My Empire

Chapter 759: Dense forest

Allan Hill’s nuclear weapons have not appeared on the battlefield for a long time.

Because most of the time, Elan Hill’s army, merchants, and even high-level politicians have already regarded the plants and trees of the Demon Realm as their own private property.

When they attack the demons, they will intentionally or unconsciously avoid destruction, even if they kill the demons, but they are more attentive to the protection of the environment.

However, on this day, Ailan Hill's revenge was as cold and merciless as the upcoming winter.

A nuclear bomb directly hit the discovered new demon city. In just a few tens of seconds, the city controlled by the demon was completely erased from the map.

The solid city walls and towering magic towers became flat ground in an instant. The wreckage of the building collapsed and was blown away by the shock wave. After the explosion, it was like an ancient city in the desert, with only a few vaguely recognizable remains.

Of course, no demons will come to see these ruins. The surrounding demons were burnt to death in an instant. They were in a place where they were directly killed by the high temperature. Those who survived by chance will also be severely injured and tortured to death. .

This is the cruelty of modern warfare. Hundreds of thousands of lives will be evaporated and destroyed in an instant. This is the mercy of modern warfare. Countless enemies will die with little pain.

The demon refugees crowded outside the city wall no longer have to think about how to spend the cruel winter, or they no longer have to think about any problems.

The demons in the city don't have to worry that their food will be divided by others, and they don't have to kill each other and swallow them to survive the hard winter, or that they won't have any winters in the future.

The demon swallowed by light, the whole picture is full of irony. There was no screaming or crying, because all the voices were covered by the earth-shaking explosion; all the filth and all the glory in this city, all the prosperity and all the degeneration were buried.

The indomitable mushroom cloud declared to everyone that he was powerful and invincible, and the horror of the nuclear bomb was vividly manifested at this moment.

The demons standing on the top of the distant mountain were stunned as they watched the mushroom cloud tumbling up in the sky, and suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing on their faces.

They involuntarily squinted their eyes, feeling the pain of the wind on their faces. The sand was rolled up, followed by a low explosion sound.

"The origin of the great magic is above...what is that..." An old demons muttered softly while looking at the distant mushroom cloud.

In his not long life, he had never seen such a terrible attack. If they are fighting such a terrible enemy, how can they still win?


The two white-robed men were carrying their long swords and advancing rapidly in a dense forest. They had just raided a human logistics supply base.

In the previous battle, they destroyed human water trucks, damaged several dining trucks, and killed dozens of human soldiers.

The enemy's reinforcements came very timely, and when they were about to expand their battle results and kill all the remaining people, the sound of the engine came from the sky.

That's a **** flying vehicle that can hover in the sky. They didn't know that it was Ailan Hill's gunship, but they knew that that kind of thing was very difficult and it was best to avoid it in advance.

Now, they are already in a dense forest two kilometers away, and they have long been out of the control of those **** aircraft.

Even so, they didn't slack off. They didn't feel tired anyway. The only thing that could stop them was the order of the source of magic.

For them, the enemy's encirclement is now denser and the enemy's reaction speed is getting faster and faster.

In the past, dozens of servants of the gods could easily defeat a human first-line combat force, but now they can no longer retreat from attacking some second-line troops.

One day ago, when they broke through the defense line of Ailan Hill's first-line combat troops, they were a combat squad of 50 people. After a big battle, they lost half of their people, but they also penetrated the opponent's line of defense.

That night, after they were attacked by a human-equipped night vision goggles, there were only 19 waiters left.

This morning, these people happened to collide with an elven search force. After a bitter battle, after killing more than 30 elves, only 12 of them retreated.

At noon, the remaining 12 waiters stormed a camp of a human force. After paying the loss of ten people, they had to retreat and leave because the several armed helicopters that arrived attracted more aircraft.

Just now, with only 5 people left, they attacked another resident of human forces. As a result, they only killed dozens of people, and 3 of the **** waiters were killed.

Now, there are only two of them left, a complete squad of servants of God, and now there are only two defeated generals left, running and fleeing in the woods...

For them, this is a shame, each of them is a divine creature with a powerful force above the magician, so embarrassed is simply a shame!

"Vengeance..." A **** waiter uttered a simple word in their vague, hoarse and dull voice.

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