My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 426 Dragon’s Will

"Get away!"

Kashiwagi dropped his notebook and grabbed his backpack. With one hand, he picked up the big-mouthed boy watching TV on the sofa. He hooked up with his left foot and picked up Doron Mecia, who was half-eaten. Closer patio run.



The big-mouthed boy holding the mobile phone was confused, and the same was true for Doron Mecia with food in his mouth.

Fortunately, in order to be ready to set off with Fleur and Bonny at any time, and in order to prevent the group of ferocious Pokémon at home from scaring Doronmecia - especially the three evil dragons, he did not kill the other Pokémon tonight. Let it out.

Saved a lot of time.

However, when he came to the window sill, he found that it had become dark outside. It was obviously on the second floor near the road, but there were no street lights, cars or ground.

"Damn! It's another space again!"

Kashiwagi cursed and quickly turned around and ran towards the door, only to find that the room could no longer be opened. The handle was as hard as a stone and could not be broken open at all.

He quickly took two steps back, took out the bomb and threw it on the door.


The violent tremor filled half of the living room with smoke and dust, but it completely failed to affect the composite wooden door.

What shocked Kashiwagi and the two Pokémon even more was that the structure of the room gradually changed.

First, the appearance of the door began to peel off large and small pieces from the handle. In a blink of an eye, it went from a dark modern door to a Western-style tan classical door, followed closely by the ceiling and carpet.

Even the structure of the room has changed beyond recognition, and there is an extra terrace inexplicably.



Kashiwagi's scalp felt numb to some extent, and the loud-mouthed baby's scream suddenly came from his arms.


"What's wrong?" He looked down and found that this guy's cell phone had no signal - he was in another world. How could he have a signal?

He looked at the big-mouthed boy speechlessly, who seemed to understand how outrageous his current focus was, and silently stuffed his phone into his pocket, pretending as if nothing had happened.

But surprisingly, when the decoration in the room changed, the expected danger did not appear.


Kashiwagi asked the two Pokémon to stay as quiet as possible, and carefully walked around the room. He couldn't see any danger. However, all the traces he had left before were also gone, as well as Doronmecia. The uneaten rice bowl.


Duolong Mexia, who was lying on his head, let out a frustrated cry, he still wanted to eat!

"It's okay. I'll make something for you next time."

He comforted in a low voice, and his eyes fell on the bathtub in the bathroom that didn't look big, but he could definitely lie down in it when curled up, and his pupils dilated slightly.

Exit the bathroom.

He turned back to the door again, tentatively put his hand on the doorknob, and moved it slightly.


Machine noise can be heard.

Maybe this door can be opened to see the corridor outside, but is it still the second floor of Zijing outside?


Kashiwagi was not sure, and even guessed that this place was already the spirit world.

Or maybe Room 1608 is a special transit point between the real world and the spiritual world. When you open the door, the spiritual world is outside, filled with all kinds of monsters and monsters.

The guests who walked into Room 1608 might have mistakenly entered the spirit world full of ghost Pokémon and real ghosts when they opened the door. But how did they finally return to the living world?

Are there ghost Pokémon helping them?

Will you automatically escape from the spirit world when day comes?

He was quite uneasy inside, his throat rolled subconsciously, and he glanced at the time on the watch out of the corner of his eye——


There are only twelve minutes left until the two-thirty reminder.

Want to lie down in the bathtub?

Kashiwagi looked at the bathroom and reviewed the many hints given by the clues again, and found that the content mentioned above told him to "hide" in the bathtub and not make a sound no matter what he "heard".


He narrowed his eyes and rubbed his chin. Although he didn't really want to play word games, he felt that every piece of content in the clues was full of profound meaning.

Since he mentioned hiding, he must be trying to avoid something.

Take this into consideration.

Kashiwagi put the Big Mouth Baby into the Poké Ball and replaced it with the ghost-type Galar Sun Coral.


Sun Coral appeared, its eyes lit up like red candles, and for the first time, it took the initiative to poke out its hazy smoke-like tentacles. The corners of its drooping mouth suddenly turned up, showing a somewhat contented expression.

Obviously, the environment in the spirit world is very suitable for ghost-type Pokémon, and even this lazy guy couldn't resist it.

