My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 346: A sudden increase in strength (all in one chapter!)

The theft is over.

The battle tent has also come to an end.

Kashiwagi began to concentrate on cultivating his Pokémon, trying to improve their levels and learn more moves.

Thanks to Manchi and his skilled Pokémon, Kashiwagi made rapid progress in all aspects and exceeded the study plan he set when he came to Green Town.

The Pokémon grew step by step, which made him very grateful to the green-haired boy, and he often invited the latter to taste his food.

Manchi is also happy to have a deeper friendship with Kashiwagi. He basically has no friends. Apart from his own Pokémon, the one he has the most contact with on weekdays is his cousin Aman.

Friends like Kashiwagi who are easy to talk to are especially cherished. They will always come to chat with him. Whenever he is free, he will look for him near the B\u0026B.


He often worries whether interrupting the other party so frequently will arouse Kashiwagi's impatience and boredom, even if the latter has never shown such an attitude, and even smiles and says "Here he comes" after seeing him.

Manchi felt that this was the happiest time he had ever had since he came back from Kanto.

Whenever Kashiwagi's Pokémon learned new moves, and his own Pokémon also gained new insights, he couldn't help but be overjoyed by the joy of growing together.

The beauty of “strong rivals”!

It is such a wonderful thing to have someone to move forward with you!

Once the gloom was gone, and his personality gradually became brighter, a goal that was a little vague at first but gradually became clear slowly emerged in Manchun's heart.

And when he realized what he was thinking, excitement and anxiety arose together, making him not know how to convey his thoughts to Kashiwagi, and he was also worried that the goals he set would cause the other party to be dissatisfied.

Fundamentally, Manmitsu didn't know how Kashiwagi viewed himself.

But in order to better convey his feelings, he showed off his cards to the latter after several struggles.

"I-I think I found my target!"

"Then the relationship is good, what is it?"

"I want to grow up as determinedly as you until one day in the future, I can compete with you for the championship of the Ole region!" After saying this, I felt like gongs and drums were beating in my heart, and the sound of my heart beating rapidly filled my ears. Clearly audible.

Especially when he saw the slightly stunned expression on the other party's face, he couldn't help but clenched his fists.

He cherishes Kashiwagi as a friend, but still chooses to risk being disliked and have a complete showdown with him because he doesn't want to deceive himself or the other party.

Use a sincere attitude to gain Kashiwagi's understanding.

Manchong thought so in his heart, but in reality he was extremely uneasy.

At this time.

Kashiwagi also responded to him, nodding very calmly, "Very good, congratulations."

"...Are you angry?" Manchong said cautiously.

"Why should I be angry? Becoming a trainer means competing with countless people. If you want to compete with me, it's too late for me to be happy, because it means you put me in an equal position."

"Eh? I, I have never underestimated—"

"I know."

Kashiwagi patted Mitsuru on the shoulder and said with a flustered expression: "Competitor is a good word. It can promote our common progress. Let's cheer for each other. I am bound to win the Ole Opry championship, so you must be prepared to be beaten." Be prepared to collapse."

Feeling the warmth coming from the other person's palm, his full emotions gradually calmed down.


He nodded vigorously, "I will definitely work hard!"

Ultimately, Mitsuru just wants to follow Kashiwagi’s footsteps and move forward with him. Seeing the latter's rapid progress, while igniting his fighting spirit, he was extremely worried that one day he would not be able to see Kashiwagi's back.

Maybe the latter is not as good as him at the moment, but he knows that one day he will be surpassed, very quickly.

【Strong Enemy】.

Full of hope that he could sit in this equal position with Kashiwagi.


Time passes day by day.

Kashiwagi’s Pokémon each had new gains.



When it comes to the third day of studying meteor swarms.

The two-headed tyrannosaurus showed its talent as an outstanding graduate of the "Kindergarten" in Dragon Land and made breakthrough progress.

Dragon-type energy bombs shot through the sky.

There was a bang.

Like fireworks, dazzling meteors bloomed in all directions, and shone brightly like tracer bullets and crashed to the ground, constantly exploding dust and forming large and small potholes.

There is no doubt that by this point, the two-headed tyrannosaurus has mastered the use of meteor swarms.

The next thing is to improve the accuracy of the meteor swarm, and this guy's fantastic idea - to use two heads to release the meteor swarm, but what is the meaning of this?

