My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 351 The Legend of Lei (three chapters in one!)


The cactus screamed and fell backwards.

Its arms and body were covered with frost, and it fell into the field with a thud and fainted.


The watermelon-headed kid scratched his hair in annoyance, looked at the polygon that changed its legs from a gear-like form back to its original form, and said in disbelief: "How can it still change its form!?"

"This is the gold content of artificial Pokémon, the light of civilization born from human imagination."

Kashiwagi said with a smile.

"...and said something I didn't understand."

The watermelon-headed kid curled his lips, checked the condition of the prickly pear cactus, and confirmed that it was fine. Then he picked up two human-sized watermelons from the side and shouted: "Come and eat watermelons! Sure enough, you should eat watermelons after the battle." !”

Porygon's dead fish eyes lit up like searchlights.


It still remembered the first time it defeated Da Shihua, and the other party also invited them to eat watermelon. As the hero, he was praised by all his companions, but he was very happy.

Will it happen this time too?


Porygon looked at its trainer expectantly.

Having just joined the team, it always hopes to be recognized by its peers even though it thinks it has not made any contribution.

"Thank you very much. Your watermelon is really big and sweet."

Kashiwagi didn't want to ignore his Pokémon's pleading eyes, so he patted its head soothingly and released his Pokémon.

"That is!"

The watermelon-headed kid proudly handed the watermelon to Da Shihua and asked it to cut it into eight even pieces with its leaf blade.

The lively fruit tasting party started again.

"Hey woo!" "Hey woo!"

The two-headed tyrannosaurus was very happy when it saw watermelon. It particularly liked this kind of food that could be drunk and eaten at the same time. Moreover, this food took up a lot of space in the stomach at first, but it was completely digested after some exercise, and it could still eat two large bowls at night.

"Hey! Take it easy - Happy Egg, please help look after it!"

Kashiwagi realized that he might not be able to hold back the runaway husky, so he decisively handed it over to the mentally strong Happy Egg.


The happy egg responded, and the moment the spiritual power was released, it imprisoned the two-headed tyrannosaurus.

The latter swung its claws wildly in mid-air, and in the end could only weakly turn its head to protest that it was clear that it was just about eating a watermelon.

"Hey woo!" "Hey woo!"


The watermelon-headed kid looked at the happy egg and couldn't remember whether it was an auspicious egg when it came or what it looked like now.

But in a blink of an eye, he discovered that Kashiwagi had gone to the ditch next to the farmland. When he went over to take a look, he found that Kashiwagi had put a purple ugly fish into the clear water and squatted down to feed it watermelon.

The ugly fish put its head out of the water, sucked on the bright red flesh and then sank into the water. Then it came up again, sucked and dived into the water, feeling the wonderful sweetness and wagging its tail happily.

"Why are the colors of this ugly fish different?"

The watermelon-headed kid squatted beside him and asked curiously.

Kashiwagi replied: "Because it is a special individual, it is born with this color. Have you never seen other Pokémon of different colors?"


He shook his head, then asked excitedly: "Are Pokémon with different colors stronger?"

"That's not necessarily the case..."

"Hey - I thought it would be a little stronger than the ordinary one, but it turns out it's just a fake!"

As soon as he said these words, Kashiwagi knew something was wrong. When he looked at the expression of the ugly fish, he found that it was stunned for a moment, and then showed a dejected expression. The appearance of the whole fish became a lot darker. , I didn’t eat the watermelon either.

Chou Chou Fish, who has a bit of low self-esteem, is very taboo about other people's evaluation of it.

The watermelon-headed kid also discovered this and explained in a panic, "That! What! That's not what I meant! Oh, anyway, that's not what I meant!"

Seeing that he couldn't explain clearly, he simply got up and ran away, shouting as he ran, "Anyway, that's not what I meant -"

Kashiwagi showed a helpless smile and turned to comfort Chou Chou Yu, "Don't take it too seriously. That guy is an idiot who only knows how to fight. How could he see your shining point? Eat two more mouthfuls of watermelon and let him feel sorry for you!" "

His tone sounded like he was joking.


