My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 367 Thunder Meow Mount

Lei Gong "would rather die" than reveal the source of the intelligence.

But I am very sure that the Rockets' next goal is Meteor Falls.


It had only been two days since Team Rocket's base was shut down. How quickly did they regroup and move on to their next target?

Really curious.

Moreover, there should be a lot of Rockets in the previous base. The destruction of an entire base should be considered a relatively big loss for them, right?

Originally, the problem of manpower shortage was revealed in the later stages of the Muji chapter...

Is it possible that the problems will be solved in the subsequent films?

Kashiwagi has no idea what the current situation of this villain organization, which has existed as a background indefinitely since the black and white chapter, is completely unclear.

I hope the captured Rockets can reveal important information.

Kashiwagi saw Daigo making a few phone calls quite seriously and wanted to eavesdrop, but in the end he felt it was not polite and gave up.

Not long after.

Daigo put down his phone.

"No trace of Team Rocket has been found yet... It seems that things are more troublesome than expected."

He looked at Lei Gong and said, "Although I am personally happy to trust your judgment, it is not realistic to gather a large number of people to search the vicinity of Meteor Falls before we can obtain conclusive evidence."


Lei Gong had no intention of relying on human power, so when he heard what Daiwu said, he turned around with an indifferent expression and got into the house, choosing a place with carpet and lying down.

After searching for almost a whole night, there was still no result. Feeling a little tired, it followed the foothold of the cypress wood under the guidance of a certain emotion.

Who knew he would meet the champion of the Hoenn region.

"...Does Thunder Lord hate me?" Daigo turned around and asked Kashiwagi with some doubts.

Why do I feel a little abandoned?

The latter shook his head, "No, it has this kind of character, and it already respects you very much. At least it will reply to your words. It usually ignores me."

Daigo: "..."

How do you usually get along with each other?

His eyes were filled with confusion.

"What, Meteor Falls should be the territory of the Meteor People? Why don't you seek help from the Meteor People?" Kashiwagi changed the topic, not wanting to talk about the constant "cold violence" he received from Thunder God.

Daigo blinked when he heard this and asked, "Didn't you come into contact with the Meteor People named Shijana? She didn't tell you about the Meteor People's situation?"

"Well... not much is known so far."

"Well, I didn't expect that as a descendant of the Meteor People, you would need me, a foreigner, to tell you about the situation in your hometown."

He sorted out his words and said: "More than ten years ago, the reclusive people of Meteor lived in the depths of Meteor Falls - a place called Meteor's Residence. There were many powerful dragon-type Pokémon there. Very suitable for dragon trainers to practice.

"But as times changed, the elders in the village saw the rapid development of the outside world, moved the village out of Meteor Falls, built a new village in the forest near Meteor Falls, and encouraged young people to go out and explore instead. Behind closed doors.”

"A village built outside?"

Kashiwagi was stunned for a moment, then quickly opened his mobile phone to search the map, and suddenly saw a small landmark called Meteor Village very close to Meteor Falls.

to be honest.

He had seen this village before when searching for entries about the Meteor People, but because he found too little information on the Internet and subconsciously believed that the Meteor People lived in the Meteor Falls, he didn't pay much attention to it.

Who would have thought that it was actually built by the people of Meteor after they moved out of Meteor Falls.

"Yes, precisely because of this decision made by the Dragon Elder, most of the young and middle-aged dragon trainers in the village have left the village, so even if they come to the door, they probably won't be able to help much. Meteor Falls is not small. The internal environment is extremely complex.”

Daigo nodded, "Of course I have to say it - I'll leave this task to you. You've already come to Qiuye Town, why don't you go to Meteor Village to have a look?"


Kashiwagi thought for two seconds, nodded and said: "It should be."

Although he still can't believe it until now, a forged wooden sign can ferment to this stage, but facts speak louder than words. His identity as a descendant of the dragon tamer has been nailed down, and he should go and see it both emotionally and rationally. Eye.

It's not like a group of people suddenly appeared and asked him to contribute to Meteor Village. The current situation was that if he wanted to obtain the keystone, he had to rely on the people of Meteor.

A slight smile appeared on Dawu's face, "It seems that you don't reject the blood relationship, which is a good thing."