He patted Sun Coral on the forehead to bring it back to consciousness, and under the watchful eyes of Doron Mecia, he asked the latter to take on security duties. He thought that the ghost attribute would make it easier to move in the spirit world.


Sun Coral looked at the trainer and the Doron Mecia on his head, and agreed easily, but wanted to complain that it looked so stupid.

Considering that it would be ravaged, it chose to keep its mouth shut as it hated trouble.


Kashiwagi lay in the bathtub holding Sun Coral, turned off all the things that might suddenly make a sound, held a powerful flash bomb in his hand, and made a gesture of covering Doron Mecia's mouth.

The latter immediately nodded with understanding, indicating that he would never say anything.


He took a deep breath and gradually calmed down.






The droplets of water fell into the sink, echoing in the silent room with a disturbing magic.

But the good thing is.

It soon stopped dripping.

Instead, there is a creaking pendulum, which is more noticeable and noisier than the sound of water drops, and when it swings to the fifth tone.


The door handle creaked.

It seemed that someone had unscrewed the room door from the outside.

The quiet room became extremely cold, and it felt like the temperature instantly dropped to below zero.

Da da da……

After the door opened, a subtle sound of movement came, like the crisp sound of high heels on the wooden floor, and crisper than high heels. However, in a room covered with carpets, it seemed very strange for such a sound to appear.

Something's coming in!

In the bathroom.

The crouched Kashiwagi reduced his breathing rate and sound to a minimum.

Is that thing outside the clue for him to avoid?


This doesn't look like it. The clatter of someone's footsteps is like iron chains scraping the ground, and the carpet outside is thick, so jumping up and down on it may not make too much noise...

It could only be that guy himself!

He looked at Sun Coral and Doron Mecia in his arms. Their hearing was not as sharp as his, but they also noticed the presence of foreign objects, and their facial expressions were different.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The unknown guy is probably wandering around the room!

Find someone?

It's now 2:31...over 18 seconds.

Sooner or later, the other party would come to the bathroom.

There was no clue on how long he had to hide, he was just told to keep quiet.

The overlapping of multiple unknowns made him a little nervous, especially in the afterlife world like the spirit world, where he couldn't relax even if he wanted to.

after all……

There is great terror between life and death!

However, after seeing Sun Coral, who was unwavering in his arms from beginning to end, Kashiwagi took a few deep breaths, and his mentality quickly became stable.

There was no reason why he couldn't do anything that his own Pokémon could do.

However compared to that.

Doron Mecia on the other side was obviously not as relaxed and calm as Sun Coral. After knowing that there was something outside, it was okay at first, but then as the rattling sound came closer, it soon became a little unbearable.

What are you waiting for?

No matter what comes, it doesn’t want to sit in the tub and wait to die!

It is obvious that Doron Mecia feels that being by Kashiwagi's side does make it feel at ease, but it does not mean that it has unwavering trust in it, so it cannot obey its decision when it does not know anything.

Especially this senseless practice!


It tried to fly out of the tub.

Kashiwagi's eyes widened, and he quickly grabbed its triangular head, pressed its mouth, looked directly into its yellow light-like eyes, and signaled it extremely sternly to keep quiet.

Although this guy can become invisible, who knows if he can escape other "eyes" of unknown existence in a place like the spiritual world.

However, the captured Doron Mecia was completely unable to understand what he meant. Regardless of the rattling sounds outside the door, he actually shook his head and tail and struggled.

Fortunately, its struggling strength is not very strong, which may be partly related to its lower level.

So "wild" Pokémon are trouble!

He could understand that he had not been able to gain the complete trust of Doron Mecia, but now that the other party had suddenly come to him like this, he was really a little numb.

what to do?


correct! Rely on the heart of the dragon!

Communicate with Doron Mecia, fully understand its emotions, and pass on your own thoughts!

Kashiwagi suddenly remembered this special skill that he desperately wanted to learn, but the source of Dragon Heart came from his extreme love for dragon-type Pokémon.

To be honest, he likes all kinds of Pokémon, but not to the level of Alice's love for dragon-type Pokémon.

Therefore, how can we communicate with Doron Mecia spiritually when we are stuck at the last moment?

Find a way!