The Chou Chou Fish puffed out bubbles, felt a little relieved, and began to slurp the watermelon in the trainer's hand.

But in fact, the combat effectiveness of the ugly fish is indeed not strong.

Kashiwagi clearly remembered that this guy's double attack and double defense were on the same level as Magikarp, except that he could learn more moves than Magikarp, and he also had egg moves.

Magikarp clearly has such a huge base, but he doesn’t even have an egg move.

After eating the melon.

Kashiwagi washed his hands, then forcibly grabbed the two-headed Tyrannosaurus, wiped its two mouths full of watermelon juice, patted the dust on his body, and put away all the Pokémon, leaving only Porygon. .

"Thank you for the treat! The watermelon is delicious as always."

He said to the watermelon-headed kid not far away. Seeing that he hesitated to step forward, he couldn't help but laugh, "Don't worry, my Pokémon doesn't hold grudges."


"of course it's true!"

"That's a good relationship!" A smile broke out on the watermelon-headed kid's face, and he waved goodbye with the two Pokémon beside him, "Have a nice trip!"

Kashiwagi didn't reply, just waved his hand and led Porygon towards the direction of Cauldron Town.


Normally, you need to pass Route 112 to get to Fuyan Town.

But because the starting point is different.

Therefore, Kashiwagi could not take the road planned by the alliance, but had to pass through the endless virgin forests and high mountains.

“Unplanned roads are indeed more difficult to walk.”

He walked around a tree root protruding from the ground and checked the map on his phone.

It is already a long way from Green Town.

It is basically an undeveloped land with a radius of hundreds of miles. It is inaccessible and there is not even a human path. The Hoenn Alliance has specially planned things for wild Pokémon. It is very suitable for bold trainers to go deep into it and find some rare treasures in the outside world. Kemeng.


Cypress saw several phantoms flying over the shadow of the big tree, and their purple balloon-like appearance was quite conspicuous.

"Piao Piao Qiu... There are also wild Pokémon from Sinnoh in the Hoenn region now, are they migrating?"

He was quite emotional, and soon he saw that he and the floating balls were eye-catching. After they looked at each other, they slowly landed.


Kashiwagi was stunned for a moment.

Are today's wild Pokémon so unafraid of people? Not only do they not stay away, but they even come closer to them. They are too hungry and want to beg for something to eat?

——The guess is half correct.

The Piaoliu Balls are indeed hungry, but they are better at fending for themselves than begging for food.

For example, they would pick up a human child, throw them around in the sky, and feed on the fear of the human child. But it was obvious that they barely guessed the age of a certain older child correctly, but they failed to guess his size, weight... and fighting ability because they were too hungry.

When the Piaoliu Balls stretched out their thin strings with smiles on their faces, they wrapped their arms around Kashiwagi and tried to pull him up into the sky.

Then his expression suddenly changed.


Why is the nest grass so heavy!

"Is it heavy? Seventy-seven kilograms is like this. If you don't exert your strength, I will exert my strength."

Kashiwagi returned the smile, facing these piaoliuqiu whose expressions quickly changed from hunger to fear, he grabbed their little love-like hands that were withdrawn, pulled them from left to right, and threw them wildly on the trees and the ground.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The powerful strength of the humanoid Pokémon made a few acorns tremble in the shade of the trees in the distance.

Porygon wanted to come up to help many times, but seeing the trainer's fierce appearance and worrying about being "accidentally injured", he simply hid aside and watched quietly.

The trainer is angry?

Absolutely! One hundred percent angry!

Porygon mourned for those poor fluttering balls. Good-tempered trainers rarely get angry, but once they get angry, it's not easy to stop.

Lean less.

Kashiwagi let go of the four fainted floating balls and threw them into the sky, "You still want to scare people with this little ability? Just save it and climb as far as you can!"


