My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 826: Enlightenment in Longchang

The invitation came from Xiaozhi.

The irritable young man suddenly came to the door in the evening with a Pikachu, just like a running Todori, put down the invitation and ran away.

He refused to drink a glass of water, saying that there were other people to send.

"Tsk, tsk, a passionate boy."

Kashiwagi looked at the hand-painted invitation and recalled the relevant plot in the animation.

Dr. Kukui didn't want to hold a wedding ceremony, thinking that the proposal under the sunset was enough.

However, his students - especially Liliae and other three girls who yearned for a romantic wedding thought that this was not okay, and cooperated with Xiaozhi and other three boys to prepare for him secretly.

Although they are just children, their actual execution ability is not much worse than that of adults. In just one day, they got the wedding dress, cake, wedding scene and many other joints.

The banquet chef, host, and visiting guests were also arranged properly.

Now there is only one groom who has not arrived.

The arrangement is so perfect.

Kashiwagi smiled, thinking that since he had nothing to do tomorrow anyway, he might as well go over and join in the fun.

Unexpectedly, in the evening.

Another person who surprised him came to visit.

"Ah, ha!"

As usual, Gladion and Umbreon, dressed in black sweatshirts, stood in front of the door. Their handsome faces looked a little serious. Suddenly, they put their hands behind their backs and took a step with their left legs, bowing like a younger brother to his elder brother.

He said, "I'm sorry that I haven't formally expressed my gratitude to you until today. The Regis Chiru you entrusted to me have been a great help! Thank you very much!"

Kashiwagi walked down the steps and looked at Boskodora, who was watching the show next to him, with a strange expression.

He came to thank you in the middle of the night.

Was he worried that he would not be there during the day?

Kashiwagi smiled and responded, "It's good to be useful. There's no need to be so reserved. We are all so familiar with each other. Is your mother in good health?"

"Thank you for your concern. My mother is much better."

Glazio's brows relaxed slightly when he mentioned Lusamine, but he still said in a deep voice, "In the Ultra Space, it was obviously the most critical moment for my mother, but I couldn't help much. It was all thanks to the new Z-moves used by Xiaozhi and Pikachu..."

He took a deep breath and said, "After learning from the pain, I decided to challenge the island tour to train myself and my Pokémon! I also hope that you can allow me to continue to challenge you and give me advice in the coming days! I want to become as strong as you!"

"Of course."

Kashiwagi agreed without hesitation.

This young man came here with a frown in the middle of the night. I thought something happened, but it turned out that he just wanted to fight with me in the future.

Does he look so unkind?

Or is it that Glazio is actually quite introverted?

No wonder he has a good relationship with Xiaozhi in the Sun and Moon protagonist group, and basically ignored Mamane and Kachi, two boys of the same age, not to mention Mao and Shuilian.

Hearing his promise, Gladion completely relaxed, and seemed to suddenly think of something, and took out a box of something familiar from his waist bag.

"A little gift from my mother..."

Among the Pokémon secretly peeping inside the door, the big mouth baby's eyes suddenly flashed, and quietly kicked the heterochromatic Gengar next door, who was so wide and fat that it could cover it.


"Genga? Genga."

Gengar flew out of the door while scratching his head, showing a flattering smile to the trainer, took the box from Gladion and tiptoed back.

Before he could speak, Kashiwagi smiled helplessly and said, "Sorry, there are two greedy ones at home."

One of them was still holding up the airs and refused to show up, and sent the others out to embarrass themselves!

"No, no."

Glazio waved his hand quickly.

The two chatted for a while, and when they saw the right time, they just started fighting.

Kashiwagi decisively chose Gengar, who was dividing the spoils with Big Mouth on the spot, holding an angry bun in his mouth and looking confused.


On the wedding day.

Kashiwagi reviewed the plot from the perspective of an observer.

Especially when the animated PPT became a real-life performance, it felt different.

And influenced by him, Glazio, who had left home the night before in the original plot, also participated in the wedding of the two doctors.

The other guests did not change.

Including Zaobo, who was forgiven by Lusamine as in the original plot.

Glazio obviously still had a prejudice against him, but it was estimated that his mother had done ideological work for him, so he just treated this person as if he did not exist.

The wedding was going on later.

A plot that Kashiwagi felt a little funny was staged-

At the request of Lusamine and Pico, Xiaozhi and other ten-year-old Sun and Moon protagonists officially established the Ultimate Defense Force, a subsidiary organization of the Aether Foundation.

