My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 429 Three Multiple Dragons


Thinking of the hostility in Doronbaruto's narrowed triangular eyes, Kashiwagi knew something was wrong, and hurriedly turned around and hid by the door.


As soon as he made a move, a stream of blue energy emerged from the void and hit him!

But before it could break out of the door frame, a semicircular light shield composed of countless hexagons blocked the door, blocking all the strong dragon breath inside the door, and it remained unwavering despite its continuous attacks.

A desperate howl floated in the air.

Kashiwagi took advantage of the situation and looked around, and immediately saw the figure of Doron Baruto hiding in the water shrinking again.

As a Pokémon classified as invisible, this guy's invisibility ability is even better than that of Doronmecia, to the extent that it can be hit by direct light without leaving any trace.

It's very difficult.

But I don’t seem to have seen this guy’s “little brother”.

He was keenly aware that there was no presence of Doron Mecia in the four holes above Doron Baruto's head, and he had two guesses in his mind.

One is that the two multi-dragon Mecia are hiding.

The other is that this guy is purely a loner, and maybe he abducted Duolong's younger brother.

While thinking about it, Fleur next to her didn't pay much attention to Doron Mecia, and focused all her attention on Sun Coral.

"not bad!"

Fleur had an expression of approval on her face. She liked the Ghost Pokémon the most. She had actually been eyeing this guy who was leaning over her shoulders to fish, but she didn't speak immediately. The previous situation where she blocked Ghost Pokémon with Night Demon was also revealed. She remembered it.

Sun Coral didn't reply, didn't even look at her.

This kind of social terrorist is what Lazy Cancer is most afraid of. Even Kashiwagi can't stand it. It dares to take on Furong's troubles. It just pretends that it doesn't understand.

It just wants everyone to be like Bonnie.

Talk less.

Fleur, who was ignored, was not upset. She even misunderstood its meaning and said with a smile: "What an arrogant little guy!"

Kashiwagi kept staring at the door, using a flashlight to search for Doronbaruto who didn't know where he was. Hearing her words, he felt that the king had a big heart.

Such a big dragon, Baruto, disappeared and attacked them!

Is this the confidence brought by the strength of the King of Heaven?

I remember that in Huangtie Town, the Daigo on the back of Metagross seemed to be commanding many Pokémon to attack the dark Pokémon in a leisurely manner.


When people return to the spirit world, it's like going home. Cass's trick was easily uncovered, so naturally he won't care about the little dragon Baluto.


Doronmesia, who was in joy after being reunited with his brother, later realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere around him. When he looked back at Kashiwagi, he saw him sweeping around with a flashlight. He was actually infected by his mood and became a little nervous. In such a mood, he quickly hooked his little paws with his younger brother's little paws and wanted to fly back.

But its younger brother, who looked exactly like it, didn't move.


Doron Mecia showed a puzzled expression, and then saw his brother break away from his claws and suddenly disappear into the air.

It froze for a moment and looked around anxiously.


As he finished speaking, there was a sudden explosion in the air.


I saw a blue afterimage accompanied by the first flash of fireworks, screaming like a supersonic missile, rushing towards the carefree Furong outside the door at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye!

However, at the moment when it was about to hit, a broad palm reached out like lightning and caught the "cannonball" as quickly as possible.

With a bang, the dragon attribute energy exploded in the palm of the Night Demon Spirit, but the latter's expression did not change at all, and another fist was blasted forward in waves!


The majestic dark energy turned into a giant fist visible to the naked eye, and suddenly exploded on the rolling water, making an extremely terrifying explosion!

Water splashes rise into the sky!

Kashiwagi's eyes moved when he saw this, and he immediately saw the water splash hitting the invisible Doron Baruto, showing its rough outline.

"Shadow ball!"

A purple-black chaotic energy bomb flew out from the mouth of the sun coral on his shoulder. Doronbaruto only realized that he was exposed when he saw the energy bomb coming. He was about to dodge but suddenly felt a pain in his lower back, like It was like being hit by something.

This time, the shadow ball in the front cannot be avoided.


Purple-black energy fireworks exploded with smoke, and Doronbaruto screamed and fell to the water.

"The timing is just right! Throw the ball quickly!"

Fleur's excited cry prompted Kashiwagi to subconsciously pick up the empty luxury ball and throw it, hitting Doron Baruto floating on the water quite accurately.


The luxurious ball opened and sucked Doronbaruto in, then fell to the water and shook violently.