Kashiwagi held Doron Mecia in his hand, and while pricking up his ears to listen carefully to the sound of unknown beings moving outside, he looked directly into the latter's eyes.

What is this little guy thinking about now?

If you want the other party to understand you, you must first understand the other party.

Through those big, bulb-shaped yellow eyes that started to dodge, he seemed to see fear, urgency and...expectation in turn?

What are you looking forward to?

Kashiwagi was a little confused, and then he seemed to have a flash of inspiration.

"Does this guy think that the unknown entity that suddenly came in might be his younger brother!" ? 』

He looked at Doron Mecia in disbelief.

The other party's eyes did reveal this meaning, as if he was eager for verification, which made the struggling movements more intense, and he couldn't wait to the extreme.

It looks like it from beginning to end.

Doron Mecia has not forgotten his purpose, what he is doing and what he wants to do.

Even if it was an illusory possibility, it still felt that the guy outside making the strange clicking noise might be its younger brother who sensed its presence and came looking for it from the spirit world——

Is such a thing possible?

Kashiwagi couldn't understand Duolong Mexia's brain circuit. From the fear and panic in its eyes, it was not difficult to tell that this guy must also be afraid of the guy outside.

The body is so firm.

At best it sounds like stubbornness, at worst it sounds like stupidity.


He can understand.

Putting the heart-to-heart comparison into Doron Mecia's perspective, and suddenly flying into the spiritual world without any clues from the simulator, Kashiwagi might make a similar choice.

It's not his nature to "just sit back and wait for death."

At this time, Doron Mecia's behavior can be evaluated as stupid and reckless because he has important information that the former does not have.

That is the information gap.

So now that I have important information, or I believe in the clues of the simulator, why should I continue to criticize Doron Mecia's actions? It is completely meaningless.

Kashiwagi knew that what he should do most was to make Doron Mecia trust him.

I believe he can help find its brother, there is no need to use such a dangerous method!

How can you convey your will when you just don't make a sound and can't use the ability of Dragon Heart? any idea?

In silence.

He thought of the only way.


Since he can generally understand the various expressions in Duolong Mexia's eyes, maybe the other party can also understand his thoughts, as long as he works hard to convey his thoughts.

What's more, at this point, it's no longer possible not to do it.

Only then did Kashiwagi understand the difficulty of acting strictly according to the clues. It seemed that every triggering of the clues was accompanied by great or small dangers.

From the initial escape from Kokodora's underground cave to the robbery of the single-headed dragon auction and the misidentification of his own bloodline, Sun Coral's time was slightly better. The unlucky ones were Xiaosheng and Dazuiwa. He was only responsible for bringing them together. Save...

The "difficulty" this time is how to convince a restless wild Pokémon to stay quiet.

If the Poke Ball hadn't turned on with light and sound effects, he might have started trying to subdue Doron Mecia.

bring it on!

"Don't move around and don't make any noise!" Believe me! I'm on your side! 』

Kashiwagi stared into the eyes of Doron Mecia in front of him, trying to convey all his thoughts.

What gave him back was a two-second pause, and an even more intense struggle after turning his head. In desperation, Doron Mecia even bit his tiger's mouth.

In an instant.

The tiny teeth hidden in the mouth broke through the cypress skin and penetrated into the flesh, causing blood to flow out and overflow its mouth.

The strong smell of blood stunned Duolong Mexia.


The unknown being is approaching

The clicking sound that started to get louder was enough to prove this.

The bathroom was still quiet.

Doron Mecia slowly opened its mouth, revealing the tiger's mouth that was already dripping with blood. It looked up and looked at the cypress whose expression had never changed. Its eyes were full of complicated and unintelligible meanings, and its heart was trembling.

Waiting for death?

Can someone who can endure such severe pain without changing his color or making a single sound really sit back and wait for death?


For the first time, it took the initiative to meet Kashiwagi's gaze.

this moment.

Those incomprehensible emotions were instantly transformed into understandable information.

"Don't take risks!" Don't do wasted work! give it to me! Believe me! 』

"Believe me! 』

In a daze, it seemed to see a golden curtain, as if a voice from the bottom of his heart was echoing through the curtain in Doron Mecia's brain.

It's like staying in the place where you feel most at ease.

Can't help but identify with those voices.

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