My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 408 Grass “Fierce”

A huge mushroom cloud was accompanied by strong ground tremors.

A shock wave like a wall of air swept through everything, and the sandstorm used to obscure the sight connected with the gravel on the ground flying everywhere, making a whooshing sound like a bullet, hitting the jungle, hitting the big trees, and some slow-running onlookers. The crowd was inevitably hit by one or two bullets and screamed in pain.

Rotom swayed in the sky, trying his best to steady himself in the strong wind.

It's somewhat regretful.

I wanted to prove to Kashiwagi that Rotom was not a troublesome Pokémon, but I didn't expect this guy to do such a big thing, and it almost scared him to death.

Big explosions often happen, but not so powerful.

Fortunately, the foundation of the Purple Corydalis is stable enough, and the battle site is near a specially repaired and safe place. Otherwise, it would be an earthquake or a big explosion, and it would be possible to directly explode the sewer to expose the new Purple Corydalis at the bottom.


Most of the power is only within the battlefield, and what spreads out is nothing more than sound effects and smoke. Even pebbles cannot fly too far.

Most of Pokémon's moves have the characteristic of concentrated power, which means that as long as they are not within the core range of the move's damage, they will not suffer much damage from the aftermath of the explosion alone.

At least that's the case for humans in the Pokémon world. Turning around and running away is more about not wanting to be disgraced, and it doesn't matter if you get hit by a rock, it's quite painful.

Naturally, Kashiwagi, who was wearing a lava suit, stood there without flinching. At most, he covered his mouth and nose to prevent excessive dust inhalation.

He was more worried about the condition of Tetsuya opposite him.

The trainer is closest to the field, and the opponent does not have a lava suit to protect him. He might be blown away by the shock wave, although the probability of injury is low...

But what if?

Not to mention that the battle is not over yet, to be honest, a "friendly" battle to this extent is a little too much, and it would not be good to injure someone.

The venue is too restrictive.

Kashiwagi couldn't help but sigh inwardly. If the two of them were at the Alliance Conference venue, why would they need to worry about such a thing? The length of the main venue was more than a hundred meters, and the width and area were nearly 10,000 square meters. .

With such a large range, even a super-giant steel snake can unleash itself wantonly.

But this battleground in Central Park...

The scope is really not large, so even if it is located inside the Purple Corydalis, as many as five or six can be set up without affecting other facilities such as lawns, flower beds and streets.

The breeze blows.

The thick smoke gradually dispersed.

A devastated and messy site was revealed, with most of the site sunken, revealing a terrifying irregular pit——

It should have been dug out by the big steel snake.

In addition, it was shaken once by Metagross with an earthquake. The already fragile soil layer was unable to hold up due to being hollowed out, and collapsed on the spot under the influence of the big explosion.

No wonder there was so much movement on the ground just now!

Tetsuya's figure appeared in the distance. Although his clothes were covered with dust and he sat on the ground, looking at the huge pit with his eyes blankly, he should not be injured.


He used the cypress fan to blow away the smoke, and after searching left and right, he found Metagross and the Big Steel Snake lying on both ends. Their eyes had turned into circles, and their bodies were covered with dust and sand, as if they had been affected by the big explosion. The influence is gone.

No wonder Tetsuya was so shocked.

Since the Big Steel Snake was the releaser of the big explosion, the situation was inevitably a bit more miserable than Metagross. Not only was it buried in sand and gravel, but wisps of smoke also came out of its mouth and joints.

But if you look closely, you can see a bit of joy on this guy's face.

It looked like it was worth it even if I lost it.



Kashiwagi knew very well that this was because the Steel Snake was in a good mood after fighting a strong enemy for the first time in a long time and successfully won.

This guy hasn't had a big fight with a qualified opponent for a while, and now not only did he fight against the two main Pokémon that were the previous tournament champions, he even defeated them.

Boscodora doesn't have such glorious treatment, how can he be unhappy?

Of course, what makes the Big Steel Snake happiest is that the trainer agrees with his decision and allows it to use the big explosion to fight with all its strength and use its remaining physical strength to die with Metagross.

Perhaps there is a better option of taking a break.

But it was unwilling.

Now that it can come to the battlefield and get the opportunity to fight a strong enemy, it wants to keep fighting until it defeats all enemies or falls down.

It was precisely because Kashiwagi felt the strong will of the Big Steel Snake that he deliberately exposed his flaws and then chose to use the big explosion.

Aerial Rotom, who returned successfully, read loudly:

"Metrogross and the Big Steel Snake lost their ability to fight at the same time!"

"Thanks a lot."

He and Tetsuya retrieved the two fallen Pokémon into their balls.

