My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 455 Caidou Caidou

After a lot of effort, the superpower successfully dealt with the reporters and the audience.

[You prepare to leave Jiqing City with a tired face. Unexpectedly, Kawu, the master of Jiqing Gym, is waiting for you at the gate. He said that it is his habit to personally send off every winning challenger, and also praised him for his symmetry. body and muscles, and look forward to meeting you in the Champions League and playing against you again]

Standard lines.

Kashiwagi is not very familiar with the word "fight again". Too many people have told him this word, but so far no one seems to have actually fought again.

Well, there's no such thing as bragging about muscles.

On the other side, the superpower who left Jiqing City set his next target in Quanguan City, but before that, the matter of the Giant Mushroom had to be resolved, and after harvesting a new Pokémon, he also had to deal with Gaga as usual. Leer Slowpoke did some exercises and used the purchased Galle cardamom branches.

Through the narration, we learned that the super-powered person actively searched for information about Galarian Slowpoke and Gigantamax during the few days he was idle in Jiqing City, and went to the local supermarket to buy Galarian Slowpoke. The special material needed for beast evolution, Galle cardamom branch.

The Giant Mushroom only grows near energy points, making it extremely rare.

However, there has been a lot of information about wild Gigantamax Pokémon in the wilderness, and it is said that they were temporary energy points produced by unknown influences.

[You decided to try your luck in the wilderness and look for those suspicious temporary energy points]

in the screen.

A person with superpowers leads a group of Pokémon in a wilderness area full of wild Pokémon. Occasionally, they will encounter wild trainers. The problem is basically not big. If the Dream Tapir is sent out, he can win quickly.

It doesn't matter if you encounter those who can't afford to lose, get entangled, or even want to perform a full martial arts show. After the Pokémon is finished, the trainers go up.

When it comes to Pokémon battles, superpowers are experts. When it comes to real-person battles, superpowers are equally true. Having traveled to two regions, he has seen all kinds of people.

Kashiwagi watched the superpowers walking through the vast wilderness, and he knew very well that these so-called temporary energy points were most likely Pokémon nests where huge group battles were held in the game.

It's just that unlike the fixed energy-producing locations in the game, the energy points in the animation are not fixed.

The reason is that these energy points are created by a special stone called the [Wishing Star], and the [Wishing Star] is not the wishing star Jirachi that Kashiwagi gave to Daigo to study, but the one brought by Wujudai when it came to the earth. The meteorite fragments that came from the area, and the subsequent meteorites that fell in the Galar region.

The lair that has lost energy points in the game only needs to cast a wishing star - the fragments of the wishing star can activate the dim lair.

Roz has been trying to resurrect all the wishing stars in the Galar region to resurrect the Infinite Dana, and breathe a sigh of relief for the Galar region that will run out of energy after a thousand years. In the animation, he calls this energy Galar particles.

However, it is still difficult to find temporary energy points in the animation by one person.

After many days of searching to no avail, the superpower decided to stop and solve the evolution problem of Galar's Slowpoke.

[You are in trouble between weaving Galar cardamom branches into a bracelet or a wreath. The two things not only require different amounts of Galar cardamom branches, but also represent two different evolutions of Galar Slowpoke]

[After careful consideration, you decide to do both things and leave it to Galar Slowpoke to decide]

in the screen.

The superpower user quickly used the methods he learned to make bracelets and wreaths, which made Kashiwagi feel that he was unexpectedly ingenious...

He also has a strong learning ability, which is rare.

Kashiwagi knew very well that even though many trainers nowadays travel all year round, in fact most of them have very limited self-care ability. Some like Ash have basically said goodbye to life skills, and those like Shinji who look very reliable can't do it either. Pokémon food is all about buying canned food for your own Pokémon.

The nutritional distribution of the current canned Pokémon food is reasonable, and the food standards in the Pokémon animated world are very high. Otherwise, God knows whether Shinji's Pokémon can maintain such high combat effectiveness.

After all, food is also an important part of training Pokémon.

The Galar Slowpoke looked at the bracelet and the wreath, and under the expectant gaze of King Slowpoke, it slowly squirmed towards the Galar Cardamom bracelet with dull eyes.

That's right.

Just wriggling, like a caterpillar.

But when it came to the bracelet, it didn't put it on its paws. Instead, it opened its mouth and tried to eat it.