The floating balls fell weakly to the ground. Their tiny mouths opened and closed, and purple smoke-like objects floated out of them.

Did the spirit body inside the balloon flow out?

Kashiwagi's heart skipped a beat, wondering if he had struck too hard, but he soon realized that these floating balls were just very hungry.

He casually took out the Poké Cube for feeding from his bag.

Smelling the aroma of food, the Pidgey Balls, who looked like they were on the verge of death just now, immediately flew up, scrambling to grab the Poké Cubes in his hand and stuff them into their widest mouths.

"Hey, have you ever eaten this stuff?"

Kashiwagi was a little surprised to see how skillful they were.

Just like wild horses don't have savages to trim their hooves, how can a fluttering ball that has never seen an artifact like a Poké Cube be stuffed into its mouth so skillfully?

He's not a dog, so he wants to taste everything.

Could it be that he was a self-taught person who was extremely hungry? Or maybe it was fed.

Thinking about their previous skillful behavior in kidnapping "children", they must have been in the human world. It is unclear whether they have been beaten.

"Fur!" "Fur!" "Fur!"

After eating the few pills that Kashiwagi took out, the Piaoliangqiu circled around him, hoping that he would take out some more. Who would be able to eat this little.

A bunch more!

One ball and a bunch!

"You attacked me for nothing, and you still want me to do charity?" Kashiwagi looked at them with disdain, but continued to take out some Poké Cubes.

The Piaopiaoqiu players were busy making like hungry tigers rushing towards food.

"So hungry?"

He looked at them in confusion, wondering if it was because migratory Pokémon didn't have the habit of hunting, so they wouldn't start looking for food until they arrived in a new place of residence.

The ecology of Pokémon is truly amazing.

At this moment, as if seeing his confusion, Porygon got into his phone and searched for the illustrated guide introduction to Piao Piao Qiu.

The familiar sound of the announcement startled Kashiwagi, and the Piaoliu Balls suddenly turned their attention.

"Oh, thank you very much."

He poked the head of the polygon on the screen. Seeing that there was no danger, the Piazzas quickly turned back and continued eating. They were still a little unsatisfied after finishing the second portion.

But Kashiwagi has refused to give them any more.

The Piaopiaoqiu were disappointed, and just when they were about to entangle them again, the sound of a motorcycle engine suddenly came from the silent forest, growing from small to loud, from far to near.

The rumbling sound was even more exaggerated than the explosion caused by the Pokémon's move.

The engine roared.

The entire forest seemed to come alive in an instant. Countless wild Pokémon emerged from their hiding places and ran around in a panic, trying to avoid something like headless flies.

Kashiwagi looked at the wild Pokémon running away from him and couldn't help but frown. Although there are no legal provisions that stipulate that riding motorcycles is not allowed in uninhabited forests, to be honest, creating such a huge battle feels a bit like Japs entering the village, and it also looks like a will-o'-the-wisp boy blowing up the street in the middle of the night.

But he has no right to interfere with what others do.

What really bothered Kashiwagi was that the floating balls suddenly seemed to be in a panic, and started to pull his arms again to take him to the sky, but this time they didn't want to scare him, but wanted to take him away from here.

The expressions on these guys reminded him of something not so good.

In the far distance, a group of guys riding mountain bikes were seen in the dense jungle, hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehejiebajieba qianzhuangzhuangzhuangzhuangzhuangzhuang. Their eyes emitted black rays of light from time to time, locking the Wild Pokémon running around.

Those people just laughed and threw a thin and dense net at the wild Pokémon, trapping it in place and ignoring it.

Those people are right to use a net instead of a Poké Ball.

Most of the captured Pokémon are prepared to be recovered later.

"Pokémon hunter..."

Kashiwagi clicked his tongue, feeling like he kept encountering bad guys recently...well, it wasn't really the same, it had been many days.

There are actually two reasons why Pokémon hunters don’t use Poké Balls to tame wild Pokémon.

