My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 376 The “Medicine” Girl

The scene changes.

The school turned from night to day.

The female student walked forward quickly with her schoolbag on her back. Many students stopped in the originally empty corridor, and words flashed through the bubbles on their heads.

[You heard someone discussing the bombing of the classroom that was discovered this morning. You lowered your head guiltily and sped up to the class]

Isn't this transition too fast?

Kashiwagi was originally curious about how the female students would deal with Mimikyu, but in the end, he just came to daytime without giving any conclusion.

Released? Conquered?

Personally, he prefers the latter.

The female student entered her class under his watch and quickly found two girls of the same age.

[You saw the two classmates you were betting with and quickly approached them, but you didn't expect that the other party's excited expressions looked like they had seen a ghost when they saw you, and they quickly took a few steps back. When you look at their movements, you feel a little enlightened for a moment]

The female student obviously realized that there were two fakes among the ghosts she encountered last night, but she didn't seem to care. She continued to get closer and took out a weird puppet hugging a worn-out Pikachu puppet from her backpack.

[You tell them that the truth about the monster legend in the school is actually the secretly staying Mimikyu Q, and point out the fact that the other two people pretended to be ghosts last night. Unexpectedly, the other party denied it and angrily thought that Mimikyu was an excuse for you to prevaricate at will]

The female student saw the two men talking harshly, with bubbles floating on their heads and messy lines, and was obviously disturbed to the point of being speechless.


She returned to her seat feeling bored and began to interact with Mimikyu who got into her backpack. At this time, her wooden owl just flew in outside the window.

One person and two Pokémon pupate in the form of cartoon pixels, and the bubbles on their heads are constantly changing with various expressions.

[You discovered through communication last night that Mimikyu is afraid of the sun, afraid of strangers, and wants to live in harmony with others, so you and Mumuxiao became friends with Mimikyu]

The class is not big, but there are a little more students than Xiaozhi’s class——

No one greeted the female students.

"Pokémon karma is good, but popularity with people is not so good..."

Kashiwagi looked at the "lonely" scene of the female student, and was a little curious about why the latter didn't have any friends in the Pokémon school, given her fearless character and ability to actively communicate with others.

Those two female students?

Perhaps before seeing the performance just now, there was still a possibility that he was joking and deliberately teasing her last night, but now it seems that the nature of the "tit-for-tat" between the two parties has been completely confirmed.

Could it be that he is a transfer student like Xiaozhi?

While Kashiwagi was thinking, he saw the female student suddenly being called out by a pixelated figure with the appearance of a teacher, and brought to an office for a conversation. As expected, the content was related to the explosion traces in another classroom.

Sure enough, if the school wanted to investigate, it would be easy even if no security personnel found the female students.


The teachers at the Pokémon School are obviously more tolerant, and there is also a "live treasure" among the interrogators-Nariya Omu, who likes to add the name of the Pokémon with the final sound at the end of the sentence and imitate the appearance of that Pokémon. .

It's like a strange creature.

[You admitted your mistake to Principal Omu and the teacher, and they forgave you very tolerantly and asked you if you could get used to school life. Because you have just arrived in the Alola region, and at least a week ago, you were living in the Kalos region with your mother]

Really moving...

Kashiwagi feels that Alola is livable enough, otherwise why would so many people go to the Alola area? Maybe when the Orei area develops, he can go to Alola to spend his remaining years when he is older?

Anyway, when the timeline reaches that point, all the events that need to be solved have been solved by Xiaozhi, and he is not afraid of the ultimate beasts or anything like that.

at the same time.

The female student in the simulation returns to class.

But it was different from the empty scene near her seat. As soon as she sat down, a large number of classmates gathered around her and asked her about last night.

Some asked what happened yesterday, and some asked her how she bombed the school, and whether it was a Pokémon that did it——

Although it was impossible to tell who asked the last question through the narration, Kashiwagi felt that if the school was bombed next time, there was nothing wrong with asking this person.

