My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 471 Kunpeng’s Peng?

Seek help from fellow tribesmen.

Kashiwagi suddenly lost his senses.

When he caught sight of the silver feathers held in Happy Egg's hand from the corner of his eye, he realized that Lugia had sensed the silver feathers from his mother and son, so he specifically asked him about the whereabouts of other Lugias. .

But can other Lugia help it? Can dark transformation surgery purify?

"This Hoopa can help!"

The eager and righteous little Hupa raised his hand and shouted, just like the children in the kindergarten who actively responded to the teacher's call, and began to manipulate the golden ring without any explanation.

However, Lugia didn't even glance at it. He still stared at Kashiwagi and sprayed out a ball of water mist from nowhere, hoping that he could quickly reveal the whereabouts of his kin.

This guy doesn't seem to realize that Hupa is the one who can really find his kindred.


If someone hadn't told it in detail and seen it with their own eyes, who would have believed that there is a Pokémon in the world that can open a hole to anywhere in the world at will, or even find someone who can accurately find it as long as they have specific conditions.

It just doesn't make sense.

"Wait a minute, Hupa."

Kashiwagi also stretched out his hand, stopping little Hoopa from summoning another Lugia.

Regarding this strange scene, adding another Lugia will not solve the problem and will only increase confusion. It will be a waste of effort to explain, in case some unpleasant misunderstandings arise again...

Although there is no need to worry too much about safety issues with Hupa, it is definitely not interesting to be bombarded twice for no reason.

What's more, the person who tied the bell must be tied to untie it. The evil done by mankind must be solved by mankind. Only by resolving the resentment in Lugia's heart can Lugia have the chance to return to Ole one day.

In the game, the only way to purify Dark Lugia is through a purification room, but as a new generation product, purification spray may be better than six tubes, so why bother looking far away.


He sorted out his words and informed Lugia of the existence of the purifying spray. He quickly found Shanmin, who was still asleep, and obtained the experimental video of the purifying spray purifying dark Pokémon and played it to the latter.

Unexpectedly, Lugia actually sneered at this and sprayed out a ball of water mist to reject his proposal to use purifying spray.

Porygon II translated: "It still wants to know the whereabouts of its kin." 』


Kashiwagi wiped the water from his face, completely incomprehensible.

To say that Lugia has been tortured by darkness for so long, he should be very happy to see this thing, but why is he not only unhappy but also resisting.

After thinking about it, it can only be that what happened to the Dragon Man and Dr. Muyin during the process of purifying Lugia caused it to develop psychological resistance.

"The purifying spray is so powerful, Hoopa wants it too!"

Hupa's words startled Kashiwagi who was thinking about it, but fortunately, he didn't use the ring to get it casually this time. Maybe he knew that this thing had an owner.

"This thing only has an effect on dark Pokémon. There may be only one dark Pokémon in the world like Lugia. It's useless for you to bring it." He persuaded Hupa and turned around again. Go and persuade Lugia.

What responded to him was still a cloud of smoke-like water mist, and he couldn't see where it came from, and then he heard the sound of "Puff——".

You don’t want what you should want, and you want what you shouldn’t want.


Moreover, this guy's design elements are clearly more [Kun and Peng] than [Peng], but his behavior is similar to Kun...or is it more like an alpaca?

Then again, tell it the whereabouts of Lugia and her son.

Did this guy fly away immediately?

So depressing.

Kashiwagi wanted to help Lugia, but he also knew very well that this guy didn't believe in him at all...or in humans, but he still tried to get the whereabouts of his fellow humans from him.

Can finding a similar person solve the problem?

Lugia is also very depressed. It has long been disappointed with humans and just wants to stay as far away as possible; if it couldn't stand the torture of darkness and couldn't find an effective solution, how could it ask for help from Cypress...

To be honest, as it was always wary of humans, it imagined that the other party's delay in saying anything meant that that fellow human being had also been arrested, and whether it was possible for him to touch it and be caught again.

Unfortunately, it is really desperate at this moment.

Lugia, who had become a combination of contradictions, felt exhausted both physically and mentally. He wished he could find a trench to sink into silence and never rise again. However, being darkened from time to time would not make him feel so comfortable.

How I want to have a peaceful sleep.

"Hupa, I have to trouble you again."

Kashiwagi had no choice but to ask Hupa to open a passage to the door of Dr. Muyin's house.

