My Elf Simulator

Chapter 6 Registered Elf Master

"Has the bird become fat again?"

"Let me see."

Dad Hei Qingquan put on his glasses and looked at it carefully.

"It seems to have gained weight."

"Yes, one bottle of milk was enough for it in the morning before, but now it needs two bottles."

Mom picked up the bird, patted its back, and said jokingly.

"If it keeps eating here, the family will be broke because of you."

"It's a good thing to be able to eat. The more it eats, the stronger the elf is. I wish it could eat more." Dad said generously.

"Mom and Dad, I'll be ready to go out later."

"Why are you dressed so casually? Aren't you going to register at the Alliance Base today? You also need to take photos. Otherwise, why don't you wear your dad's suit?"

"It's okay, just wear sportswear. Besides, the ID photo can be changed at any time."

"It's up to you, Dad. Take a leave this morning and take Aze to the city center."


Last night, when Hei Ze told his parents that he was going to register at the Alliance and become a registered elf master, both of them couldn't believe it.

Even they knew the meaning of a registered elf master.

This meant that he had become a real elf master recognized by the alliance, and he would no longer be like those ordinary elf students.

It was as proud as a child being admitted to a university in the capital.

A registered elf master could take on tasks at the alliance base mission center or work in a private company.

A monthly salary of tens of thousands was a piece of cake.

Thinking of this, Kurosawa was also a little excited.

Since he awakened his psychic power, he had become a money-eating beast, only taking in but not spending, and spent a lot of money at home.

Now he can finally make money to supplement the family.

He took his father's car to the alliance base in the city center.

The appearance of the Haitang City Alliance Base is a giant water cube venue. Even in the daytime, the new film material on the surface of the venue glows with a light blue halo, which looks particularly high-end.

The venue covers a large area and has functions such as emergency shelter, hosting events, psychic affairs center, and alliance staff office.

Kurosawa took his father around the stadium for most of the way and found the No. 2 entrance of the elf master affairs center.

After summoning the bird from the flash card to prove the identity of the elf master, he successfully passed the security system.

The office center was spotless, and a scale model of an adult Triceratops elf was placed in the center of the hall.

These elf masters, who are rarely seen on weekdays, are now walking around the venue in customized training clothes, and some are followed by various elves.

The jumping ancestor horse, a wisp of flame on its tail flickered and jumped.

The evolution of the little light firefly, the light bulb firefly, the devil frog, and the Antio cub

Kurosawa walked and looked, silently reciting the elves he could recognize in his heart.

He even saw a griffin, with feathers and fur like the sun, shining, holy and majestic.

There was no elf master standing beside it, but it just held its head high, showing an extremely proud attitude.

It does have the capital to be proud. The griffin is a very rare fantasy elf with a four-star race qualification.

As for the strength of this griffin, he couldn't feel it, anyway, it was much stronger than his bird.

It should be brought by an elf master from another place.

He went to the front desk to get a number, and when the service window called his number, Kurosawa walked over.

"Please show your ID."

"Hello, Mr. Kurosawa, I am very happy to handle the certification of the registered elf master for you. The following is the specific process of the process."

The procedure for certification as a registered elf master of the alliance is not simple.

It is necessary to review personal information and conduct detailed tests on the elves. Only when everything is fine can the certification be completed.

After all, after completing the registration, it is also considered half of the alliance's own people, so of course it is necessary to check and prevent illegal forces from mixing in.

Kurosawa's information is quite transparent. He was born in Haitang City, and his experience from kindergarten to junior high school graduation is clearly traceable.

The only special thing is that Kurosawa was obviously not selected for Haitang Academy, but he trained the bird to a primary elf half a year after awakening his spiritual power, and the training speed was slightly faster.

Fortunately, the reviewers are also knowledgeable.

As long as your identity is innocent, the alliance does not care how fast you improve your strength.

Either it is a pearl that was missed by the academy's inspection system, or it has awakened some special talent.

Psychic masters are a profession that cannot be guessed with conventional thinking.

The test of the bird took a lot of time.

Fortunately, it was quite cooperative with the test.

Its personality is a bit arrogant outside the nest, especially after its strength has increased rapidly.

It is a good baby at home and likes to act cute with his family.

But he becomes tough when he goes out.

He is unwilling to show his weakness and loves face very much.

Skill test, physical fitness test, instrument scanning and blood test.

After completing a series of tests, it was already noon.

Kurosawa took his father to the consumption area on the second floor to solve lunch.

Lunch was delicious. The ingredients used in the restaurants in the elf base are very beneficial to the human body, and the taste is more delicious after research.

After receiving the elf master information card, on the way home, his father seemed a little silent.

"What's wrong, Dad?"

Kurosawa noticed that his father, Comrade Hei Qingquan, was not right, and asked aloud.

"Nothing." Dad sighed.

"I just feel a little sorry for you. You have to rely on your own efforts in the future. Your mother and I are both incompetent people, and our family has no money. We can't give you any help on the road of becoming a wizard."

Hei Ze smiled.

"No way, didn't you help me raise the bird to be plump and white?"

He raised the bird in his hand.

Although it didn't understand what was going on, it still cooperated and called twice.

His family had given him everything.

30,000 flash cards, 20,000 bird elf eggs, and various elf food and potions spent in the past six months.

In the past, he would often reflect on whether he was too willful.

He was obviously not selected for the Begonia Academy because of his poor talent, but because he dreamed of becoming an elf master, he added a lot of extra expenses to his family.

Hei Ze touched the bird and looked at the sky outside the window.

Now he is no longer entangled.

Since he has embarked on the path of an elf master, he must go further.

First set a small goal, he wants to become the strongest elf master in Haitang City!

Thanks to the book friend 20181003211423767 for the reward of 5,000 coins. Thank you all for your recommendation tickets, monthly tickets and rewards!

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