Before there are amplifying moves and violent mood swings, the total amount of attribute energy consumed by the moves remains unchanged.

No matter how much energy is ejected, the damage will not be increased.

To put it bluntly, increase the number of tracer bullets to increase the probability of the opponent being bombed continuously. But before that, the important problem of how to split an energy bomb in the chest and abdomen into two must be overcome.

Preventing two energy bombs from canceling each other out after exploding is all advanced content.

Kashiwagi saw the two-headed tyrannosaurus looking very excited and didn't say much. He just regarded it as a condiment to enhance his experience in using meteor swarms and speed up the upgrade process.

The competition with Pokémon such as Biting Land Shark also gradually accelerated the pace of the growth of the two-headed tyrannosaurus.

The increasingly superb combat skills and passionate emotions made Kashiwagi wonder whether this guy would "evolve in advance" like Adu's Kuailong. Perhaps he could evolve into three evil dragons before level 60?


Just think about it.

Whether you can evolve in advance depends on whether you have the opportunity.

the other side.

After completing the training of Will-O-Wisp, Galar Sun Coral successfully mastered the key defensive move-[Defend], and learned the third new move through upgrading.

【Dark Night Demon】.

It’s funny to say that learning to defend the Galar Sun Coral was not smooth at first. After several days of hard work, there was no sign at all.

It made Kashiwagi very sad.

Until one morning.

As usual, the two-headed tyrannosaurus wanted to take a bite of the Galar Sun Coral, but ended up biting a layer of green light film, and the entire mouth froze there.

Fortunately, there is still a brain that can ask the trainer for help.

By the time Kashiwagi came out of the bathroom, the guard was over, and he only caught a glimmer of green light.

Later, based on the description of the two-headed tyrannosaurus, he judged in minutes that the Galar Sun Coral was used to defend. Only when it was defended would it glow green and absorb the impact to the greatest extent.

Obviously Galar Sun Coral has secretly worked hard and worked hard for several days to cross the final boundary. It is really gratifying.

Will-o'-the-wisp, guard and night demon, this guy has successfully completed the plan he made when he came, and at the same time, he is speeding towards the road of overfulfilling the task.

Kashiwagi was so happy that he picked it up and rubbed it wildly.

Who would have thought that the rotten Galar Sun Coral would be so warm, I cried to death.

The "coffin" violently shook the Galar Sun Coral: "?"

Something wrong?

But it really worked hard, and it was able to learn three moves in a short period of time. Even if the will-o'-the-wisp was the result of more than a month of brewing, it still deserves praise.

After all, everyone knows what the Galar Sun Coral is like.

Although the progress of these two people is gratifying, it is actually far inferior to the third one——


Since he mastered the technique of learning the magic space, this guy seems to have triggered some kind of key program, and he has been working hard to enhance his current move pool.

First came the freezing beam, then the mental force, and then it was the turn to switch places, move at high speed and discharge.


Instead of relying on Kashiwagi's simulator, he became a new generation of move learning machine on his own.

I thought that after learning three moves, Galar Sun Coral would be "invincible", but I didn't expect Porygon to be stronger than it! He is indeed a rising star in the team!

Kashiwagi was surprised at how quickly it grew once it started, but he always paid attention to Porygon's trust level.

Five hearts.

We are not far from the six hearts recommended by evolution.

He was not in a hurry, because the bond between people and Pokémon cannot be built overnight. Sometimes things that they remember deeply can quickly warm up their relationship, but in the end, every little bit of daily life is precious.

It is precisely because of this smooth process that Porygon can slowly integrate into this big family, find his own place, and maintain trust in Kashiwagi as the head of the family.

Cherish every opportunity given to it by the latter to play, every trust without hesitation.

Laugh together when you win, accept criticism and start over again when you lose.

This is how trust is built step by step.

Porygon knows that Kashiwagi has great expectations for it, and it also wants to repay the former with practical actions and march towards the highest peak with its companions.

It's as if I can feel its determination.

The number of times Kashiwagi has arranged for Porygon to fight has increased rapidly recently, and it was once on par with the two-headed Tyrannosaurus that was leveling up.

In general.

The three Pokémon that were scheduled to complete certain goals did not disappoint him, and even exceeded the task. It was a bit surprising that it relieved him so much.

Finally, I must mention the new member of the team, the heterochromatic ugly fish.