With the mission of understanding, researching and conquering the Ultimate Beasts.

The Ether Foundation prepared tight combat suits for each of them based on the cycling suits in the game, and each person's combat suit is a different color.

It looks like a team special effect.

And it's funny that the animation uses Xiaozhi and others to change clothes and ride Pokémon to fly out of the ground every day, making it look like many human teams in Ultraman special effects who can only shout six six six.

Of course, Xiaozhi and his team are definitely more reliable than Ultraman's human side. They rely on their own strength to solve various Ultimate Beasts, not Ultraman.

Kashiwagi stood by with a smile, and never thought that Lusamine would also throw an olive branch to him.

He was so scared that he quickly refused.

He would agree to this kind of thing when he reincarnates and is ten years old!

Gladion didn't agree at first. He was determined to become a powerful trainer like Kashiwagi, the Ultimate Defense Force...

If by chance, he could actually join.

Facing the eager eyes of his mother and sister, Gladion finally couldn't refuse completely and agreed to be a non-staff member.

Kashiwagi couldn't evaluate this dead sister control.

The end of the wedding.

Lizzie received the bouquet symbolizing love and good luck, which attracted applause.

Kashiwagi couldn't help but think of the episode when Xiaogang came to the Alola region. The two really had a sense of couple, but unfortunately after creating the heart-shaped [Destroying Giant Rock Falls in Love], this unique Z move, there was no follow-up.

It's hard to say whether this bouquet is useful.

"Ah! Solgaleo!"

Xiaozhi exclaimed.

Kashiwagi's attention was immediately attracted by Solgaleo running in the sky.

Xiaozhi, who was looking forward to seeing it again, chased it all the way to the beach, and finally accepted the fact that "a child grows up and is no longer under the control of his mother". He watched it go away reluctantly and waved goodbye.

"Thank you! Solgaleo!"

Raising from a small nebula to a big lion, for Owl, it may just be a loss of a roommate who sleeps in the bag together, but for Xiaozhi, it is definitely not the case.

Having experienced countless separations, he did not cry. Only when Solgaleo looked back and smiled, a bit of bleakness appeared on his face, and he watched Solgaleo step into the void and leave.

Kashiwagi wanted to comfort him a few words, but Xiaozhi was surrounded by his friends, and it was not his turn to care.

He had to give up.

However, if the scene of Solgaleo flying in the sky was seen by some people who insulted Groudon, it might be another carnival. The barrage of asking Solgaleo "Are you polite?" on behalf of Groudon would probably be flooded with messages.

Daily persecution of Groudon has become a regular program in the treasure circle.

So far.

The era of Ultra Beasts has begun.

Many Ultra Beasts will appear in Alola one after another, and some of them have existed for a long time.

But this has nothing to do with Kashiwagi. Some of them may be suitable for him, but they are not within his consideration at present.

After all, it is painful to communicate with the three pillars who can't even talk about anything.

If there are a group of Ultra Beasts who don't speak the same language, he will really waste too much energy on communication, which is obviously the most basic and simplest thing in the trainer's profession.

Not long after returning home.

There was a message sent to him to pick up the package.

Kashiwagi couldn't help but feel the big trumpet of the trumpet bird again.


It's really loud!

The express delivery is undoubtedly the Gengar Evolution Stone prepared by Shan Minoru.

From the appearance, the super stone has a light purple base, dark purple and scarlet spiral flocs.

"Have you ever thought about how to wear it?"

He asked Gengar's opinion.

Gengar subconsciously wanted to stuff it into his stomach, but felt that it might not work in that alien space, and there was also the beautiful headband tied to the Super Stone by Big Mouth.

Although it was clear that Aoskodora and Steelix did not use any accessories to carry the Super Stone, one was stuffed in the brain hole and the other was embedded in the back of the head.

But Gengar, who was naughty by nature and unwilling to be inferior to others, hoped that he could have a beautiful carrying accessory.


It sneered and asked the trainer to help it.

Kashiwagi looked up and down, which made Gengar shudder, and then agreed, saying:

"Okay, wait a few days."

Two days later.

He put a cloth cat ear muff on Gengar's right ear, and nodded while looking at it: "It looks good... Anyway, your ear is useless, the whole cover covers it."

Geng Gui's essence is a shadow, and he does not rely on "ears" to hear sounds.

That thing is just a simple anthropomorphism.

"Gengga? Gengga!"

Genggui's fat paws touched the earmuffs and touched the Mega Stone.

