My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 837: Taking a Family Portrait

That night.

Cypress trees and big steel snakes are covered with stars, roaming freely in the blue sky.

The two quietly looked down at the earth, only to see the dark and lonely leaden gray mountains standing among them, showing their vastness as the cold night shone.

Huoteli Mountain.

The smallest of the three peaks on Ula'ula Island, it has geothermal energy as a natural resource. The local area has used this to build a geothermal power plant to provide electricity to the residents of Ula'ula Island.

It was late at night and the geothermal power plant at the foot of the mountain was still brightly lit, with white mist floating in the huge flue gas discharge tube, and the wind noise caused by cooling was low.

He just glanced at it and stopped paying attention.


Going on an expedition in the middle of the night made him yawn, who was used to getting up on time. The Pokémon were in good spirits. The three evil dragons that accompanied them and the little dragon siblings had already flown away to compete for the top speed position.

Even Doronbaruto, who was usually shy about seeing people, revealed his figure and followed behind from a distance, enjoying the tranquility of no one and nothing.

A bunch of night owls?


It's just that he stayed in the Poké Ball for too long during the day, and his strong energy was not released through training.

This happens all the time on days when there is no leisure.

no way.

Although Boscodora and the others satisfied Kashiwagi's fantasy of giant beasts, their excessive size also prevented them from appearing together in public.

If, like Xiaozhi, he could carry a bag on his shoulders and put two more in it, holding the yellow on the left and the tiger on the right, and taking a Rotom outside, he would definitely let them out and move together.

It's a pity that it can't be done.

The sudden feeling of weightlessness came to his heart, and he silently adjusted his sitting posture.

The Big Steel Snake is by no means an excellent flying mount, because it likes to rush forward after reaching its destination and experience the intense stimulation of going straight up and down.

If it can, it will even dig a hole into the ground on the spot and then turn a corner and rush out.

Like a happy swimming fish.

The cypress wood naturally prohibits the big steel snake from drilling around. Ula'ula Island is not a yellow iron town! Moreover, next to Huoteli Mountain is the Haina Desert where the harvest ruins are located. What if it disturbs Kapu Moo Moo if it makes such a loud burrowing sound?

He doesn't have the habit of knocking off other people's umbrellas when he gets caught in the rain.


The big steel snake reluctantly stopped at the top of the mountain.

Baimu ignored it and jumped to the bare ground, looking around at the environment of Huoteli Mountain.

Affected by geothermal heat, there are almost no plants in Huoteli Mountain. The light gray rock surface is exposed and does not feel cold to the touch, but rather warm.

It is said that this is caused by the magma deep underground heating the groundwater, which in turn flows inside the mountain.

The reason why the big steel snake is not allowed to drill the hole is because it is worried that this guy will drill too hard into the underground veins and create artificial fountains in the middle of the night.

That movement.

Tsk tsk!

He said to the multilateral mobile phone that came out of his pocket: "Where is the east?"

Multilateral mobile phones fly to one place.

"My side!"

He turned to look.


Just avoided the two mountains ahead! marvelous!

Mount Lanakila and Mount Huiklani on Ula'ula Island both tower into the clouds, so high that the tops are covered with white snow and surrounded by layers of clouds and mist.

If the sunrise is in their direction, you have to look at those two mountains first, and then look at this side.

Kashiwagi called out Gengar in the shadow, took out a camera, camera stand and other items from its belly, and released his Pokémon one by one.


The big-mouthed boy yawned and leaned against the happy egg next door.

It is a relatively lethargic type. In the past, when I stayed in the ecological park with no TV series to watch, no desserts to eat, and no training, I would often curl up in my nest and sleep.

Happy Egg held the big-mouthed baby in his arms with a caring look on his face, wearing his precious knitted nurse hat on his head.

The heterochromatic Menas twisted its snake body on the ground, spat out a large amount of water on the ground, and immediately felt much better. Then it shook the tip of its tail at Boscodora, beckoning it to come here.

The ground was too hot and it felt a little uncomfortable. It felt much better after spitting on it.


The big monster glanced at the trainer playing with the camera, picked up the Galar Sun Coral pretending to be sleeping on the ground, and walked over with heavy steps.

The heterochromatic Gengar next to him jumped and jumped, as if he was shaken up by it.

Boscodora was a little helpless.

There are many naughty Pokémon in the team, but one like Gengar is the only one.

The three divine pillars remained silent, and only the dots on their faces that lit up from time to time proved that they were not motionless statues.

Not long after.

Kashiwagi adjusted the position of the camera and began to arrange the Pokémon's positions.

Since you want to take photos, let’s just take some family photos with the sunrise as a backdrop.