In order for it to be able to interact with other Pokémon in the room, Kashiwagi bought a large fish tank to facilitate its communication with Pokémon such as Boss Cordora.

At first, the timid fish didn't dare to look at the Boscado pull them. After all, the momentum of these guys was too fierce.

Only the Geely Egg has an aura that makes it feel at ease.

But as Pokémon such as Boscordora always maintained a friendly attitude, the Uglyfish gradually plucked up the courage and began to respond to their voices or greetings.

Kashiwagi couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Uglyfish is an existence that even most Pokémon find ugly. Presumably, in addition to the innate part of Uglyfish's personality, a large part of Uglyfish's personality is related to the dislike of other Pokémon.

Through the lucky egg, he also learned that the ugly fish, like the big-mouthed boy before, had no friends in the boy's ecological garden.


They are essentially different. Big Mouth doesn't bother to make friends with other Pokémon and doesn't want to waste that time, while Ugly Fish wants to make friends with other Pokémon, but is hit by obstacles everywhere because he is too ugly, and even gets kicked out. Other Pokémon of different colors attack.

Geely Egg couldn't hide the distress on his face when he told the story. He couldn't look down on such a lonely child.

"Don't worry, they are not that childish when they pull Boscado." Kashiwagi comforted the lucky egg and asked it to look towards the fish tank.

Suddenly, he could see the big-mouthed baby standing in front of the fish tank, showing various beautiful accessories or objects to the ugly fish. The latter swung its tail happily, with a cheerful smile on its thin face.

The picture is extremely harmonious.

It’s not that Big Mouth Baby pities the Ugly Fish, but it just showed great interest in it when it knew that the Ugly Fish with different colors could participate in the gorgeous competition with it in the future.

Running to the fish tank to communicate with the ugly fish is something that Big Mouth Baby has been doing a lot lately.

Faced with a Pokémon like Big Mouth, which anyone would find cute if they looked at it, it was hard to avoid having a low self-esteem and not daring to come into contact with it.

It's just that the heterochromatic ugly fish also loves beauty by nature, and it will also feel good-looking when it sees the things that the big-mouthed baby finds good-looking. In addition, the latter's attitude has always been very good, and he has never shown an expression of disgust.

The relationship between the two Pokémon quickly became friendly.

With this breakthrough.


Uglyfish is no longer afraid of other Pokémon, even Boscodorla, Two-headed Tyrannosaurus and Big Steel Snake.

It discovered that Boss Cordora looked fierce, but in fact had a very gentle personality. It wouldn't mind anyone attacking it on weekdays, and would always show off the wounds on its body.

And occasionally he would swim with it, especially when he was taken to a small river by his trainer, he would help it drive away those vicious agate jellyfish and fanged fish, and ask it if everything was okay.

From now on, Chou Chou Fish will not only not be scared when looking at Boscodora, but will also feel that it is very handsome and very reliable.

She has become a little fan girl.

The initial impression of the two-headed tyrannosaurus was that it was "the youngest brother in the family". He always hung around his trainer and acted like a spoiled brat. He was full of energy and extremely lively... and occasionally he didn't look very smart.

However, Chou Chou Fish's most profound memory is when he was playing with a balloon in the pool. After it accidentally flew out, the other party took the initiative to pick it up for him.

At that time, the temperament of the two-headed tyrannosaurus was completely different from that of the trainer. It seemed that it had changed from a kindergarten student to a calm and calm adult. It no longer screamed and only nodded in response to his own thanks.

When its two heads looked at Boss Cordora, the Chou Chou Fish could feel a strong will.

Just like what I have seen before, those powerful Pokémon of different colors fighting each other to compete with each other.

Do the two-headed tyrannosaurus and Boss Cordora have a bad relationship?

It doesn't look like it if you look closely.

It is difficult for the Chou Chou Fish's brain to associate what competitive consciousness is, but in short, it understands the persistence of the two-headed tyrannosaurus and its side that is unknown to its trainer.

Big steel snake...

It doesn't see this guy very often, mostly during battles and exercises. At first, the size of the big steel snake frightened it, but later it discovered that this guy is actually a bit clumsy and has a good temper, so he won't dislike it. .


This is an important point.

The three most ferocious ones have already adapted, not to mention the rest. The Geely Egg is its second friend (in its own opinion) besides Big Mouth Baby. The Galar Sun Coral basically sleeps on weekdays and communicates almost No, Porygon occasionally smiles at himself, so he should be able to develop into a third friend.