[You hear your classmates curiously asking you questions, and you answer them all very friendly, whether it is betting with others on whether there are monsters in the school, or how you can develop grenades using tree fruits and Pokémon scale powder]


Another pharmacist?

Kashiwagi looked at the female student with some surprise. He remembered that the heroine Man Yue in the special episode was also a pharmacist, but as of now... the female student was more aggressive.

After all, the full moon makes medicine to treat Pokémon, and the female student makes medicine to bomb Pokémon. Maybe it would be better to call her a chemist.

Unfortunately, looking at the various pixel-style backgrounds, it can be seen that the female students are from an earlier era, and most of them, such as Mao, Suiren, and Lillie, are not old enough to go to school.

Maybe not even born yet.

Seeing that the originally lonely female student had become so popular, the bubbles popping up on the heads of the two female classmates who had previously pretended to be ghosts meant that they were quite dissatisfied.

So the cynicism started.

[You heard the two people saying that you are so powerful, why don’t you challenge the ‘Island Tour’? It was the first time you heard this term and you were very interested and asked the others about the content]

[After you learned about the content of the ‘Island Tour’, you immediately announced that you were going to challenge it, but the classmates around you hesitated after hearing this. The two people even smiled exaggeratedly to show that the island tour is extremely serious and difficult in the Alola region. How could a girl like her, who had just arrived, be able to successfully challenge it?

These two people... have great potential to become a skeleton team.

Kashiwagi looked at the narrator with a strange expression.

Such standardized villains are really rare these days. Maybe only in the animation background can such talents be born?

He couldn't help but mourn for the female students.

Speaking of which, the female student really has the potential to be a hot-blooded girl (silly young girl). She just listens to a few words from others and expresses her desire to challenge without even understanding it deeply.

If it weren't for the blue talent, he would really be worried about this guy's future.

[You ignored their words. You only had curiosity and yearning for the island tour. When you came to a strange land, you couldn't wait to do something.]


His acting style is rather commendable.

Doing things out of anger and doing things out of interest are two extremes. You don't have to be a stupid girl.

Kashiwagi nodded with satisfaction, and the simulated scene was temporarily frozen with bubbles on their heads showing mocking expressions, and the female student ignored them.

The screen dimmed quickly, then slowly lit up.

The female student who was still in the class now came to the principal's office.

[You learned more about the island tour from Principal Omu, including the challenge process - greeting the King of the Islands and accepting the test. And on Melemele Island where you are, the name of the king of the island is Hala, and he currently lives in Lili Town]

I didn't ask Dr. Kukui. Is it possible that Kukui is still studying in this era?

While Kashiwagi was making his guess, the female students had already run out of the school with Mimuki and Mimikyu and rushed towards the small town of Lili. Their furious appearance made passers-by look at them with suspicion.

Unfortunately, her physical strength was obviously not enough to support her across such a long distance.

He didn't run for long before he stopped and began to pant.

[You deeply feel sorry for your weaker physique, but fortunately you are very lucky to catch a ride]

The so-called hitchhiking is actually a kentero cart carrying many fruits.

The other party was planning to go back to Lili Town, and when he saw that the female student seemed to be planning to go too, he gave her a ride.


This trip didn't seem to be going so smoothly.

When the Kentero car reached an uphill slope, its speed inevitably slowed down, and strange red lights suddenly lit up in the surrounding jungle.

The next moment.

A large number of Alola Rattas and Rattata emerged from the jungle. These black rat Pokémon knocked over the truck without any explanation, and immediately began to snatch the fruits scattered on the ground.

The uncle who was driving the car had bubbles on his head and looked anxious.

When the female students encountered this kind of thing, they naturally wouldn't ignore it. They sent out Mumu Xiao and Mimikyu to attack those Alola Radas, and at the same time, they took out a bunch of small balls from somewhere and threw them out.

The Bomb Mania is about to begin?