1. There is a probability that the Pokémon will fail to be captured, and it will need to land and shake for a while to confirm whether the Pokémon has been successfully captured.

Second, there is a black technology called the registration system at the switch position of the Poké Ball, which will automatically record the information of the Pokémon. If there is a Pokédex, more than six Pokémon will be automatically transferred to the Poké Ball. The illustrated book is in the hands of the person who issued it.

To sum up, it is faster and more convenient than using a net to capture. If you put some electrifying devices in it, nine out of ten Pokémon will not be able to bear it.


In Kashiwagi's opinion, there is a certain correlation between the fact that these guys are almost incapable of throwing Poké Balls accurately.

It is said that two fists are difficult to defeat with four hands. Although he had the idea of ​​killing these guys on the spot, he did not intend to conflict with them head-on. He was not an idiot like Xiaozhi.

The reason why the Piazzas are so hungry is also explained.

He had escaped from Pokémon hunters, but he didn't expect them to be capable of this.


He told Porygon not to come out of the phone, and pulled the Pio Balls to hide in a big tree. The bulging roots just surrounded him and the Piaob Balls on three sides.

If Pokémon hunters don't pay careful attention, they most likely won't see it.

If you see it...

Kashiwagi took out two Poké Balls and thought about his chances of winning against four people and four Pokémon at the same time. As long as the weapon is successfully disarmed, it should be quite high.

Most Pokémon hunters have a lot of Pokémon, maybe even quasi-gods.

But the combat ability can be said to be quite pitiful, otherwise he wouldn't have become a Pokémon hunter. It would be more promising to concentrate on being a trainer.

While thinking like this, the sound of the engine was already very close, and along with a strange scream that sounded like it was ringing in my ears, it roared past in front of me in an instant, going so fast that I was not afraid of overturning.

Kashiwagi hugged the Piaoliuqiu tightly, and kept pointing the camera of his mobile phone straight ahead, focusing on the cross-shaped bats that were most likely to find them.


No one saw him and the Piaoliuqiu hiding under the shadow of the big tree.

When the Pokémon hunters walked away arrogantly, Kashiwagi pulled the Pidgey Balls out of the tree hollow, looked at the Pokémon hunters leaving and decisively called the police.

After the call ended, he looked at the direction in which the Pokémon hunters were leaving, feeling a little hesitant.

Because in such an uninhabited deep mountain forest, Miss Junsha and the others may not be able to rush over immediately, and the police cars are always very noisy. With the vigilance of Pokémon hunters, they may not run away as soon as they hear the wind.

He didn't call the police just to give the Pokémon hunters a chance to escape.

It is better to inform the ranger here and let the latter make a decision. The other party probably has more experience in dealing with this kind of thing than him.

Kashiwagi opened the electronic map and took a look. The ranger's hut marked on it happened to be nearby. Unfortunately... the Pokémon hunters also came from that direction.

"No way?"

He loosened the silk threads of the fluttering balls in his hands and said to them: "Get out of here quickly and fly higher so that you won't be seen by the Crossed Bat and those people."

Say it.

He walked in the direction of the ranger's hut.


The Piaopiaoqiu who stayed in place looked at each other, but instead of escaping from here as Kashiwagi said, they followed his footsteps. Because they know how powerful Pokémon hunters are, they are worried about this human who will feed them food.

Kashiwagi didn't say much after he discovered it, and led them to untie the trapped wild Pokémon.

He discovered that these trapped animal nets indeed had a device that released electric current. If the device was opened without the matching key and the net was forcibly cut or dismantled, it would be triggered.

Even if it is destroyed, it will still be displayed on the Pokémon hunter side.

It seems to be a bit more advanced than the net used by the Rockets.

However, it is nothing in front of the little trick Porygon. It can be easily cracked and even the Pokémon hunters will not be alarmed. Before Kashiwagi could say anything, it had already gotten in and disarmed the device.

——Who allowed this thing to be connected to the Internet?

As long as it is something that can be connected to the Internet, Porygon can get in smoothly, just like Rotom.

