My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 839 Adolescent Dragon


Camping tent in the snow.

Kashiwagi sat in front of a blazing bonfire, with three evil dragons and a giant steel snake wearing bandages on his left and right.

The aroma of stew lingered in the camp along with the steaming white mist.


Happy Egg happily poured various ingredients into the soup pot. It loved the feeling of showing off its skills when camping and attracting praise from its companions and trainers.

The human voice and soundtrack came from the TV series that Big Mouth Boy was watching in the tent.

There were shadows in the dense forest far away, like some dark object moving slowly, and strange clicking sounds could be heard from time to time.

Paired with the dimming sunlight and the increasingly gloomy snowy forest, it looks a bit breathtaking.

Kashiwagi didn't care.

He pushed away the big heads of the three evil dragons that were coming towards him, ignoring the miserable appearance of two of its three heads wrapped in gauze.


"Shut up."


The brief exchange made the big steel snake next door look sarcastic, but when the trainer looked over, he immediately restrained himself and pretended that nothing happened.

Click, click, click.

The source of the strange noise gradually approached, followed by several calls for credit.

"Jie hee hee!"

"Heehee~" "Heehee!"

Each of the two dragon Mecias had a large bundle of firewood hung under their bodies, and Gengar behind them was struggling to drag the half-rotten tree stump.

Kashiwagi stood up and went to meet him, "If you want dry wood, bring it back."


Gengar patted his belly with extra confidence. He was not stupid, so how could he hold wet wood?

The snow at the back of the camp bulges, and the silver-white giant shakes off the white snow buried on its body. Under the gaze of all the Pokémon, it comes to the dead wood pile and uses its sharp claws to dismantle the wood pile into a shape that is convenient for burning.

Boscodora growled: "Guhou~"

"I know."

Kashiwagi touched the heads of the Duolong siblings and Geng Gui, praised them for doing a good job, and then walked around to where Boscodora climbed up.

He bent down and dug his gloved hands into the snow to feel around.

found it!

He grasped the cold and soft object as thick as a bucket and pulled it out suddenly, and a fat beige python body immediately emerged from the snow.


The heterochromatic Menas, who vaguely sensed movement, raised its snake neck, and large pieces of white snow fell down.

Kashiwagi took off his gloves and touched it, then touched its head and face, and said: "Hi~ Bing Bing Liang, are you okay?"


Menas slowly tilted his head, a silly smile appeared as he moved, his body felt a strong sense of frustration, and he felt like he was not very smart.


Do sea snakes also hibernate?

He rubbed Menas's face vigorously a few times and even patted it twice. Seeing that he was still not fully awake and just nuzzling around in a coquettish manner, he called Happy Egg to check it out.

Hope you don’t get sick!

After scolding the three evil dragons and the big steel snake in the afternoon, Kashiwagi has been busy looking for overlord Pokémon and setting up a camp, and has not paid much attention to Menas.

Anyway, it always follows the reliable Boss Cordora.

did not expect……

Many Pokémon poked their heads around the campfire, some looking worried and some looking curious.


Happy Egg took a deep breath, and under Kashiwagi's worried eyes, he said sincerely that Menas was just too crazy to play in the snow.

As an aquatic Pokémon, it certainly has a certain ability to travel on land, but climbing a snowy mountain is a relatively physically demanding activity, let alone playing with Boss Cordora for a whole day.

Although Boscodora may not think so.

Kashiwagi: "..."

He trusted the medical judgment of Happy Egg, so after feeding Menas some healthy nutritious tree juice, he took out the ball and took it back.

Menus' abnormality made him uneasy and asked about the status of other Pokémon.


It’s just that most of them are a little tired from playing.

Kashiwagi began to share dinner. A bowl of steaming soup on a cold night can warm the whole body... Even if you don't need to warm up, the feeling of fullness will also help you sleep.

Tonight, like yesterday, I need to get up early in the morning and chase the early sun.

Soon after.

Darkness fell completely, completely engulfing the quiet Lanakila Mountain.

Wild Pokémon that love to walk at night have begun to appear, such as Snow Queen and Pylon. The light from the campfire attracts them like moths.

Many wild Pokémon with bad personalities snickered excitedly.

They like to tease adventurers who come to camp in the snow-capped mountains and forests.


Quietly approach the campfire and tent.

The smiles on the faces of the wild Pokémon gradually became brighter. They lit the eerie will-o'-the-wisps and screamed miserably at the top of their lungs, striving to inflict the most extreme terror on this unlucky adventurer——

Until a huge figure that covered the sky and the sun suddenly rose up, and the moonlight shone on the mountain-like body, making it look extremely terrifying.