Since many Pokémon are large, it is inevitable to place the camera farther away otherwise they will not be able to fit into the frame. In addition, the three evil dragons and the multi-dragon siblings have not returned yet, so space must be left for them.

"Tsk, no, there are too many big guys."

Kashiwagi spent a long time thinking that it was not possible. After discussing with Porygon II, he found that the problem lay with the three divine pillars.

At over three meters tall, it is indeed very tall, but not high enough. If the position is tight, it will be obscured by the horns of Boscodora and the hair-like fins of Menas. If it is separated, it will easily fall out of the frame, so it needs to be adjusted.

He thought for a while and said to the Three Divine Pillars: "Can it be reduced?"

The three sacred pillars of the Kamishiro family are about 1.78 meters tall, about the same height as a cypress tree. They were conquered by the pyramid pharaoh from all over the world.

They are no weaker than the three he conquered, and they have even become much stronger with the cultivation of the Gods.


"Beep beep beep——"

"Chi chi chi——"

"Stop for a minute! Lower the volume! If you can make it louder or smaller, just change it!" Kashiwagi covered his ears. It was so noisy that these three guys suddenly said such a thing in the quiet night!

The roar within the Three Divine Pillars stopped abruptly.


They began to shrink slowly, and in a moment they successfully shrank to less than two meters, and Cypress looked happy.

"Okay, okay! That's it - eh! Stop shrinking! Stop!"

There was no time to stop it.

Among the three divine pillars, the steel divine pillar and the rock divine pillar have shrunk to 1.5 meters. The ice divine pillar may have been a little more energetic and has remained at 1.8 meters.

Kashiwagi's joy turned into speechlessness.

How to distribute it now——


He suddenly took two steps back and said, "You two stand in the middle, and you stand back."

The Steel God Pillar and the Rock God Pillar came closer, and the Ice God Pillar that was originally in the middle moved back, and the positions of one large and two small ones instantly became clear.

Kashiwagi nodded, "That's not bad."

I originally planned to use the three sacred pillars as the background, but that would easily block the sunrise, so I changed to another set.

It's the three divine pillars that have been reduced in size.

He summoned all the Pokémon to stand down, and the scene became much more compact, without having to worry about blocking the sunrise.

But another problem arises.

Missing people...or rather dragons.

The three evil dragons and the Duolong siblings who competed have not returned yet. I don't know where they went. They haven't come back for a long time.

Fortunately, there is still some time before dawn.

Happy Egg had enough time to set up a tent for the sleepy Big Mouth Child, and Gengar, who helped by the way, also set up tables and chairs and lit a bonfire.

The charcoal burned in the fire barrel and crackled.

Kashiwagi waited for a while, and suddenly heard an explosion in the distance.


He looked in the direction of the sound source and saw blue flames rising into the sky, like a volcano erupting, and an ominous premonition suddenly lingered in his heart.

problem occurs!

Kashiwagi knew very well that this was definitely the work of the three evil dragons. He turned to the multi-faceted mobile phone and said: "The edges have turned into hoverboards. Let's get there quickly!"


Porygon II flew out of the phone and transformed into a floating surfboard using edges and corners.

He hurriedly jumped up and called Gengar and Dragon Baruto, while the remaining Pokémon stayed where they were.

All the way.

Although I believed that the strength of the three evil dragons would prevent them from overturning in the Alola region, I did not dare to be too arbitrary.

Moreover, the blue flames on the horizon have disappeared.

it's over?

Kashiwagi frowned slightly, and a bright yellow electric light suddenly flashed at the end of his sight. It was very subtle and short-lived, but he caught it.

Immediately before he could drive Porygon II closer, two black things rushed over, howling.



Kashiwagi raised a hand, palm up, in front of him.

The next moment, Brother Duolong rushed towards his face with the momentum of a death squad, followed closely by Sister Duolong, and the two dragons slapped him in the palm.

After catching these two unfortunate children, his eyes fell back.

The dark evil dragon appeared with its prey in its mouth, three pairs of scarlet eyes flashing with a penetrating light.

He looked at the three evil dragons, and the three evil dragons looked at him.


The husky dragon vomited its huge prey on the ground, with a flattering expression on its face.

Kashiwagi stepped forward silently, hit each head hard, and scolded: "Who asked you to! Bring it! Bring it back!"


It's a huge stag beetle, several times larger than its kind.

In the world of Alola, Pokémon growing to this size is basically not a gift. They have only one possibility -

Dominant Pokémon!

There is actually an Overlord Pokémon in Mount Fire? Why didn't he know this?

All right.