It liked this gift that came with the Mega Stone very much, especially knowing that the trainer made this thing by hand.

It is very precious.

Kaishi was relieved to see that it was satisfied.

Mega evolution requires the unity of mind and spirit between the trainer and Pokémon. If he treats Gengar harshly, he will not be able to Mega Evolve normally in the next life.

It just so happens that there is nothing important during this period of time. He plans to polish his relationship with Gengar and strive to complete Gengar's Mega Evolution before collecting all the Z-pure crystals of all attributes.

There is definitely a long way to go.

Now Gengar is holding the Evolution Stone, and when he is holding the Key Stone, the two have no resonance reaction at all.

The only time it shined was when Big Mouth accidentally passed by.

Kaishi, who almost screamed, gritted his teeth in anger and wanted to spit in Big Mouth's face, but he couldn't bear to do it.

There is no way.

He spoiled it.

At the same time, Gladion's fixed visit time changed from every morning to every morning and evening, making full use of time to the maximum.

It is worth mentioning that the attributes: Kong escaped the restraint of the restraint device and "evolved" into the Silver Companion Beast, and his combat power skyrocketed. Although he was still destined to be beaten unilaterally, there was still a difference between being beaten and being beaten.

In addition, Gladion's accuracy in throwing storage discs was shocking. He could even throw it blindly when the Silver Companion Beast was engulfed by gunpowder.

Afterwards, Kashiwagi asked him: Can the AR system of the Silver Companion Beast actively absorb the storage disc?

Gladion honestly told him that there was no such function.

Accuracy is slowly developed.


One afternoon.

Kashiwagi sat on the sofa, with Pokémon squeezing around on both sides.


He exhaled.

The simulation time has come again. If the exchange is successful this time, it will be another double blue simulation. Counting the double blue simulation of the kimono girl, the new orange simulation is just around the corner.

He couldn't help but press the exchange button in anticipation.

[Exchange successful]!

Here it comes!

Double blue simulation!

Kashiwagi clenched his fist and waved it fiercely, and couldn't wait to continue.

[Choose your birth region ▽]

After the Kalos region, it's the turn of...



He chuckled and continued to click on the male.

[Choose your Pokémon ▽]

Alola Meowth?

Kashiwagi looked at the Pokémon marked above and was very surprised.

He thought it would be like the pharmacist who had to choose one of the three starter Pokémons in Alola, but he didn't expect the initial Pokémon to be Meowth.

So, the simulation object was born in Ula'ula Island?

As the only island among the four main islands in the Alola region that he had never visited, Kashiwagi was full of curiosity about it and began to have unrealistic delusions.

Could the simulated object be Merdan?

The probability is very small.

But it is not impossible.

Because the previous simulations were all characters he had never heard of in his previous life, the appearance of the kimono girl broke this convention.

She appeared in the main animation!

The simulation has been upgraded again. It is reasonable to simulate an acquaintance, right?

Kashiwagi opened the talent options with anticipation.

Fixed talents:

[☆ Gifted (born to be good at cultivating Pokémon)]

Optional talents:

[Elite system (will not capture too many Pokémon)]

[Sentimental (easily shaken)]

[Newcomer (slow progress in cultivating Pokémon)]

[☆ Limit breakthrough (Pokémon can occasionally explode)]

Well... a standard talent.

Kashiwagi directly ignored the fixed talents above and stared at the limit breakthrough for a while. The last person who got this talent was a ninja.

In the end, it was only used at the end. Before, I had relied on my talent to push through.

I hope the utilization rate will be higher this time.

He chose the white and blue talents of the elite system and boundary breakthrough, rubbed his hands in anticipation, and pressed the start button seriously.

Now is——

Pixel version movie time!


[Simulation Start]

The light screen slightly larger than 27 inches unfolded.

A single-story building with a golden star printed on the sign first appeared.


Police station?

Really Merdan?

Kashiwagi was stunned for a moment.

It is no secret that Merdan, the king of the island, is in charge of the police station on Ula Ula Island.

Then the picture zoomed in to the interior of the building, skipping a group of busy police officers and stopping in the detention room separated by iron fences.

A pixel man wearing a black hat, a black vest and a white scarf, who looked like a member of the Skull Team, squatted inside, and a string of garbled characters flew over his head from time to time.

It can be seen that this person is not very friendly.

Kashiwagi: "..."

Good guy.

Is this going to start from the enlightenment in Longchang?

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