The Pokémon froze.

They couldn't muster up the courage to look at the two red eyes in the sky, so they could only endure each other's scrutiny like searchlights, illuminating them as uninvited guests.

After a brief period of stiffness.

This group of guys who had nothing to do but ran away in a hurry.

Kashiwagi, who was grooming the three evil dragons in the tent, was a little regretful. Wild Pokémon were too timid, and a big steel snake could stop them.

If they dare to come in, he will entertain them warmly.

The three evil dragons noticed that the trainer was absent-minded and protested in a low voice: "Ouch~"

"Shut up and comb your hair is already a mercy on my part."

He suddenly held the mouths of the three evil dragons and forced the guy to shut up.

As the saying goes.

Reasoning comes after fighting.

So after the battle, Kashiwagi had already said everything that needed to be said.

The three victorious dragons apologized after being scolded, and the defeated steel snake graciously and reluctantly forgave it, and things turned over.

Just between them.

The three evil dragons noticed that their trainer was unhappy, so they didn't dare to speak loudly today. He maintains a posture similar to that of a puppy that has been abandoned by its owner. It can only hide in a dark corner and grunt, occasionally raising its head and following the trainer's gesture of praying for forgiveness.

Pretending to be pitiful is a unique skill he learned after participating in group movie watching activities.

very useful.

At least it thinks so.

After all, before dinner, the three evil dragons suspected that they could only sleep outside the tent tonight, and Boscodora and the Big Steel Snake were not allowed to live outside. If they were kicked out...

Face is one thing, no longer being favored by the trainer is another.

Therefore, the current three evil dragons are very honest.

Kashiwagi combed his hair silently, thinking about what happened during the day.

The conflict between the two Pokémon undoubtedly stems from the rude attitude of the three evil dragons when Big Steel Snake rescued him. Hidden under the rude attitude is this guy's naked desire for exclusivity.

The three evil dragons assume that it will win in the end. Others can only throw one snowball at a time, but it can throw three. Therefore, it regards itself buried in the snow as a trophy, not allowed to be accessed by other Pokémon.

Confidence is a good thing, but overconfidence becomes arrogance.

In the final battle between the two, only the three evil dragons were slightly better.

Since the last battle with Genji's dragon, it has never been so seriously injured.

Even if the super steel snake approaches the desert and makes good use of the sand there, the final result will be completely different.

It's just that the outline snake also has a backbone and doesn't want to take too much advantage of the three evil dragons.

Then lost.

Losing makes many Pokémon feel itchy.

There was a time when the strength of the Big Three was transcendent compared to other companions, and their status was almost unshakable.

The unruly and ferocious nature of the three evil dragons, the petite and willful appearance of the Big-mouthed Child, and the gentle look of Boscodora overlooking all his companions are all closely related to their strength.

But today, the big steel snake took the lead and opened a crack with dawn.

Everyone truly realizes that nothing in this world is completely insurmountable, and this is also true for powerful companions in the past.

In other words.

This fight aroused the enthusiasm of other Pokémon, which was a bit beyond Kashiwagi's expectations.

What surprised him even more was the three evil dragons who were self-defeating but didn't care much about.

This guy is caught up in the restlessness of adolescence—

Miss Joy told him so.

puberty! ?

In addition to the joy of witnessing the growth of Pokémon, Kashiwagi also felt a little strange.

A late-formed Pokémon that is over seventy years old and has a body length of more than three meters, fully grown, has finally taken a historic step toward becoming a Young Dragon... huh?

The more I think about it, the weirder it gets.

In short, the abnormal hormonal reactions in the bodies of the three evil dragons make them irritable, and they dislike every Pokémon equally.


There are some Pokémon that it doesn't want to be hostile to, and there are some Pokémon that it doesn't dare to be hostile to. In the end, only a few of them are hostile to it.

Incidentally, possessiveness is also an obvious reaction of Dragon-type Pokémon during puberty.

Before seeing the female dragon that you like, it is very common to be possessive of the trainer, which led to a conflict in the desert that injured eight hundred enemies and one thousand.

Miss Joy doesn't have a good solution for this either.

I just say that if you take good care of them during this period, it is very likely that the strength of the three evil dragons will be greatly improved.


Does Ms. Joy really understand the field of Pokémon cultivation of the Four Heavenly Kings and even the championship level?

Kashiwagi hopes she understands.

A substantial increase in strength or something is too tempting.

To fight monsters, you have to become a monster yourself.

So what does it take to take good care of yourself?