[Seeing this scene, you quickly picked up the Galar Cardamom Bracelet, put it on the left front paw of Galar Slowpoke, and brought it to the river]

The Galar Slowpoke came to the river and put its left front paw with the Galar cardamom bracelet into the river as if it was a self-taught one. Its eyes were dull as if it was waiting for something.

The superpowers were not in a hurry, and sat next to Slowmon in Galar with King Slowpoke, waiting for something.

The screen moves quickly.

Without letting Kashiwagi wait for too long, Galar Slowpoke suddenly trembled, and its left paw that was stretched out into the river suddenly withdrew, but it didn't know when there was a huge blue river oyster on its left paw. ——

Big tongue baby!

A string of ellipses appeared on the head of Galarian Slowpoke, while the superpowers and Slowking looked happy.

In the animation, Slowpoke follows the setting of the illustrated book very much, that is, it can evolve into a Slowpoke if its tail is bitten by a giant tongue clam. The conditions for Slowpoke King are relatively more stringent, and they need to be worn while wearing an ancient crown. At the same time, he was bitten on the forehead by a big-tongued clam.

Galar Slowpoke is no exception. The focus of its evolution is not only the Galar cardamom bracelet, but also the chewing of the giant tongue clam.

Now is a good time to evolve from two Pokémon into one.

As soon as the blue light was bright, the Galarian Slowpoke, whose left paw was bitten, quickly changed from a crawling position to a standing position, and the golden part of its forehead turned purple as if it had been invaded by venom.

And the big tongue shell on the left paw turned into a huge snail with purple light.

[Your Galar Slowpoke evolves into a Galar Slowpoke]

Both the superpower and the Slow King had very happy expressions on their heads, but the evolved Galar Slowmon was as dull as ever.

It seems that evolution has not improved its intelligence.


It appears to have lost the ability to swim.

Kashiwagi looked at the Galar Slowmon that fell into the water and struggled, feeling somewhat speechless.

Can you forget your natural swimming ability? Especially the front and rear feet take less than two minutes.

But it feels very reasonable when it comes to this guy.

Within the light screen, the superpowers officially began to train the two new superpower Pokémon captured in the Galar region.

For a Pokémon with a big head like Orup, the superpower decided to develop its ability to withstand hits after careful consideration.

The previous battle with Lurina gave him inspiration.

As for the Galarian Slowpoke...

People with super powers are very interested in its exclusive feature [quick attack].

Kashiwagi was also very interested, but the simulator seemed to think that this training content was not worth tracing back too much, so it directly accelerated to the end of the training.

[You completed the target's special training, but during this period you were unable to search for the existence of the Gigantamax wild Pokémon, so you decided to set off]

With some regrets, the superpower walked through the endless wilderness and headed for Quanguan City in the north.

Not long after.

The gate of Quanguan City comes into view. The huge dragon head sculpture is quiet and grand, the towering crown tower is like the backbone of the dragon, and the corridors that are stacked up and climb up to the sky are like the wings of the dragon.

[You have arrived at Quanguan City, which is said to contain the most detailed ancient history of Galar and is the central city of the Galar region]

As usual, it's an aerial view.

On the surface, Quanguan City and Jiqing City have similar architectural styles, but in fact the former is older.

As soon as they entered the city, the superpowers went straight to the Fist Gym, but who would have thought that they would be rejected by the employees of the Malokomon Group.

[You can’t help but feel sorry to hear the staff say that only challengers who have obtained seven badges can apply for the challenge]

Obviously, Chibana, as Dandi's old enemy (self-confessed), is not someone who can be easily challenged by just anyone, so a badge requirement was established.

People with super powers had no choice but to go to Suchuan Town to challenge the gym there.

However, if you want to go to Suchuan Town without taking the train, you have to climb those huge, towering and exposed rock mountains.

But the person with superpowers never expected that he would encounter a wild Gigantamax Pokémon that he had never been able to find in the wilderness on Route 6.

I never imagined that it would be such a wonderful scene when we met.

At the end of the screen, a strange giant snake that stands like a top and spins like a sandstorm spits out gravel, trying to avoid the ferocious attack of another blue humanoid octopus.

The size difference between the two is like a toy and a real person, but the strange giant snake has nothing to do with the former.

"Super giant sand snail python and eight-clawed martial artist, Cai Dou?"

Kashiwagi raised his brows, and sure enough he saw an extremely blurry pixelated figure near the blue humanoid octopus.

