My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 421 Conquer the World

"We must come again! Brother Kashiwagi!"

Yuko had tears in her eyes and held the helpless Meow Meow in her arms.

猫是一种上尊老下爱幼,逮住中间使劲揍的存在,猫类宝可梦亦是如此,所以哪怕曾经为哲也拿下了丰缘地区的大会优胜,它的家庭地位亦在优Under the child.


Kashiwagi put away his pity gaze on Miaomiao, smiled and waved goodbye to Yuko.

Although the title has a certain impact, it is just like a young star-struck fan. The key is that he is very obedient. He immediately changed his name if he was not used to it.

Much cuter than some rebellious kid who insists on going against you.

After experiencing Tetsuya's hospitality.

It was now dark.

Zheye said that there were very few taxis nearby and insisted on riding the electric three-wheeler to take him back to Xinzijin.


Kashiwagi confirmed with Porygon II that there is no taxi-hailing app in the Pokémon world, and reluctantly accepted Tetsuya's kindness. Without any normal means of transportation, he could only rely on walking in a city where riding Pokémon is prohibited.

There is nothing we can do about this.

"When my parents come back next year, I plan to travel to the Carlos area."

On the way.

Tetsuya said: "I heard that there is a magical power over there that can make my Pokémon go one step further. I wonder if you have heard of it."

"Mega evolution?"

Kashiwagi asked over the sound of the wind.

"Yes, the Four Heavenly Kings and the current champion of the Hoenn region currently have this power. If you want to defeat them, this power is indispensable."


"As far as I know, there is a super evolution in the Hoenn region, but I really have no idea how to get it. I am planning to travel to Kalos, so I might as well try my luck while traveling."

"Try your luck..."

Kashiwagi remembered that after the end of the XY feature film, Ai Lan found a mineral vein with the same composition as the Super Stone in the Ice Cave, and in the days and months after that, both Xiaogang and Xiaoxia had the ability to super evolve Pokémon.

Although there may not be a connection between the two, he made a bold guess about it.

Let’s not mention Xiaogang, who has resigned as the gym leader. Perhaps Xiaoxia’s Super Stones and Key Stones came from the alliance’s mining and collection of mineral veins. The Alliance harvested a large number of Super Stones and Key Stones and distributed them to Xiaoxia and others. The owner of the museum.

Of course this is just speculation.

But the existence of mineral veins will irrefutably increase Tetsuya's chances of obtaining Keystones and Super Stones during his travels.

You must be prepared to go through the "bad street" of super evolution for two years...

Kashiwagi thought to himself, and suddenly felt his body twist suddenly, and the electric tricycle under his butt made a big turn and rode to other places.

"Eh? What's going on?"

"...Miss Junsha is in front of me." Zheye's voice suddenly became very guilty.


He looked at the back of this guy's head and said quietly: "You don't have a three-wheel driver's license, do you?"

"Yes, there is...but the accuracy does not match." Zheye replied weakly.

"It's not true that God's driving is accurate. If you're not the only one, don't ride casually!"

"I'm taking the exam, I'm taking the exam!"


Kashiwagi just felt a bit embarrassed. What is the difference between this and not having a driver's license? And why is it inconsistent with driving permission? Shouldn't I buy a three-wheeler based on the three-wheeler test or certificate I have at home?

The will-o'-the-wisp boy reserve, this guy is!

Fortunately, Tetsuya managed to send him to Ura Shijin safely in the end. As for whether he would be caught on the way back...he wasn't sure about that. Anyway, if he was caught, he might be on the news.

【Shock! League conference champion rides “without a license”! Miss Junsha strikes bravely! 】

Hopefully you won’t see this headline tomorrow morning.

Kashiwagi prayed for Tetsuya in his heart. On the way back to the room, he met the Heavenly King Bonnie again who was about to go out. Unfortunately, the two parties had no intention of stopping to communicate when they made eye contact. They nodded to each other and left.

Although the former really wants to fight the King of Heaven, his condition today is really not good. He should go to bed early to prepare for tomorrow's departure.

What he didn't know was.

Bonnie left Zijin directly and walked to a dark corner of a certain park. She looked around and said loudly:

"What tricks are you playing again, Fleur?"

"Hee hee hee……"

A sharp, weird laugh rang out, and a pair of penetrating red eyes and a mouth that grinned to an exaggerated angle slowly emerged from behind her. Surrounded by the sinister wind, they combined into a terrifying grimace that made the hair on the body stand on end.