Fleur gave a thumbs up, "That's a good shot! Young man!"

"I'm not 'less' anymore... Why did you ask me to subdue Doron Baruto?" Kashiwagi hadn't actually thought about subduing the guy just now. He planned to knock him out and have a good chat with him.

As soon as this person shouted in his ear, he immediately took off the empty poke ball from his waist and threw it out.

He had practiced the ball-throwing movement very hard, although he had rarely used it a few times. If he didn't buy the Pokémon at home or was given by others, he had to conquer Sun Coral.

But the process of conquering it can also be called funny.

The situation just now was certainly a critical blow from Sun Coral, but if the Night Demon hadn't used its shadow fist to splash the water and make Doron Baruto appear, it would probably be difficult to catch it.

Therefore, Furong also has the right to conquer Doron Baruto, even with greater credit and higher priority.

She said nonchalantly: "Of course you want to conquer it, don't you?"


Kashiwagi replied simply.

"Then it's over. It's only natural for a trainer to capture the Pokémon you want, train it well, and let it have a fierce battle with me in the future!"

Fleur patted his shoulder carelessly.

Bonnie next to her was very pleased. Her colleague had no sense at all, and loved to make trouble, but she had never been careless on the road of training trainers.

A large part of the existence of the Four Heavenly Kings is to cultivate talented rookie trainers.

Whether they accept the trainer's challenge or provide guidance to the trainer, this is their obligation.

inside the room.

The luxurious ball didn't swing twice before the red light at the switch position disappeared, and star effects flashed around it, symbolizing the success of the conquest.

The sneak attacker Doron Mecia not far away covered his head and bared his teeth. There was no doubt that the back attack that Doron Baruto could not dodge was caused by it.

Fortunately, it recovered quickly from the pain. It looked at the luxurious ball that was washed away by the waves and quickly flew over to hold it in its arms. Then it turned around and flew out of the room, stopping in front of the Night Demon's palm. It anxiously flew left and right, shouting Screaming, "Hee! Hee!"

The Night Demon didn't say anything, and silently opened his palms to reveal his younger brother Duolong, curled up in a ball and shivering.


Doron Mecia took a long breath, put down the luxurious ball, and then slapped Doron's younger brother on the head. He looked very angry with a vicious look.

It knew very well that its younger brother was voluntarily launched by Dragon Baruto. These social Pokémon have a high probability of staying with evolved and final evolved forms, and very few will "live alone" like it and its younger brother. ".

For them, there is a natural temptation to stay in the launch hole of Doron Baruto. This is a special habit determined by genes.


Brother Duolong let out a cry that was even worse than a ghost's howl, and he didn't dare to resist at all.

The Night Demon silently picked out the luxurious ball with his fingers and handed it to Kashiwagi who was closing the door and talking to Bonnie and Fleur.

"Ah, thank you."

The latter thanked her and looked at Fleur again, who proposed to stay and continue exploring the Ghost Hotel.

to be honest.

If it hadn't been past three o'clock in the morning, and the clue pointed to Doronbaruto's success, he would probably be happy to continue tossing with him in this afterlife world.

Bonnie also said: "Don't forget to leave a bunch of ghost Pokémon in the park. Once they get into trouble, they can easily cause a lot of trouble."

"Alright alright."

Fleur, who was still in high spirits before, raised her hands in surrender and looked at the dilapidated corridor of the Ghost Hotel with souvenirs... It would probably be difficult for her to come in legitimately after going out this time.


Several people went home.

After reprimanding his younger brother, Doron Mecia returned to Kashiwagi's head, and of course his brother. The two Doron Mecia were squeezed into one head and there was not enough space.

But they didn't seem to care much, and just stacked them up like Arhats.

After seeing it, Furong's eyes were filled with stars and she insisted on taking pictures. Then she took out a mobile phone from nowhere and insisted on hugging Sun Coral.

Who would have thought that Sun Coral hid in the backpack in disgust.

It feels that this person will push for further, and it must be very troublesome.

Furong, whose idea failed, was not disappointed either. She put her arm around Kashiwagi's shoulders with a smile and took a group photo in a ghostly place like the spirit world——

Then of course I got a supernatural photo, and a ghost Pokémon that was unfortunately caught by the Night Demon, who stuffed it directly into his stomach.

"Why bother..."

Kashiwagi felt that it was hiding well, so why did it suddenly appear?

