My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 374: Resonance (three in one chapter)

The performance of the heterochromatic ugly fish climbing the waterfall on the first day was not good.

But as Kashiwagi has always said, performance can be improved, and the improved level is evidence of it. What is important is the will of the fish to dare to climb.

to be honest.

If he hadn't been very good at water, he would have wanted to set an example by rushing in and climbing up the waterfall together——

Okay, I'm just joking, this will only increase the psychological burden on the ugly fish.

And when he learned about this guy's mental journey, he basically confirmed that it was the right thing for him to choose Longmen Waterfall to become the target of confidence building for the Ugly Fish.

"Thank you for your hard work, it's obviously my responsibility."

Under the moonlight, Kashiwagi in pajamas sat next to Yuan, smiling and thanking Boscodora beside him.


Boss Cordora shook his head. It didn't do anything at all, it just said a few words to the ugly fish.

Even if it really helps the heterochromatic ugly fish, it should be done. Even if it doesn't have the status of an ace, it still has a companionship and teammate relationship with the heterochromatic Ugly Fish. It's problematic to know the other's situation but turn a blind eye.

"That's so thoughtful, Ace."

Kashiwagi leaned against Boss Cordora with emotion. The summer night in Hoenn was not particularly hot, but the cold touch from the dark skin was still very comfortable.

Vaguely, it seems that I can still feel its heartbeat.

Keeping at the same frequency as his own heartbeat, it made a soft thumping, thumping sound.

Boscodora seemed to be aware of this, and even his slightly heavy breathing slowed down, enjoying the intimacy of hugging his trainer in the quiet night.

this moment.

On the surface, their spirits are suspended between their heartbeats, but in fact, there is some deeper entanglement, as if they are about to merge into one.

But neither of them noticed it themselves.

I just want to get closer to each other and stay longer.

The Dragon Elder, who came to watch out of concern, saw this scene and stopped moving forward.


Lean less.

A smile appeared on her face and she left quietly.

At first, I was worried that Kashiwagi would not be used to living there, so I thought of coming over to chat and get to know each other better, which would also strengthen his sense of belonging to the people of the Meteor.

But from a practical point of view, the Dragon Elder knew that he was worrying too much. If he was not adaptable enough, he would never be able to enter a state of resonance with his Pokémon like this.

Sure enough, no matter what kind of background a child like Kashiwagi has or what kind of environment he grew up in, it is difficult to cover up the light in him.

"Excellent dragon trainer... No, he should be called a trainer. I hope you can continue to move forward bravely. May the Lord Dragon God protect you."

She whispered softly.

And Rayquaza, who was wandering and circling in the sky that was unknown how far away or how high, looking for meteorites from the sky, quietly glanced down.

Then he withdrew his gaze and continued to fly forward, as if nothing had happened.

A lot of meteorites will fall down later.

Hope to be full.


Unfortunately, Kashiwagi was not able to cuddle up with Boscodora for too long.

Because the three evil dragons woke up several times, they all noticed that the trainer did not return to bed, so they whimpered and came looking for him.

As a result, Kashiwagi suddenly woke up from his semi-sleep state, and together with Boss Cordora helplessly looked at the three evil dragons that rushed in front of him.

"Go back to sleep, I'm waiting for Thunder Lord to come over, be good."

He touched the three heads of the three evil dragons and half-coaxed and half-pushed the guy away.

It's nice to see Pokémon clinging to people, but it's not good to stick to people all the time. You must give other Pokémon space to get close to you, and he himself needs this opportunity.


The husky looked at the trainer pitifully, so frustrated that the dark purple hair on his neck hung down.

However, Kashiwagi still looked serious and said softly: "Go to bed!"

It had no choice but to flutter back to the bedroom, hang on the bed like a balloon and close its eyes.

The red eyes of the Galar Sun Coral on the bedside appeared and then disappeared quickly, hiding in the not-so-hard shell and snickering. It loved to see this silly dragon deflated.

Open-air edge side.

Kashiwagi couldn't help but sigh, and turned to ask Boscodora, "Am I too spoiled by the three evil dragons?"

Although he always thinks about a bowl of water, he is all-round, but humans are not machines, and the simulator does not show the length of time he has spent with a certain Pokémon, so that it is inevitable to develop a "preference."

