My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 458 Legend Clues

[You have collected all the badges and are qualified to participate in the Champions Cup]

The person with superpowers officially became the first challenger to qualify for the Champions Cup. He also took the opportunity to become famous and was worshiped by many people in Galar.

But before he could participate in a few TV shows or interviews, the person with super powers disappeared.

Only Roz, who talked to him at the gate of Quanguan City, knew that this guy had gone to the wilderness to cultivate Pokémon, and planned to adjust his condition to the best before the start of the Champions Cup.

Things like this are actually very common.

Even if Roz didn't mention it, Kashiwagi had seen in Wings of Dawn that Cai Dou, who was beaten by the Alchemy Emperor and became autistic, ran to the wilderness to practice, and even got himself stuck in a hole in the ground and almost couldn't get out.

And superpowers are also self-aware. Through the gym challenge, he has already made a rough estimate of the strength of the gym leaders——

It's hard to win.

[You think to yourself that it is quite stressful to even defeat the gym leader who is going all out, let alone challenge the Dan Emperor who is known as the strongest king in the world, so you can't help but work harder to train yourself]

The method of cultivating Pokémon for superpowers is not much different from that of Kashiwagi, and they also try to participate as much as possible.

But he found that the former's physical strength was much higher than his. He couldn't imitate just the move of a super-powered person stopping the charging Galar Flame Horse.

Kashiwagi's previous attempt to stop the collision of three evil dragons, but was knocked away, is still fresh in his mind.

Are superpowers so big?

Dragon Heart can't do it.

He couldn't help but recall Alice's various behaviors... This naughty child's physical strength and reaction ability were naturally excellent. Like him, the Dragon's Heart, which was mainly used for communication, did not bring her physical assistance. .

If I remember correctly.

Kashiwagi turned his attention back to the simulation, only to find that in order to improve the strength of the new and old members before the start of the Champions League, the superpowers were already showing signs of being "obsessed".

What's the meaning?

What this means is that in the current wilderness, anyone with superpowers, let alone a wild trainer, will be slapped twice after being lured to sleep by the dream-inducing tapir, not to mention a wild trainer.

Just to practice the accuracy of "Hypnosis Punch" and "Awakening Slap".

Under such torture, the dream-inducing tapir has mastered its soul skills, beating its opponents violently, hypnotizing them, waking them up, and beating them violently. So far, no one has been able to withstand three rounds.

And Gem Starfish, relying on its many tentacles and the soul enlightenment brought by the previous battle with the Octopus Martial Master, instantly sublimated and learned a fake [Octozoax] for itself. When seeing a wild Pokémon, he would ask, "You know?" How do starfish eat?" This sentence.

King Slowpoke used his mental nut step by step, and learned a fake [arm shell weapon] from the Galarian Slowpoke. Anyway, the nut won't break, just pound it hard and it's done.

As for Europ, as a noble Gigantamax Pokémon, it is the only oriented entity in the team, and is responsible for coming out to get beaten - and usually used to find opponents. In actual combat, it puts its "head" towards it to get beaten. Kashiwagi's style of play also made Kashiwagi quite dumbfounded.

There is nothing special about the Galarian Slowshell. People with superpowers think that the shell weapon on its left hand is so good that it is suitable for rushing over, stuffing its mouth into the opponent's mouth and spitting poison, and it does exactly that.

Coupled with the Quick Attack attribute that can occasionally increase the speed of attacks, Kashiwagi has never seen a Pokémon that has not been poisoned by it.

The Galar Flame Horse was the last to join the team but has received the most attention from superpower users. The reason is naturally due to its naturally graceful body and melee combat ability. Superpower users sit on its back like an ancient general, charging back and forth. Not for a moment.

If a person with super powers is equipped with a spear, he may be able to cosplay with King Lei Guan in the southernmost part of the Galar region.

The picture gradually speeds up.

[You are always paying attention to the news about the Champions League. Finally, you saw the news at the station that the Champions League will be held in Gongmen City next week and got on the train without hesitation]

The superpower was sitting in the car quite calmly, perhaps because he had not shown up for a long time, or perhaps because other successful challengers had gained more limelight. The train to Gongmen City was full of people, but almost no one came. Say hello to him.

Until he got off at the station——

Various media outlets rushed over instantly. Kashiwagi was sweating when he saw the superpowers surrounded by pixel versions of guns and cannons in the simulation.

This means that it doesn’t matter if the people can’t remember it, the media will remember it.

And once the media recognizes it, the public's memory will slowly revive. Many people have high hopes for the person with superpowers who used it as a gimmick and was the first person with superpowers to qualify for the Champions League.

The Champions League is essentially divided into two parts.

One is the semi-finals and the other is the finals.

In the semi-finals, all competing gym challengers need to compete for the last place, so that they can participate in the finals where the gym leaders go directly. If they win in the end, they can challenge the strongest champion Dandi.


Just as Kashiwagi originally conceived, as long as they reach the semi-finals in the Champions League finals, then the superpowers will be at the level of the Four Heavenly Kings!

