My Empire

Chapter 965: Life bloom

More magic spar energy suddenly poured into the magic device, and the magic defense barrier on the surface of the spaceship immediately became heavier.

"The height of 30,000 meters from the surface!" The main pilot **** puppet stared at the altimeter and confirmed the descending height of the spacecraft.

"The height of 25,000 meters from the surface!" The co-pilot **** puppets also looked at the altimeter-their descent speed was so fast that they were almost at a loss.

"Prepare to open the main parachute!" The main driving **** puppet commanded when it entered the height of 20,000 meters.

"Open the main parachute!"...

The vibration of the spacecraft became more intense. If it weren't for the strengthened body of the **** puppet, the ordinary astronaut might have passed out in a coma at this moment.

It is precisely because of the use of **** puppet astronauts with stronger physical conditions that the Ailan Hill Empire was able to design the spacecraft so crudely, and even the landing system was simplified several times.

"The overload exceeds 20G..." When approaching the ground, the **** puppet driver in the main driver's seat was obviously overwhelmed. He slowly reached out and pressed the opening button of the main reverse thruster, loudly. Remind his companions: "Prepare for shock resistance!"

"I'm ready!" Leaning on his driver's seat, the **** puppet on the co-pilot replied with the same hoarse voice.

"D..." After pressing the button, the entire spacecraft's reverse thrusters immediately started working, and a harsh warning of danger reverberated in the entire cockpit.

"Boom..." The rocket propeller at the bottom of the spacecraft suddenly ignited, and the huge reaction force immediately reduced the descent speed of the entire spacecraft.

At the same time, a super huge parachute was opened on the top of the spacecraft, just like a beautiful flower blooming on this planet called Demon Domain 2.

"Warning! Warning! Backup parachute failure! Backup parachute failure!" In the speaker, a failure reminder echoed. After a long voyage in space, it is still difficult to have a smooth sailing.

Especially, the situation of launching hundreds of spacecraft in one go like Ailan Hill-it may be more difficult to get these spacecrafts to fly to their destinations and land safely than to buy a lottery ticket.

One of the parachutes that should have been opened one after another seemed to be out of order and did not open on time. This also put unprecedented pressure on the other parachutes.

If nothing happens, these opened deceleration umbrellas will soon be damaged due to excessive impact, and the deceleration effect will be greatly reduced.

The original design margin will be exhausted quickly, the spacecraft’s descent speed will exceed expectations, or it will directly hit the ground, and the landing will also evolve into a crash...

In the violently trembling spacecraft, the two **** puppets could only deal with the crisis alone in a hurry, doing their utmost to save their "little life", and safely land the spacecraft on the surface of the planet.

The two puppets who thought they were lucky a moment ago are now facing bad luck.

The **** puppet in the main driver's seat kept relying on manually turning on the switch of the backup parachute. While driving, he anxiously confirmed: "Is there a way to detect the damage of the main parachute?"

The puppet on the co-pilot was checking the results of the self-check on the computer, and replied impatiently: " won't let me climb out to see how big the hole is, right?"

The **** puppet on the main driver was also in utter discomfort, and he didn't even have time to scold his men.

He kept looking for a way to deal with it, while humming angrily: "When I have the time to think of a solution..."

"Is there any way...Is it possible to strengthen the floating magic..." The **** puppet on the co-pilot suddenly thought of a good solution.

Since the parachute could not be opened, the reverse thruster and the floating magic circle became their way to slow down.

Obviously, there is no way to overload the reverse thruster. Maybe that thing will cause problems by itself, let alone make it overfulfill the task.

If that thing breaks down, it may be even more dangerous-if it explodes in mid-air, then the entire spacecraft and the fuel in the spacecraft will turn into a huge fireworks and firecrackers, and nothing will be left...

Therefore, at this moment they can use their brains, and only the floating magic equipment on the spaceship is left.

However, the **** puppet driver on the main driver seemed unwilling to provoke the equipment that is likely to have problems, so he questioned: "The output power is already at the maximum... if you increase it, it may malfunction!"

The **** puppet on the co-pilot was very calm, and asked directly: "Isn't there enough faults now? One more situation won't get worse."

The **** puppet in the main driver's seat suddenly realized, so he said: "What you said makes sense...then double the power of the floating magic!"

