My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 410 Imitation Vanilla

Although trainers have always claimed that "babies are equal," everyone knows that they can mess with anyone in the team, but they can't mess with big-mouthed babies. Even trainers don't dare to mess with Big Mouth, which shows how powerful this guy is.

Arranged according to family status.

Big Mouth Baby definitely ranks first, followed by the Trainer.

A "newcomer" like it is naturally at the end. It was originally accompanied by an ugly fish, but now the latter has evolved into a heterochromatic menas. It has to say a few words of praise when it sees it. Naturally, a rising tide lifts all boats.

Porygon couldn't help but feel a little sad when he thought that he hadn't been able to evolve yet.

I had previously mentioned to the trainer that I could evolve with five hearts, but was rejected.

"I'm worried that you will be abducted by Unit Zero, and I'm also worried that you will look down on me when you grow up."

The "pitiful" expression of the trainer is still vivid in my mind.

Hearing this, Porygon easily realized that he was not dispensable to the trainer, so he gave up the idea of ​​evolving with five hearts.


Why is Six Hearts so difficult!

Porygon almost cried out, but before it could really wail, the trainer's voice suddenly interrupted its thoughts.



Porygon suddenly came back to his senses and found that Big Mouth Baby had come out of the ball at some point, holding a brand new smartphone in his hand, looking at him curiously with his trainer.

Kashiwagi stretched out his hand and waved it in front of its eyes, "Are you sleepy? Why not go back to the elf ball and rest."


Porygon shook his head and looked at the smartphone.

I called it because I wanted it to help me figure out which one was more suitable. Although Big Mouth Baby has her own ideas, she is just like a wife who likes to let her husband see which of her outfits look good. She hopes to get feedback from her trainer and companions. .

Then make a decision based on your own thoughts.


Just listen to it.

Kashiwagi followed the principle of buying new electronic products rather than old ones. Although he didn't have a big idea about mobile phone brands in the Pokémon world, he went to the most famous store and bought the latest products after surfing the Internet for three minutes.

Brother Fu, just rush in without considering the budget.

What Dazuiba is hesitating about now is the color.

"You can replace the color with a mobile phone case. Look at that one." Kashiwagi directed it to look at the wall, and one cute mobile phone case after another immediately attracted the latter's attention.


The big-mouthed kid involuntarily leaned over and was blinded by the dazzling array of mobile phone cases.

Kashiwagi glanced at the price and was also blinded by the light, "Hmm!"

If you have money, you have money. It is really impossible for him to pay such a price that was taken advantage of. He would rather buy a white shell and DIY it himself——


The big-mouthed boy took off the two phone cases and turned his head to look at him with a bright smile.


Kashiwagi nodded without hesitation.

The Porygon behind him sighed with emotion, what is family throne? This is the family throne.

In the end, Da Zui Wa's new mobile phone and two phone cases were successfully purchased for a total price of 280,000 yuan. Including some Internet packages, the total price was 300,000 yuan.

I hope we don’t create an internet addicted lady.

Kashiwagi glanced at the big-mouthed kid who couldn't wait to start messing with his phone and the Porygon who had already got into the phone, and simply went back to the hotel so that this guy wouldn't have to be distracted while walking.

By the way, a bunch of other Pokémon were released. They had also been trapped in the Poké Ball for a day, and it was time to come out for some air or something.

The big steel snake was sent back to Huangtie Town. After this battle, it will feel comfortable for a long time.

Rebuilding the mountains of Boscodora must be more exciting.

Although Menas no longer needs to stay in the water environment all the time, it is obviously more comfortable where there is water, so Kashiwagi specially filled the bathtub with water for it.


Menas played with the water.

The Pokémon that accompanied him shopping turned into happy eggs.


Happy Egg went out happily carrying the bamboo basket, just like a little girl picking mushrooms. This is its special prop for purchasing and picking.

The three evil dragons used their two small heads on the left and right to bite the corners of Kashiwagi's clothes and wanted to follow him out, but the latter refused.

"You have been pestering me for so long yesterday and the day before yesterday. You must learn to be independent."

He patted the big head among the three evil dragons and said, "Be good, Happy Egg and I will be back soon."


The three evil dragons watched with grievance as Kashiwagi closed the door and left.


The pansy is huge.

It’s so big that you can’t finish it all in one night.

So Kashiwagi only went to the western half, which is a street selling various Pokémon-related props and raw materials, and has a good reputation online.