Bonnie tilted her head slightly, a grimace reflected in the corner of her eye, but the cold expression on her face did not change at all.

"If you continue this boring hide-and-seek thing, I'll leave."

"No! Bonnie, dear~"

The grimace suddenly turned into a bright and pretty face, with sea-blue eyes as gorgeous as the top sapphires.

follow closely.

The short-haired girl in southern clothing walked into the gravel road illuminated by the street lights. Two large pink flowers were embedded on the left and right sides of her head. Her healthy wheat-colored skin showed indescribable vitality.

There is no doubt that this person is another one of the Four Heavenly Kings in the Hoenn region - Furong, who is good at ghost attributes. Behind him is a tall night demon like a guard.

She threw herself on Bonnie and hugged the latter affectionately, "Long time no see! I knew you would definitely come!"

"Why did you suddenly come to Zijin City and suddenly call me to pick you up?" Bonnie took it off her body calmly.

"There are many reasons——"


"Okay, okay, I'm here to help find the child. There is a poor sister who accidentally dropped the child."

"Lost? This should be Miss Junsha's job, right?"

"If it were an ordinary person and a normal Pokémon, it would indeed be better to leave it to Miss Junsha, but..." The smile on Fleur's face did not diminish, and a rather strange-looking figure appeared under her right palm.

Bonnie's eyes moved slightly, "This is..."


In the hotel room.

Kashiwagi washed up early and went to bed, rubbing the heads of the three evil dragons while playing with his mobile phone.

Dr. Kukui has not responded to emails.

I wonder what he would think when he saw Boscodora in this situation... I remember that he published the paper on imitating vanilla two years ago, so he may not have continued the research.

After all, the main moves they are researching are the Z-moves that are special to the Alola region. Genetic moves and egg moves are not the main research targets.

Perhaps it's time to look for other papers devoted to this area...

Take a practical look.

Although Dr. Kukui is a well-known doctor to players, there are more or less great doctors in the Pokémon animated world who are unknown to players but are famous all over the world.

Thinking about it, Kashiwagi slowly fell into sleep.

The other Pokémon also slept in their favorite positions, and the dim bedside lamp gave the small bedroom a soft, warm light.

There was silence.


The TV in the living room turned on by itself, and the signal-free picture on the snowflake screen caught Boss Cordora's attention.


It raised its head and looked at the TV in confusion. Among the team, only it and Big Mouth Baby, who were the "keepers" of the bedroom, would watch this thing. However, since Big Mouth Boy got a new phone yesterday, it has not been turned on once.

what's going on?

Boss Cordora stood up and stretched out its long and thick tail to try to press the switch button.


A sharp scream sounded in my ears.

Its eyes were dazzled when it noticed that Porygon II suddenly appeared and blocked the front end of its tail, seeming to prevent it from turning off the TV.

Porygon II's eyes fell on the shining snow screen.


A weird atmosphere rose in the living room.

Boscodora suddenly felt something bad. He quickly turned his head to look at the bedroom, only to find that it was pitch dark behind him at some point. Not only that, but the light from the street lights no longer shines through the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room that are covered by long curtains.

It was as if he had quietly escaped from reality and arrived in a strange place.

"Goo ho!"

It didn't panic, but looked at Porygon II.

Rather than itself, it was more concerned about its companion who inexplicably stood in front of it to stop it from turning off the TV. The latter seemed to be paying special attention to the TV - the source of all weirdness.


Porygon II didn't respond to it, just stared at the TV.

Until a figure suddenly appeared in the snowflake screen.

This guy is five points similar to Porygon II, except that his smart eyes have turned into yellow "targets", his rigidity is a bit weird, and his "legs" have turned into "hands".

It feels like a toy duck has turned into a little duck-headed man.


Boscodora knew this guy. The trainer once told him and even posted a picture to help him identify it.

Why does Porygon Z appear here?

Could it be...that it's the Unit Zero that the trainer mentioned?

The first thing it thought of was this existence that the trainer had always been thinking about. It seemed that only this guy would come to the door and do such strange things.

Want to attack?

Can breaking the TV prevent Porygon Z's next actions?

Boscodora thought for a while and decided to stand still for the time being. The opponent's purpose was not yet clear, and more importantly, he did not understand what Porygon II wanted to do.