Are photos so attractive?


Return to room 1608.

The three of them and the Pokémon looked at the bathtub.

The long, black-limbed palms of the bathtub stretched out and crawled to the side in a strange posture, revealing a dark gap.

"Not again!"

The Death God's Coffin roared angrily, his voice amplified next to Bomu's ears, "Especially you! You brat who doesn't know how you got in!"

Normally, the spirit world must be entered through the entrance, which is under its buttocks, but just now it suddenly realized that this little devil didn't seem to have come out from under its buttocks!

This is strange.


Kashiwagi scratched his head and just wanted to say that he was also very confused. He just copied the ancient inscriptions. How could normal inscriptions have the ability to allow people to penetrate into the spiritual world.

He wanted to say something, but was pushed directly into the gap by the death coffin.

His feet were light.

When we stepped on the ground again, the bathroom of the new hotel was already in front of us.

Fleur and Bonnie had already gone out, and there were shouts of joy from the supervisor and Miss Junsha outside. He looked up and saw a dark crack.

Kashiwagi couldn't help but reach out his hand, and when he reached in, he touched something hard.

It's blocked...

He didn't dare to disturb Death's coffin any more and left the bathroom.

Outside, Bonnie and Miss Junsha were talking about something. Fleur was nowhere to be seen, probably to drive away those ghost Pokémon.

When the supervisor standing nearby saw him, he immediately came over and said excitedly: "Young man, you scared me! Suddenly I can't contact you! You happen to live in this room..."

"Excuse me, have you found the slate?"

he asked after nodding.

The supervisor replied: "The logistics people told me that the slate was accidentally broken during the relocation and has been disposed of."


Kashiwagi didn't expect that such a magical thing that could open the door to the spiritual world could break into pieces at the drop of a hat.

He came to the place where he had thrown his notebook. The ancient inscriptions on it were still shrouded in a thin layer of light. He picked it up and observed it carefully for two seconds. The thin light suddenly dimmed.


He was stunned for a moment, and when he ran back to the bathroom again, he saw that the dark gap above had disappeared.

According to Furong, the entrance to the spirit world was stimulated by the special magnetic field brought by the gathering of a large number of ghost Pokémon. So the ancient inscriptions were also affected by this special magnetic field?

"Words that work under special circumstances..."

Kashiwagi thought of the unknown totem tablet that created the fake Entei in the theatrical version, and thought that ancient inscriptions might have many uses in animation.

I had never thought before that the reward of being proficient in memorizing ancient texts is simply great!


At the supervisor's suggestion, he changed rooms. Furong, Bonnie and the others also left with Miss Junsha. They still had to explain the matter in room 1608.

A group of union workers like them had to wipe their own butts when doing a big job... At least they had to give the local police or management how to do it to prevent any accidents in the future.

Something about tablets and ancient inscriptions.

Kashiwagi wanted to go along with him to report, but was rejected by Bonnie, who urged him to take Doron Baruto and Doron's younger brother to the Pokémon Hospital.

He had no choice but to relay the situation to Bonnie, who would then inform Miss Junsha.

Toss until about four o'clock.

He finally had some free time and cooked for the two Doron Mecias, who were so hungry that their stomachs growled in their sleep, and then he lay down on the bed and took a nap.

And the two Doron Mecias got into the rice bowl like starving ghosts and never took their heads out.

It wasn't until he finished eating that he lay on his back and burped like a pot-bellied frog.

It took a while to digest the food.

The two multi-dragon Mecia, who started to feel sleepy again, flew to Kashiwagi's side and fell asleep next to him who had already fallen asleep.

A night of silence.

Around noon on the second day.

Kashiwagi just woke up. When he opened his eyes, he didn't see the big head of the three evil dragons. What he saw was the multi-dragon Mecia sleeping on his face.

After taking it off his face, he turned to look at the other one lying on the head of the sun coral, sleeping soundly.

"I actually slept almost until the afternoon..."

He felt a little guilty. Since the ship arrived, he had rarely experienced this kind of goodbye in the morning.

The people at home were very hungry just thinking about it.

Kashiwagi quickly released all the Pokémon and apologized to them.

The Pokémon led by Boss Cordora naturally forgave him in a reasonable manner. It was not like they didn't know what happened yesterday. They had discussed it together before preparing to enter the spirit world.

Not long after.

The room became noisy.

The two multi-dragon Mecia also slowly woke up amidst the commotion.

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