Kashiwagi's eyes widened, but after the ball exploded, there was no fire, but a wave of golden powder spewed out. All the Alola Rada and Alola Rada who smelled the powder fell to the ground and twitched. .

[Seeing how effective the paralysis bullet is, you nodded with satisfaction]

Paralysis bullet...

Did he turn out to be a weapon master whose skill focus is different from that of Sister Xiangxuan and Man Yue?

The wooden owl in the picture flapped its wings to disperse the powder, preventing them from affecting its own side. The driver driver was already dumbfounded, thinking that this was the first time he had seen such a scene in so many years of his life.

The attacker fell to the ground.

A brown-skinned man with slightly gray hair quickly ran out of the screen and saw huge exclamation marks popping up on the heads of all the Alola Rada and Alola Rada.

Then the little brown man started talking with the driver and the female student.

[You learn from the visitor’s self-introduction that the other person is Hala, the King of the Islands. After greeting him, you can’t wait to express your desire to participate in the island tour. But the other party looked at the wild Pokémon lying on the ground and asked you how you did it]

[You told him that you used paralysis bombs, a thing made from pink butterfly paralysis powder and tree fruits. It would not have much impact on these bandit-like Alola Ladas and Little Ladas, but it would A little lesson from them]

[You have received the approval of Hala, the king of the island, and have received the first test - to control Alola Rada and Little Rada who have recently been ravaging the fields and Kentero cars]

The Island Tour consists of trials, great trials, and great trials.

The most basic test involves not only fighting Pokémon, but also completing a variety of special challenges, including but not limited to finding objects, solving problems, etc.

Kashiwagi saw that the test Hala gave to the female students was to control the raging Alola Rada and Rattata, and thought that the latter would probably go to find Inspector Meerkat and Little Meerkat. These two Pokémon are Alola The "natural enemies" of Rattata and Rattata, I am absolutely professional at driving them away.


He thinks too much.

How could a female student, an outsider with few local friends, know about the existence of Inspector Meerkat and Little Meerkat like Xiaozhi did?

Moreover, hot-blooded girls often only use the simplest method - knock on the door!

She directly chose to follow the recovered Alola Rada and Little Rada, and found their lair along the way.

And of course he met the overlord Alolalada.

This fat guy was lying on a bare rock mountain, lazily eating the tree fruits provided by his brothers.

[Looking at the extremely huge Alolalada, you realize that that guy is probably the boss of these bandits. So you stood up, hoping to have a one-on-one duel with it, and said that if you won, it must restrain its younger brothers and prevent them from attacking the fields and Kentero cars indiscriminately]

Kashiwagi: "...I really belong to you."

He watched the female student stand up majestically, not panicking at all despite being surrounded by a large number of Alola Rada and Little Rada, and he could already imagine what would happen next.


As evil-type Pokémon, Alolarada would obviously not accept the female student's proposal.

So when they pounced on them, the female student decisively took out a large number of bombs from her pocket and threw them around -

Bang bang bang!

Various explosion light effects continued to appear on the screen, and by the time those bubbles disappeared and Mu Mu Xiao used his wings to fan away the smoke, most of the overlord Alolalada's younger brothers had already fallen.

You should be the demolition genius!

It was really the first time for Kashiwagi to see a trainer who chose him. Although he probably used "technical" means, it was an exaggeration to be able to defeat so many Alolaladas alone.

The overlord Alolalada had no choice but to accept the female student's challenge.

Fortunately, the latter learned the details of the island tour from Principal Oak, who understood that the battle with the Overlord Pokémon was different, so he did not fight it on his own, but chose to use Mimikyu and Mimikyu in a proper manner. .

But even in Pokémon battles, the abilities of female students are extraordinary.

Mumuxiao has inherited the trainer's talent in bombs very well. He is very good at playing with seed bombs and energy balls. He exploded to the point where the overlord Alolalada was still in a panic even if he activated the overlord's aura. He wanted to kill him with destruction several times. The light was interrupted.