The reason is that it is not only things from the Hoenn region, but also occasionally rare things unique to other regions.

For example, the herbs he needs to make flavors.

Many of the interesting flavors in the recently acquired flavor formulas require herbs that are only available in other regions, and without exception, these herbs are of a type that cannot be grown in the Hoenn region with a tropical climate.

Purely imported goods.

Even Arisa, who owns the Green House, has to purchase things regularly. There are too many things that can’t be grown in her small greenhouse.

Come to the herb shop.

What greeted them was still the pungent smell of Chinese medicine, and both Baimu and Happy Egg couldn't help but frown.

But it gets a lot better after a little getting used to.

Especially Happy Egg, it quickly calmed down and began to search for the herbs it wanted. Recently, it got a medicinal recipe book from Kashiwagi. There were many interesting dishes in it, and it wanted to try it.

"What does this distinguished guest want?"

The store owner in a kimono came out with a smile and a pipe in his mouth.

Kashiwagi took out the list and handed it to him, "Please help me find the herbs above. The price is easy to find, but I want better quality."

The shop owner squinted his eyes, and under the smoky haze, he could see the words on the list clearly, "Hey! These are some uncommon herbs!"

"The common ones don't come to you anymore."

"Wow! I love hearing this! Do you know any regular customers?"

"That's not true. I read the online reviews and came across it."

"The Internet...oh oh..."

The two walked through various medicinal materials, and the fresh ones, dried ones, and those that had been made into some kind of medicine were all presented in front of Cypress and Happy Egg.


Kashiwagi pointed to a weed-like herb and asked, "Boss, what is this?"

To be honest, he thought this thing was just a weed, but there were many herbs in the world that he didn't know, so he might as well ask the boss to gain some knowledge.

"This? This is wild oats."

"Wild oats?"

"Well, they are generally used to feed Pokémon such as Kentaro, Big Milk Pot, and Pyro. These things are almost like weeds in the Johto and Kanto regions, but they are difficult to feed in the Hoenn region. If you have You can buy some of these Pokémon to feed, which is good for healthy defecation."

"Hmm...what about that one?"

"that is……"

Kashiwagi asked, and the store owner answered. The latter answered several questions in succession without getting annoyed, and even took the initiative to educate him.

Although the quantity and value of the medicinal herbs he purchased were indeed quite high, it was quite impressive to be so patient.

"Hey, is this a banana leaf?"

His footsteps stopped in front of a strange herb that looked like a banana leaf and had three colors separated from the inside out. The latter was not much bigger than the banana.

When the shop owner saw that, he was a little surprised and said: "Imitate vanilla? Why is it put here! Really!"

"Copycat vanilla?"

Kashiwagi picked up a piece and looked at it.

Generally, herbs with such "special" names will be effective in Pokémon battles, such as electric seeds and powerful herbs.

"Well, this is something I purchased from the Padia region. It is said that if you take it in a battle, it can improve the Pokémon's abilities to the same extent as others. The price is valuable."

The store owner scratched his head, "And I heard that it can also help Pokémon learn moves. It's very popular in the breeding house!"

Kashiwagi was stunned when he heard this and asked: "Learning moves? How to learn them?"

"I'm not sure about this. It's impossible to tell me the secret of someone else's cultivation house. Would you like to buy some and try it out?" The store owner smiled like a profiteer.

"...I'll buy part of it first."

He hesitated and bought a small amount.

Because this thing is just as the store owner said, it is valuable. If you buy it and take it back, it will be useless, and it will be a bit troublesome to return it.

After getting the herbs on the list and the imitation vanilla that he encountered for the first time, Kashiwagi returned with a full load.

We will visit other places later.

He was very concerned about imitating Vanilla at the moment.

Return to hotel.

The big-mouthed baby was leaning against the bed, surrounded by a bunch of dolls, playing enthusiastically with his mobile phone, and his beaming smile made him couldn't help but lean over and take a look -

Watch two-dimensional cartoons like Sailor Moon with Porygon.

Why does it feel like you spent 300,000 yuan to buy a video player for a big-mouthed kid?

Kashiwagi shook his head and did not interfere with how Big Mouth Baby used it.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The three evil dragons behind him sneezed three times in a row, almost spitting out their brains. They looked at the basket of happy eggs with a look of fear and did not dare to get close.

