My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 318 Flexible Dual Heads

Early next morning.

Kashiwagi woke up under the heavy pressure that made it difficult to breathe.

When I woke up, I saw that it was indeed caused by the two-headed tyrannosaurus pressing on me. The weight of more than 100 kilograms was basically pressed on my belly and chest. It would be an exaggeration to say that it was a murderous act.

Fortunately, his physique is unusual.

I pulled my hand...but couldn't pull it out.

Both were caught by the two-headed tyrannosaurus. In the past, I could use the other one to pinch its nose to wake it up. What should I do now?

Kashiwagi fell into deep thought, and soon turned to look at the lucky egg next to him, "Help..."


Gilly Egg woke up from his deep sleep, first he rubbed his eyes to wake himself up, and then he saw Kashiwagi who was pressed by the two-headed tyrannosaurus, turning his head to ask for help from it.

A smile appeared on its face unconsciously, "lucky~"

Pushed by mental power, the teleportation object gently opened the mouth of the two-headed tyrannosaurus and made it levitate.

Kashiwagi picked up the wet tissue on the bedside and wiped the saliva on his hands, sighing: "The body has changed, but the personality and habits have not changed... There are indeed many places that need to grow."

Last night, in order to let the two-headed tyrannosaurus better grasp the new body, they struggled for most of the night before falling asleep.


This little... well, he's a big guy now.

This big guy is also very talented in body control. He can easily change the characteristic of his two heads to always maintain the same movement, making it look like his hands.

Make different performances according to different instructions.

For example, one is high and one is low, one is up and one is down, one opens the mouth and the other closes it.

Kashiwagi also discovered some interesting things during the test.

For example, if the left head is blindfolded, the right head is shown two cherry berries, and then the left head is asked how many cherries there are, this guy can respond perfectly.

To some extent, it may prove that this guy only has one consciousness.

Or is it some kind of brain connection setting?

While thinking, Kashiwagi got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash up, and woke up the big-mouthed kid sleeping on the sofa. The latter woke up from a pile of dolls and pillows, yawned and followed him.

at the same time.

"Hey woo?" "Hey woo?"

The two-headed tyrannosaurus woke up and saw that he was floating in the air with no surprise on his face, and his little wings flapped and screamed.

The lucky egg heard the sound and immediately put it down.

"Hey woo~" "Hey woo~"

The two-headed tyrannosaurus jumped on the bed again and rubbed its two big heads against the lucky eggs.

They are bedmates together, and the latter has always been very protective of it, so the relationship between them has always been very good. Unfortunately, because it is not used to its new body, its two heads always bump into each other accidentally.

After rubbing with the auspicious eggs, it came to the Galar Sun Coral on the bedside, overlooking the latter from a high position.

Just looking at the appearance, at first the two-headed tyrannosaurus really didn't recognize that this stone was that annoying guy. Fortunately, having vision does not mean that the sense of smell and touch are lost.

After combining the two, it quickly connected it with the Galar Sun Coral.

The two-headed tyrannosaurus doesn't have much dislike for this bad teammate, but it also doesn't have much affection because it always steals the trainer's hand.

Kashiwagi likes to pick up the Galar Sun Coral and play it when he has nothing to do. The two-headed tyrannosaurus sees this and is inevitably a little jealous, because it wants to monopolize the trainer's hand.

Of course, even an idiot like it understands that this kind of thing cannot be done. The trainer is everyone's trainer.


The two-headed tyrannosaurus will always cause trouble for the Galar Sun Coral.

For example, when you get up in the morning, you deliberately put it in your mouth under the sun.

"Hey woo~" "Hey woo~"

The two-headed tyrannosaurus held one of its heads in its mouth, while the other made a face at the Galar Sun Coral with its scarlet eyes. It happily ran to the living room and placed it outside the balcony. After returning, one head pushed the glass and the other locked the window with its teeth. Close it.

Kashiwagi told it about this thing last night, but it didn't expect it to come in handy this morning.


It ran to the bathroom to find Kashiwagi.


Galar Sun Coral floats from the ground and passes through glass with ease.

I don't quite understand why this guy has grown in height but not in IQ. It's probably because he's spoiled and always does such meaningless troublesome things.

Along the way, he encountered a polygon that looked like a brick duck, and it looked into those dead fish eyes for a second.


A silent agreement was reached.

It landed on Porygon's back, which had just enough space for it to land on.


The polygon turned to look at the dormant Galar Sun Coral. Without understanding what the other party meant, it swung its legs around to ask the trainer.

And in the bathroom.

It was almost packed by now.

Big Mouth Baby stood on a small stool and used water to clean his hair and jaws. Kashiwagi and Gilly Egg held the two heads of the two-headed tyrannosaurus with their hands and feet, and forced their mouths open to brush their teeth.


Porygon glanced twice, confirmed that the trainer might not be available, and then silently retreated.

As one of the Pokémon with the highest IQ in the team, it is as considerate as the Geely Egg. However, it is currently relatively weak and does not have much room to develop, so its sense of existence is extremely weak.

However, Kashiwagi once told it that it was the core of an important routine, so I very much hoped that it would grow up as soon as possible.

Porygon decided to live up to its trainer's trust.



Do it with a lot of fuss.

Being able to see allows the two-headed tyrannosaurus to show extraordinary vitality. It is curious about everything it sees. It smells and looks everywhere, as if it wants to remember all the things it has not seen or recognized over the years. .

The easiest way to deepen your memory is to bite.

Pogaman, who accompanied Xiao Guang to the door, was unfortunately bitten by the probing mouth of the two-headed tyrannosaurus.


It quickly cried out in pain, but then it felt no pain at all.

By the time it reacted, the two-headed tyrannosaurus had already released its mouth to bite other things.

Bogaman patted his chest with lingering fear.

Turn around.

Its back was covered with cold sweat.


Bogaman ran to Kashiwagi's feet, tugged on his trouser legs, raised his head and asked something.

The latter was a little puzzled at first, but when Bogaman danced and showed off a firework, he looked at the two-headed tyrannosaurus biting everywhere, and then smiled and said: "Sorry, it can't do meteor swarms yet."


Bogaman's eyes sparkled, he sat on the ground regardless of the occasion, and his mood quickly calmed down.

Kashiwagi couldn't be happier.

It seems that it was really psychologically affected by Xiaozhi's Round Shark's meteor swarm, so much so that after being bitten, it was reminded of its tragic experience.

While eating.

Xiaoguang inevitably asked him about his next plan.

"Violet City, because both my gorgeous grand celebration and the Pokémon League want to participate."

Kashiwagi said softly and asked: "What about you?"

"As for me, I plan to go to Weibai Town to see Xiaogang, and then go to Kanaz City to participate in the gorgeous competition there." She thought for a moment and said regretfully: "It would be great if we were on the way."

After so many days, she has already been impressed by Kashiwagi's cooking skills. In addition, she really likes to travel with her companions, so she feels disappointed that the two cannot travel together.

"As long as we are in the Hoenn area, we will eventually have the chance to meet again in the future."

Kashiwagi replied with relief.

But in fact, even if Xiaoguang is willing to go together, he will find a way to refuse. Perhaps Xiaozhi thinks that the more people traveling, the better, but he is more accustomed to traveling alone with Pokémon.

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