It's okay if other Pokémon don't care, but once anyone feels that they've been left out, it means Kashiwagi's dereliction of duty.

Unless he is willing to catch it and throw it back to Huang Tiezhen like Xiao Hao, and hand it over to N who promised to help him take care of the Pokémon, and now he does have N who is looking after the big steel snake to manage it on his behalf.

Unfortunately, even the Big Steel Snake would inevitably come to him once every two days to do a physical examination, fight, and refresh his body.

It can be seen that that approach is not suitable for him.

In this case, Kashiwagi must become a master of time management.


Boscodora comforted him softly, but in his moved expression, he quietly raised a small paw, smiled teasingly and rolled his eyes, "Ho~"

There is indeed a point.

"This guy." Kashiwagi laughed.

Since he has passed the difficult "adolescence" and is no longer obsessed with territory, Boscodora's character has become more and more mature. At the same time, like the happy egg, he has changed from a recipient to a feedback recipient.

Will accept the trainer's talk and share his pressure, just like a child gradually growing from a child to a mature child.

However, this change did not cause any distance between Boscodora and him, but instead brought them closer and closer on various levels.

Kashiwagi felt that if there was a key stone in front of him at this time, he would be able to successfully complete the super evolution of Boscodora.


Even though we were in the origin of super evolution in the Hoenn region, it was difficult to obtain the key stone for a while.

What kind of test will Shijana set for herself?

He couldn't help but think about it.


The mobile phone next to me made a soft beep.

Kashiwagi looked sideways and realized that the time had already reached three o'clock in the morning. "It seems that our dear Mr. Thundermew will not come here today... Do you think he will go to Qiuye Town?"


Boss Cordora was noncommittal. It didn't know what the legendary Pokémon was thinking. It just whispered to the trainer to go to bed quickly.

Although it's nothing to endure it because of your youth, your energy the next day will be different after all.

"Don't hold on."

Kashiwagi stood up and touched its thick horns. Boscodora is a Pokémon whose horns grow longer as it gets older. This big monster of his has experienced hundreds of battles, but he is still very young.

Go back to bed.

He fell asleep silently.


The next day.

Kashiwagi woke up and looked to the bedside, and happened to see Lei Gong walking out.

"I didn't even notice when you came back!"


Lei Gong glanced at him, as if to say that there are many things that you haven't noticed.

Recalling that he almost ran to Qiuye Town last night, his teeth were a bit itchy. Fortunately, he remembered that Kashiwagi said that he might not go back, so he came over specifically to have a look, otherwise the trip would have been in vain.

But this place.

Lei Gong felt the strange fluctuations in the air and couldn't help but look at the Dragon Temple not far away.

If someone were not here, it would never come to such a strongly marked place. Not only does it want to avoid unnecessary trouble, but it is also an extremely important reason for being uncomfortable.

But now that we are here, we don’t think about it so much anymore.

"Don't leave in a hurry, finish your breakfast first."

Kashiwagi got up quickly, washed up, and prepared breakfast with Happy Egg. Last night, he specially thanked the aunt who brought the meal and declined to continue.

I believe you won’t come this morning, right?

It doesn’t matter if you come.

Most of these extreme dragon cancers will only get excited when they see dragon-type Legendary Pokémon.

Perhaps it was because he got up too early, the slightly yellowish sun had just risen in the sky, and there was no sound in Meteor Village, not even the roar of the Dragon Pokémon could be heard.

Kashiwagi watched all the Pokémon lowering their heads to eat, and saw the three evil dragons eating in a daze until their faces were buried in the food. He couldn't help but pat its head, "I'll keep you up at night!"


The three evil dragons suddenly woke up from the food, and their three heads scanned the enemies attacking them like surveillance cameras. When they found that the trainer was looking at them with an evil look, they subconsciously licked the food residue from their faces.

When it realized what had happened, it couldn't help but shrink its head angrily.

The three evil dragons would definitely not be so tired in the mornings of the past, mainly because of the wheel battle yesterday morning, plus the head-on fight with the Biting Land Shark, which was a bit overtired.

What's more, it is actually still in the adaptation period to the new body.

It has only been three or four days since it evolved.

"You guy..."

Kashiwagi pinched the cheeks of the three evil dragons hard.