Because he wasn't familiar with this person, he couldn't just rush into his bedroom and pull him up. Besides, he still had a wife, so it would be rude to rush in rashly.

It takes a little effort.

"You...just wait."

He whispered to Lugia, hesitated for a moment and then sent the Happy Egg nurse to help persuade, and then walked into the passage.

Hupa naturally followed.

Outside the channel.

A crescent-white research institute came into view, and there were lights inside.

"Is this Ole?" It looked around curiously, seeing the green trees around it, and couldn't help but said: "But there are so many trees here. Didn't Xiaobai say that Ole is a desert after all?"

"Because this is the northwest, and it only accounts for one-fifth of the Ourei region, or even less."

Kashiwagi pointed to the phantom of the mountains to the east, "Did you see that bare volcano? Most of the Ole region is as bald as that."

Hupa squinted and wanted to ask something more, but turned around and saw Kashiwagi pressing the doorbell of the institute.


Under the quiet night sky, the doorbell rang slightly harshly.

Hupa waited for two seconds and couldn't help but said: "Let's go in directly."

"I rang the doorbell not because I couldn't get in, but because I wanted to remind them that someone was coming." He responded in a low voice.

Then with a creak, the iron gate opened inwards.

A small door at the end opened, and a man in a white coat leaned out half of his body, with sleepy eyes and adjusted his glasses.

"……Who are you?"

"I was introduced by Shanmin from Huangtie Town. If you have urgent matters, please contact Dr. Muyin." Kashiwagi knew that the other party might not know him, but he definitely knew Shanmin, so he borrowed his name.

After hearing this, the man opened the door completely and said, "Oh, that's it. Then I'll call the doctor. You can come in and sit down first."

Kashiwagi walked in, looked around and felt that it was no different from an ordinary office, so he found an empty seat on the sofa piled with documents and sat down.

The naughty ghost Hupa turned left and right, and when he found that he couldn't understand it, he drew circles on both corners with his fingers like Brother Yixiu. He seemed to be thinking hard about something, and suddenly said: "Are there donuts here?"

"There is a high probability that there is no such thing."

"Hoopa wants to eat donuts~"

"Be patient, and I'll take you to buy it when it's over."

"Really?" Hupa's eyes were slightly bright, and he said in frustration: "Mayali will not agree. She only allows me to eat five donuts a day. I have already finished them today."

Kashiwagi: "..."

Will the Phantom Beast not get fat or get diabetes?

"We'll buy it quietly then." He said comfortingly, and took out the Poké Cube from his pocket and handed it over, "Eat this first to try."

Poke cubes are much healthier than donuts that are high in oil and sugar.

However, Hupa worked hard to help him so much, let alone one donut, a hundred donuts were nothing.


Hupa covered his cheek and chewed the Poké Cube, "This is okay."

While talking.

The messy-haired Dr. Muyin arrived, walking in a hurry.

"It's you! Kashiwagi-kun! Have you returned to the Ourei area?" He was stunned when he saw Kashiwagi and Hupa. They were not familiar with each other, but they had met once when they were in Huangtie Town. In addition, Shanmin was deliberately It’s been advertised so much that you don’t even know whether you know it or not.

As for Hoopa... there were so many Pokémon that he had never seen before, it wasn't surprising.

"Dr. Muyin, I met Lugia."

Kashiwagi paused and asked directly: "But it still turns dark from time to time. Why is that? Didn't you and the Dragon Man completely purify it at the beginning?"

Dr. Muyin did not reply immediately, but frowned and asked as if to confirm: "Do you think Lugia will turn dark now?"

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes."

"...The thing that I was most worried about actually happened." He sighed, took a cup of coffee from his assistant, and took a sip to refresh himself.

When he was woken up in the middle of the night, he had to regain his senses first.

Kashiwagi also had a share, but he was not interested and simply gave it to Hupa, who was full of curiosity.

Hupa tasted it briefly, and immediately spit out the bitter taste.

"Hoopa hates this."

"Add moo milk and sugar and you will like it." Kashiwagi reminded softly. When he looked at Dr. Muyin again, the latter was already fully awake.

He recalled: "At that time, the Dragon Man and I worked together to restrain Dark Lugia in the purification room. However, the dark power in it was stronger than I thought... I think this is my problem."

"Your question?" Kashiwagi didn't understand.

