My Elf Simulator

Chapter 53 Colorful Rain

"Is this a combination skill?"

On the podium, Gong Lihua stood up, with an indescribable surprise on her beautiful face.

Combination skills are a very difficult skill.

Generally, only master-level elf masters can master them.

Combination skills require the elf master's own extremely precise control of spiritual energy, and the elf master and the elf must achieve a high degree of emotional connection.

Only a very small number of masters will specialize in this skill. In the eyes of many people, it is a skill that looks very high-end but is actually useless.

Because even if you master the combination skill, it does not mean how strong it can burst out.

On the contrary, many times, the power of the combination skill is not as good as the skills released by the elves.

Combination skills and guarding skills have certain similarities.

It's just that the guarding skill is that the elf covers the power on the surface of the elf master to form a protection, and it is essentially the elf controlling the skill.

But the combination skill is that the elf completely entrusts everything about itself to the elf master. This level of trust can no longer be cultivated by ordinary time and emotional investment.

The combined skill just now, if not talking about the specific strength, is almost the most perfect combined skill she has ever seen.

She opened her mouth slightly in surprise.

Looking at the boy who was panting on his knees in the field, she felt that she saw full of talent.

She calmed down and slowly sat back in the chair.

"Xiao Chi, call the medical staff to the side of the field."

She had guessed what Kurosawa was thinking.

Lin Daqing's face was a little heavy.

Anyone with good eyesight could see Kurosawa's current tired state.

But, even so, he still insisted on fighting?


He was only 16 years old, and there was still plenty of time to win the championship.

He frowned.

He pinched out the flash card of the unicorn and threw it out quickly.

His last elf was also an absolute trump card, a unicorn awakened by the rock attribute!


A meat mountain with a strong rock attribute momentum flowing all over the body descended on the field.

Unicorn elf, a two-star race.

The prototype species lived in the late Cretaceous period 80 million years ago.

The nose horn is very sharp and can easily pierce the skin and flesh of predators of that era.

The thick epidermis, huge body, strong neck and shoulders, and locked cervical vertebrae all make them extremely tolerant.

The elves are excellent in both attack and defense, almost the top of the two-star race.

Kurosawa stood up straight.

Looking at the behemoth in front of him that is two meters tall, six or seven meters long, and weighs several tons.

Heavy armor charge!

Lin Daqing doesn't give him time to prepare.

Since the elf master has left the command area, he must bear the corresponding danger.

Kurosawa feels the ancient breath coming towards him.

Gritting his teeth, frowning.

Zeus the Second Time!

The little Shining gave a clear cry and merged into his body again.

The lightning armor took shape instantly.

He kicked lightly on the spot, and the arc flashed under his feet.

The body disappeared directly.

The unicorn rushed out for more than ten meters before slowly stopping.

Seeing that the surprise attack failed, Lin Daqing did not hesitate and immediately activated his spiritual power, using the strongest defensive skill he currently possessed.

Shield Mountain!

The earthy yellow rock attribute energy formed crystals and enveloped its body surface.

Flowing with a heavy momentum like a mountain.

Hei Ze appeared in the distance, and before he could stand still, his legs and feet suddenly felt a sharp pain.


He took a breath.

Reason told him that his body was about to be unable to bear it.

But he chose to give up only at this point.

Wouldn't the previous efforts be in vain?

It was a bit unacceptable.

Gritting his teeth, bleeding slightly.


He waved his right arm, and the lightning instantly condensed into a powerful lightning blade.

The little flash in his body felt his unsustainable predicament and sent a strong nervous emotional fluctuation.

But the Zeus form was completely dominated by Hei Ze.

It could only continuously output stronger lightning attribute energy to try to reduce his burden.

The lightning blade was highly compressed and condensed, forming a cyan electric knife.


He bent his knees to accumulate power and exhaled.

Even the arcs that came out of his mouth were blue-purple electric arcs.


The electric arcs accumulated all over his body exploded.

His body was advancing at high speed like an electromagnetic cannon.

The electric knife on his right arm cut through the air, and a huge airflow exploded.

Breaking the speed of sound brought a huge sonic boom.


The blue-purple electric light hit the crystal-like shield mountain protection, rubbing out violent electronic sparks.

"Zizz, zizz!"

The lightning flashed, and the powerful penetrating force burst out, and the dazzling white light covered the surrounding space.

"Bang!" A crisp sound.

Countless deep orange chips flew all over the sky.

Kurosawa pierced the meat mountain-like abdomen of the unicorn protected by rock attribute with the electric knife.

He stopped in an open space twenty meters away, his body still stiffly around the stabbing action, and the electric knife in his hand was still making a violent thunderous sound.

And in the next moment.

His eyes went dark, and his body fell directly to the ground.

The little Shining was ejected from his body and fell to the ground and rolled several times.

It struggled to get up, jumped close to him, and nudged his shoulder with its body.


It paced anxiously in place.

He tried to wake up his master, but Kurosawa had fainted and could not respond to it.

The referee looked at the unicorn that had a huge blood hole pierced through it and fell to the ground, and then looked at the jumping Shining Bird.

The final whistle sounded.


"The winner is Hei Ze!"

According to the rules of the competition in Haitang City, the side whose elves lose their combat capability loses.

Although Hei Ze was unconscious, his elves obviously still had a certain combat capability.

So it was Hei Ze who won the Spring Cup final.

Even though he could no longer hear the shouts of the whole audience.

Outside the court, medical staff ran into the competition venue with a stretcher.

Hei Ze and the little Shining were placed on the stretcher and then transferred to the medical room.

Lin Daqing silently stared at Hei Ze lying on the stretcher and gradually went away.

His body seemed to have lost the ability to move, and he was unable to move for a long time.

It was not until the referee gently pushed him that he shook his head in confusion.

He realized that in just one or two minutes, he had a good situation but lost.

He was silent for a moment, then reached out to the unicorn in the distance and took back his spirit.

He looked up at the audience seats on the sidelines, looking somewhat unwilling.

At this time, the entire venue was enveloped by a huge sound.

The magnificent symphony background sounded in the venue.

The device on the roof sprayed out ribbons of different colors, and colorful rain fell from the sky!

People were amazed at the birth of the champion and waved their cheering sticks desperately.

In the broadcast, the commentary was passionate.

"We have witnessed the birth of a 16-year-old new champion together!"

"I'm afraid no one could have expected that this spring cup would be so gorgeous."

"A new star is rising!"

"Yes, although Kurosawa was in a coma due to physical reasons and could not attend the award ceremony, his performance must have impressed every audience."

Lin Daqing opened his mouth slightly, and his cheek muscles kept trembling.

His palms grabbed the air a few times, but nothing was touched.

The championship trophy that was almost at hand once again passed him by.

He knew that from today on, people would no longer compare him with Kurosawa.

He sighed.

He temporarily suppressed the complex feelings of loss in his heart and turned to walk back to the inner field.

He had to recover his elves first.

The elves were all seriously injured.

He clenched his fists listening to the cheers from the stadium behind him.

Next time.

Definitely next time.

He really wanted to set a goal for himself.

But as soon as he closed his eyes, the ruthless lightning flashed in his mind again.

Will he really be able to win the next time they meet?

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