The fish tank may be smaller than the pond in the eco-park, but life is better than before.

Although the pond was large, he could not leave the vicinity of his lair because he was disliked, and he was easily bullied by other Pokémon.

Although the fish tank is small, the trainer will always take it to a wide pool, and occasionally to small rivers and streams to swim with it in the water.

The Pokémon around are very friendly.

The key food is still delicious.

Chou Chou Fish is very satisfied with his current life and wants to continue like this.

Although he is a little weak and ugly, his trainer takes care of him so much and doesn't despise him. There must be something he needs to rely on, right?

Chou Chou Yu hopes that when that day comes, he can be more powerful.

As for evolution... the word is a bit vague and difficult to understand for it. The trainer also showed it the pattern of a very beautiful Pokémon and said that it could evolve into this if it worked hard.

Really, trainers really like to joke.

If it could evolve into that, it would definitely work hard to death!


The juniors work hard.

The seniors will naturally not remain indifferent.

The four heroes of Huangtie Town, headed by Boss Cordola, were also walking slowly on their own path.

Not long ago, Kashiwagi gave Boscodora's treasured [Thunder] move, and tried to improve its power in special attacks. The latter did not disappoint him, and the thunder power it unleashed was very satisfying.

It's just that the level rises really slowly. Before level 70, it's like a rocket, and after level 70, it's like a snail.

The clear dividing line made him understand how difficult the road to the strongest is, and how talented and talented the champion and the champion's Pokémon are.

And since the level does not support rapid growth.

He asked Boscodora to start learning more special attack moves, such as high-power ultimate moves such as large-scale explosions, infuriating bombs, blizzards, destructive rays, and solar beams, and made a little progress on the special attack turret.

As a result, I didn't learn these moves, but I learned the [100,000 HP], a ground-based physical attack move, during the collision with the big steel snake.

It was obviously aimed at the heavy weight, who would have thought that it would be self-defeating.

But it's better than nothing. One hundred thousand horsepower is quite powerful as a ground-type move.

Boss Cordora is also very satisfied with this move. It likes to confront people head-on. It loves this kind of collision move the most.

compare to.

Big Mouth Baby was not so happy. It originally went for deception and wanted to learn the skills of leveraging strength, but the skill pool inexplicably lit up [Spiritual Fang].

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that it has been chewing and tearing auspicious eggs into pieces recently, and it has been infected by the superpower energy.

However, judging from the evaluation of trainers, there are times when the move Mental Fang comes in handy.

In addition, the trainer recently made it learn [Shadow Clone] inexplicably.

The comforted Da Zui Wa immediately felt much calmer.

Furthermore, its level has not yet reached the shackles stage of Boscodora, and it can continue to grow.

Occasionally practice the performance in the gorgeous contest.

Big mouth baby's life is very happy.

Equally happy is the big steel snake that frequently travels between the two areas. It is like a working class who takes the high-speed train to go to work every day. It is just busy and very happy.

It successfully reclaimed a green space on Boscordola's territory, which earned it the admiration of Boscordola.

The diligent work attitude has yielded quite intuitive results——

It learned to pounce.

Perhaps it's the result of the big hole he made when he frequently dived forward.

Although there is only one move, the big steel snake does not dislike it at all. On the contrary, it is very satisfied. The pounce move is extremely powerful in its hands.

Even Boscodora's attack was hard to withstand.

How could it not be happy?

Occasionally, Kashiwagi would be infected by the silly big steel snake, laughing and scolding it for what it meant when it opened its mouth to laugh when it lost. The big leaky teeth were ugly and funny.

at last.

It can be called the biggest breakthrough in coming to Green Town——

Lucky egg.

This guy learned [Stand] and [Reflection Wall] from the full Pokémon, and then Kashiwagi gave it [Psychic Strength] because it said it wanted to try to attack the opponent directly.

It should have started with tapping, which is the most basic and represents the starting move.

But Kashiwagi considered that long-range attacks can reduce guilt, just like shooting enemies with a gun, and the auspicious eggs have extraordinary spiritual power, so he used the accumulated mental energy to teach it.

It is precisely by relying on the mental strength to recite this move.

It lasted half a year.

Geely Egg has taken its first and most important step towards a new future.

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