My Empire

Chapter 985: The other party has a problem

In the sky, in the cockpit of an F-15 fighter jet, the pilot wearing an expensive helmet sight is looking down at the ground below his feet.

He adjusted the channel, looked at the command from the plane's head-up display, reflected it on the screen of his helmet sight, and confirmed: "I didn't see any suspicious targets! The other party has an identification signal for friend or foe... so I can't be sure..."

In the task display interface on the helmet, he was asked to check the jungle in the suspicious area to see if he could see something suspicious.

It is a pity that this order was communicated to all nearby aircraft, and the only ones closest to the forest were him and his wingman, two F-15 air-dominance fighters.

Therefore, as the pilot of the lead plane, he had no choice but to press the intercom and report: "I am an air-control fighter, and I have insufficient ground search equipment... The forest on the ground is dense, it is a coniferous forest, and it is impossible to identify the forest. The goal."

He really couldn't see the suspicious trail in the jungle, even the truck belonging to Sergeant Mark and the jeep.

As a result, the two F-15 fighter engines roared and flew around the forest, and then flew over the jungle again.

Finally, the pilot pilot looked at his fuel gauge helplessly, and then reported to the ground command: "There is no way to perform this task visually! I need professional detection equipment! Infrared or other devices are fine! I have completed the task. ......Request to return home! Request to return home!"

Seeing the two human fighters whizzing away, the demon officer in the jungle withdrew his gaze anxiously.

He thinks that the other party should send some people to find the missing human soldiers, so that he can continue to annihilate the humans who came to die.

But now he didn't know when humans would send people to look for him, and he didn't know whether humans were going to find those who were missing.

The longer the time interval, the more vulnerable his tricks will be loopholes. For example, the demon knight who was killed, he did not return to the team either...

If the other party finds out various problems, it will not simply send some soldiers to search for the missing persons, but will send troops to encircle him.

"Damn... these cunning humans!" The demon officer cursed, and he got back into his bunker uneasy, and sat down on the cold chair.

The bunker he was in had been cleaned up, and the black blood on the ground had disappeared. The demon commander grabbed a piece of ham in front of him, bit open the red packaging on it, and gobbled the sausage down.

For him, he has never eaten something so delicious before. So he ate it very quickly, as if he couldn't bear the taste and cut it off in his mouth.

Even when he was eating these delicious things, he was still complaining about humans: If you don't resist and let us demons occupy the magic continent, then these delicious foods, aren't all these delicious foods now?


"This mission is to find and confirm the safety of Sergeant Mark..." On the bumpy tank, the battalion commander was emphasizing the content of this mission to his soldiers.

The heavy armored vehicle he was in was very new, and it was just issued to their troops a few days ago.

These armored vehicles galloped forward along the road, passing by some demon servants who were resting on the side of the road, and also passing some camps of human mechanized troops next to these demon servants.

Quite a few soldiers were making fires and cooking, and there was smoke everywhere. These heavy armored vehicles drove until the front line was jammed with tanks and armored vehicles everywhere, only to slow down their speed.

After the armored vehicle stopped, the battalion commander commanded everyone on the phone: "When you encounter suspicious things, you must stay alert! If you encounter resistance, fire immediately! Keeping everyone safe is a prerequisite! Understand?"

After hearing the response of his subordinates, he continued: "Go along the road! The depth of the alert is set to 30 to 50 meters! Everyone stays in line!"

Following his orders, one after another heavy-armored grenadiers jumped out of the armored vehicles and began to form their own battle formations along the road.

"Do you think it's the demons, swindling?" A soldier was holding a 10mm assault rifle in his hand, walking step by step in the snow that was several centimeters thick.

A comrade next to him was also holding a 10mm assault rifle with a grenade launcher under the muzzle. He walked at the same pace and said, "I guess so! So when you see the devil in a while, be careful! "

"I'll be careful." The soldier nodded and continued to walk forward. They quickly followed the road and reached the edge of the jungle.

"There is a discovery!" A heavy armored grenadier wearing a powered exoskeleton equipment knelt on one knee and found two tire marks on the side of the road that did not seem to be old.

