My empire of stars

Chapter 649 There Must Be Something Hateful

"After marching for a while, these people finally showed their true colors. They started to smash, loot and burn on the spaceship, and completely burned down the botanical garden we built!"

"They also caught the animals in the zoo and used them as food! My company's employees began to be forced to migrate to the central area by these people!"

"Finally, they formed a ragtag army to take control of my spaceship!"

"Fortunately, my employees are loyal. They volunteered to become police officers, took up weapons to guard the defense line, and finally defeated all the enemies!"

"Finally, we executed the instigators of the riot and restricted the diet of these refugees, but they destroyed too many facilities, and the hyperspace engine of the spaceship was also damaged by them. Not only that, our food was also wasted by them!"

"By the end, we didn't have enough food to supply everyone, so I came up with the current method, which can not only prevent them from starving to death, but also allow them to hold on until we reach a planet that can be colonized."

"It can also prevent them from having the power to riot and cause damage to the spaceship again."

"The story on my spaceship is over, you can kill or cut them up as you like." The man put down the knife and fork in his hand and spread his hands.

"This" Xia Luoluo hesitated and kept pinching the handle of the knife. She didn't know what to do now.

From the perspective of these refugees, this person brought his employees to enjoy food, but let them eat the nutrient solution made by their own kind. It was undoubtedly wrong.

But from the perspective of the builder of this spaceship, these refugees were helped but did not know how to be grateful, and they were asking for too much. They were undoubtedly a group of ungrateful people. It was their gift to let them not starve to death and have a place to live.

"Take it back." Li Mingze held Xia Luoluo's knife-holding hand and shook his head gently.

Xia Luoluo obediently put the knife back into her back. Now she was somewhat inclined to this captain.

"In fact, the ecosystem on this spaceship has been completely destroyed. The water resources of the spaceship have run out, and the food is not enough to eat."

"This spaceship can only last for another one or two years at best. It is not worth your hijacking." The middle-aged man sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

Obviously, he regarded Li Mingze and others as interstellar pirates or mercenaries who wanted to hijack the spaceship to escape.

"No, Zerg!" Li Mingze suddenly realized that the man just mentioned Zerg?

"Don't you know? Who are you?" The captain looked at Li Mingze and Xia Luoluo with disbelief.

"You can call us aliens. We come from other galaxies. First, tell me what the Zerg you mentioned is!" Li Mingze stepped forward and grabbed the man's collar.


"Zerg is our name for that biological civilization. Twenty years ago, the Zerg fleet suddenly appeared in our galaxy, and then our federal fleet retreated step by step and lost all colonies."

"My spaceship escaped before the last colony fell. You can still see the acid shells fired by their ground units on the outer shell!" The middle-aged man took out a tablet from his pocket and handed it to Li Mingze.

The tablet clearly printed the appearance of the Zerg that Li Mingze was familiar with.

"Damn it, why are there these damn bugs everywhere!" Li Mingze gritted his teeth angrily. He thought he had found a safe river system to develop in peace, but he didn't expect to encounter the Zerg again.

"We will give you a way out now. If you are willing to become our subordinate race, we can let you live on our spaceship." Li Mingze smiled slightly and bewitched the man.

"What do you mean, we go on your spaceship? Can your spaceship accommodate so many people?" The middle-aged man asked in disbelief.

"Don't worry, but although we will protect your safety, you need to know about the restrictions on the subordinate races."

"First, the subordinate races are not allowed to have their own armed forces."

"Second, the subordinate races are not economically independent, nor are they politically independent. They are managed by the officials of the empire."

"Third, the population of your race has been fixed from the beginning. Newborns can only be born when someone dies, which means that you must keep the number of your race unchanged."

"Fourth, you must obey our orders completely!" Li Mingze said, counting the lines on his fingers. These were all told to them by the empire before they set off. If they encounter weak civilizations, they should be annexed as much as possible. Racial diversity is conducive to the healthy development of society.

"If you agree, I can take you away and let you live in a safer and more comfortable environment."

"If you don't agree, you can only move at sub-light speed in the universe, and wait for millions of years for your spaceship to fly to the next galaxy with your ashes." Li Mingze gave ten seconds to choose.

"I agree!" The middle-aged man nodded in agreement without any hesitation. For him, it is better to live a miserable life than to die a good death.

Although he lost his dignity, at least he could survive safely, right?

"I will notify our fleet to send spacecraft to pick up your people, but please note, we don't want the refugees outside the wall. We only want the employees, scientists and their families in your company!" Li Mingze shook his finger gently. What he hated most were these ungrateful people.

"No problem, no problem." The middle-aged man nodded hurriedly. When the time comes, he will probably give up the spaceship to those people.

Just as they wished, they gained control of the spacecraft.

"Captain." Charlotte wanted to say something else, but Li Mingze glared back.

"You guys, return to the spaceship immediately, report to Shenzhou that there are Zerg infestations in this river system, and ask them to send a spaceship to pick up this subordinate race!" Li Mingze ordered into the air in front of him.

"Yes!" The other five people showed their figures, nodded and disappeared into the room.

"Cooperate well with the staff of our empire and let the spacecraft stop and wait in place. We are leaving first. If you have any questions, please go directly to the liaison officer of the empire." Li Mingze waved his hand and led Charlotte out slowly.

The police at the door seemed to have received the notice and bowed respectfully to Li Mingze and others.

Li Mingze and Xia Luoluo nodded lightly and walked into the elevator.

"Captain, do we really not want those refugees?" Charlotte asked softly.

"No, actually we don't want anyone on this spaceship!" Li Mingze shook his head.

"What do you mean?" Xia Luoluo stared at Li Mingze with big puzzled eyes.

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