My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 418 Evolution Technology

Compared to before.

The size of Porygon II has actually shrunk twice, making it look much more refined.

But what’s more important than appearance is the inside. After evolution, it is equipped with more complete artificial intelligence.

To put it simply, there are three aspects -

Learning, emotion and thinking.

It seems like a big step forward towards a complete life.

Isn’t this? Even his eyes have become much smarter, and his expression is extremely humane. He no longer looks like an idiot like before.

It is much stronger than a certain Husky that becomes more and more stupid as it evolves.

"Oh! Virtual Pokémon Porygon II! Congratulations!"

Tie Xuan and Walter clapped together.

The former rubbed the beard on his chin with a smile on his lips, "Hahaha! It's so nostalgic! I remember when I was discussing Porygon with Dr. Akihabara, he also showed me the evolved Porygon II. At that time, I thought this guy was a very good Pokémon."



As soon as he said this, Kashiwagi and the newly evolved Porygon II both looked at him.


Tie Xuan seemed to know what they were thinking at the moment, and said with a smile: "In my opinion, Porygon II is indeed a Pokémon that is indistinguishable from Rotom, but as an electric gym leader, I personally Prefers Electric-type Pokémon.

"In addition, there happened to be a lot of wild Rotoms causing trouble in the electrical appliances of various households at that time. I thought that instead of driving them away, I should tame them and let them serve the people of Zijin City to make up for the compensation caused by the trouble. .”

Personal preference plus...coincidence.

If you, Rotom, had come earlier to cause trouble, you would have come later to cause trouble. The time has come when Dr. Akihabara and Tetsuan are about to cooperate. It is hard to believe that this was not intentional.

But there are such dramatic things in the world.

There's really no way around this.

Kashiwagi turned to look at Porygon II, and found that the latter had the same look of realization as him, as if the puzzle that had been bothering him for so long had been solved - but that was all.

There is no trace of complex emotions caused by fate's tricks on its face, and it feels like it has nothing to do with it.

Obviously I still cared so much before evolving...

After your IQ becomes higher, your pursuits are different from those in the past?

At this time, Tie Xuan next to him said: "Now that Porygon II has evolved, you should go to the Pokémon Center for treatment as soon as possible. I also have to meet other scheduled challengers! Goodbye!"

The old man left in a hurry. His assistant Walter nodded slightly and caught up with the old man.

It's like the cutscene is over.

Kashiwagi and Porygon II watched him leave and suddenly groaned.



Porygon II raised his head in concern.

"It's okay, a big monster has come back."

He rubbed his temples, took out his cell phone from his pocket and pressed to stop the timer.

From the start of Mega Evolution to the automatic end of Mega Evolution in the Poké Ball, the current limit time is - 34 minutes and 42 seconds.

Two weeks ago, he couldn't hold on for a minute, but now, including the time in the Poké Ball, it's enough to hold on for more than half an hour. Boscodora's growth is obvious.

In fact, Kashiwagi and its understanding and utilization of super evolution are still very simple, and there is still a lot of power that can be tapped.

Increasing the Mega Evolution time is just the first step.


The cry of the polygon suddenly brought back his thoughts, and he saw its head put into his pocket, and then disappeared into a stream of data.


Kashiwagi reached into his pocket and found that there was no trace of the evolution stone, and the illustrated book on his phone automatically opened and turned to the page of the Pokémon status bar.

As a black technology jointly developed by many researchers in the animation, including Dr. Nishino Mori, the illustrated book can not only check the level and moves of Pokémon, but also roughly estimate the various abilities of Pokémon based on the six-dimensional map. Arrow trends appear.

Taken together, Porygon II's various ability values ​​have undoubtedly been greatly improved. Kashiwagi remembers that Porygon's race value was less than four hundred, while Porygon II's race value seemed to exceed five hundred.

You must know that the racial value is the product of the backward calculation of the ability value. If the difference of more than 100 is distributed properly, it is enough to turn a Pokémon from an unpopular one to a popular one.

In the column of learned moves, [Magic Reflection] and [Awakening Power] have been added.

The former has the effect of reflecting back some of the opponent's modified moves that target itself. If the opponent uses will-o'-the-wisp on Porygon II, Porygon II will not fall into the burn state, but will instead cause the opponent to fall into the burn state.

