My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 380 It’s still young!

Not long after.

The swaying big steel snake came to the vicinity of Meteor Falls.

In order to avoid being too ostentatious, it always flies as close to the top of the tree as possible. Unfortunately, this approach will only scare the wild Pokémon on the ground after scaring the wild Pokémon in the sky.

I wonder which Pokémon would be happy picking fruit from a tree, but not nervous when it looks up and sees a huge thing flying past its head.

It feels almost like a plane flying about ten meters above you.

After Kashiwagi discovered this, he decisively ordered the big steel snake to fly higher, and was worried that he would be visited by Miss Junsha again.

Fortunately, the area around Meteor Village does not seem to be within Miss Junsha's jurisdiction.

"I was almost invited to tea."

He jumped down in front of the familiar cave entrance and touched the huge teeth of the big steel snake.


The latter was completely incomprehensible.

"Ha... I can't understand what's normal. Anyway, thank you for your hard work. Let's take a rest." Kashiwagi thanked the big steel snake for a few words. He originally planned to call it over to get close to it, but he didn't expect that now it looked more like calling him. A flying one.

Treat it well in the evening.

He put the big steel snake back into the ball and walked towards the inside of Meteor Falls.

After coming here two or three times, he naturally memorized the route, and it was difficult to get lost. What was even more strange was that wild Pokémon would not run away when they saw him, and would only glance at him before continuing to do their own thing.

"Is it possible that they can see that I have the title of People of the Meteor on my head?"

Kashiwagi thought for a few seconds and gave up this unrealistic fantasy.

Maybe I remembered the smell.

When passing through the rumbling Longmen Waterfall, the Poké Ball that the heterochromatic ugly fish was sitting on vibrated twice, as if it wanted to continue the challenge.

"Don't be anxious, take a good rest."

Kashiwagi patted the pokeball.

Yesterday when we were climbing the waterfall, this guy didn't pay attention. He collided with a wild Magikarp that fell down and lost a lot of its scales, which made him very distressed.

But the heterochromatic ugly fish itself didn't react at all, as if it couldn't feel any pain.

He understood that it was because the former regarded climbing the Longmen Falls as the most important thing in life, and even injuries were not within its scope of concern.

Seeing this, Kashiwagi gave all the Pokémon a holiday.

Having sincere wishes is a good thing, but being too extreme and crazy is not.

In the blink of an eye, he passed by the territory of Sun Rock and Moon Rock. These two Pokémon appear at very fixed times. One comes out when there is sunlight, and the other comes out when there is moonlight.

On cloudy days, all rest.

Such peculiar ecological habits are rare to see in games.

Finally, the dragon's nest is close at hand.

Kashiwagi slowed down and walked out of the cave, immediately attracting the attention of two crustaceans resting near the entrance of the cave.

The three of them stared at each other, and then the crustaceans lay down silently and looked away indifferently.

"...I really don't have any words in my head?"

He glanced above his head. There were white clouds floating in the blue sky, but there was nothing there.

It was only the second time that I came to the dragon's nest, so these dragon Pokémon already knew me? It's magical enough.

Kashiwagi was originally ready to call the three evil dragons over, but seeing this scene now, he inexplicably wanted to go over and see what the three evil dragons were doing at this time.

So, he walked along the river on the edge of the dragon's nest, looking for the three evil dragons.

As we walked forward, we were surrounded by various dragon-type Pokémon.

Although no one came up to hit him or bite him, it somehow made him feel a little scared. Why were you looking at him like that? Flowers on your face?

Don't quite understand.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long. Kashiwagi soon heard the broken voice of his own husky dragon. Only his three evil dragons could scream hoarsely and yet so energetically.

He hurriedly ran in the direction of the sound, and then he saw a scene that almost made his jaw drop.

The three evil dragons were being stuck and dragged by various dragon-type Pokémon, and were being rubbed all over their bodies. They even made some strange belly-turning postures.


The three evil dragons looked at them extremely troubled, their expressions full of confusion and confusion.

"Please... I?"

Kashiwagi, who was well-informed, could see the purpose of these guys at a glance. After being stunned, his expression quickly changed, and he hurriedly ran in the direction of the three evil dragons, shouting as he ran, "Underage! No! Absolutely not! Let go!" Drive my dragon! You shameless guys!"

The three-headed evil dragon is just over a year old. Although it has evolved into its final form, it is still young!

Looking for a spouse or something is a no-no! He must be at least five years old!

He couldn't accept that his underage dragons were seduced by the female dragons in the dragon's nest. This was no longer the level of driving a big car, it was a crime! One hundred percent crime!

The three evil dragons who heard the trainer's voice showed surprise on their faces, howled and broke away from the female dragons, and flew over like tears of joy.


It grabbed Kashiwagi's hands with its left and right mouths, and kept rubbing its face with its face, showing a frightened look.

