My Empire

Chapter 755: Don't care about the details

"Think of a way to invest in more reserve teams to turn the tide of the battle..." Mideas backed his hands, looked at the expanding red battle area on the map, and said to the generals behind him.

He turned around, looked at the bitter-faced commanders, and ordered: "No matter what you think, I will tell you all, this is war!"

"In the past, we were using familiar tactics to attack the enemy. We are strong, and we are invincible." Midias said while looking at the generals who had cringed because of excessive losses: "I have seen the imperial The war history is not long, but it is very exciting."

"We once swept Arante and defeated enemies dozens of times our own, just like myths and legends!" He said as he walked back and forth in front of the commanders arranged in two rows: "From the founding of the country to the present, Never failed!"

"Now, as the commander of the empire, I have to regret the responsibility for failure, but you...but you must keep in mind today's lesson! Our victory is not inevitable, and failure is part of the war!"

"Now, I order you! For the empire! Order all the troops to fight back!" Medias started and gave a difficult order.

His order is almost equivalent to an order for the remaining forces of the current front-line combat troops to be sent to death.

However, such a death can buy time for the reinforcement of the follow-up troops, and it can also reduce the loss of the second-line logistics troops as much as possible.

After all, he can't let the white-robed people continue to expand the fighting area. Once these areas cover some "safe cities" where construction troops are stationed, the loss will be further expanded.

Because the previous victory overestimated the demon force's counterattack ability, the massive capacity of the portal was diverted to civilian use.

The attraction of opening up the territory and expanding the land is huge, and the rapid realization of economic benefits is also the pursuit of the Ailan Hill businessmen. Everyone is vying for the not-so-rich portal capacity, and in the end, the army can only compromise a little anyway. , The enemy is vulnerable, isn't it?

"All the troops within this range are on the spot! Don't take a step back! Try to stabilize the battle zone and wait for the reinforcements to arrive." Midas delineated a range with his hand and emphasized his command.

"Commander! I just want to know, will there really be reinforcements?" a general asked with his chin held high.

"Stop your dangerous thoughts! General!" Medias looked at the general who asked the question and rebuked, "Alan Hill has never given up any unit. You are not cannon fodder. The follow-up reinforcements are already on the way. !"

His reinforcements are indeed on the way, after all, Ailan Hill is not only the hundreds of thousands of regular troops in the Demon Realm.

On the contrary, there are millions of regular troops in Ailan Hill! Countless troops are being urgently transferred to the front line.

For the entire Airan Hill war machine, this partial failure is like a person being burned to the finger by a match. The pain is really painful, but if it is threatening, there is not much threat.

When this person reacts and is ready to extinguish this painful flame, when this person gets serious, his strength will be fully reflected.


"Didi!" A car on the road was constantly honking its horn. Blocked in front of it was a transport convoy parked on the road and a group of infantry who had just retreated from the front.

These infantrymen are just ordinary light infantry. They do not have power exoskeleton armor on their bodies, nor do they have large-caliber heavy weapons in their hands.

On the engine compartment cover of an off-road vehicle parked on the side of the road, there is a laptop computer. The company commander of this light infantry company was watching the orders issued by the superiors on the screen.

The company commander held a cigarette in his mouth and frowned when he saw the new order on it. Then he clasped his hands on the computer screen and looked at the only platoon leader and five squad leaders remaining behind him: "The new order is here, and we must stick to it here."

"Are you kidding? We are not the opponents of those white demons at all." The remaining platoon leader held his m4 assault rifle and questioned.

"What about you? Also think we should abandon the wounded and our comrades in other troops, and leave this **** ghost place?" The company commander asked through the smoke of cigarettes, looking at the squad leaders in front of him.

Seeing that no one was speaking, the company commander held up the assault rifle behind him and said loudly: "Platform commander, I order you to take the wounded and the troops covering the wounded continue to retreat westward!"

"The remaining Ailan Hill grenadiers, come with me!" He passed the platoon leader and stood in front of the defeated remnant general: "Collect ammunition and count the number! We will fight to the end! For the sake of the Emperor. For Ailan Hill!"

He bit the term Ailan Hill grenadier very hard, and the soldiers scattered on both sides of the road who heard him shout stood up.

Yes, they are Ailan Hill grenadiers, an army of His Majesty the Emperor. They swore an oath to the bayonet, and they vowed to use their lives to build the Great Wall of Allan Hill.

Now, it is time for them to fulfill their vows.

"Do you have any extra bullets?" A thin soldier stretched out his bandaged hand, begging for ammunition from a strong soldier next to him.

The strong soldier froze for a moment, and wanted to reach out and hit the thin soldier in the head, but his hand stopped in midair. He scratched his head in embarrassment and grinned silly: "I thought you were going to carry a stretcher."

Then the brawny man stood up and shouted to a few soldiers who were walking towards the stretcher: "Keep your ammunition, me and the thin monkey will use it!"

When he returned to the thin soldier nicknamed Skinny Monkey with a bullet wrapped around his body, his tone had never been so gentle: "I'm sorry, I just know now that you are a warrior, just like me, a man."

"I just think I can do other things besides pouring the urinal for you." The thin monkey took some bullets from the strong man and checked the magazine on his chest.

"The guy in the platoon should pour us a urinal. Comparing with you, he is a bitch." The strong man stretched out his hand: "Whoever bullies you in the future, I am the first one to refuse. Today you and I'm bloodied together, and you are my brother."

The skinny monkey looked at the brawny man with contempt: "It's just a the entire platoon, it seems that you are the only one bullying me..."

"Don't care about the details..." The strong man grinned, showing his yellow teeth: "From today, we will live and die together!"——

There will be another update later, you can watch it tomorrow morning.

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