Needless to say, the latter will adjust the attributes according to the Pokémon's own status——

A window popped up, a reminder from Porygon II.

"The awakening power of ground attributes..."

Kashiwagi smiled.

Seeing that he had been thinking about Boscodora, this guy "forcefully" asked him to change his focus and show off how powerful he was after evolving.

It seems that the honest, honest, "marginal" Porygon that he used to be, is gone forever... It's been a long time coming to feel like the children in the family are entering adolescence.

But it is also proof of the synchronic growth of souls.

It's not a good thing to only gain strength without developing brains.

It’s no wonder that Dr. Akihabara’s assistant repeatedly reminded him that it would be best to raise his trust level before evolving, as the changes would be too obvious.

By the way, the Porygon II sent out by Dr. Akihabara to capture Unit Zero all had six hearts?


Kashiwagi would not be stingy with his praise, he whispered:

"It seems like you are probably the one with the best overall durability in the team."


Porygon II's happy voice suddenly came from the phone.

This is really not a joke.

Boscodora, Big Steel Snake and Happy Egg all belong to the type with relatively extreme durability, either extreme material resistance or extreme special resistance.

Sun Coral has excellent dual defense but is hampered by its own endurance. Most ghost-type Pokémon have low endurance.

Overall, Menas is no worse than Porygon II. Unfortunately, because it is the final evolved type, it cannot be improved by the evolved stones, so it is slightly worse.

The same goes for the three evil dragons who are quasi-gods.

Big-mouthed kid... This one is the only one in the team who can't handle it well, but it's not a big problem. His responsibility is to do damage safely.

I believe that as long as Porygon II's level catches up and its self-regeneration endurance is taken into account, this guy will definitely become the Pokémon that has been around the longest.

It looked as weak as a toy, but it turned out that it couldn't be hit no matter how hard it was hit——

The opponent's expression will be very exciting when the time comes.

"Let's go to the Pokémon Center." Kashiwagi said to Porygon II on the phone.


Evolution will not heal all the injuries accumulated by the Pokémon. The animation is the same as the game, and the attribute energy will not be fully restored instantly.

Soon we arrived at the Pokémon Center.

He gave the Boscodora and the Multilateral *** to Miss Joy, and found a place to meditate.

Through this gym battle, it is not difficult to see that so far his team relies more on Porygon to open up space to fight for the right to take action. If there is no space, it will be like Super Boss Cordora fighting Thundermon.

Although the opponent is suppressed throughout the whole process, it is difficult to kill him with one final blow.

There is no doubt that the reason is because Super Boss Cordora is not fast enough. If the 100,000 horsepower can attack before the Thunder Beast can move out to defend, it will definitely be able to kill it smoothly.

Of course, if the output is high enough, it can also bring a decisive effect, there is no doubt about this.

What Kashiwagi is thinking about is the shortcomings of his team. Currently, his team still maintains the overall trend of medium and low speed. If he remembers correctly, there is no Pokémon with over 100 speed species.

Opening up space is one solution.

Opportunities are very needed to open space, and in reality, there are not as many opportunities to open space in one-on-one singles as there are in doubles.

If possible, the next Pokémon to conquer the high speed, right?

Kashiwagi's eyes fell on the reward clues of the simulator. He had not used this thing for a long time. On the one hand, the other members of the team had not yet grown up, and on the other hand, he was worried about its uncertain outcome.

Everyone has inner preferences.

If he encounters a Pokémon he doesn't like, wouldn't he have to forcefully cultivate it?

However, Porygon II has evolved now. Once the situation in Zijin City is resolved, we can go back to the Dragon Nest to activate it, so that we can go back and train [Dragon Heart] a little bit.

I love all dragon-type Pokémon and want to understand their strong vision...


Happy Egg shouted as he brought back his Pokémon.


Kashiwagi put away Boss Cordora and released Porygon II. He had to go to Dr. Nasu's research institute to confirm the purpose of Unit Zero and whether it had been captured.

By the way, show Dr. Akihabara the transformed Porygon II. This great inventor may have some special gifts.


"Dr. Akihabara is gone?"

Kashiwagi looked at his assistant Inamura blankly.

Inamura nodded, "Well, he said that Unit Zero ran along the cyberspace to Kaina City next door, and we must chase it quickly."


