My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 432 Cowherd and Weaver Girl


Amidst the continuous vibrations, the strong breath of dragon flames burned the floor tiles of the square, constantly covering the surrounding space in an attempt to find the "disappeared" Dragon Baruto.

Fortunately, the floor tiles in the square were strong enough and were not shattered by the dragon's wave.


The three evil dragons whose moves failed were not in a hurry. They looked at the empty square and raised their heads. They sniffed twice and then quickly turned to the left!


There was an explosion in the void.

The dragon Baluto suddenly appeared in the blazing fire, and a blue shadow flew out from above its head like lightning and flint, rushing straight towards the three evil dragons!

The three evil dragons were so fast that they couldn't react at all.

But fortunately, the moment it smelled Dorong Baruto, it had already used its defense.


The semicircular light shield composed of countless hexagons trembled violently, and one could suddenly see that Doron Mecia was wrapped in azure light, with a long smoke trailing behind him, like a missile constantly trying to penetrate into the light shield.

Helplessly waiting for the dragon arrow's attribute energy to run out, it failed to complete this glorious mission. Instead, it was bitten by three evil dragons, turned around and thrown to its tail.

The entangled brother Duolong struggled wildly.

"Hee! Hee!"


When Sister Duolong saw this, she wanted to go up and give it a paw with a face full of hatred, but was stopped by Kashiwagi again.

"It's dangerous to get involved in other Pokémon's battles at will."

He warned him: "Your brother doesn't have much sense of danger, so he was caught by the three evil dragons so easily."

Doron Mecia is not a disposable missile. After using the dragon arrow, it needs to fly back by itself, or Doron Baruto will pick it up.

Therefore, even if the combat relationship with Dulong Mexia is limited to dragon arrows, it still needs to have a powerful enough movement.

Otherwise Dragon Arrow is a one-time move.


Sister Duolong showed a slightly confused expression.

It was obvious that such a complicated sentence structure was difficult to understand for a Pokémon that had little contact with humans, so he could only look at his brother with great anxiety.

Kashiwagi was not too disappointed, and murmured: "Ten levels... is almost the same as starting from scratch, so take your time."

The three evil dragons in front seemed to feel the burning gaze from behind, and decisively threw Brother Duolong behind.

Of course, what's more important is that it found that Doron Mecia is not very useful as a dragon quality.

More like a drag.

It's better to use it as a bait to distract your vision.

Sure enough, when Duolong's brother flew backwards, Duolong Baruto's eyes were attracted.

The three evil dragons flapped their wings and rose higher into the sky without hesitation!


Blue flames ignited from its three heads and quickly enveloped its entire body.

Dragon's Dive!

The terrifying evil spirit descended before Doronbaruto could hide and dodge, like a high mountain pressing down on it.

Obviously the energy level is higher, but if you look closely at this guy's various performances, it seems that he is far inferior to the appearance of the three evil dragons.



Sister Duolong quickly stepped forward to catch her brother, but couldn't help but glance at Baimu. She thought she would be stopped this time.

After hugging his younger brother, he raised his paw and banged him twice, beating him until he ran away with his head in his arms.


Brother Duolong covered his head in grievance, not knowing why his sister was angry.

Are you angry that it has turned to the "enemy"? But how could Doron Mecia not want to be launched by Doron Baruto?

Brother Duolong felt that his sister wanted to do it too, but she was just being patient, "Hehe!"

Stop putting up with it, there's nothing to put up with!

Sister Duolong couldn't help but get even more angry, this idiot who only caused trouble to others——


There was a loud noise, and the majestic blue dragon flames spread out together with the dust and smoke.

When the two little dragons were tossing each other, the ferocious energy flying dragon transformed into three evil dragons collided with the Dragon Dive used by Baluto, the dragon.

Both sides fought hard to achieve this result.


The three evil dragons exited the thick smoke, and their energetic state proved that they had the upper hand in the fight just now.

On the other hand, looking at Doron Baruto, even though the smoke was hazy, you could vaguely see the guy's panting expression covered in dragon flames.

The stone tiles in the square cracked due to the two Pokémon's attacks, but Kashiwagi was ready to lose money.

"Be careful! The latent spirit is coming!"

He noticed that Doron Baruto disappeared into the smoke and gave him a hint.