The big steel snake fainted, and it must be praised. After all, it defeated two powerful enemies.

to be honest.

As a competitor in the Aiyou Tournament, Tetsuya, as the winner, obviously had better results than the runner-up, Manmitsu, but his overall strength gave him a feeling that he was not as good as Manmitsu.

Of course, he also knew that a large part of the reason was that his Pokémon had become stronger.

Although the upgrade rate of high-level Pokémon like Big Steel Snake is not high, the various ability values ​​have been greatly improved compared to the past, which is the so-called effort value.

Therefore, even if the level still does not exceed level 70, the combat effectiveness is no longer what it used to be.

But putting this aside, Kashiwagi still felt that Tetsuya was not as good as Mitsuru.

Is it because "Ace" didn't play?

He thought of Tetsuya's Meowth. Even though he was small and unevolved, in fact, his combat power was the same as that of Pikachu, a wall-mounted Pokémon far superior to the evolved one.

It's a pity that Meow Meow has just finished fighting Bonnie's Ice Ghost Guard, otherwise Tetsuya would definitely let him fight.

Kashiwagi couldn't help but feel regretful.

At this time, the onlookers who had fled away also came back, looking at the huge pit with awe on their faces. They had only seen such a destructive battle on TV and computers. Who would have thought that they could witness it with their own eyes today.

Gym battles might not be that exciting, right?

Can this fight continue?

——Of course it’s possible.

Kashiwagi took out the Poke Ball from his pocket.

"It starts with you, and it should end with you, please!"


The light flickers.

The sun coral fell into the deep pit, but it failed to levitate immediately. Instead, it bounced like an ordinary stone several times and rolled to the bottom of the pit before stopping.


It stretched out its smoke-like tentacles tremblingly, turned around and raised its head, its eyes extremely resentful.

You don't even say a word in advance before letting someone come on stage?

"Well, I thought you heard me."

Kashiwagi said awkwardly, and quickly changed the subject, "Oh! Stop being stunned! Your opponent is here!"

Not far away, I saw Tetsuya releasing the Lizard King, and deliberately chose the remaining flat land outside the pit, so that the Lizard King could occupy the upper and lower positions to deal with the Sun Coral.

The moment he landed, the burning marks on this guy's body suddenly turned into flames and burned!



The Lizard King half-knelt on the ground, showing pain.

"Hold on to the Lizard King! Use photosynthesis!" Tetsuya shouted.

After the sandstorm was dispersed by the aftermath of the big explosion, the voices of the trainers on both sides became clear again.

The Lizard King raised his head, and the six yellow fruits on his back lit up white in the sunlight, followed by a flickering yellow light appearing on his body, and the burn marks on his body seemed to be healing.

"The body-fixing method!"

A flash of blue light suddenly lit up from the Lizard King, and the photosynthesis that had only started for less than a second was immediately interrupted. Not only that, his ability to move was also restricted, and he was slightly suspended in the air.

The source of the blue light comes from the sun coral in the giant crater.

Tetsuya was shocked, "Lizard King!"

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible to hit such a strong control attack at the speed of the Lizard King, but Photosynthesis is not a move that can be used while moving.

Tetsuya rashly ordered photosynthesis, which was undoubtedly giving him a chance.


This can't be blamed on him. The burnt Lizard King is in critical condition. He will have to wait until he faints without photosynthesis recovery. Furthermore, his knowledge of the Galar Sun Coral is limited to the illustrated information.

There is a huge difference between what is shown in the illustrated book and what is actually used. Who knew that Sun Coral's mental control ability is so fast.

In addition, the geographical advantage controlled by the Lizard King gave Zheya a sense of peace of mind...

As a result, Kashiwagi, who had the powerful weapon of information gap, successfully suppressed the Lizard King again.

Just one move.

Tetsuya clenched his fists, "Lizard King, break free! You can do it!"

The sun coral slowly flew up from the giant pit, approaching the Lizard King at a slow speed but with a trend visible to the naked eye. This sense of oppression caused the struggling Lizard King to hallucinate.

It seemed that what was approaching was not the sun coral but a terrifying black mist.

The strange shadow seemed to devour it, revealing its sharp claws and bloody mouth——


The Lizard King's body trembled, and a green light overflowed from his body, suppressing the blue light of the Immobilization Technique!


There was an explosion in the void, and it broke free from the shackles of the body fixation method and regained freedom. A surge of power surged in the body, and even the pain of the burn became dull.

The green light ignited like a flame, and the Lizard King looked like a Super Saiyan at this moment.

It looked at the Sun Coral not far away, its pair of topaz-like eyes filled with sharp light.