The existence of Overlord Lada in the forest of Melemele Island is not included in the game settings. Huoteli Mountain is one of the locations of a special magnetic field, and there are wild insect electric treasures roaming around. It is understandable that there is an overlord, a shovel farmer and a cannon insect.

But the three evil dragons actually beat it up and brought it back...

Isn’t this a case of enmity?

Kashiwagi took a closer look at the state of the Overlord, the Spade Farmer and the Cannon Insect. It may be that the three evil dragons were a bit harsh, and they were still fainting at the moment.

He hesitated for a moment and decided to take it back with him.

When the time comes, surrounded by Boscodora, the Overlord Spade Farmer and Cannon Worm should be able to keep calm.

Mountain top.

The fainting Overlord Spade and Cannon attracted a crowd of Pokémon to watch.

Gengar also picked up the fire stick and stabbed it twice.

The happy egg nurse complained.


The happy egg that emerged from Xuan Hu Ji Shi's heart quickly began to heal the unlucky guy who was picked up by the three evil dragons. The burning dragon flames left many scars on its body.

Kashiwagi looked at the time.

The sunrise time in Alola is always very early, so if you calculate carefully, it should be almost there.

As if to confirm his judgment.

The stars dimmed.

A streak of white light spread from the horizon, gradually tearing the night apart.

Kashiwagi hurriedly said: "Hurry up! Everyone stand still!"

The Pokémon hurriedly approached, and even Lucky Egg decisively postponed the task of healing the overlord, Spade and Cannonball, and stood where it belongs.

The main body of the screen is:

A large Steelix with a huge head as the base, and Kashiwagi sitting cross-legged with a mouth on top, Porygon II floating on the side in the form of a mobile phone, with the three heads of the three-headed dragon pressing down on the left and right shoulders and the top of the head, and the laughing Dragon siblings are located near the heads on the left and right sides.

The two fat guys, Happiny and Gengar, stand on both sides of Kashiwagi like guards, and Dragon Barto shyly hangs above Gengar's head, and next to them are three pillars, two short and one tall.

Milotic is on the side of Happiny, and the two good sisters hug each other happily. Boskdorla stands next to Milotic, with a reluctant Sun Coral placed on his head.

The sun rises in the east.

The moment of dawn.



The camera that was set up captured this precious moment.

A big family that is about to reach the top of the world.


The overlord Shoveltorn slowly wakes up.

As soon as it opened its eyes, many "ferocious" Pokémon filled its sight, making its little heart skip a beat violently.


It nervously examined its surroundings, the shell on its back clicked open, and the translucent wings as neat as a compass expanded.

At the same time.

It saw Kashiwagi behind it.

"Sorry, sorry, Overlord Shovelworm, the three-headed dragon didn't mean it." The strange human said so.

Overlord Shovelworm was a little panicked, because it was really scared by the three-headed dragon and didn't dare to... Hmm? What's on this person's wrist?

It saw the Z bracelet, and its panic turned into anger.


Overlord Shovelworm roared at Kashiwagi indignantly, and instantly became extremely tough.

Damn island tour challenger!

Let Pokémon run around in the middle of the night, and then break into someone else's sleeping place and not only don't surrender, but also dare to fight back!

Are you going to follow the rules!

Not on purpose, if it was on purpose, then it would be possible to do this! ?

Kashiwagi scratched his face helplessly as he looked at the angry eyes of the Overlord Shovel Cannon Bug.

He had already learned the details from the three-headed dragon. In short, when the three were chasing each other, they accidentally broke into the nest of the Overlord Shovel Cannon Bug, causing the insects to attack in a stress-like manner.

The three-headed dragon initially wanted to lead the two little dragons to retreat, but was blocked by the Overlord Shovel Cannon Bug and continued to attack them.

This irritated the three-headed dragon. It started to burn the insect nest on the spot, knocked down a group of angry insects, and forcibly abducted the Overlord Shovel Cannon Bug.

The incident was caused by his family, so even if the Overlord Shovel Cannon Bug took action first, Kashiwagi did not mean to shift all the responsibility to the other side.

He explained that he was taking the test arranged by the King of the Island and expressed his willingness to compensate.


After hearing this, the Overlord Shovel Cannon Bug stopped hissing fiercely.

"Cooperating" with the challengers of the island tour is the duty of every Pokémon, and they already knew this when they became Overlord Pokémon.

So although it was unlucky this morning, it couldn't continue to lose its temper because the other party was testing it.

Not only that.

It had to provide the Z-pure crystal that it was protecting to the human in front of it.


So angry!

The Overlord Shovel Cannon Bug trembled its wings in agitation, making a buzzing sound like a cicada.

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