My Elf Simulator

Chapter 61 Afternoon

"Nutritional value: 34 → 96!"

Kurosawa finally absorbed half of the remaining red gold ore.

Watching the pile of red stones disappear little by little in the palm of your hand.

A somewhat ridiculous idea came to his mind.

It feels like eating dirt.

But probably the experience of "eating dirt" will accompany his elf master career for a long time.

Special resources that are relatively easy to find in the wild are generally in the form of minerals.

When using merit points to redeem resources in the alliance, the cost-effectiveness of minerals is also higher than other special resources.

Because it is more difficult to extract and utilize the energy in minerals than other forms of special resources.

Therefore, his earth-eating career must continue.

Watch as the 34-point nutritional value on the panel jumps to nearly three digits.

Kurosawa felt much relieved.

"We won't be training this afternoon."

End of lunch break.

Kurosawa called Nightmare Mayfly and Kid Shining together to give a speech.


Hearing this, Nightmare Mayfly was the first to fly up from the bed excitedly.

He walked around Kurosawa a few times and placed his cheek near his neck for a kiss.

Express support for Kurosawa’s resolution.

Little Shining looked happy too.

Although it does not exclude training, and is even a little bit heady, after all, after several days of high-intensity training, there must be some desire to rest.

Kurosawa touched the little Nightmare and Little Shining who were surrounding them.

Tomorrow is the assessment day for professional level elf masters.

Give everyone a little vacation.

Moreover, the popularity of him on the Internet in Haitang City has gradually decreased recently.

People have their own lives, entertainment and work, and will not just stare at him.

He is not a training fanatic per se. He spends all day practicing in the training room, partly because he wants to avoid being disturbed by outsiders.

"As a reward for your hard training these days, I will take you out for a walk today."

"Where do you two want to go?"

Kurosawa discussed with the two little ones.

Little Nightmare and Little Shining looked at each other.

Little Nightmare is an elf with no independent opinions, so it can only give up this decision-making power to Little Shining.

Little Shining has gained a lot of knowledge from various children's animations and is a well-informed elder.

It chooses to believe in the little Shining.

Little Shining felt its trust and jumped lightly on the bed, then nodded confidently.

Kurosawa searched some pictures and videos from the Internet.

Show them to Little Shining one by one.

"climb mountains?"

Little Shining shook his head.

There was a time when I often went for morning runs in the mountains, which was not very interesting.

"See a movie?"

Watch the demo video Kurosawa showed.

Little Shining was a little moved.

It has watched animations on mobile phones, computers, and TV screens.

But it has not experienced such a large screen.

Don't know what it feels like.

But it turned its head and glanced at the little nightmare.

In the end, he still endured the reluctance and shook his head.

Little Nightmare sometimes watches animations with it, but often falls asleep while watching it.


Little Shining is also not very interested in the various playground equipment displayed on Kurosawa's phone.

Shaked his head.

The Shining overestimated itself. Its experience was only derived from cartoons, and it actually had no idea.

Kurosawa and The Shining didn't discuss how to play the game.

Finally, I chose to go out and take a walk.

Kurosawa put on a black mask and cap.

The little Shining enters the attribute state and becomes a tiny one.

Hanging like a nightmare ephemera from the collar of Kurosawa's sweatshirt, he stuck his little head out to look outside.

I checked out a shared bicycle on the side of the road.

Take a gentle ride along the road to your destination.

The afternoon sunshine is just right.

Speaking of which, Kurosawa himself had not wandered around Haitang City as bored as he was now for a long time.

After awakening the psychic power, he was busy hatching the doo-doo bird.

After he was hatched and raised, he signed up for the club again.

After that comes various trainings, auditions, and the main spring season.

It seems that I am always busy.

The last time I went shopping in the city, I seemed to be accompanying some junior high school classmates to buy props for a school performance.

Unknowingly, he rode near Haitang No. 2 Middle School.

Through the iron fence, I saw the familiar playground.

The playground is a place filled with not-so-good memories.

In Haihua National Entrance Examination High School, physical education scores are also included in the high school entrance examination scores.

The compulsory 200 meters test and another optional sports event.

Although Haitang No. 2 Middle School cannot compare with high schools in big cities, it is already one of the best in the local area.

Every day during recess and after school in the afternoon, several groups of 200-meter sprint training and long-distance running training are conducted under the supervision of the class teacher.

At that time, his body was still relatively weak and he was tortured to death by physical exercise.

He doesn't have much pressure to study.

But it took a lot of effort to keep sports performance from falling behind.


Thinking of this, Kurosawa sighed.

Of course, he was not reminiscing about his lost youth.

But I regret too much.

If he had known that psychic powers would be awakened, he should have taken action at that time.

His final high school entrance examination results were pretty good, he was in the top five in the school, and he was at a level that would allow him to go to a key high school in the provincial capital.

In terms of results, it is of no use.

At that time, he actually gave up his studies temporarily after careful consideration.

The path to success in life is not just to become an elf master.

Go to a good university, choose the right major, and find a job related to the Internet. The income will be much better than those ordinary elves with no future.

After all, only registered elves can start to make money, and the initial investment is still very large.

Not every elf can smoothly transition from unrated to registered.

At that time, there were only two paths in front of him.

Go to a key high school or become an elf.

It is impossible to have both high school studies and elf.

Of course, for a strong elf, it is not difficult to just get a college diploma.

If he is strong enough in the future and happens to have the leisure to experience college life, there is still a chance.

Kurosawa watched the younger brothers playing football in physical education class outside the iron fence for a while, and then left.

He found a dessert shop with few people on the roadside.

There were few customers in the store in the afternoon.

There were only a few female students in school uniforms who seemed to be "skipping classes".

Kurosawa sat down quietly in the corner.

I took out Nightmare Mayfly and Little Shining from my collar and put them on the table.

I ordered a few ice cream desserts at the front desk.

I was wearing a mask and a hat, so I was not recognized.

I returned to my seat with the plate.

Little Shining and Nightmare Mayfly came over curiously.

The meals at Kurosawa's house are very healthy.

Ms. Tao would buy milk and various fruits regularly, and pay attention to dietary nutrition when cooking.

Carbonated drinks are low-frequency refresh props in the refrigerator. They only appear during the Chinese New Year, and their function is to entertain the children of relatives who come to visit.

Yes, Ms. Tao is so double-standard.

She didn't let him drink it because she was afraid that he wouldn't grow tall, but it didn't matter to the children of relatives.

As for ice cream, Kurosawa didn't remember seeing it in his own refrigerator.

As the owner, Kurosawa hadn't eaten it many times, and it was impossible for the two little guys to have had contact with it.

"Would you like to eat some?"

The two little ones smelled the sweet smell coming from it and nodded.

After getting Kurosawa's permission, he buried his head and took a few bites.


The little Shining shook his head, not interested in this cold dessert.

The more Nightmare Mayfly ate, the more he got addicted.

At first, he just nibbled a little tentatively, and later half of his body was already immersed in the ice cream.


It pulled out with satisfaction, and its eyes smiled into a crescent shape.

Its wild eating style made its body and wings covered with jam, ice chips and rainbow candy.

"Eat more if you like it."

Kurosawa smiled as he watched Nightmare Mayfly sink into the snowball again.

The little Shining's hobby is watching TV.

And Nightmare Mayfly has never shown any special hobbies except sleeping.

Now it finally has one.

He is still very happy to see his elves find things they like.

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