Dr. Muyin nodded and said: "Before I fully built the purification room, I was known by the Shadow Team and kidnapped by them. Alina, the head of the Dark Transformation Department at the time, got a lot of information about purification from me, and Improving Dark Lugia's immune purification in an attempt to create the ultimate dark Pokémon..."

When he said this, Kashiwagi instantly recalled the game plot of Colosseum 2, remembering that the dragon and the shadow team went to the opposite side, which started when his father was kidnapped.

It seems that the former Dr. Muyin failed to keep his mouth shut.

It is understandable that not everyone can withstand the death penalty of the bad guy, not to mention that they may have something like a confessional.

Unfortunately, Lugia was given a darkening patch because of this...

It's too awful.

It’s just that the purification room in the game is obviously effective in completely purifying Lugia. Why did it appear that there were mistakes after the world view changed?

Kashiwagi couldn't figure it out, just like he couldn't figure out why the Shadow Team could revive three times.

Dr. Muyin continued: "Later on, Lugia repeatedly turned dark more than ten times in the purification room. After each purification, the time for the next darkening would be extended. The last time Lugia took two months to complete. There was no darkness, and we all thought we were successful.”

He sighed: "Lugia has had enough of being trapped in a small place. At the suggestion of my daughter Manai, we chose to let Lugia go free. Unexpectedly, we were unable to completely cure its darkness."

Because of the failure to cure it, Lugia's frequent episodes of darkness have led to less and less trust in humans, and he can no longer trust human technology.

No wonder Lugia didn't catch a cold at all when he heard Dr. Muyin.

It's like a patient who hears someone bragging about how great a doctor who has been torturing him for a long time but failed to cure is. He won't slander him, but he won't repay his trust either.

"What now? Do you have any idea now?" Kashiwagi hurriedly asked: "For example, does the purification spray have an effect on Lugia?"

"……Hard to say."

Dr. Muyin shook his head, "The advantage of the purification spray is that it is convenient and fast. There is no need to put the dark Pokémon into the purification room one by one, but the purification effect is not much enhanced."

"so what should I do now?"

"The only way is for Lugia to return to the clean room and let me do further research on its seems like it won't work." Dr. Muyin saw the trembling corners of Kashiwagi's mouth and was not too surprised.

Pokémon are not human dolls. They have their own feelings, and their trust in humans has its limits.

Even Dr. Muyin, who is the first person to research dark transformation technology, cannot understand the pain suffered by dark Pokémon. It cannot be described in words.

He could only try to empathize, but he couldn't empathize.

Everyone wants to help the tortured Lugia, whether they have some selfish motives or want to atone for the sins of the humans who harmed it. When Lugia itself is unwilling to accept help from humans, they have only two choices -

One, forced treatment in the name of good.

Second, respect its idea and give up treatment.

There is no doubt that Dr. Muyin and Kashiwagi can only choose the latter.

Because they regard Lugia as an independent individual, not a doll that swings around at will. But having to sit back and watch it suffer from darkness in order to respect it is also torture for both of them.

"Can you give me a bottle of purifying spray to try first?" Kashiwagi asked.


Dr. Mu Yin nodded and said after a few seconds: "If possible, can you give me a chance to meet? I know it may not be willing to see me, but maybe I can think of a way."

Kashiwagi is fine, he just needs to vaccinate Lugia in advance.


Through the circle of the tool man Little Hupa, he returned to the overseas island first. Lugia was still lying next to the mountain stream, and Happy Egg raised his head and sang a song, like a lullaby.


Lugia opened its eyes slightly and sprayed out a cloud of white mist. It was no longer in a hurry. After so many years, it still took such a short time.

"I brought the purifying spray, and Dr. Muyin wants to see you. Look..."

Kashiwagi asked softly.

It stands to reason that Dr. Muyin has no grudges or even grudges against Lugia. There is no need to explain it in advance. Unfortunately, Lugia has already entered a state of being completely killed with one shot, and the target of hatred has directly expanded from the Shadow Team to the entire human race.

Suddenly seeing him, I might become anxious.

Fortunately, although Happy Egg failed to persuade him, at least he completely calmed down and temporarily entered a stable sage state. He did not agree but did not refuse.

Under such circumstances, Dr. Muyin saw the Pokémon he had not seen for several years again in a trance.


He murmured quietly.

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