Lin Daqing who returned to Haitang City in the past few days and was caught frequently going in and out of nightclubs.

Originally, this was just a personal matter, but it had a different meaning during the off-season week.

"You should immediately interview the relevant personnel involved in the two tasks that Kurosawa performed and understand the details of the specific tasks."

"Will this attract too much hatred for Kurosawa?" Kong Bo was a little worried.

Lin Daqing himself has a lot of fans in Haitang City, and Kurosawa is just a registered elf master who debuted in the main competition for the first time.

Using Kurosawa to drag down Lin Daqing's indulgence during the off-season may cause dissatisfaction among Lin Daqing's fans.

"That's not what you need to worry about. We just need to discuss it, understand? The audience is happy to discuss the private topics of the players. Otherwise, what content should we release for the audience this week? The highlights of the auditions?"

Super Sports moved quickly. The editorial team was active in the morning, and the column was launched on the forum in the afternoon.

The column focused on the activities of the 16 players in the spring season in the days before the off-season.

Most of the players are maintaining appropriate intensity training to adjust their status and prepare for the main competition.

Only two players are "not doing their job properly", one is Lin Daqing and the other is Hei Ze.

[Lin Daqing was photographed partying in a nightclub again, and it seems that he is confident of winning the Spring Cup]

[Task maniac Hei Ze, who performed E-level alliance tasks as many as 8 times in a month, and did not forget to attend tasks during the off-season of the competition]

[Director Yang of the Elf Breeding Center: This child is efficient and his vigorous style impressed me]

The off-season was originally lacking in topics, and the column launched at this time quickly attracted the attention of local competition fans.

"Hei Ze, hehe, my treasure Ze."

"How come Brother Zezi is so good? Others are taking advantage of this time to adjust their status and train, but he still remembers to serve the public."

"Isn't he afraid that getting injured while on duty will affect the main game?"

"Winning Ma!"

"With him like this, it's hard for me not to support him."

"He really made me cry to death!"

"Okay, Ruisi, I won't be blacklisted for a week."

"Some people play in nightclubs all night long at the age of 25, and some people go to work early and late at the age of 16. I think this is probably the difference in the world!"

"No matter what happens in the main game, Kurosawa has already won too much in terms of character."

"One thing to say, I think it's understandable that Lin Daqing should relax. After all, the only player with comparable strength in this spring competition is Zeng Shi, and as we all know, Zeng Shi was beaten to death by Lin Daqing."

"When you are sure of winning, going to a nightclub to relax is not an unforgivable sin. Is it possible that everyone is a saint?"

"If I were Lin Daqing, I would also go out and have fun. Anyway, I would just beat other players."

"Zeng Shi was really unlucky. The main elf's attribute happened to be the light element that was overcome by Lin Daqing's earth horn. The strength of the two is obviously not that different."

"It depends on the situation. The influence of attribute restraint is not irreversible. If Lin Daqing is still so wild, it is not unusual for him to fall into the hands of Zeng Shi."

For the latest player news coverage.

The mainstream voices on Haitang's local forum were relatively unified, and most of them praised Kurosawa's behavior.

Although I don't understand why he has to maintain attendance at such a critical time, actively performing tasks is definitely much better than those "lazy guys" who only complete quarterly targets.

Especially alliance missions, which basically involve wild elf incidents, are inherently dangerous.

As for some people who think that he is putting on a show to attract attention because he has no hope in the main competition, this kind of voice will never disappear at any time.

Thanks to book friend 20181003211423767 for the 8,000-coin reward.

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