Porygon finished his breakfast and silently thanked the trainer for his hard work. When he spotted the Galar Sun Coral out of the corner of his eye, he couldn't help but feel a little strange, "Pah?"

How do you feel that you are in a good mood?


Galar Sun Coral decisively denied Porygon's words implying that it was gloating about its misfortune.

"I'm not! I don't! Don't talk nonsense! 』

Porygon, who had no intention of it at all, looked away. If his visual function was not disordered, the corners of Galar Sun Coral's mouth would indeed be raised at the same time.

really weird.

Of course, it's not too entangled. It's normal for its companions to be in a good mood.

Finished a breakfast.

Galar Sun Coral wanted to go back to bed and continue sleeping, but saw Kashiwagi's gaze, "It's your turn today, 'on duty'."


Galar Sun Coral's good mood suddenly disappeared.

It’s hard to work on coral.

It flew unsteadily onto Kashiwagi's shoulder, hoping that it would not appear today.

When the three evil dragons saw that Galar Sun Coral seemed a little reluctant, they took the initiative to come over and asked in a rather dogged manner: "What?"

How about I do it for you?


Galar Sun Coral suddenly became energetic and turned her head to express her refusal.

The three evil dragons could not help but fly away with regret.

After watching the interaction between the two, Kashiwagi took off the Galar Sun Coral from his shoulders, "Why do you feel that you have a problem with the three evil dragons?"


The red eyes of the Galar Sun Coral looked directly at him, as if to say that I have a big opinion.

"Why...because it gnaws at you every morning?"

Kashiwagi thought about it for a long time and felt that the normal interaction between the two might be limited to the morning bite. Most of the time, Galar Sun Coral slept all day long.

Galar Sun Coral: "!"

"Hey, what's with that shocked expression on your face?" He twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at this once stubborn rock on the seabed quite speechlessly.

He scanned the Galar Sun Coral every day, and he was extremely sensitive to the smell of the saliva of the three evil dragons. How could he not detect it.

I just didn’t pay special attention to it.

Because based on his inherent impression of Galar Sun Coral, this guy will always fight back when attacked and will not suffer in this regard.

In addition, according to Pokémon's habits, playing and playing around really helps to strengthen the relationship.

Now it seems...

"I really didn't expect you to be bothered by this. Shouldn't you be too lazy to pay attention to this kind of thing?" Kashiwagi was curious as to why the Galar Sun Coral would care about this.

Obviously, according to its temperament, it is only one step away from the realm of "not being happy with things and not being sad with yourself".

You don't care about this little thing at all.

Galar Sun Coral's eyes turned resentful again when he heard this. Maybe it was right in the past, but after staying with the trainer for so long, its habits changed little by little.

My mood has long been unstable.

It's all your fault!

"Okay, okay, I'm going to scold the three evil dragons and tell them not to harass you in the future." Kashiwagi touched the head of Galar Sun Coral, which was gradually smoothing.

He turned around and found the three evil dragons, and scolded the latter righteously.

The three evil dragons looked confused, then looked at Galar Sun Coral in disbelief, "Whoops!"

ah! You snitch!


Galar Sun Coral corrected its statement seriously. It was obviously Xiao Bao who came to it on its own initiative, but it just cooperated a little and nodded.

How can this be considered a snitch?

No slander!

"Don't be distracted. I'm warning you once today. You are not allowed to eat the Galar Sun Coral in the future." Kashiwagi grabbed the cheek of the middle head of the three evil dragons and tried to stretch his face.


The three evil dragons raised their left and right heads in pain and nodded hard.

Kashiwagi nodded with satisfaction, "Just cooperate, what do you think?" He turned to look at Galar Sun Coral.

The latter chose to close his microphone and then started to tremble slightly.

Obviously he was very satisfied.

So he let the three not so pitiful evil dragons go.


The three evil dragons licked their faces sadly with the other two heads. They felt that their power had increased a lot since they evolved, but their trainers were becoming less and less accommodating to them.

Doesn’t it mean that he is not a baby if he is big?

not far away.

Many "adult" Pokémon looked at this farce with disdain, low laughter, or thoughtfulness...or stood up and prepared to leave.

Seeing that Raikou was about to go out, Kashiwagi quickly asked: "Will Team Rocket come today?"

Lei Gong returned the look with a "How do I know?"