After more than ten years of suffering, suddenly a group of people come out and ask you who you are, giving you a completely inexplicable identity. Even from his perspective, you don't find it so easy to accept.

Fortunately, Kashiwagi's mind is mature enough, which is something Daigo admires very much about the former.

"It's a pity that your goal is to win the European Champions League, otherwise I would really recommend you to take over Mr. Genji's class." He said abruptly.

Kashiwagi didn't realize why Daigo said that for a while, and then he said jokingly: "Why can't I be the one who takes over from you?"

"Hmm! Are you interested in this?"

Daigo's eyes lit up, "Then you might as well challenge Fengyuan's Champions League. I believe that with your strength, you will definitely win the Caiyu Tournament. Mikri will definitely feel very pleased to see you -"

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding!"

Kashiwagi waved his hands hurriedly, and apologized with a grimace for his rude words just now.

In order to facilitate the collection of stones, this old man exchanged the championship title with his good friend Mikoli who likes to hold the Mikoli Cup. Although he did not know why he took the championship back...

But in short, it can be seen that he is only in his twenties and has the idea of ​​​​training a successor.

And he is keen to find successors for the other Four Heavenly Kings who are retiring.

And hear the explanation.

Daigo didn't know if he was pretending or if he was really regretful, so he sighed quietly.

"What, Daigo-san, is that rock really the sleeping Jirachi?" Kashiwagi changed the subject again.

When talking about topics related to his interests, Daigo, who was a little disappointed just now, became excited again, with a smile on his face, "I need to talk to you about this starting from the appearance lines..."


Daigo talked non-stop for probably more than ten minutes.

Finally came to a conclusion.

This thing is indeed the sleeping Jirachi, but why Jirachi sleeps for a thousand years and how it corresponds to the comet in the sky is another question that needs to be studied.

"It may be a bit presumptuous to say this, but I hope you can allow us to study the wishing star."

Daiwu persuaded: "With the technological strength of Dewen Company, we might be able to delve into the secret of Jirachi's sleep, so that it can wake up without waiting for a thousand years, and even explore its power to fulfill its wishes...

"Of course I'm not forcing you, nor do I have any intention of taking the wishing stone as my own. Half a year, we only need half a year."

Hearing this, Kashiwagi couldn't help but glance at the wishing stone.

If the sleeping Jirachi could react to what he said, he would probably have asked Jirachi about his wishes...

But judging from the current situation, Jirachi was sleeping soundly and completely isolated from the outside world. In just half a year, could he create a miracle like "the stone will open if he is sincere" by taking the wishing stone with him?

Not very realistic.

"Of course, where are you talking?" Kashiwagi agreed.

In the final analysis, even if Jirachi stays awake, it is still a question whether he will accept him or not. Most fantasy Pokémon have strong subjective initiative and will actively choose humans as partners.

The wishing star requires innocent children.

Are you innocent?

It's worth raising a question mark.

And Dawu, who got the promise, was full of smiles.

"Thank you. It's getting late. I heard that you are currently challenging the gorgeous contest? In that case, I won't disturb you... and Mr. Lei." He glanced at Mr. Lei who was lying on the carpet in the distance and flicking his tail, and his smile suddenly changed. Gotta be a little weird.

Although Kashiwagi has repeatedly emphasized that the relationship between the two is not between trainers and Pokémon, but the actual situation...

It's hard for him to say.

Lei Gong seemed to feel Daigo's teasing expression at this moment, and felt a little bored inside. His tail flicked more and more diligently, showing his mood at the moment.

This kid has been getting more and more aggressive recently, and his continued tolerance has actually made him worse!

Wait, then.

The Hoenn Champion has gone up and down to give you a couple of blows.

It suddenly stood up and walked towards the bedroom, and before leaving, it gave Kashiwagi a look that made you understand.

An inexplicable chill appeared on the latter's skin. He couldn't help but rub his arms and opened his mouth to persuade Daiwu to stay, "Where are you going to stay at this late hour? The tram has stopped too, so you might as well spend the night here with me——"

"No, a helicopter will pick me up."

Daigo smiled and shook his head, telling Kashiwagi to swallow the second half of the sentence.