Obviously, the tire prints on the road are all driving forward along the road, so it is easy to be covered by the prints of the car wheels driving in the same direction or in the opposite direction.

But the tire marks of the two cars that turned off the road are very obvious: the two cars obviously drove into this woodland one after the other, and they did find the right direction.

"It seems that Mark and others have indeed entered this woods!" The battalion commander headed to the trail, looked down, and then looked back at his men: "We found the clue! Use the safest method. Take a good look in the woods..."

Hearing the command of the battalion commander, several heavy armored grenadiers carrying large backpacks stepped forward slowly, and then laid the boxes behind them flat on the snow.

Soon, the drones in these boxes opened their propellers and were ready to take off.

Compared with light infantry divisions or motorized infantry divisions, the weapons and equipment of the heavy-armored grenadier units are simply advanced several times. The combat effectiveness of these soldiers equipped with modern armor is also amazing.

Seeing that his subordinates were ready, the battalion commander gently waved his palm forward to signal that they could start: "Send the drone! Start investigating the situation in the woodland! I need to confirm! The location of the vehicle, I The location of the staff!"

With his order, the three drones have been separated from their portable equipment. Under the pilot's control, these three drones flew into the dense forest in front of them one after another.

On the high-definition monitoring screen, you can clearly see the tire tracks on the ground. This cannot be faked, because the devil has almost no rubber tires.

"Damn it!" When I saw a drone walking along the path in the forest, approaching the place where it was hiding the human car, after eating the supplies that did not belong to him, the demon commander who came out to inspect the battlefield pressed His own long sword hilt, cursed bitterly.

He wanted to capture the Ailan Hill humans who came to investigate the incident-but what came was a drone that could not be held hostage at all, or could not increase his record of killing humans at all!

This irritated him, but there was no other good way—he could only resist now, but couldn't find a suitable entry point.

Did it just destroy a drone like this? It sounds a bit unreliable...

But if these unmanned aerial vehicles were allowed to go so deep into the woodland, things would be revealed, and his preparations would be wasted.

"Attack! Attack with magic arrows! Shoot down that **** flying machine!" The demon officer pointed at the flying drone and ordered the archer next to him.

Because Ailan Hill’s small drones are protected by magic defensive barriers, they may not be able to be shot down directly with ordinary bows and arrows. When they see the light of magic defensive barriers on that drone, the demon officer will I already know that this thing is actually hard to deal with.

The demon archer next to him took the lead, shooting a bow and shooting a magic long arrow directly at the drone hovering in the distance.

The magic arrow exploded after hitting the drone. In the flames, the drone dragged a long black smoke and fell down.

At the same time, on the display screen of another drone, the battalion commander of the heavy armored grenadier battalion was staring at the truck covered with branches and branches as a camouflage.

"It seems...the devil suspicious!" The battalion commander stared at the screen with a cold expression on his face.

"My drone was shot down! Those demons are firing at our drone!" After losing his drone, the soldier from the battalion's reconnaissance unit reported.

"Immediately summarize everything that happened and upload information to the headquarters..." The battalion commander ordered, then lit a cigarette and held it in his mouth: "Ready to fight!"

"Wow!" All the Ailan Hill heavy armored grenadiers pulled their guns. They were expressionless, and they rarely even talked.

Because they almost knew that it was the demons here that attacked the transport convoy, and the infantry squad where Mark they were looking for was probably not lucky enough.

"They are crazy! They must be crazy." The deputy battalion commander walked over, looked at his colleagues, and said in disbelief, "Don't they know that this will anger us and make us madly retaliate?"

"Maybe what they want is our revenge!" The battalion commander exhaled a puff of white smoke and said to the deputy battalion commander beside him: "Maybe we thought the war too ridiculously before! Those demons, I hope we will be more **** and cruel. a little……"

"Notify the gunships that cover us, those demons have problems! Get ready for battle!" The battalion commander made a forward gesture: "Open the magic defense barrier! Pay attention to the target directly ahead!"


Today we will have two more changes, but the jet lag is not in the state...

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