"... Mainly because I have informed so many people, if they come back after a week or a month, I will be very embarrassed." He said a little embarrassed.

As the source of the news, he was somewhat uneasy that Lei Gong did not give him a shot of tranquilizer.

After all, since ancient times, you can only be a thief for a thousand days, and there is no reason to prevent a thief for a thousand days. Now the people of Meteor are ready to prepare, and Daiwu seems to be prepared, but once the time is extended, it is really difficult to say.


Lei Gong stared at him, but after a few seconds he still shook his head.

If I knew the exact time, would I still need to stay here?


Seeing that he couldn't find out anything from Thunder Lord, Kashiwagi had no choice but to give up and watch him run away.

After all, he was still curious about the source of this guy's intelligence. Could it be that Raikou had a spy in Team Rocket? Human spy? Pokémon spy?

What an unsolved mystery.

He sighed silently, turned to the Pokémon and said, "Let's clean up. It's time for us to practice."

Soon after.

Kashiwagi, who was about to start training, was suddenly approached by Jinya and others.

"Kashiwagi! Did you see it? Raikou just ran away from you!"

"The legendary Pokémon Raikou!"

"With such long teeth, he runs and roars, oooooooo!"

Several people were chattering away, their faces full of excitement about seeing some kind of spectacle.

Waiting for Kashiwagi to shake his head.

They all looked regretful, "Didn't you see? That's such a pity! You know Raikou is a Pokémon from the Johto region! I don't know why I came here."

"Indeed, I have never heard of the Thunder Guild coming to Fengyuan before."

"Speaking of which, did it go to the Dragon Temple?"

"Take a look! It would be bad if it disturbs the elders and ancestors!"

A group of people left in a hurry.

"It's so energetic."

Kashiwagi clicked his tongue.

As the sun illuminated the earth, Meteor Village seemed to suddenly come alive, with all kinds of roars and shouts coming from everywhere.

Wait until the sun rises three poles.

The dragons set off from their homes and flew towards the Meteor Falls.

These adult dragon-type Pokémon often travel between Meteor Village and Dragon Nest, playing around carefree and very enviable.

Relatively speaking, the young dragon trainers are not so relaxed and happy.

Because there is a cultural school in Meteor Village, which is specially set up for young dragon trainers who have nothing to do all day long, with the mission of making them all civilized.

The young dragon trainers were wailing, not at all as happy as when Ash went to school in Alola.

Especially when passing by Kashiwagi.

When he saw him happily cultivating various Pokémon, his wails concealing jealousy became even louder.

The short journey to school is as difficult as going to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures.

Kashiwagi quietly mourned for them.

Basic education is already very popular in mainstream areas.

Those who want to become trainers can go to trainer schools, and those who want to go to normal schools can go to normal middle schools and high schools. There are even a lot of people who go to school after returning from a trip.

Previously in Green Town, Kashiwagi asked Manmitsu why he didn't go to school since he was confused about the future.

The latter said that he was a little afraid of communicating with his peers.

I really can't cope with a place like school.


Kashiwagi would definitely not be able to cope with Kashiwagi going to school now, so he refused without even thinking about the proposal of an uncle from the Meteor People to go to school, saying that he wanted to participate in the gorgeous contest.

In fact he is very busy.

Put aside the most basic training and learning moves.

On the one hand, the Happy Egg and Big Mouth Baby must form a singing and dancing performance combination; on the other hand, they must continue to take the ugly fish with different colors to challenge Longmen Waterfall.

Happy Egg's vocal quality is definitely not as good as that of a Pokémon like Jigglypuff who was born to sing.

But it's not bad.

What Kashiwagi needs to specially cultivate is its sense of rhythm, while Big Mouth Baby dances to the rhythm... To be honest, it reminded him of Sinnoh's coordination trainer, the bard Hisashi.

This person seems to be an expert at combining music and dance.

Think of this.

He then tried to let Porygon collect competition records related to Shang Zhi, and get new inspiration from the latter's gorgeous competition performances, which would also help Happy Egg understand its responsibilities.

To be honest, Happy Egg is really not very good at understanding gorgeous and changing moves.

Perhaps the talent is focused on how to take care of and treat others. The inability to cover everything fully reveals that Pokémon also have the characteristics of being at a disadvantage.

