My Empire

Chapter 996: Tinder

"You are a human!" The palm of a demon general instantly pressed the hilt of his sword on his waist. He never thought that one day a human could stand here, standing in front of him without fear.

The hall suddenly became chaotic, some demons lit up with magical light, and some demons were about to draw out their swords and start attacking.

No demon can tolerate a human being to show off in front of them. After all, they have not really surrendered, and they have not recognized from the bone that humans are their new masters.

But they will get used to it, they will be used to facing humans in a humble manner, and learn to treat themselves and their relationship with humans correctly.

Soldiers don’t have human rights, so they don’t have to deal with the ninety-six or sixty-six days each day. When it's dangerous, they have to travel alone to the demon-ruled area... This is simply defying the labor law.

With a smile on his face, the officer in front of him showed a human face, but his heart was madly complaining. Although Demon Lord Alicia promised to protect his personal safety, he was still a little nervous standing alone among a group of demons.

Well, to be honest, he is very nervous now. After all, no matter how wonderful other people say, there is only one life for oneself anyway, isn't it...

"It sounds good! End the war? What did you do to end the war?" the demon below asked regardless.

Someone started, and the other demons followed and shouted: "Yes! Now you are attacking us! You also cut off our supplies..."

"Today you must give us an explanation!" After the yelling, a group of people unified their voices and began to look for the human in front of them, asking for an explanation.

"Me? Why do you want to give you an explanation?" The staff officer continued to go further and further on the road to death.

He pointed to his nose: "I am not here to give you an explanation. On the contrary, I am a comrade in arms who died for me. I came to you for an explanation!"

"Sergeant Mark's sacrifice was caused by someone deliberately surrendering maliciously among the demons!"

"You didn't give me an explanation, but you still asked me for an explanation?" The staff sneered and said, "Did you make a mistake?"

"Too rampant!" Hearing his yelling answer, the demon below became even more uncomfortable.

"Kill him!" a demon officer gnashed his teeth while pointing his finger at the human staff.

"You can kill me, do it now!" The staff officer simply sat on the steps, waiting for the demons to rush over.

In fact, he was still a little scared. With this action of sitting on the steps, he seldom concealed his shivering.

"I advise you not to do this! Because kill him here, Ailan Hill will fire a nuclear bomb, turning us all into ashes and dust!" Alicia reminded her subordinates to restraint: "So you better not act rashly. "

Sure enough, after hearing the word nuclear bomb, the originally enthusiastic demon immediately became calm.

They have seen the power of that kind of weapon, even if there is a space magic defense device here, but no one wants to see that kind of super weapon smashed in their heads.

That terrible mushroom cloud, the flames and dust of the explosion that can be clearly seen across several mountains...

A nuclear bomb is definitely a weapon that should belong to the devil! This weapon is simply created for the devil! It should be born for the devil, and destroy all obstacles for the devil!

"Now, you are finally willing to quiet down and listen to me." The human advisor sighed, and finally found a chance to continue speaking: "Then I will start."

As he said, he nodded slightly to Alicia. After all, in front of Marshal Wagron, the Demon King said to ensure his personal safety and determine the position of the Demon King before he could continue to talk about some sensitive topics.

"Okay! Next, everyone can only listen! No comments are allowed!" Alicia knew that it was time for him to play, and immediately said.

After hearing the demon lord's command, the devil who was still very noisy quickly quieted down again.

"First of all, you must put an end to demon surrender and similar problems! To put it simply, you will be responsible for the screening in the future. We only accept the surrender of the demon who is completely obedient!" The human adviser reached out a finger and made his request. .

"I'm here to set up an office here... to deal with the surrender between demons and humans..." the staff officer introduced word by word.

The low-down demons were confused, and they didn't know what this so-called office was.

It was not until they listened to the human staff to continue to say that they figured out the specific role of this thing: "In the future, all demons will only be eligible to surrender if they obtain a certificate issued by my office. Work in the area controlled by the Empire!

It turned out that their group of demons, even surrendering, had to be qualified first... The faces of several demons could no longer hang on, if it weren't for the demon king's strict orders, perhaps they would be yelling again at this time.

Nothing is more insulting than this... an insult to the devil! The surrender must be reviewed first, it is simply unheard of!

I ignored the demons below, nor looked at their ugly faces. The staff officer continued to speak in his own words and said, "This new certificate is called a visa! This newly established office is responsible for screening out the demons who apply for it, and whether there are conditions for surrender!"

Soon, he continued to add: "In addition, one month after the implementation of the visa system, there have been no such problems as fraudulent surrender, and the Alanhill Empire will relax the conditions and accept more demonic surrenders!"

"In addition... I also bring you good news... At least, the southern area, the demon-controlled area... Ailan Hill has delineated a security area. There are still some demons in this area. It's safe and secure." When the demons below were about to explode, the staff officer finally began to say something that people would love to hear.

He talked about the safe zone and also mentioned the supply of supplies: "Soon, new supplies will arrive here... This is regarded as, the great Emperor of the Elansill Empire, please be kind to you!"

This makes the demons below feel a lot more comfortable-what they look forward to most is to get a large amount of supplies from the Ailanhill Empire before the winter is over!

With these materials, they can recuperate, and then leave the fire for the demons to resume production when the spring starts next year!


I updated three chapters today, and as a result, the first chapter is written so far... After the next two more updates, I can’t post it first, so it was delayed a bit, everyone, forgive me.

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