This person was one of the few people in the animation journey who defeated Xiaozhi. Although most of the content of the journey was shaped into a bad movie by the screenwriter, when the plot of the bad movie became reality, he could only accept it.

The super-powered person came forward, but he had no intention of snatching the head, but wanted to find the existence of the giant mushroom——

He really found it!

However, the super-powered person's rash approach attracted the attention of Caidou and even the employees of the Malokomon Group. Before he could collect in peace, they stepped forward to drive him away on the grounds that the area was dangerous.

Even though the location of the giant mushroom is far away from the battle site, he has stated his intention.

The superpowers who were worried that their items would be collected by them were reluctant, but had no plans to conflict with the Malokomon Group. They retreated to the side and waited for the eight-clawed martial artist to kill the super giant sand snail python.

[You look at the heavily guarded and uniformly dressed employees of the Malocomon Group, and for some reason you are reminded of Team Rocket, the evil organization in Kanto]

It's okay to think of the Rockets.

Do you think these people are too domineering?

Kashiwagi also understands the pain of those with super powers who cannot collect things even though they are in front of them. As for who discovers the giant wild Pokémon, who owns all the by-products... This is a non-existent rule.

Fortunately, Cai Dou was more powerful, and the super giant sand snail python was quickly captured, and the employees of the Malokomon Group found a wishing star in the pit beneath him.

This kind of action, which is extremely purposeful and does not seem to belong to an "official" organization, gives more and more a sense of deja vu to Team Rocket, a team of superpowers.

Guandu has been suffering from Team Rocket for a long time!

[You stare at those people, thinking that you should stay away from them, but what makes you happy is that the giant mushroom is still in place]

The delighted superpower quickly collected all the giant mushrooms nearby, and there were five of them, just enough for the first pot of stew.

As for whether other Pokémon will become Gigantamax in the future, the superpowers will decide to wait until then.

Get ready to make soup.

Kashiwagi became interested and wanted to learn something secretly, but the problem was that he had just talked so eloquently, and he wished that the narration explaining every action of the superpower could not be written in words!


It's simply too much!

He looked at the screen in frustration, where he made a pot of red soup that glowed red as if playing a game. After pouring it into Oulupu's mouth, the superpower man immediately climbed two mountains in excitement. Arrive at Suchuan Town.

[You have arrived at Suchuan Town, a country town that prospered due to ancient art]

The houses and arena in Suchuan Town were all transformed into a grayish-yellow sandy wind. This felt very familiar to him who once lived in Huangtie Town. Of course, this was also just an illusion. The two places were one and the same.

The superpower hurriedly walked to the Retrospective Arena. Unfortunately, no matter how urgent he was, he still needed to sell tickets for the arena, so he still had three days to wait.

From Kashiwagi's perspective, the three days that these two superpowers were cruel to him were actually only a few seconds.

When you go out, you enter.

Entering the door is the beginning.

The superpower and Cai Dou looked at each other from nearly a hundred meters away. The latter effortlessly determined that the other had practiced fighting skills. The combined information made Cai Dou even more fearful.

The first choice Pokémon of both sides is very interesting. The super-powered one chose Eolup, while Caido chose Wrestling Hawk.

The former decisively went to Gigantamax, and used his exclusive Gigantamax move to hit the [Super Gigantic Seven Stars of Heaven]. The secondary effect after using it was to activate gravity, which to a certain extent was aimed at Ayaka Man, who is good at jumping and attacking.


That has to be something that the wrestling eagle man can handle.

As Eolup was being carefully guided by superpowers and influenced by the talents of the elite system, its strength was gradually catching up with other team members. The effect was outstanding, and it actually killed the Wrestling Eagle directly.

This shocked Caido, and then she seriously exchanged for the second one - no, it was the second group of Pokémon formations.

As formation Pokémon, they very wisely chose to split up and act separately. Under the guidance of the leader of the formation, they caused great trouble for Orup who was unable to hit the Max move.

In the end, the superpower was smart enough to let Europ attack the leader, which also led to the formation's defeat without a fight.

"Hmm... When the leader falls, wouldn't it be strange to immediately elect a new leader?" Kashiwagi sighed, but soon he saw the super giant Eolup exploding and falling down like a shrinking balloon.

Lost the ability to fight! ?

The one who attacked it was the eight-clawed martial artist, the guy who killed the super giant sand snail python a few days ago.


Kashiwagi sighed softly, and what he said was exactly the same as the narrator at the bottom.

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