And based on this calculation, breaking through to the semifinals is equivalent to winning the regional conference.

And the final itself always gives people the feeling of participating in the Champions League...

He looked at the light screen expectantly, and the Champions Cup was officially held in the Palace Gate Arena, which looked like a bright red epiphyllum.

Unlike the semi-finals in the game where only four people participate, there are still many trainers who can participate in the semi-finals in the animation background - doubled to exactly eight people.

【Your first game is about to begin】

The super-powered person walked onto the field wearing competitive uniforms with a straight face. His opponent had similar attire and looked slightly older.

Trainers who have beaten the eight gyms in the Galar region are almost unqualified. With so many spectators watching live, it is impossible for the gym leaders to give up.

Kashiwagi strongly suspected that the Gym Leaders in the Galar region did not have a teaching function, but only defeated challengers or were defeated by challengers to make the audience feel comfortable, which reduced the Gym Leader's personal intentions to the lowest point.

Back to business.

[You defeated your first-round opponent with an unstoppable posture, and the audience cheered for the outstanding performance of you and your Pokémon]

The superpower's long-term retreat was not in vain. Although the opponent in the first round was strong, it did not consume too much of his energy.

The same goes for second-round opponents.

[You look at your defeated opponent and realize that your strength is no longer what it used to be] come I feel a bit like extreme joy leading to sadness.

Kashiwagi carefully looked at the superpower user's forehead and made sure that there was no smiling face on it before he believed that the latter was still quite stable at the moment and was not complacent about a small win.

You have to keep winning!

Such a powerful orange talent cannot be lost to the double blue talent!

He clenched his fists slightly, and the superpower finally faced his first strong opponent in the final round of the semi-finals. It was obvious that the opponent was not an ordinary trainer.

Although his Pokémon are relatively normal and not as weird as the Dream Tapirs, with this orthodox Pokémon power, they are vaguely on a par with the "freaks" of superpowers. .

Especially the Gigantamax Pokémon that this person chose turned out to be Gigantamax Butterfly. The exclusive Gigantamax move [Gigantamax Butterfly Shadow Bewitch] with the insect attribute has brought a lot of trouble to those with super powers.

Choosing one of three side effects from sleep, paralysis, and poisoning is really a headache.

Fortunately, when faced with this situation, the super-powerful warrior cut off his arm and directly took back the dream-inducing tapir in the Dynamax state, sent out a gem starfish to fight with it, used self-regeneration to force it through, and used 100,000 volts and Baddie. Come and die together.

And Baddie is already the last Pokémon left by the opponent.

The superpower successfully became the winner of the semi-finals and qualified to participate in the finals.

[You successfully broke through the semi-finals and reached the finals. You are only three steps away from challenging the strongest champion]

Breakthrough into the semi-finals will be rewarded at least as a regional competition championship level.

Kashiwagi was a little excited, but he also understood that everyone in the finals was a strong opponent, and every first army gym leader had to go through a lot of trouble to achieve what he did today.

Time speeds up again in the picture, and it's clear that the simulation has no appetizing ideas.

But just as something went wrong in the finals of the game, the super-powered person was just about to start the first round when he encountered a blockage from the dancing gym leader Popola.

As usual, the other party asked him in a question-and-answer format if he had any idea of ​​inheriting the Dance Gym, and said that if the super-powered person was willing, she would personally teach the super-powered person the secrets and experience of Pokémon battle——

You don't need to think about it to know that the superpower refused, leaving a chance for the future "Cai Ming" Peter.

Not good at dancing.

Popola was not angry after being rejected, and turned around silently to leave.

And the superpower finally faced his first opponent in the finals-Lulina, who was actually the same as in the game.

It's just that the "strength" of Lurina in the animation is much stronger than the rigid AI in the game. The super-powered person fell into a hard battle in the first round.

He couldn't believe that this was the gym leader he had defeated before.

The same armored warrior also struck head-on, and the Dream-inducing Tapir could not open it even with splitting tiles. He almost got hit, but luckily he dodged quickly.

The same goes for the Lightning Fist. As long as the armored warrior raises his large pincer in front of him, it is as indestructible as an iron wall. The danger avoidance feature is not triggered at all.

As a result, the dream-inducing tapir man could only play his trump card and take out the enhanced version of the hypnotic fist, and then beat the armored warrior back.

But it's not just the armored warriors whose strength has been greatly increased. The same is true for the Big-billed Gull. After falling into the rain, the flexibility is so terrifying that the super-powered person has no choice but to take out the Slow King and fight with it from a distance, barely. It was a draw.

However, there are only six Pokémon that can be used in the finals. It is so difficult for superpowers at the beginning, and it will be equally difficult later.

Kashiwagi looked at the hardship and thought that Lu Lina's strength was somewhat outrageous.

Is it possible that every gym owner in the Galar region has king-level strength?


It’s hard to say. In the early stages of the animation, the strength of the Four Heavenly Kings was infinitely deified. From Muji to Zhenzuan, the Four Heavenly Kings were all exaggeratedly powerful without exception.