Ms. Joy’s answer is to keep the three dragons happy physically and mentally, not accumulating stress while giving them a certain amount of motivation, plus adequate nutrition and sleep.

Hear this.

Kashiwagi felt that his daily cultivation methods were no different from Miss Joy's suggestions.

Then just wait and wait for the three evil dragons to grow up!

"Get it! You are not allowed to sleep on my head tonight, go to the corner!" He threw the hair on the comb into a garbage bag, drove the three evil dragons to the corner of the tent, and shrank into the sleeping bag regardless of their aggrieved expressions.

Da Zui Wa put down his cell phone when he saw this, and Duo Bian's cell phone also turned off the dim desk lamp in time.

Happy Egg, who had already fallen asleep, hugged Sun Coral and changed positions with Gengar in unison.

"Good night."

The tent fell silent.

The only sound left was the crackle of sparks from the unquenched campfire outside.

ten minutes later.

The three evil dragons squirmed silently to the trainer's side, listened carefully to his even and peaceful breathing, and quietly pressed their tails on his legs.


It fell into a deep sleep.




Amid Kashiwagi’s shouts and various beast roars, another sunrise family photo was successfully taken.

The cold windy mountain top.

He looked back at the golden sea of ​​clouds under the sun.

Camping in the snow was more pleasant than expected. Even though there were no fire-attribute Pokémon at home, except for a few ghost-attribute Pokémon, they were basically all big heaters, so I didn't feel cold at all.

The only pity was that I couldn't find any dominant Pokémon. I asked the wild Pokémon passing by and they said they didn't know.

How could it be possible!

There was not a single dominant Pokémon on such a big snowy mountain.

He had to accept the reality.

The snowy mountain trip was over.

The only other mountain on Ula'ula Island was the equally tall Mount Huikalani next door, and passing the test set by Merdan was just around the corner.

More importantly, a particularly rare and precious Pokémon could be seen on Mount Huikalani -


He began to go down the mountain with great expectations.

In pursuit of efficiency, Kashiwagi stepped on the skateboard transformed by Porygon II, humming the official soundtrack "For ya" of Extremes Nation while diving to the bottom of the mountain.

Rumble, rumble, rumble——

White snow waves rolled.

This mad dash caused many climbers and Pokémon to exclaim, and they looked at the "daring" Kashiwagi with awe.

Little did they know that he was not skiing, but was just levitation.

Porygon II stopped halfway up the mountain.


"This is the cave we found yesterday..." Kashiwagi looked inside.

There is a cave on Mount Lanakila that leads to the foot of Mount Huikalani, which effectively improves his efficiency in going to Mount Huikalani.

However, his main purpose of taking this route is to explore the Alola Sandshrew tribe in the plot.

An individual suspected to be a dominant will give Lily and Ai Ice Z at some point in the future. He is not interested in intercepting it, but just wants to see if it has more.

If there is more, share one with him.

Communicate with the Bankiras that was scared away by the Alola Sandshrew.

It's fine if they bullied a group of sandshrews, but they were actually scared to death. It was a disgrace to the reputation of the late-blooming Pokémon.

Kashiwagi stepped into the cave, and the fluorescent moss all over the ground embedded a pure blue in the dim environment.

The cave was connected in all directions as expected, and many forks that were difficult to distinguish the way ahead hindered him from finding the target location, so he decided to ask for help from the locals.

"Do you know where these guys live?"

He squatted in front of a large pit and asked the mantle rock inside.

The mantle rock looked at Kashiwagi with its black "eyes", and its body suddenly emitted a violent and dangerous white light, "Pulu--!!"

"Good guy!"

Kashiwagi retreated wildly in surprise.

There are Pokémon in this world other than the naughty thunder bomb that will explode at the slightest disagreement!

What hatred and grudge!

He ran away, unable to understand the brain circuit of this mantle rock.

Who provoked it?

Puzzled, he soon met the second native, a somewhat wretched-looking, competitive hairy crab that looked like a combination of a snowman in a fairy tale and some kind of arthropod.

This guy is even yellow-haired!

"Excuse me--"

Kashiwagi had just opened his mouth when the competitive hairy crab screamed excitedly and fired its huge claws at him like a rocket!

He subconsciously dodged sideways.


The hammer-like giant claws slammed hard on the wall, shaking up a cloud of dust.

Kashiwagi waved his hand to disperse the smoke and found that the other party had run away, leaving only the big claws known as "the delicacy on the snow mountain".

He frowned and said to the multi-sided mobile phone: "Are these Pokémon sick?"


Multi-sided mobile phone gave a positive answer.

ps: py a super new book

"The Spiritual Master of the Elf World"

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