Since it was strictly prohibited from biting the trainer's head by Pokémon such as Boscordora, it could only show its intimacy in this way, but it felt surprisingly good.

not far away.

The female dragons looked at each other with strange expressions in their eyes when they saw this scene.

"It's gone! It's all gone! Don't think about those things all the time, it's true every day!" Kashiwagi took out a hand and tried to drive away those dragon-type Pokémon.

But how could these dragon Pokémon, which Zi Ye was accustomed to, be so obedient? Instead of leaving, they actively came closer.

Until a roar came from his forehead.


The female dragons trembled and retreated in unison.

Kashiwagi took out his other hand and wiped it twice without leaving any trace on the hair of the three evil dragons. He looked at them with some surprise, "You are quite powerful. How can you drive them all away with just such a roar?"


The three evil dragons looked at him triumphantly, swung their tails rather disgustingly, and slapped him on the legs.

"It hurts, don't hit me."

Kashiwagi smiled and patted its head, and then ran to the nearby river to wash his hands to prevent the saddle made by Mr. Qingshan from being corroded by saliva.

However, before he could take out his backpack, a short figure emerged from the bushes nearby, followed by many dragon Pokémon who came to watch.

"Who do I think I am? A group of dragons ran over to me and yelled at me. It turned out to be you! Kashiwagi boy!"

The visitor was clearly the old man Qingliu who had brought him into the village.

"Grandpa Qingliu! Why are you here?"

Kashiwagi said unexpectedly: "Aren't you at the gate of the village?"

"Hi! Come and have a look if you have nothing to do!"

When Old Man Qingliu heard that sound, his grandfather was overjoyed on the spot, his expression softened instantly, and he said, "Is he here to pick up your family's evil master?"

He was stunned, "The devil incarnate?"

Then he turned to look at the three evil dragons.

The latter turned all three heads away rather guiltily, refusing to look at the trainer.

"What do you mean? Is it causing trouble?" Kashiwagi chose to ask the old man Qingliu.

"It's no trouble."

Old Man Qingliu pinched his not too long white beard and said with a smile: "When you first came to the dragon's nest, you were very quiet. Your reaction was completely different when I was around you. I thought I had seen it wrong."


"Then I got picked on."

Old Man Qingliu said matter-of-factly: "All the dragons in the Dragon's Nest must position themselves correctly. Regardless of their current appearance of prosperity, in fact this is all caused by the separation of statuses."

After hearing this, Kashiwagi had a simple idea of ​​what was going to happen next, and went to look at the fur of the three evil dragons, but found no wounds.

As expected.

"Your dragon didn't say hello to 'big brother' when he arrived, so he was picked on by three young Tyrannosaurus. These strong guys have always been the overlords here, and almost all the females admire them."

The old man Qingliu took out a pipe from nowhere and started to smoke without lighting any tobacco. "Your dragon is so big that it attracted the attention of many females. They saw it as a provocation, so they prepared to beat you." The dragon has a meal, and the result is... look over there."

He pointed his pipe at a cave far away, where three unnatural-looking Tyrannosauruses were huddled there.

"He's no match for me at all. He can be solved in one face-to-face encounter."

Old Man Qingliu was very emotional.

Kashiwagi nodded, looked at the smoke gun again and said, "What are you doing?"

"I quit smoking early, but occasionally I will smoke twice out of habit." Old Man Qingliu waved his hand and put away the pipe, "Anyway, I smoked one after another. Your dragon fought ten games in a row, and won ten of the ten battles. It's so fierce. It seems that the dragon is afraid of dragons and has become the strongest among the young dragons. At least that was the case before Shijana's Tyrannosaurus was gone."

"Then why is it not injured..."

"There is a spring over there. The spring water has the effect of accelerating healing. Your dragon has not been seriously injured, so it will naturally heal faster."

"I see!"

"Speaking of which, I'm very curious about the character of your dragon. How did you cultivate it to be so fierce? It even scares me when I look at it." Old Man Qingliu asked curiously.

"It's just a normal it very ferocious?"

Kashiwagi looked at the three evil dragons. The three evil dragons rubbed their big heads against his face. There was no trace of aggression at all, and they looked more and more like a husky.

He couldn't help but imagine that this guy had two dragons.

Old Man Qingliu continued: "But you should be happy for it. It will definitely not worry about finding a mate. There are so many female dragons in the dragon nest, whether they are of the same race or other races, they all fall in love with it at first sight anyway."

"Well, let's talk about this's still young..."


Old Man Qingliu looked up at the Husky Dragon, which was much larger than the three ordinary evil dragons. There was a question mark on his forehead.

"I mean age! It's only over a year old! It's definitely not okay for it to be over one year old. This is not the level of puppy love. It's absolutely not okay."

At this time, Kashiwagi was like a pedantic parent.

Old Man Qingliu was extremely happy to see him.

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