He and Porygon II looked at each other, speechless for a moment.

To be honest, he was originally prepared for Dr. Akihabara to fight a protracted war, and even to instigate Unit 1 and the group of Porygon IIs to rebel.

It happened that Porygon II had just evolved and won from the Zijin Gym Leader. At that time, he directly summoned a large group of Rotom to fight against the Porygon IIs who instigated the rebellion of Unit Zero, and finally succeeded in turning the tide and catching Unit Zero— —

The script is all written! Where is Machine Zero?

You are not in the cyberspace at all!

Kashiwagi thought that if he were Xiaozhi, he might actually trigger this plot, but it's a pity that he is not...

The thunder is loud but the rain is small.

Thinking about it this way, Unit Zero probably just happened to meet Porygon while looking for a certain target last night. Thinking that Dr. Akihabara was chasing it, he sent a phantom to test it.

After discovering that it had run away, he thought it was going to gather his teammates, so he hacked the surveillance cameras all the way to track down Ura Shiko. It turned out that what Porygon was looking for was not Dr. Akihabara but a strange trainer.

And then he ran away?

It took Kashiwagi ten seconds to come up with a possibility. No one can say whether it is correct or not. You have to ask Unit Zero.

"sorry to bother you……"

He nodded to Inamura and prepared to leave with the slightly disappointed Porygon II.

Although the latter has never thought about Kashiwagi's Long Aotian plot, he does have the idea of ​​getting praise from the creator, Dr. Akihabara.

After all, after working hard for so long and successfully evolving, it can be regarded as a "return to the hometown in glory".

"Ah! Wait! I almost forgot! I'm so sorry!" Inamura suddenly stopped the two of them, turned around and ran to other rooms to get a square hard drive. "Dr. Akihabara said that if you come, I’ll leave this to you.”

"Did the doctor tell you what's going on here?"

Kashiwagi took the square hard drive and asked softly, looking at the silver-gray appearance.

Inamura shook his head and said: "I don't know much about this... He didn't tell me, he just asked me to leave it to you."

"All right."

He nodded slightly in greeting, and turned around to leave the research institute together with Porygon II.

Out the door.

Kashiwagi said: "Do you think this is a 'suspicious patch' that allows you to evolve into Porygon Z? I remember Dr. Akihabara seemed to have said that he made a second change to the patch, right? This time he also changed the first The No. 1 machine was taken out and used..."

Porygon II next to him shook his head decisively, "Pah!"

"Eh? Why?"

"Because with the character of the doctor, it is impossible to hand over such an important and dangerous thing casually. I will definitely hand it to you personally and tell you various important points."

Porygon II got into the phone and spoke this sentence through the speaker. When it was still Porygon, it usually communicated with Kashiwagi through text——

In fact, this method is not difficult, it is just more complicated and troublesome.

The evolution of Porygon II has brought stronger computing power. In its own words, it is equivalent to a major upgrade of a computer's graphics card, CPU and other objects. Things that were once troublesome can now be done easily.

Reading the contents of a hard drive is easier and doesn't even require a computer.

Porygon II got out of the phone, and a long groove appeared on its chest, which just happened to be able to fit the hard drive, "Pop!"

"Hey! Do you still have this kind of plug?"

Kashiwagi was shocked, and then Porygon II changed its body surface to include USB interface, DP interface, optical drive and some slots that he could not understand.

Even Porygon II can turn its tail into various plugs for connecting to machines and so on.

Of course, for it to be able to digitally hack into computers or other special devices, plugs and the like will only be used in extreme situations where it is not allowed to get in or under extreme circumstances.

But it’s surprising enough that there are these weird and easy-to-use functions in the game.


Porygon II shouted with his head held high.

There are more than just a few new functions brought about by evolution, and it is also being slowly studied.

After installing the hard drive, Porygon II once again turned into three-in-one fragments of sound waves, radio waves, and light waves that looked like data and flew into the phone.

"Even the hard drive has become an invisible data stream..."

Kashiwagi completely doesn't understand this principle of turning reality into virtuality.

in mobile phone.

A pop-up window appeared.

"A special version of the Pokémon's move [Stand], [Clone]? It allows the stand to have the same consciousness as the main body, and can use moves to complete the true split in two... Hey! What a guy!"

He looked at the text in the pop-up window and took a breath.

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