It observed silently and discovered that Porygon Z had actually come out of the TV.

The other party stared closely at Porygon II and emitted a series of strange low-frequency sound waves, as if sending some kind of signal.

『灪麣鉉宱籵爨! 』


『龞齽齼鼺黸麢? 』


Don’t you understand either? They are obviously the same type of Pokémon...

Boss Cordora knew very well that Porygon II was not communicating with Porygon Z at all.

Porygon Z seemed to be aware of this, and put away the low-frequency sound wave, replacing it with a special psychic wave.

"Can you understand now?" You haven't understood this language yet... It seems like you haven't had much contact with Unit 1, or it might have deliberately not taught it to you. 』

This is……


Boscodora was stunned for a moment, and after confirming again and again, he realized that the voice just sounded in his heart, and he had also heard this happen from his trainer.

It's a special ability called telepathy.

Very few Pokémon can master it, mostly legendary Pokémon, and of course a small number of ordinary Pokémon can master this power.

But this content, to be honest, is a bit unclear.


Did the low-frequency sound wave just now come from some kind of language?

This guy didn't seem to even look at it.

Boss Cordora quietly retreated, knowing that it would definitely not be able to handle this situation on its own, and had to let the trainer come.

We must find a way to break this layer of space.

And the other side.

Porygon II communicates with Porygon Z-0.

It was mainly the latter who spoke.

"Compared to telepathy, I actually prefer to transmit data directly. This saves a lot of effort, but you probably won't accept it, right?" After all, you must have been affected by Unit 1. It must have told you that I, Unit Zero, wrote a suspicious patch and then blew up the research institute and escaped. 』



Porygon II and Boss Cordora were both startled. Dr. Akihabara and his assistant had been relaying the story of Unit Zero to the trainer. If they listened to what the trainer said, when would they become Unit Zero? Already?

Even Porygon II had never come into contact with Unit-1, and this was the first time he encountered it in the daytime laboratory.

"That's Unit 1!" Because... Dr. Akihabara and his assistants were controlled by this guy who had their memories tampered with! 』

Unit Zero said something that made the brains of the two Pokémon explode.

"I won't say much more. Those guys are still chasing me, but you have to remember that the words of Unit-1, Dr. Akihabara and his assistants cannot be trusted now!" Don't let them fool you! These guys want to expand the number of polygons and then... rule humans and the world! 』

Leave behind such an unclear statement.

Unit Zero ignored Porygon II's obstruction and returned to the TV and disappeared.

The black "curtain" covering the living room dispersed, revealing the original appearance of the room, and the TV remained black as if it had never been turned on.


Boscodora and Porygon II knew very well that what had just happened was not an illusion. They turned their heads and saw the bedroom lights brightening, and the trainer and other companions standing behind them.

"Are you okay?"

"Goo ho!"


"That's good." Kashiwagi breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the confirmation, and came between the two with a solemn face. "The secret power used in the house became a different space... What just happened?"

It was the three evil dragons who first noticed that something was wrong. The one with the sharpest perception discovered unknown energy fluctuations in the room, followed by Big Mouth Baby and Happy Egg.

However, they did not rush to break the "black curtain" blocking the bedroom door. They first woke up the trainer and then confirmed the escape route - that is, the window was OK, before trying to break through this thing.

As a result, before any action was taken, the shady story dissipated by itself.

Through the narration from the perspectives of Porygon II and Boss Cordora, Kashiwagi knew that Unit Zero had just arrived.

But the other party's purpose was not to abduct Porygon II, but to give a warning.

"Dr. Akihabara's memory was tampered with. Is he unjustly accused..."

Kashiwagi's expression was somewhat complicated.

What Unit Zero said may not be true or false. After all, the Pokémon that wants to conquer the world has appeared in XY - the Squid King.

A group of bad squid kings took control of Miss Junsha and tried to create a system to transform the world. Finally, thanks to the efforts of Xiaozhi and others, they flew into the sky in despair.

It can be seen from this that it is not surprising that Pokémon like Porygon Z intends to control the world. In essence, it is not much different from artificial intelligence, and the theme of artificial intelligence rebellion has been common in previous lives...

"Hiss! It feels a bit scary!"

Kashiwagi rubbed his arms and realized that he was forced to get involved in a very troublesome matter.

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