He didn't give many instructions in this battle. The purpose was to see the autonomy of the three evil dragons.

So far, this guy's performance is still very satisfying.

Especially when the situation is not right and he defends this point, it fully shows that the three evil dragons have inherited his fighting habits.


"It's normal to not be able to smell it. This guy is in a different space!"


The three evil dragons were quite surprised when they heard what the trainer said.

Different space? Is it the spiritual world that the trainer visited yesterday?

Can Doronbaruto come and go as he pleases?

While thinking about it, a narrow red light suddenly lit up in the shadow beneath it.


Dragon Baruto rushed out from the shadow. He slammed into the back of the defenseless three evil dragons!

"Lu 咜!"

However, just when it was about to hit, the three evil dragons suddenly turned around and bit the two sides of its triangular head with its left and right heads.

Immediately afterwards, Doron Baruto's tail stabbed its chest, and the ghost attribute energy exploded into a cloud of smoke. However, the other party acted like a normal dragon and still bit its head.


The head in the middle of the three evil dragons roared violently, and orange-yellow light clusters quickly gathered in the chest and abdomen, and flew into the sky with Doron Baruto's horrified expression!


The energy group emitted a roar similar to that of fireworks rising into the sky, and then exploded into small meteors with long flame tails!

Doron Baruto kept struggling, but found that his strength was not as strong as the three evil dragons. At the same time, before it could spray dragon flames from close range, its mouth was bitten by the opponent's largest head.

The exaggerated bite force directly caused it to lose most of its resistance, and was forced to become a human shield as the three evil dragons flipped over.

The bolides also rushed to fall on it.

Boom boom boom——

Smoke from the explosion billowed into the air.

"It's over." Kashiwagi said to the two Doron Mecia with confidence.

With Doronbaruto's physique, he definitely wouldn't be able to withstand this meteor swarm.

It's almost the same if it's replaced by a scaly dragon.

The two Doron Mecia blinked and soon saw the fainted Doron Baruto in front of them when the smoke cleared.

"Hehe!" Sister Duolong was shocked with a hint of joy.

Brother Duolong was worried.

Kashiwagi took back the Poké Ball from the fallen Dragon Baruto, "With the foundation of a head-on victory, subsequent exchanges will definitely be much smoother."

The previous subjugation relied on Furong's power, so Doron Baruto may not be convinced.

After finding the square manager and paying the repair fee and fine, he went to the Pokémon Center to heal all the Pokémon involved in the battle.

Half an hour later.

He went to a nearby park and released the bandaged Dorumbaruto.

Brother Duolong wanted to fly over as usual, but this time Sister Duolong didn't let it fly, and pressed it firmly on the top of the cypress tree.

Doronbaruto saw this and growled menacingly.

"Lu 咜!!"

"Why are you yelling? It's natural for a sister to take care of her younger brother, but you, the abductor, do you know what you have done!"

After Kashiwagi's words were passed on, Doronbaruto actually showed an anthropomorphic look of panic and guilt, and turned his head.

This guy has probably been in contact with the human world, so he has a deeper understanding of human language than Doron Mecia, and his high level also helps his understanding ability.

Sister Duolong next to her saw it, threw her brother away, and slapped Duolong Baruto's head twice.


How did you abduct my brother?

Facing Sister Duolong's glare, a trace of grievance flashed inexplicably in Duolong Baruto's narrow eyes.


With the help of Porygon II, Kashiwagi learned a tortuous and coincidental content.

Affected by some factors, Doron Baruto's two former Doron Messias left it, causing it to have to find a partner again.

Brother Duolong discovered him during the search. The two met in a forest, and brother Duolong looked lost.

As soon as he saw it, he got into its launch port without hesitation.

This surprised Doron Baruto, who thought it was God's will, and quickly took his younger brother Doron to look for another Doron Mecia.

By the time Brother Duolong realized that he was leaving his sister, and before he could say hello, they had already boarded the ghost ship heading to the Fengyuan area.

"Go to Fengyuan area to find Duolong Mexia?" Kashiwagi's head was filled with questions.

Polygon II told him that this was possible. Today's academic circles believe that Polygon Mecia is a special existence born after the death of a certain dragon-type Pokémon in ancient times.

They will linger in the places where they were active in life, and the area where they were active in life is not only the Galar region.

And maybe in some deep sea.