Not only is he a champion, but he is also one of the richest men in Fengyuan. His money and status are at their peak, not to mention that it is only three or four in the morning. It is a matter of course that helicopters are in place around the clock.

"You walk slowly..."

Kashiwagi watched weakly as Daigo packed up the wishing star, fire stone and fire gem and jumped on Metagross' head.

"You already have four badges now, right? The current leader of the Liuli Gym is Mikoli. You might as well wait until you collect seven badges before going. This will also help you judge your own strength before the conference. I I will look forward to your performance in the Liuli Gym Battle."

Daiwu said with a smile, and immediately left with Metagross.

Lean less.

The heterochromatic Metagross turned into a shining silver meteor and disappeared at the end of the night.

Kashiwagi stood in the lawn and watched him go away. It wasn't until Boscodora stood beside him, put his paws on his shoulders and growled, that he came back to his senses.

"Oh! Thank you for your hard work, big warm man!"

He reached out and touched Boscodora's shiny silver side face, feeling the uneven pits and scratches on it, and felt inexplicably calm in his heart.

As the number of members in the team increases, the most obvious change is that the level of concern for the latter has declined.

But there was nothing he could do about it. Without the ability to create shadow clones, he would inevitably have to divert his energy to other Pokémon.

Fortunately, Boscodora had a kind and generous personality. Instead of blaming him, he took the initiative to take care of those Pokémon that he might not be able to take care of at ordinary times.

Just like the heterochromatic ugly fish.

Every time Kashiwagi wanted to change the water for it, he found that the water had already been changed. After communicating with the heterochromatic ugly fish, he found out that Boscodora would help change the water every morning when he got up.

I was inevitably a little touched for a while.

Although Boscodora had helped a lot in the past, now I feel like my child has grown up quietly.


Boscodora's light blue eyes curved into crescent moons, and his huge figure shone in the moonlight.

As an ace, what is more important than strength is that it can share the burden of the trainer. It knows that it still has many shortcomings, but it also wants to make the trainer easier in all aspects.

If it helps you a little bit, that would be the best~

Boss Cordora turned its head slightly and looked at Kashiwagi with trust, joy, and lingering attachment in its eyes. For it, the trainer was both a companion and an inseparable relative.

With a trainer, I can be taken care of in every detail and live a carefree life every day.

Feeling the emotion in Boscodora's eyes, Kashiwagi hugged it.

"It's so good that I chose you."


Me too.

Boscodora also hugged Kashiwagi, breathing steadily and forcefully, giving him a strong sense of dependability.



Bai Mu sneaked through the door, and then saw a pair of copper-colored eyes that stood out in the pitch-black environment.


"I was wrong! I didn't mean it just now - ah!"

The blue electric light flashed, and he grinned and rubbed his arms, which continued to feel tingling, and quickly raised his feet to try to dodge the electricity that the thunder god shot at his feet.

But it was obvious that his reaction could not be faster than lightning. His feet went numb and he almost fell to his knees.

Fortunately, Happy Egg was able to help him quickly, and the three evil dragons grabbed his collar in time.


The former glared at Thunder Lord, thinking that it was a little too much this time. It usually just electrocutes its arms, but how dangerous it is to electrocute its feet!

The three evil dragons also protested vaguely.

Huskies have long disliked Lei Gong. He usually pesters his trainer, but actually attacks him! If you don't know that you can't beat him, you have to teach this guy how to be a polite big cat!

Raikou didn't pay attention to the protest of the three evil dragons, but he was a little annoyed at Happy Egg's angrily. There were so many Pokémon in Kashiwagi's team, but Happy Egg could only make it frighten occasionally.


It yawned and turned its head unnaturally, indicating that it was okay this time.

After recovering, Kashiwagi clicked his tongue, "Human beings are so precious. Who would have thought that Thunder Lord of the Phoenix King Guards would not dare to face Happy Egg's questioning."

Mr. Lei froze when he was about to lie down, and when he turned his head and looked over, he was quite annoyed.

You'll die if you don't cause trouble, right?

"Okay, I'll shut up. It's getting late and everyone should go to bed."

Kashiwagi surrendered in time, changed into pajamas and climbed onto the bed. He deliberately found the bedside that was closer to Thunder God, stretched out his hand and slowly passed through the dark cloud-like thick hair, and successfully stroked its warm back. He put his other hand on the three evil heads. Dragon's mouth.

