My Elf Simulator

Chapter 49 Attribute Relationship

His opponent in the final was Lin Daqing.

To be honest, just judging from the strength of the lineup on paper, he didn't think he could win.

Earth One-horned Dragon (intermediate strength), Rock Shield Crocodile (intermediate strength), Giant Eohorse (intermediate strength).

A very solid elf lineup, different from Kurosawa's opponent in the third round, a devil frog with an awakened poison attribute.

The One-horned Dragon and the Shield Crocodile both awakened with the earth attribute, while the Archeopteryx awakened with the blood attribute.

The three elves all have two-star racial qualifications. Their attribute values ​​are not shared with each other and cannot be found on the official website.

But it is expected to be higher than the Shining Bird, which has an emergy value of 7.82.

Of course, he also has advantages.

The outside world thought that his Dudu bird evolved into a two-star Lightning Dudu, but it was actually a three-star Shining Dudu.

Moreover, there is a restraining relationship between Little Shining's thunder attribute and the main rock attribute of the opponent's lineup.

When an elf breaks through to an intermediate level of strength, he will awaken different types of attribute energy.

Kurosawa didn't know much about attribute energy in the past. When watching games, he mostly listened to the commentary.

After awakening his spiritual power, he didn't pay much attention to it. After all, at that time, he couldn't even think about having an intermediate elf.

Attribute knowledge is naturally useless information.

Since Dudu Bird evolved and awakened attribute energy, he has acquired a lot of attribute-related knowledge.

First of all, we must know that attribute energy is somewhat different from what ordinary people understand.

The entry-level Xiao Dengying can use the skills of white light and poisonous powder.

But it does not involve the use of the two attribute energies of light and poison.

Just its body organs, tissue light sacs and poison sheaths are working.

Attribute types can be roughly divided into two categories.

Eight common genera and nine special genera.

The normal attributes are the regular element attributes, which are fire, water, thunder, wind, grass, ice, rock, and light.

Conventional attributes have an energy-level restraint relationship with each other, and some restraint relationships are not very close to the cognitive concepts that exist in reality.

For example, Little Shining's thunder attribute is strongly restrained by the rock attribute and secondarily restrained by the water attribute. At the same time, it is strongly restrained by the wind attribute and secondarily restrained by the ice attribute.

The restraint relationship between attributes is not strong enough to reverse the strength gap. It only has a relatively large impact when the attributes are of similar energy levels.

For example, if his current little Shining encounters a high-level elf with a rock attribute, even if there is a strong restraint relationship, he will still be killed if he should. The attribute relationship at this time will have almost no impact.

The other nine special attributes are blood, poison, dream, dragon, digital, sound wave, super, ghost, and weird.

There is no distinction between regular attributes and special attributes.

And there is no obvious attribute energy restraint relationship between special attributes and between special attributes and regular attributes.

When he was still an ordinary spectator, he had heard that Lin Daqing's psychic powers were relatively rock-friendly.

Therefore, his main elf unicorn dragon and the second breakthrough shield crocodile are both rock attributes, while Archaeus is a blood attribute that focuses on strengthening the body.

Little Shining has just broken through, so it stands to reason that there is an energy value gap between him and his One-horned Dragon and Shield Crocodile, so the restraint relationship will be more difficult to show.

But he just has the Mystery and Zeus that can increase the power in a short period of time.

But Kurosawa didn't know whether he could restrain himself or how strong his restraint would be.

He found Lin Daqing's past battle videos on the Internet, and constantly adjusted and formulated combat plans based on his previous battle records.

This is also his second advantage. Compared with other players, this is his first time competing.

He was able to find a large amount of video material to study his opponents, but it was difficult for his opponents to study him and knew very little about him and Little Shining.


Early in the morning, the little Shining was running around the room.

Sometimes it jumps on the desk to play with its toys, and sometimes it slips out of the living room through the small door.

"Wow haha——"

Kurosawa yawned, lifted the quilt, turned over and climbed out of bed.

He casually grabbed the little Shining that was flying by his feet.

"Why are you making such a fuss today?"

He stretched out his index finger and flattened its raised little fur.


Little Shining does seem more excited and energetic than ever.

Today's championship battle makes it particularly motivated.

It's understandable, after all, Little Shining has a strong desire to win.

Especially after Kurosawa emphasized to it last night that tonight's game was the final, its fighting spirit became even higher.

"Get up, brush your teeth and get ready for breakfast." Ms. Tao, who was in the kitchen, said when she heard the noise.


After washing up, Kurosawa summoned Doodle Bird and Little Mayfly to have breakfast together.

"I feel like I haven't had much rest. Are you too nervous?"

"You are only 16 years old now. It's normal that you can't beat others. Just try to show your style with a normal mind. Don't put too much pressure on yourself."

His parents saw him yawning and looked like he hadn't had enough sleep, so they expressed concern.

"I'm really not nervous."

Kurosawa rubbed his neck.

People around him always seemed to worry that he would be nervous, but he really wasn't.

As soon as he enters the battle, he will automatically block out the noise in the venue, the commentary and the cheers of the audience.

The feeling of playing a game is like a private duel.

"I just slept too late studying the video yesterday."

Kurosawa took a sip of vegetable porridge and felt warm.

"Then you can catch up on some sleep later and adjust your condition."

"Anyway, the game doesn't start until eight o'clock in the evening, so there's still a long time."


"I asked for a day off from work. If you feel uncomfortable today, tell me and your mother anytime."


The start time of the Haitang Spring Cup final was set at 8 pm.

The attention attracted by the final was not at the same level as the previous games.

Many people are busy with work or study, so they will not follow the ordinary games, but they still have to watch the final.

The league also understands the audience's schedule and puts the final in the prime time in the evening.

According to statistics from previous years, although the number of spectators in the Spring Cup final was the least among the four cups, the peak data was as high as 400,000 to 500,000.

And this year's session may be more than in previous years.

Lin Daqing, the former most talented player in Haitang City and the semi-finalist of the Summer and Winter Cup.

Hei Ze, recognized as the most talented player in Haitang City, is a 16-year-old semi-professional player.

No matter from which level, it is a very worthwhile game to watch.

Haitang League event group, major media have begun pre-match warm-up.

Of course, under the arrangement of a certain minister, no reporters went to Kurosawa's residence for interviews during the day, providing him with a good rest time.

So the media focused their cameras on another player.

"Player Lin Daqing, in the last interview, you thought that player Kurosawa was not worthy of your research. You only need to research opponents who are also professional level. Then, did you conduct special research on player Kurosawa last night?"

"Player Lin Daqing, are you confident that you can defeat player Kurosawa?"

"Player Lin Daqing, has your evaluation of player Kurosawa changed now?"

"Player Lin Daqing"

The reporter's question made Lin Daqing a little embarrassed, and his face flushed slightly.

He didn't expect Kurosawa to reach the professional level so quickly.

And he could make it to the end and compete with him on the same stage.

The words he said in the past were like a slap in his face.

"Sorry, Daqing has to go to the arena for early training and will not accept interviews for the time being. Please understand, media friends."

The assistant team beside him stopped the reporters for him.

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