In short, Doronbaruto came to Zijin City based on his inner calling.

Unexpectedly, this trip cost me both my wife and my troops. Not only did I not find the last Doron Mecia, I actually lost all the remaining ones.

At the same time, it itself was captured, which was simply inexplicable.

Doronbaruto had to accept this terrible fact.

"So why did your ex-partner leave you?" Kashiwagi was very concerned about this key point that Doronbaruto had deliberately concealed.

But when it comes to this, the other party refuses to say anything.

It's not like he likes to force Pokémon, he will find out sooner or later anyway.

"So what's your next thought? They've decided to follow me."

Kashiwagi fished out two Doron Mecias and put them on their heads under Doron Baruto's envious eyes.

As for what he said... Doronbaruto didn't even think of answering.

Not to mention that it has been subdued, with two multi-dragon Mecia in front of it, could it pretend not to see it and leave?

think too much!

Doron Baruto wants to convince another Doron Mecia...

Otherwise, it is very likely that none of them will be lost.

In addition, it bluntly stated that it hated humans very much. Although it was subdued, it would not listen to Kashiwagi in everything like the three evil dragons.

In short, he has a strong opinion——

It is a very common idea that high-level wild Pokémon have. Alice's dragon is the one with strong opinions.

It wasn't until I was frustrated several times later and was chatted privately with Alice using Dragon Heart that I gave her all my trust.

Kashiwagi plans to copy Alice's path.

But hate humans?

He wanted to get the reason from Doronbaruto, but was rejected.

This made him think that it might be related to the original partner that the other party didn't want to mention.

Conquered by humans? Caught by a poaching group?

If Kashiwagi possesses the Dragon Heart at this moment, he can completely explore the past memories of Dragon Baruto, and it will be useless even if he wants to talk about it.

Too bad he didn't.

On the other hand, after Sister Duolong learned the whole incident, her eyes towards Duolong Baruto softened a lot but were still mainly repulsive.

Even if this incident really happened because his younger brother ran away, Doronbaruto still has an unshirkable responsibility.

Therefore, it firmly objects to the fact that Duolong's younger brother wants to get into the launch port of Duolong Baruto.

Just like a mother who refuses to marry her daughter to a foreign boy.

A sad barrier called "Sister Not Allowed" has arisen between Doron Baruto and his younger brother Doron.

It's just that both are male.

A Pokémon version of a family ethics drama? Cowherd and Weaver Girl?

"Hahaha, it seems we are going to cheer each other up?"

Kashiwagi laughed.

A hint of displeasure flashed through Doronbaruto's slightly obscene triangular eyes.

But when she saw Sister Duolong pulling her brother to stay on Baimu's head, her displeasure turned into envy.


On the way back to the room, Kashiwagi met Fleur.

"Yo! How is Kashiwagi getting along with them?"

Fleur said with a smile.

"It's still in the early stages of getting used to each other. To describe it in terms of favorability, it might be zero."

He shook his head regretfully and looked at Doronbaruto beside him, who didn't look at him at all and looked away.

Furong then replied: "Show off your ability to quickly get close to Duolong Mexia. I think you will become familiar with it soon."

"I hope so... Is King Furong ready to leave?"

"Of course, there is no place that needs me in Zijin City. I will send it back to Shenshan. If you are free one day, you might as well come and take a look!"

Furong winked at him, "The spiritual world of Sacred Mountain is more interesting than the ghost hotel!"

Spirit world……

To be honest, he didn't want to go to such a dangerous place unless necessary, but the other party invited him, so he responded politely.

Later, he learned that Bonnie went to the alliance headquarters to report on this journey to the spirit world.

It was said that the group of ghost Pokémon summoned by Fleur made some noise.

Then why was it not Fleur who gathered ghost Pokémon but Bonnie who went to report?

Kashiwagi thinks this issue deserves careful consideration.

Maybe Furong didn't return to the alliance to send back the sacred mountain because she was grounded... It's very possible!

Kashiwagi and Furong parted. After a few seconds, they looked outside through the window and saw the latter being picked up by a car.

The expression on his face seemed unhappy.

It looks like he guessed it right!

Kashiwagi mourned for him in silence, and thought that it was time for him to set off towards the location of the next gymnasium - Yinyu City.

It's yang, and my head feels like it's filled with paste

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