But when it comes to the later stages of development and even the journey, let alone the Four Heavenly Kings, even the champion is about to fall off the altar.

Therefore, Kashiwagi was too lazy to find out whether Lurina was at the level of the Four Heavenly Kings. He would only be able to find out if he had a fight with her one day.

He looked at the hard-fought superpowers, and his heart couldn't help but feel anxious. As long as the superpowers could reach the semi-finals, the orange talent would make a lot of money this time.

Come on! The super-powerful brother who engages in fighting!

In the light screen.

The superpower's Gem Starfish and Lurina's Swamp King fought back and forth. The former wanted to entangle the latter, but the latter relied on the mucus on its body to be slippery and could not catch it at all.

The two people, who had been in a stalemate for a long time, had no choice but to switch Pokémon again.

But this time, Lurina chose to play the trump card, replacing the Devouring Turtle and turning on Gigantamax, trying to quickly break the situation and kill one of the superpowers.

Little did he know that the superpower had been waiting for a long time, just waiting for her to Gigantamax, so he immediately sent an Eulup and Gigantamaxed to come up with a back-and-forth combination of Gigantic Barrier, Gigantic Seven Stars of Heaven, and Gigantic Barrier.

He directly dragged Lurina's strongest weapon, Dynamax, and laid the groundwork for the flying gull - the gravity effect.

After this wave, although Europ was half disabled, the situation tilted towards the superpowers. The latter quickly expanded their advantage and took down three Pokémon of Lucina one after another.

Subsequently, he replaced Lurina's armored warrior with the Slow King, replaced the Big Mouth Gull with the Gem Starfish, and let the Galar Flame Horse come on to wait for an opportunity to take down the Devouring Turtle.

Unfortunately, regular Pokémon battles do not involve humans and horses, and superpowers do not allow people to use their backs. The "full strength" of the Galarian Flame Horse was not brought out, and it was knocked unconscious by the Devouring Turtle with a double-edged headbutt.

But it did leave a legacy for the Dream Tapir's appearance.

Faced with the violent devouring turtle in the wind, the Dream-inducing Tapir was not careless. Under the command of the superpower, he used his lifelong skill - Zhenqi Fist!

[In order not to disappoint you, your dream-inducing tapir hit the vital point of the Devouring Turtle! 】

Kashiwagi: "...?"

Let's go with the BGM. I feel like this scene is quite exciting, but you have a Pokémon with a super power attribute? ? ?

Okay, no more worries.

[You defeated Lurina and successfully entered the next round]

Kashiwagi took a deep breath, the next one should be Aya Dou, this girl is not easy to beat...

In the picture, a handsome young man with dark skin and an orange turban appeared in front of the superpower.


Kashiwagi: "..."

Death grouping! It's over now! Why didn’t Meirong kill this guy?

Okay, okay, we are already in the semi-finals, so we shouldn’t expect anything more.

He sighed and watched silently as Chibana, the son of the weather, tortured the superpowers in rotation with three types of weather.

It’s hard to say whether this guy has the strength to be a champion. It’s definitely enough to bully people with superpowers, without mentioning martial ethics!

At the end of the game, even though Qibana still used the Super Giant Aluminum Steel Dragon, he still killed six superpowers at the cost of only three Pokémon.

And to be able to fight like this, Kashiwagi felt that the first sight of the superpower was too early to kill him.

[You lost to Chibana and stopped in the semi-finals of the Champions League finals]

[You are not particularly satisfied with this result, but you also feel that you have not let down your Pokémon. When you were about to leave, Roz found you]

[You heard the question again - do you like the Galar region? This time you answered yes, but when faced with Roz's invitation to stay as the gym leader, you chose to refuse]

[You said that you still have so many areas that you haven’t visited and you don’t want to stop too early. You also said that you can’t adapt to the life of a Galar gym leader—interviewed every day. It’s too difficult for you to be on a TV show]

[You bowed to the regretful Roz, thinking about which area you should travel to next]

[End of simulation]


Kashiwagi stretched himself. The simulation time this time was longer than the previous ones. The main reason was that the gym battle was slower due to the addition of BGM.

But it's still very interesting. The dream-inducing tapir, which usually only appears in hypnosis books, is actually such a macho individual.

Look at the harvest.

He looked towards the reward.

[Fixed reward: Move learning machine × 7 (attributes can be specified)]

[Fixed reward: Superpower training memory of superpowers - summary (can be read repeatedly)]

[Fixed reward: Memory of Dream Tapir's fighting moves - including all learned fighting skills (can be read repeatedly)]

[Choice Reward 1: Any Pokémon will be upgraded to five levels (below lv90)]

[Choice Reward 2: Legendary Pokémon Clues (limited to race values ​​below 600)]

[Choose reward three: Skill - Chi Fist (can be learned by Pokémon)]

[Choice Reward Four: Save the [Elite System] talent for the next round of simulation]

Kashiwagi rubbed his eyes, then rubbed them again.

Legendary Pokémon clues!

Damn it!

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