"What can be doubled...directly overloaded to the maximum!" The **** puppet on the co-pilot gave up, and I didn't want to die.

"You are really a madman!" The **** puppet in the main driver's seat felt that the assistant beside him was a madman, the kind he admired very much.

"Did you know that I was a lunatic on the first day?" The **** puppet in the passenger seat was very self-aware and boasted.

"The altitude is still 3000 meters! Damn it, do what you are willing to do!" Looking at the data provided by the altitude radar, the **** puppet in the main driving position wanted to close his eyes or enter the sleep mode again. Go in.

Although he is a bit self-deceiving, but in that sleep mode, he can at least face death calmly without knowing that he is dead...

If he still has consciousness after death, his consciousness can stay there forever, he is dormant, not the beautiful moment of death.

The **** puppet on the co-pilot no longer hesitated, and directly pushed all the magic energy spar into the floating magic power device.

Then, his ears began to ring non-stop, prompting the floating magic device to be overloaded: "Warning... the output power of the floating magic device exceeds the design value, warning..."

Annoyed, he tore off the speaker connector, trying to stop the **** sound.

As a result, although the voice prompting the floating magic device to be overloaded stopped, the voice prompting that the device was damaged began to repeat: "The voice prompt component is damaged... the prompt component is damaged..."

"You turned off that **** reminder! Damn it!" The **** puppet in the main driver's seat, who already felt he was dead, was tortured by the repeated voices and was going crazy.

He really wanted to punch these instruments and displays in front of him with two punches, but he did not have the courage to do so-after all, the spiritual power that supported his actions came from a human being, and he did not surpass a human being. The capacity for courage.

A few seconds later, another annoying voice sounded: "Altitude too low warning! Too low altitude warning!"

The **** puppet on the main driver shouted desperately: "Damn it, we two may be scrapped!"

The **** puppet on the co-pilot glanced at his colleagues: "It doesn't matter, maybe the luck of the other two groups is better than ours..."

"Boom!" The spacecraft, which looked a bit like a cannonball, dragged a fragmented parachute, and slanted into the ground of Demon 2 planet at a very fast speed.

The ground here is covered with desert-like sand everywhere, otherwise it wouldn't look pale yellow in outer space.

The technical department speculated that there may be groundwater here, but this news has never been confirmed. The probe launched earlier, after landing here, returned more than 3,000 photos, and then lost contact with the power outage.

Some satellites and exploration spacecrafts that were dispatched one after another also proved that the topography and landforms here are close to that of Ailan Xiris.

The only difference is that there is no surface water or qualified air here, so naturally there is no life...

Now it's different. There is a new guest here, a cylindrical spaceship that is diagonally inserted into the yellow sand on the ground.

The surface of this spacecraft is riddled with holes, and it is still braving the heat of friction from falling into the atmosphere. But even so, the black background and golden eagle on the hull of the spacecraft can still be vaguely distinguished.

"Boom...boom..." Suddenly, the sound of knocking metal came from the inside of the spacecraft, making the world that had just calmed down suddenly become strange again.

"Crack!" With the last loud noise, the spacecraft's hatch was knocked open from the inside by a force, and it escaped like a cannonball. It flew a long way before landing on the ground, stuck in the sand, like a sharp blade general.

"Damn it! The air here can spread sound, but there is no way to make people breathe!" The main driving **** puppet in the spacesuit jumped out of the damaged spaceship door disgustingly, and landed on the ground.

Behind him, the co-pilot **** puppet wearing a spacesuit also got out of the spacecraft, jumped out of the narrow hatch, and landed on the ground full of yellow sand.

"I think, maybe the two of us are lucky." As soon as he landed, he felt the rich and delightful magical atmosphere on this planet: "It seems that this is also a paradise that is favored by the **** of magic..."

"Hurry up and unload the cargo we are carrying! That is the seed of the tree of life! If it can take root here, it will soon become the second moon here!" The **** puppet on the main driver was full of confidence. Said.

"I hope so! If it can really change everything here, then I don't want it for a few years before we can wait for the immigrated Ailanhill Empire spacecraft." The co-pilot **** puppet agreed with joy: "Maybe At that time, the two of us can still be awakened by them."

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