My Elf Simulator

Chapter 56 Gong Lihua

"0.2 grade points/kg"

"All your championship rewards will be exchanged for red gold ore, a total of 250KG."

"Please wait outside for a moment. Our warehouse staff will deliver the goods to you after they have finished sorting them."

The density of red gold ore is about 3 grams per cubic centimeter, and 250KG sounds very heavy.

But if you convert it, it’s just the volume of a 26-inch suitcase, not much.

While Kurosawa was waiting in the rest area of ​​the alliance store, he grabbed the newspaper from the magazine rack.

"The unique Kurosawa material that has not been produced in Hanquan Province for 500 years!"

"The number of Dudu bird elf eggs sold at Haitang City Elf Breeding Base has increased significantly in the past week."

"The 16-year-old Chun Guan rolled up the doo-doo craze."

"Experts warn: You don't have to be a swarm to cultivate elves, and not everyone is a "Blackpool"."

I picked up a few newspapers and flipped through the pages. I could see reports about him everywhere.

When he is idle, he just looks at what other people think of him.

Only by knowing how you see yourself in the eyes of others can you better shape your self-awareness.

It’s not just a superficial desire to see compliments from others.

When I was reading carefully, the newspaper was blocked by a shadow.

When he looked up, he saw that it was not the store clerk he thought, but an operator wearing alliance work clothes.

Kurosawa quickly pretended to be calm, but actually folded the newspaper with a guilty conscience.

You probably didn’t notice that he was looking at your own content, right?

"Mr. Kurosawa, Minister Palace, are you invited?"

"Minister Gong?" Kurosawa was stunned for a moment before he realized it was Minister Gong.

What's up?

You're not asking me for the money for a magic medicine to heal your body, are you?

"Are you going now?"

"Of course not, you can take care of the matters at hand first." The alliance operator replied respectfully. "However, please try to take time out in the morning. In the afternoon, the minister has something to do and needs to go out."

"Oh, no problem, no problem, I'll have time later."

Kurosawa just wanted to collect the red gold mine first.

"Then I won't disturb you for now. When it's convenient for you, come to the alliance official hall to find me, and I will lead you up to the office area."

The alliance operator bowed slightly and walked out of the store.

Kurosawa put the newspaper back on the magazine rack and breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that next time you should try not to be "smelly" in public. It would be really embarrassing if others catch you.


I’m really not used to it.

It seems that after winning the Spring Championship, other people's attitude towards him was different.

In the past, he was just an ordinary registered elf master, and the attitude of the alliance operators was only polite.

But now the level of courtesy has obviously gone up a level.

In all his life, he had never been treated with such respect.

Kurosawa thought for a moment and quickly put these emotions behind him.

He doesn't really care what others call him as long as it doesn't involve insults.

Not long after, the warehouse staff who had finished distributing the goods came over dragging a cart.

There was a large sealed metal box on the cart.

"Sir, please check the goods and sign for them if there is no problem."

Kurosawa unlocked it with his fingerprint and briefly glanced at the dark red gold ore inside.

After I felt that the volume was about the same, I didn’t bother much.

Signing completed.

He declined the delivery staff's help and left the store pushing the cart by himself.

He has quite a lot of strength now, and with the help of a cart for transfer, it's not too much trouble to push it by himself.

After returning to the room, he opened the metal box.

Put your hand on the red ore.


The red gold ore flashed with colorful light, slowly became transparent, and finally disappeared in his palm.

His palms felt warm.

“Nutritional value: 6”

He doesn't know yet whether the nutritional value of these 6 points is too much or too little.

Choose to absorb.

After absorbing about half of the portion, he stopped.

The rest is absorbed later.

This is also his cautious habit.

If something unexpected happens, at least the weight of the box won't suddenly become much lighter.

"Nutritional value: 63."

It seems that the red gold ore worth 50 alliance points can only be absorbed and converted into a nutritional value of 120 or 30 years.

Next, we need to find the new minister Haitang.

He locked the door and returned the cart to the Alliance store employee.

Then he walked into the official hall through the small door at the end of the affairs hall.

This is the lobby space where alliance staff enter their offices. It is very bright.

This is his first time here.

On the sofa in the distance, the alliance operator noticed his figure and stood up.

"Mr. Kurosawa, please come this way."

Under his guidance, Kurosawa took the elevator all the way up.

The elevator was changed once midway.

Only ministers and assistant ministers have permission to use the elevator that goes directly to the top.

Kurosawa curiously observed the working environment of alliance employees along the way.

There were more office workers than he had imagined.

Everyone is busy.

The guiding operator only took him to the elevator leading to the top floor and stopped there.

The golden elevator is magnificent, surrounded by bright and intricate classical patterns.

Kurosawa did not think that the palace minister was an extremely luxurious person.

After all, the Alliance Building had been renovated long before she arrived.


As soon as the door opens, there is a passage in front of it.

There are sealed rooms on both sides, with a large door at the end.

He walked over and knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

Kurosawa gently pushed open the door.

In front of him was a large, bright office with full floor-to-ceiling windows that allowed the entire Begonia to be seen.

There was no one at the desk.

He turned his head and saw the figure of Minister Begonia in the tea area.

Her black hair casually fell from one shoulder.

She was wearing a loose beige nightgown and was lazily brewing tea.

However, the wide nightgown could not hide her beautiful figure.

"Find a seat for yourself?"

Gong Lihua said casually without looking up.


Kurosawa found a seat on the empty sofa next to him and sat down.

Did he come too early?

Why is the minister still wearing pajamas? Did she just wake up?

When Kurosawa sat down, he sniffed gently and smelled the fragrance coming from her body.

The smell was not like perfume, but a faint body fragrance.

He was a little embarrassed, staring straight at the tea tray.

Although Kurosawa's parents were not rich, they were well-educated.

You should be respectful to the strong. Although the other party looks only a few years older than him, he is a master-level strong man and the highest official of the city-level alliance.

In any country, he is one of the top people.

And the other party treated him well. Seeing that he was in the hospital, he paid for the best medicine for him out of his own pocket, saving him a lot of time.

"Would you like some tea?"


Gong Lihua put a small cup of tea in front of Kurosawa.

Seeing his tense appearance, he couldn't help but smile.

"Relax, I'm not a man-eating beast, I won't do anything to our little champion."

"Are you shy?"


Kurosawa picked up the teacup and shook his head with a stern face.

This was his last stubbornness.

"That's good."

"Mainly, except Chi Lei, no one comes up usually. I just woke up and was too lazy to change clothes."

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