"Luxury properties!"

Tetsuya was surprised at first and then overjoyed. As a characteristic that was once exclusive to the grass-type Yusanjia, it might be a bit useless in the game, but in the animation, there was a Berserker Flame Monkey that used fierce fire to become a violent one, and even once completed the feat of locking blood.

Looking at his long-term battles, the number of times Mao Sheng is triggered is not many... maybe it is possible to turn defeat into victory!

"Flying Leaf Storm!"

He opened his mouth and shouted, and the Lizard King started to move.

The next moment.

"Strange light!"

The sun coral suspended in the air suddenly turned into a huge flash bomb, and the strange colorful light was like a gorgeous kaleidoscope.

The Lizard King's eyes were stunned as emerald green leaves just flew up from his body. His pupils lost focus for an instant, and then the storm of flying leaves started to hit the sky.

Hula la la——

The burning green light enhanced the power of the flying leaf storm, but it could not free it from the chaotic state.

The smile on Tetsuya's face completely froze.

What was more painful than despair was that he had had a brief moment of hope before. He looked at the calm-looking Cypress in the distance. He didn't seem surprised at all that the Lizard King would trigger the lush characteristic.

But there is no doubt that the chaos became the last straw for the Lizard King.

Because its lushness is not the fierce fire of the Flame Monkey, although it can greatly increase the power of grass-type moves, it cannot bring about the magical ability of locking blood.

Therefore, no matter how Tetsuya tried to wake up the Lizard King with his voice, it was in a burning and chaotic state and would never have a chance to turn over. The Sun Coral successfully "committed suicide" without waiting for the disaster to come alone.

He hit a rock at the bottom of the pit with a loud bang, rolled his eyes and fainted quickly.

A little bit playful.

But Strange Light is really useful, especially against the Berserker Pokémon that has a sudden increase in ability but not much physical strength left.

Kashiwagi is not so stubborn that he wants Sun Coral to fight the Lizard King head-on.

Let's not talk about whether we can fight hard or not, Sun Coral is not going to take the aggressive route, why should we compete with other people's main output?

An aerial shot of Rotom descending, read aloud:

"The Lizard King loses the ability to fight, and Sun Coral wins! The final winner is - Sun Coral's side!"

After a while.

The applause sounded sparsely and gradually became enthusiastic.

Some trainers who originally wanted to fight Kashiwagi or Tetsuya looked at the giant pit in the field and chose to retreat.

Can't beat it, can't beat it.


Kashiwagi breathed a sigh of relief, the fight was finally over.

Through this battle, he also had an estimate of his current strength.

Big Steel Snake can only be ranked fourth in the team in terms of hard power, but he can defeat Tetsuya's two Pokémon in a row, proving that his strength should be higher than that of ordinary tournament champions, and also surpasses that of ordinary gyms. host.

But how far is it from being a king?

To be honest, in the previous versions of the animated journey, there was a clear gap in strength between the kings and ordinary trainers. The disparity in combat power between the two was terrifying. Unless it was a mythical beast man like Dakdo, otherwise ordinary conferences The champion just delivers food.

I wonder if there is a chance to fight Bonnie...

He thought with some longing, but also regretted that the Pokémon World Championship has not yet started.

I guess the first one won’t be until Ash’s trip to Alola.

Kashiwagi reclaims Sun Coral.

"Thank you for your hard work. It's great from beginning to end, right?"

The elf ball was quiet, and the sun coral inside obviously didn't want to talk to him.

This guy is somewhat vindictive.

He withdrew his gaze and looked at Tetsuya, who was walking around the huge pit not far away. He took the initiative to greet him and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Tetsuya, and your Pokémon."

"No, I should thank you. It was such a wonderful battle."

The disappointment of defeat on Tetsuya's face has long since faded. With a smile on his face, he stretched out his hand and said, "Just call me by my name. Kashiwagi, you and your Pokémon amaze me."

"Excessive praise."

The two exchanged polite blows and took the injured Pokémon to the Pokémon Center for treatment.

While they were waiting, the two chatted. Zheya couldn't help but mention the regret that he couldn't force him to get a third one, and extended an invitation, "If you don't mind, would you like to come to my house for dinner tonight? I believe my sister will be very happy too." .”

"Sorry, I still have things to do tonight, how about tomorrow?"

Kashiwagi has to buy a mobile phone for Big Mouth Baby next, and he also wants to have dinner at the food court. There is a store there that he cares about very much——

[Gotha Duck’s Smile] Fengyuan Branch.

It was opened by his "senior brother" and the apprentice of his former simulation target [Chef Locomoco].

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