The flying speed of Mumu Owl is fast and stealthy. As long as it burrows into the nearby woods, the overlord Alolalada will not know where it has gone, and can only be bombed in vain.

In the end, the overlord Alolalada surrendered before even Mimikyu Q could appear.

A smile appeared on the victorious female student's head, and she quickly prepared a paralysis-relieving bomb using the materials available in the place, returning all the Alola Rada and Rattata to normal, and healing the wounds of the overlord Alola Rada.

The latter, perhaps a little grateful, jumped on the spot and gave the female student a black prism crystal.

The prismatic crystal is magnified in front of the cypress.

"What's so bad..."

[You have received a gift from the overlord Alolalada - Z Pure Crystal]

This is undoubtedly the first Z pure crystal that a female student has received, and there are more smiles on her forehead.

Afterwards, she brought the overlord Alola Rada to the island king Hala, saying that the latter had made a promise not to harass farmland and farmers in the future, but hoped to get some tree fruits to fill his stomach.

The Alola region advocates the coexistence of humans and Pokémon, so naturally they will not refuse to agree to this small request.


Hala: "..."

Kashiwagi saw the ellipsis on the island king's forehead and understood that he probably wanted to teach female students to learn to use non-combat methods to solve problems and better understand the natural ecology of the Alola region, and the relationship between Pokémon and people. The relationship between——

Just like he taught Xiaozhi later.

It's a pity that the female student's work style is too fast and fiery, and she is also very skillful. She actually understands the principle of catching the thief first and kills the overlord Alolalada directly.

Hala was confused for a moment and tried to ask the female student a question.

[When you hear Hala, the king of the island, ask you how you will complete this test if you fail to defeat the overlord Alola Rada, tell him that you will find a way to find the one who has governed Alola Rada in the Alola region since ancient times. means. But it’s your personal style to battle and form friendships with wild Pokémon, so you adopt the same approach as you are accustomed to]

When Hala in the picture heard these words, the knot on her forehead quickly turned into a smile.

It seems that he is quite satisfied with this answer.

[You heard that the king of the island, Hala, agreed that you passed the test. You were extremely excited and excited, and couldn't wait to participate in the big test. Hala agreed]

Big test.

That is, a battle with the King of the Island.

It just so happened that Hala's rule was a two-on-two singles battle, and the Pokémon he used were all fighting attributes, so the female student's attributes were more advantageous.

This is true when it comes to fighting.

Owl gave full play to its maneuverability as a flying Pokémon, constantly bombarding Hala's Iron Palm with seed bombs, just like a bombing chicken.

The moment the Iron Palm warrior showed signs of fatigue, Mumu Xiao dived towards him.

Unexpectedly, this seemed to be Hara's trap. The island king completed the charging of Fighting Z as quickly as possible, allowing the Iron Palm warrior to hit Mu Mu Xiao with [Full Power Unparalleled Fierce Punch].

Even the picture of this move shown by the simulator is extremely exaggerated. Half of the screen is almost covered by numerous golden fist shadows. It is not difficult to see that the power of Z move is really terrifying.

But after the smoke cleared, what appeared in the venue was not Mumu Xiao but Mimikyu.

[You told Hala that your Mumu Xiao used the baton at the critical moment to successfully end his life in exchange for Mimikyu Q. The latter was surprised and a little impressed]

Even the Z move cannot break through the attribute affinity.

It didn't take long for Iron Palm to fall to Mimikyu's play, and Hala's second Pokémon, Crab, couldn't withstand the attacks of the two Pokémon.

The female student finally successfully passed the test and grand test of Melemele Island, and gained the approval of the island king, Hala.

And got the Z bracelet and flying Z from the latter.

Originally, the King of the Island wanted to give her the Fighting Z, but considering that female students were not suitable for this attribute, they changed it to the Flying Z so that she could just use it.

[You have obtained the Z bracelet and Flying Z, and successfully passed the test of Melemele Island. It is time to move to the next island]

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