"It's not a big problem."

After watching the first video of Hisashi's competition, Kashiwagi found that he was better at making the Speaker Cricket use [Singing] to create various colorful notes.

Create various variations based on musical notes.

"It seems that in addition to rhythm, your first topic is also how to weaken the hypnotic effect of singing and increase the number of notes." He said to the happy egg, "And we should have many ready-made teachers."


Happy Egg tilted his head in confusion.

But soon it knew what the trainer was talking about——

Kashiwagi invited a group of natural "singers" from a family of Meteor people who specialized in breeding Tanabata bluebirds, "Please teach my happy eggs to sing."



The Chinese Valentine's Day bluebirds were either puzzled or chirping. It took him a long time to understand his responsibilities, and he agreed very enthusiastically, and then surrounded the happy egg with a serious look on his face.


Today's student is you, right?

A Tanabata bluebird used its cotton wings to hold up its non-existent glasses, which it learned from its teacher at school.

Happy Egg looked at it with a slightly unpleasant look on his face.


"Chirr! Chirr!"

The cry for help was drowned out by a crowd of Chinese Valentine's Day bluebirds.

Seeing the miserable situation of Happy Egg, Big Mouth Boy couldn't help but retreat towards the trainer. Halfway through the retreat, he suddenly remembered that the culprit was the trainer.

He couldn't help but take two more steps to the side.

It's a pity that Kashiwagi still didn't let it go, "Why are you standing here? Don't dancers need to master the rhythm? You want to go too!"


"Is it possible that you want to dance yourself?"


The big-mouthed kid glanced at him angrily, then reluctantly leaned over, suddenly turned around and shouted in a rather serious tone: "Hey!"

Can trainers stay out of this?

go together!

It quickly grabbed Kashiwagi's arm, and before the latter could react at all, they rushed into the pile of Chinese Valentine's Day bluebirds and were drowned by the white fluffy feathers.

That morning, the cotton chickens successfully harvested three stupid students who were eager to learn.

At the same time, the gorgeous competition group was in full swing.

Boss Cordora and the heterochromatic ugly fish came to the small river near Meteor Village, where they planned to practice fish jumping over the dragon gate.

simply speaking--

The former controls the water flow to form a wave, and the latter takes the opportunity to jump over it, two processes.

The method was thought up by Kashiwagi. Boscodora had repeatedly stated that he wanted to help the fish, so he put some thought into this alternative method.

Can't wait to try both.

"Goo ho!"

Boss Cordora stood at the upper end of the river and roared, while the heterochromatic Ugly Fish was located downstream, blowing a big bubble to show that it was ready.


The former immediately hit the water with its claws, setting off a rolling wave approaching the heterochromatic ugly fish.

Since the first wave was tentative, the latter jumped over very easily.


Boscodora quickly asked if it felt like jumping into a waterfall.

The heterochromatic ugly fish recalled it and said it didn't look like it.


The big monster began to think.

The training method taught by the trainer is definitely correct. The problem mostly lies in the training method.


It must be caused by not using too much force.

Boscodora signaled that he would try it again. When the Chou Chou Fish was ready, he slightly raised his claws to run the attribute energy, and saw countless water vapor condensed into a bright blue water ball, which was instantly shot towards the river!


The river made a muffled sound as if it had been hit hard, and huge waves immediately rolled up and crashed into the ugly fish!

This is it!

The eyes of the heterochromatic ugly fish are slightly bright. When the wave approaches, it indeed has the power of a waterfall. Although there is still a big difference, it is enough as a training method!


It suddenly swung its tail and jumped, its small body drawing an arc in mid-air, its slightly shabby purple scales reflecting the brilliance of the sun, and then——

He was washed away by the waves.

"Goo ho!?"

Boscodora was startled, and immediately became confused and panicked.

Fortunately, the heterochromatic ugly fish swam out of the water quickly and spit out bubbles to show that there was nothing wrong with it.

This made the big monster relax.



Faced with the question of whether to continue to maintain the power just now, the heterochromatic ugly fish gave an affirmative answer.

Just like the trainer said, break through layer by layer.

You will definitely gain something!


The heterochromatic ugly fish swung its tail, exposed its body unreservedly to the sun, and silently sang a hymn of unyielding to fate.

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