My Elf Simulator

Chapter 8 Guilt

"You're so good, it's hard to improve even if you join Oya." Qiao Liang said frankly.

From what she could see, Kurosawa's Doodle Bird was obviously much stronger than the elves of the other club students, so it had little effect in combat training.

Joining the Oya Club will only be a waste of time and energy.

Kurosawa was a little embarrassed when the opponent attacked him so calmly and generously.

He couldn't say clearly that I came here just for the purpose of frying fish.

Your weaknesses are good, and you won’t be weak unless you are weak.

So he could only smile awkwardly.

"It's close to my home, so I came here to try out the club's environment, medical equipment and so on."

His reason is quite valid.

After all, clubs like these themselves also provide medical services to outside elves, purchasing monthly medical cards or paying per use.

For some minor injuries, the elf master does not need to take the elf all the way to the elf hospital, and can simply treat them at the nearest club medical room.

Qiao Liang nodded, asked Kurosawa for a communication method, then turned and walked to the medical room.

Her velvet bug needs to be recuperated.

In the next battle, Kurosawa and Duduniao encountered many elves of the two-star race.

Deinonychus, devil frog.

The club students only have poor psychic qualifications, but many of them come from wealthy families.

Even if their qualifications are not good, their families are willing to spend money to buy elves with higher racial qualifications as their initial elves.

Theoretically, the upper limit of the strength of the two-star race elves can reach the intermediate level.

Of course, whether they can train the elves to the intermediate level is another matter. The growth of the contract elves cannot rely solely on resources.

As for why there are no three-star race elves in the club, it is not a matter of money.

It's because the three-star elf cubs have particularly high requirements for the quality of elf masters' spiritual energy, which is far beyond what newcomers like them can achieve.

Psychic pacts are both a blessing and a curse for elves.

When the elves were still young and before their energy was formed, humans blended their energy with them and engraved a contractual relationship. From then on, they were closely connected with the elf masters throughout their lives.

With the help of psychic energy, elves can grow faster than wild elves, and even complete evolution and reach a new level of strength.

But if the elves encounter an elf master who lacks talent, psychic energy will become a curse that hinders their growth and strength.

The psionic talents of elves are different. The psionic abilities can only be increased and strengthened by natural consumption and recovery when training elves. There are no special training methods.

An elf master with poor talent will have a relatively slow growth in spiritual power, and will stop growing at a certain point in time.

The weak spiritual power of the elf master causes the elf's talents to be unable to be fulfilled, and the strength is stuck at a stage that it should not stay at. This kind of thing has long been common in the elf world.

"Cave Lion, use Roar."


The huge momentum rolled outwards as it opened its bloody mouth.

Kurosawa stared at the little lion opposite.

What should I say?

It is worthy of being considered a strong species of cave lion among the two-star race elves.

If Dudu Bird is at the same level of strength as it, or is only not much stronger, I'm afraid it really won't be able to defeat it.


Kurosawa activates his psychic powers.

The cave lion's roar had little impact on the doodling bird. It made a provocative gesture towards the opposite side, and soon its beak gathered more powerful energy.

A clear cry sounded.


The Dudu bird's [scream] has become more and more proficient after training.

The cave lion heard the cry and quietly took a few steps back.

But the dignity of being a two-star elf still kept him from losing his fighting spirit.

"Lion's Claw."

After receiving the psychic command from its elf master, it suddenly turned into a golden light and flew towards the distance.

"Rage Combo!"

Kurosawa practices his newly acquired skills in battle.

Strong fluctuations erupted from the Dudu bird.

In an instant, it seemed like it pecked the air ten times at the same time.

Faced with this violent blow, the cave lion could no longer bear it and fell to the ground in pain.

The cave lion loses the ability to fight.

It actually worked. Kurosawa thought as he took back the dud bird.

It should have been difficult to release the successful beginner skill, but it seemed that the elf master on the opposite side had driven the cave lion to use roar many times, which angered the dud bird.

In a mood of rising anger, anger combos seem to be easier to use.

He silently summarized the experience in his heart.

It seems that the emotional state of the elves is also an important factor to consider in the battle.

The elf master on the opposite side wanted to use roar to affect the status of Dudu Bird, but it helped him to a certain extent.

Of course, whether he uses the roar or not, it has no impact on the outcome of the game.

The reason why the battle lasted so long was because Kurosawa wanted to practice his angry combo skills.

"Congratulations on winning the Aya Club Friendly Match Championship. The rewards are being settled."

"Get 30 points coupon."

"The audience was surprised by your outstanding performance in this series of events and gained 1 personal experience point."

The sound of the system rang in my mind.

Finally, his efforts were not in vain.

Just as he had guessed, there was still room for profit.

After finishing "sweeping the wool" at the Oya Club, Kurosawa didn't plan to stay any longer.

Kurosawa glanced at Coach Xu's suspicious look, feeling a little guilty.

"What a pity! I'd like to find some companions for daily combat training."

"If there's nothing else, Coach Xu, I'll take my leave."

"Goodbye." He waved his hand and looked at Kurosawa's back as he left.

He suspected that this man had come to the Oya Club on purpose to cause trouble, but he had no evidence.

And the other party had always been in a good attitude, so he couldn't get angry.

Sighing, he turned and walked inside.

He also had to comfort the students who were defeated by the one-star Tutu Bird and fell into autism.

After returning home, Kurosawa fed Tutu Bird with elf milk and then began to practice.

"Buy Elf Growth Fruit * 1"

After using two growth fruits, Tutu Bird's aura suddenly increased again.

"Tutu Bird has grown!"

"Tutu Bird's level has been raised to level 19!"

It's almost reaching the maximum level of the Tutu Bird race.

But the remaining 10 coupons are obviously not enough to upgrade.

Kurosawa sighed and pinched Tutu Bird's cheek.

"Little Dudu, you've done so many bad things!"

That's right, it was Dudu Bird that was frying fish and bullying the weak, what does it have to do with Kurosawa?

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