My Elf Simulator

Chapter 76: Male and Female Matching

Take the Devil Frog model to the location of the Haitang A018 subspace node.

Kurosawa and Su Bei unbuckled their seat belts and jumped off the saddle.

The surrounding trees have been cleared.

And in an open space not far away.

There is a special smell.

There is nothing in the air, but it is rippling like water splashes.

The sunlight reflects a faint colorful halo.

In Kurosawa's psychic perception, the two or three meters high elliptical mirror is very deep.

It is like a black hole that can swallow people.

Su Bei stood at the node and waved to Kurosawa who was hesitating.

"You activate your psychic energy, don't resist, and you can enter the subspace."

After she explained to Kurosawa, her body gradually became ethereal.

Finally, she disappeared in the mirror with ripples.

Kurosawa activated his psychic energy as she said.

Then his eyes went black, and after a dizzy spell, a brilliant white light appeared in his sight.

Slowly opened his eyes.

He actually came to an undulating hilly environment.

There was a sun above his head.

Kurosawa stared at the sun for a long time.

It was two or three o'clock in the afternoon outside, but the sunlight here made him feel more like eight or nine o'clock in the morning.

"Don't think too much."

"Everything in the subspace is too chaotic."

Su Bei also knew that this was his first time entering the subspace, and explained softly.

Kurosawa nodded.

He had read various descriptions of the subspace in books before.

But that was just in words. Only when you really feel it can you understand how magical it is.

The subspace is an unstable small world.

This world has boundaries.

The air, the underground, the sky, this space seems to be intercepted by an invisible big hand and randomly placed in various places in the real world.

Each subspace is like an independent parallel world.

Elves who cross the edge will be exiled to other places, and elf masters will be torn apart by a force.

To this day, although elf masters have been able to use the subspace, the research work on the nature of the subspace has made little progress.

Hei Ze withdrew his thoughts.

Not far away, there are several man-made buildings.

A lighthouse-shaped column inlaid with huge crystals stands in the center of the venue.

"Hello, I am Su Bei, a professional elf master who came to perform this mission, and this is my partner, professional elf master Hei Ze."

The two came to the temporary office of the A018 subspace.

The staff served tea and water and warmly received them.

Ordinary people do not have psychic powers and need to wear special devices to enter the subspace.

They are the first batch of alliance dispatched employees stationed in A018.

The lighthouse column is a repelling device that can protect this temporary camp from attacks by other wild elves.

The lighthouse will radiate energy that makes elves feel uncomfortable, so under normal circumstances, elves will stay away from it.

"The other two adults from Pingning City also arrived not long ago."

Pingning City is a neighboring city of Haitang City and is slightly larger than Haitang City.

The Boqu Forest is located between Haitang and Pingning, and the space node where the A018 subspace is located is closer to Haitang City, so according to the decree of the alliance, it is assigned to Haitang City.

The two professional elf masters only came to perform the task of driving away the elves.

Hei Ze and Su Bei met the two professions in Pingning City in the lounge.

They are also a man and a woman, older than Hei Ze and Su Bei.

About 25 or 26 years old.

They informed each other of their names and elves.

The two people in Pingning City did not react much to Hei Ze's name.

Hei Ze's current fame is still limited to Haitang City.

There may be a small number of reports in other cities.

But as an elf master who has never appeared in the provincial competition, his popularity outside Haitang City is still too low.

Everyone chatted briefly about the information and walked outside.

Shi Haiqiang and Li Jing from Pingning City looked at each other.

They didn't say anything, but they understood each other's meaning in their hearts.

The luck was a bit bad, and I met two newcomers.

It seems that this mission will require a lot more effort.

However, it is not necessary to cause a conflict because it is just a mission.

Everyone has come from the rookie stage.

They can only blame themselves for their bad luck.

The four did not have the idea of ​​chatting and making friends. The mission is more important.

According to the combination when they came, they were divided into two groups.

Then they started to work.

The two groups have signal transmitters, which can send signals in special situations and support each other.

Kurosawa and Su Bei summoned the elves.

Although it is a small subspace, the area is much larger than Kurosawa imagined.

The elves living in the A018 subspace are mainly ancestral horses and water dragon beasts, all of which are small elves.

Before Kurosawa and his four companions arrived, this place seemed to have been cleaned up once.

A small number of elf eggs and elf cubs were taken away.

Only a group of adult elves hiding everywhere were left, waiting for them to do the trivial finishing work.

Most of the remaining ancestral horses and water dragon beasts in the subspace are primary elves.

A few are intermediate elves.

For ordinary people who are going to work here, there is still a big threat.

Su Bei has a Malt West with an excellent sense of smell.

With its help, the two can accurately find the habitat of the elves in an environment full of bushes.

Little Shining instantly entered the lightning attribute form.

Seeing this, the Devil Frog raised poisonous mist and secretly distanced itself from Little Shining.

Not long ago, Little Shining's lightning struck it numbly.

Now, seeing it enter that kind of bilibili discharge state again, although knowing that they are now partners, it still can't help but feel scared.

Su Bei felt the thunder attribute aura transmitted from Little Shining.

Slightly shocked.

I have to admit that there is indeed a huge gap between her and Kurosawa.

These days, the energy value of the Devil Frog has not changed much.

But Little Shining has become much stronger than in the semi-finals.

Even if she doesn't pass the instrument test, she can detect its obvious improvement.

Putting aside the messy thoughts, the two began to work.


Electric shock!

The two have a clear division of labor and are very efficient.

Mai Yaxi is a spy looking for the enemy.

Nightmare Mayfly is an auxiliary to hypnosis.

Little Shining is responsible for the main battle, and the Devil Frog is for long-distance transportation.

Kurosawa electrocuted or stunned the wild elves, put them into the capture bag, and then Su Bei commanded the devil frog to transport them to the foggy area at the edge of the subspace and threw them into the fog one by one.

Elf masters generally do not kill a large number of wild elves unless necessary.

There is humanitarian concern, but more importantly, excessive killing may be countered by the madness of wild elves. If the spiritual energy is contaminated, it will be very unfavorable for future improvement.

In one afternoon, most of the elves they encountered were primary elves.

Occasionally, there were a few intermediate elves with relatively average strength.

The endurance of the small shining spirit with nutritional value supplement is MAX. As long as the strength gap is not large, it can torture other elves to death with electric shock alone.

When Kurosawa was smoothly advancing his work.

He suddenly received a signal from the two people in Pingning City requesting help.

He quickly called Su Bei.

After riding the devil frog and climbing over several hills, the two arrived at the area responsible for the two people in Pingning City.

On the slope, they were confronting a large group of water dragon beasts.

Water dragon beasts usually live scattered and it is difficult to form such a scale.

However, this group is a little different, with three obviously larger individuals.

These three water dragon beasts sent similar energy fluctuations.

From Hei Ze's perception, their energy values ​​are estimated to be 20-30.

"We will deal with one each, and you two will take care of the smallest one on the right, is that okay?"

"If you can't beat them, try to hold on. We will come to help you after we deal with them."

The leading male elf master Shi Haiqiang said straightforwardly.

Hei Ze was about to say something.

However, before he could respond, the Pingning duo controlled their respective intermediate elves to find their opponents.

Hei Ze sighed and said a few words to Su Bei beside him.

Activating psychic energy, the little shining spirit instantly burst into lightning.

Thank you Wen Jiu for the 5,000 coin reward, thank you.

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