Get comfortable and sleep.

He slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

Feeling the force on his back, Lei Gong raised his eyelids slightly, then closed them again without making any expression after a few seconds.

A night of silence.

The next day.

Lei Gong got up early.

In fact, it doesn't need to sleep at all, so it's ready to leave when it finds Baimu is awake at dawn.

Just because you didn’t squat for the Rockets yesterday doesn’t mean you won’t be able to squat today——


Kashiwagi, who had just opened his eyes, stopped it and said in a slightly low voice: "Don't be anxious, we are on the way today. I happen to be going near Meteor Falls, so you can give me a ride."

Lei Gong looked in disbelief. Do you know what you are talking about, little brat?

You want to ride me?

"We have known each other for such a long time, so why don't you just give me a ride? It's not like I was injured before so I can't carry you. What's more, your electric shock yesterday made my legs numb, so I won't be able to make it today, okay." Kashiwagi was half-truth and half-lie. said.

Lei Gong looked at him with indifferent eyes, almost writing the word "rejection" on the left and right sides of his face. She ignored him immediately and turned around to leave the bedroom.


The cry of death was heard.

When Lei Gong walked to the door, he wished he could kill this shameless guy with a thunderbolt on the spot. He turned around and saw Kashiwagi's slightly expectant eyes. He nodded slightly like a ghost and agreed.


"You agreed!"

Kashiwagi's eyes lit up. He originally just tried it out of possibility, but who would have thought that he would actually succeed!


He excitedly rolled over from the bed, but he forgot that the big heads of the three evil dragons were on top, and his forehead came into close contact with them, "Hmm!"

Kashiwagi covered his head and curled up and rolled back and forth on the bed. The three evil dragons opened their eyes in confusion and bit their heads with the left small head, not quite understanding what happened.

Lei Gong saw this scene with a slight smile on his face, and turned around to bask in the sunshine in the sunny courtyard.

Not long after.

After finishing washing, Kashiwagi approached with Big Mouth Baby.

"Please, just help me send it to a similar place."

He looked at Lei Gong who was lying down on purpose but twisted not to look at him. He first lifted and separated the dark cloud-like purple curly hair on the latter's back, then hugged the big-mouthed baby and sat on its back, "Okay! Sit tight!"

Lei Gong slowly stood up.

Kashiwagi's body swayed slightly, and he almost lost his center of gravity. Fortunately, he was able to grab the purple curly hair on Lei Gong's back to stabilize it, "Ah! Sorry! Does it hurt?"

The latter turned his head and looked at him like a fool, roared and jumped towards the woods outside the courtyard.

The feeling of weightlessness caused by the sudden ascent and rapid descent caused Kashiwagi to have the illusion that he was playing a jumping machine - which was inexplicably enjoyable.

In particular, Lei Gong moved forward extremely fast, almost like lightning, and the surrounding scenery retreated at a terrifying speed.

It makes Kashiwagi feel like he's back to Huang Tiezhen and riding a hoverbike.

With your eyes closed and the gas pedal accelerating, ride as fast as you can.

He looked down at the big-mouthed baby and found that the latter also had a look of reminiscing. He knew that it also recalled the days when it used to sit in the sidecar of a motorcycle. "Doesn't it feel like a motorcycle?"


Big Mouth Boy denied softly.

That's definitely different. Suspended motorcycles don't have this sense of weightlessness.

Kashiwagi turned on his cell phone, and the navigation showed that he was approaching Meteor Falls at an alarming speed. The destination that originally took at least half a day to reach could be reached in less than an hour.

However, as Daigo said, the area of ​​​​Meteor Falls is generally very large. The area visited by meteorites all year round is full of large and small craters. The largest one is extremely clear even when viewed on a satellite map.

Thinking about it, that pothole is said to have been made by a huge boulder falling from the sky.

Could it be that the ruins are in Meteor Falls?

Kashiwagi felt that this possibility was not impossible, but he vaguely remembered that the ruins were pillar-shaped, a bit like pillars in the sky...

It shouldn't be the Pillar of the Sky.

"If we don't have enough information, many things become extremely complicated." He sighed.

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