It turned around and flew a little towards the trainer, but was blown back again, letting out an aggrieved cry.

Having a sharp nose is sometimes not a good thing.

Kashiwagi took the happy egg to the bathroom to clean it briefly. Not far away, Menas was curled up in the bathtub blowing bubbles. The room was so narrow that it was actually quite boring.

"...I'll take you out to play tonight!"

he whispered.

Menas immediately smiled when he heard this, and wrapped his body like a snake, "Mirror~"

"Don't! Ah! I changed my clothes for nothing."

Kashiwagi looked at the soaked T-shirt and said helplessly.

Menas stuck out his tongue guiltily and hid in the bathtub, like a mermaid in a captive bathtub... a sea snake.

After Kashiwagi, who was forced to change his clothes, came out, he quickly started searching for content related to imitating Vanilla.

This investigation failed, and a paper came out directly, written by an old acquaintance, Dr. Kukui.

It is recorded above that some Pokémon have innate powerful moves, which are called inherited moves and cannot be obtained through learning or understanding.

Mimicking Vanilla is suspected of allowing Pokémon to learn this special genetic move from other Pokémon.

Then several cases are presented below to provide evidence.

For example, standard Rattata, Pidgeot and other commonly seen Pokémon.

Dr. Kukui concluded that imitating vanilla does have a special effect on Pokémon learning moves——

He is worthy of being a doctor who specializes in moves.

Kashiwagi looked at it for a while and understood. After all, he had a certain understanding of the various settings and specificities of genetic moves before.

He raised his head, took a deep breath, and his heart was beating fast when he looked at Boss Cordora, "Big monster! Your double-edged hammer is here!"

Imitation vanilla from the Padian region, related to genetic moves.

Then there is a high probability that the egg move game has been "revised" again.

Since the eighth generation, in order to make it easier for gamers to inherit egg moves, GF has specially set up a setting that allows Pokémon to learn egg moves from Pokémon of the same kind.

I want to imitate the effect of vanilla, which is to let Pokémon learn egg moves from Pokémon of different types. The opponent most likely does not need the same egg moves, and only needs to have them in the move bar.


Boss Cordora approached without knowing why, not understanding what a trainer meant.

What is a double-edged hammer?

So suddenly.

Kashiwagi explained his guess in detail to Boscodora, and said with a smile: "I will buy more imitation vanilla later, and then contact the trainer of Pokémon who can double-edged headbutt!"


Boscodora nodded in understanding.

It doesn't have Kashiwagi's experience of playing eight generations and more than a dozen Pokémon games, so it's a bit difficult to understand the trainer's brain circuit.

But since the trainer is so happy, it doesn't think about it so much.

Half an hour later.

Kashiwagi once again purchased a large pack of Imitation Vanilla Returns, and tried to ask Tetsuya which trainer's Pokémon in Shiro City had a double-edged headbutt.

I believe that the circle of trainers in Zijin City is more familiar with him than him, and he should be able to find a Pokémon that can use the double-edged hammer.

Regardless of how powerful the double-edged hammer is, it is equivalent to the rock-type physical attack ultimate move. There are quite a few Pokémon that use this move, ranging from Nidoran and Rock Snake to Sun Coral and Northnose. There is also the Archaeopteryx we saw not long ago and so on.

He never thought that the other party would give him a surprise.

Tetsuya: "If I use the double-edged head hammer, my Dunjia will be fine. What's wrong?" 』

Kashiwagi: "Really?" Very good! let me tell you……"

He explained to Tetsuya about imitating Vanilla, as well as his vision of letting Boss Cordora learn the double-edged hammer.

Tetsuya: "If you just help learn the moves, I'm totally happy to accompany you, but this imitation of it really reliable?" It feels like it’s very expensive.』

Kashiwagi: "As long as I have the chance, I want to fight for it. I'm begging you!" 』

Tetsuya: "Little things!" I wish you success tomorrow! 』

Kashiwagi: "Thank you!" 』

The two agreed to start learning the double-edged hammer tomorrow night.

Tonight, I will focus on preparing for tomorrow's Gym Challenge. Judging from the past few Gym Challenges, Iron Spin will probably not show any weak Pokémon this time.

He couldn't help but think back to the self-destructing magnet monster he encountered when he came here.

Will there be Rotom?

Kashiwagi looked at the big-mouthed kid lying on the bed playing with his mobile phone, his thoughts flowing.

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