The only difference may be that Rotom only needs electricity, while Porygon needs network signal.

"Hide and don't make any noise."

Kashiwagi calmed the panicked wild Pokémon and continued to move closer to the ranger's hut. At the same time, he asked the floating balls to lower their floating height to avoid being discovered.

Find out along the way.


He came not far from the ranger's hut and stopped when he heard the noise coming from there.


Bai Mu made a silent gesture towards the Piao Piao Qiu. He pushed aside the bushes and looked into the distance. He found that the ranger's hut near the stream was surrounded by large and small iron cages, which contained various or quiet animals. Or a screaming wild Pokémon.

Two mountain bikes were parked not far from the cage.

Two Pokémon hunters were sitting at the door, talking and laughing, smoking. The two large wolfhounds beside them kept sneezing, as if they were choking on the smoke.

"There are actually canine Pokémon... and it's a good thing these guys smoke."

He twitched the corner of his mouth.

Under normal circumstances, the complex smell on his body might easily be smelled by the two big wolfhounds, so he was pretty lucky.

He looked around the ranger's hut and found that he could go around the creek to a place where the two guys couldn't find it.

"...Don't move here. Wait until I call you to come out. Do you understand if you come out again?"

Kashiwagi said while gesturing to the Piaoliu Balls.

I believe these smart guys should understand what he means.


When he moved a few steps to the side, the Piaoliangqiu didn't catch up with him, but stayed in place and watched him.

What a well-behaved ghost-type Pokémon.

Kashiwagi calmed down, and while keeping quiet, he walked around to the back of the ranger's hut as quickly as possible, holding a Poké Ball and moving forward slowly.

There is a window in the back of the cabin.

He climbed up nimbly and silently to take a look, and immediately saw the ranger tied in the corner. The other person was still conscious - it was good that he was not dead.

There are weak and ruthless Pokémon hunters. Hunter J who appeared in the Sinnoh region was a particularly ruthless one, but in the end she was buried in Lake Destiny. She was one of the few confirmed dead creatures in the animated feature films.

After confirming that except for the two people in front of him, there were no other Pokémon hunters, he continued to climb up to the roof and looked down at the two Pokémon hunters.

have to say.

The senses of the big wolfhounds are quite keen. Even though their noses were almost useless due to the second-hand smoke, they still subconsciously raised their heads, just in time to meet Kashiwagi's eyes.


As soon as the barking came out, Kashiwagi jumped down from the roof, accompanied by the light and crisp sound of the Poké Ball opening.


Big Mouth and the Porygon that emerged from the mobile phone, one on each side, blasted them away with the power-up punch and 100,000 volts respectively, leaving two stunned Pokémon hunters who had not yet reacted.

After realizing it, they raised their heads in panic.


Both of them let out a scream, because they were too close to each other, causing their heads to slip into Kashiwagi's palm very smoothly, hitting the ground with a muffled sound, and then their eyes locked. Fainted.


Kashiwagi stood up and let out a breath, looked at the big wolf dog that had been solved by Big Mouth Baby and Porygon, and shouted to the fluttering balls in the bushes in the distance: "It's solved, come out quickly."


Four fluttering balls floated out.

"They are handed over to you, remember not to let them run away." Kashiwagi groped around on the two Pokémon hunters and handed them over to the Pidgeots after confirming that there were no murder weapons.

Enter the ranger hut.

At the ranger's wide-eyed expression, he untied him and removed the bandage from his mouth.

"I've already taken care of the two people outside. There are still four people who went out to catch Pokémon but didn't come back. The police have been called. What should I do now?"

Kashiwagi quickly explained the situation.

The ranger was startled at first, and then said anxiously: "When did you call the police? Are they going to the southwest? Find a way to stop them! We can't let them catch Thunder God!"


"Thunder King! The legendary Thunder Pokémon! Thunder King!"

The ranger's voice was like thunder, shaking Bai Mu's heart.

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