My Enhanceable Equipment

Vol 2 Chapter 338: No more life (2 in 1)

Lin Yu was finally a little dumbfounded at this moment. He was cut at Cheng Yuxing's speed for five minutes. Even the assailants couldn't stand it.


House seemingly endless rain.

The paralyzing gas of the poison mist was very sticky, and it was difficult to disperse in a short period of time. It is no problem to delay it for at least one or two minutes.

However, the super-British movies here in the Flash Fast Silver are often seen this year. Cheng Yuxing has a lot of learning, and he rushed directly around the poisonous fog. The strong wind that will drive the poisonous fog into the wind rises into the sky, and soon Dissipated.

Lin Yu had to make a one-click repair to the multifunctional magazine, and shot five poisonous fog bombs again, but unfortunately Cheng Yuxing had a cracking method, and the delay time this time was naturally shorter, less than a few seconds. The poison mist dispersed again and had to continue to face Cheng Yuxing's haunting dogleg knife.

"It's over. The sky-swept wings are too fast. The props master can't keep up. The hot weapons and ammunition are almost all used up."

At this moment, almost everyone saw the dilemma of Lin Yu at this time.

Cheng Yuxing's speed is hard to respond to even the awakening of the bodily physiognomy, let alone an ordinary person.

Without the intensive fire suppression of the metal storm, the assailants are completely a living target. They can't hit others, they can't hide and hide, and they can only stand and be demolished by Cheng Yuxing.

Really speaking, Lin Yu’s response is a little bit more. The electromagnetic riot of the magnetic storm cannon blade or the second repair of the impact grenade can be delayed for a little while, but these are just a cure for the symptoms, not enough to delay Xiao Ke. After analyzing the dynamic model.


While Lin Yu was also thinking about coping styles, a strange feeling suddenly came to his mind.

This is similar to the feeling when communicating with Xiao Ke, but unlike the direct communication between the intelligent vice brain and the brain nerves, this is a purely spiritual induction.


The upgraded venom colony is self-conscious, but this consciousness is very ignorant, and it consumes a large number of dimensional creatures while hunting in the mountains and seas. Most of the time, it digests and absorbs the biological instincts and organizational structure information in the semi-dormant state. Only maintain a low level of mental activity and assist Lin Yu in controlling the cloak and combat analysis. It is basically the same as the original venom suit. It can perform automatic semi-automatic combat analysis and can assist in aiming and dodge, but there is no redundant communication.

But the venom woke up at this time, and a stream of conscious information came from the spiritual connection.

This is pure communication of consciousness, without any words or sounds, but the expressions can be summed up in two sentences.

Iron shell! Rubbish! Shameful!

I! venom! Beat the enemy!

"Iron Shell? Refers to the attack on the slaughterer? Is this still jealous?"

Rao was nervous in the war situation, Lin Yu was still a little bit happy after sensing the information from the venom, and immediately exchanged his thoughts: "Just you still blasted the enemy? The attack on the slaughterer is at least fifth-order, and you are still good at fourth-order. Get some sleep."

It is undeniable that the potential of the venom colony is very strong, but its strength is proportional to the strength of the venom's soul body. The current strength of the venom's soul body barely reaches the fourth order, even with the body structure with a high degree of evolution. The ranks dominate, and the battle power or defensive power are not as good as those who attacked the slaughter.

However, after hearing Lin Yu's words, Venom seemed a little anxious, and there were urgent emotions such as dissatisfaction and confidence.

"Okay, let you try."

Anyway, there is really no good way right now. Lin Yu hesitated a moment and simply agreed.

At the request of Venom, while taking the moment Cheng Yuxing dodged and retreated, Lin Yu directly withdrew the ‘iron shell’ from his tactical prop package.


Full liberation mode!


Cheng Yuxing was shocked after seeing Lin Yu’s exoskeleton armor suddenly disappearing. He was about to seize the opportunity for a tentative attack. As a result, Lin Yu’s body-like black body armor suddenly turned up.


The rapid proliferation of black gelatinous material extended the tens of thousands of violently dancing black tentacles and appeared in all directions. The dense tentacles covered Lin Yu's body tightly and Cheng Yuxing had to be forced back again.

"Lying trough! What the hell! Suddenly Cthulhu possesses?"

"I wipe, the prop master will not appear like alienation or alienation?"

In just an instant, Lin Yu's painting style suddenly turned into a black sea urchin with tentacles spreading for more than ten meters. This scene not only shocked Cheng Yuxing, but all the audience was also scared.

"Little should know a little bit more? What is Xiaoyu? No surprises?"

Lin Jin and Zhao Jianwu at the edge of the arena were also made a little stunned by Lin Yu's suddenly broken style of painting, and subconsciously looked at Zhao Xiaolu.

"Uh, I don't know."

Zhao Xiaolu's face was slightly stiff, and hesitantly said: "However, Lin Yu had spent a lot of time trying to find the deformed monster. This looks a bit like it. It should be a venom suit transformed with the deformed monster."

Even they are like this, not to mention other people.

To get back to the topic, Lin Yu, who suddenly turned into a sea urchin tentacle monster and forced Cheng Yuxing to retreat, changed again. The tentacles that were lasing lifted up and retracted, wrapping his body tightly and forming a heart like a heart. The black dome is constantly expanding and contracting.


After a while, the black dome ruptured, but all the black liquid did not fall, but re-integrated into the contraction, and finally turned into a humanoid creature about two meters high in a squirm.

This creature is very strange and strange, the whole body is bright black, the two legs are stout recurve worm legs, the body surface is similar to the worm carapace, generally smooth and black with a point of curvature of the hard shell, the mouth is like a crocodile but has no eyes, ears, nose and other features. The head is similar to the aliens in the movie and generally bare.

And it is said to be humanoid, but in fact there is a pair of huge bat wings that are enough to wrap the whole body. At the same time, in addition to the arms with muscle claws and claws, two ordinary human arms have grown on each shoulder. The snake, the wing roots of the bat wings behind are also two on each side, and a total of six snakes meandering and wriggling in the air are unspeakable and creepy.

At first glance, it was a kind of mental pollution.

"This Nima... what the hell?"

Cheng Yuxing glanced up dullly, his eyes twitching fiercely.

If you can't fight, you won't be a man?

Do you want to be so ruthless?

"Just cut it right now? Is it my turn now?"

I saw the hunted creatures transformed into Lin Yu sticking out their tongues and tracing their mouth full of teeth, revealing a grim "smile", and then squatting down their legs to instigate wings and jumped directly to Cheng Yuxing.

In fact, at this time, the manipulating the body has been replaced with venom, but Lin Yu did indeed signal him.

Lin Yu’s feeling is a little strange now. It feels like playing the legendary holographic virtual game. The body is wrapped in the deepest part by the body tissue of the venom, and the senses become completely synchronized with the venom.

The essence of the venom cloak is always deformed. The body's perception and manipulation are actually based on mental power, so it does not need eye, ear, nose, and other sense organs. The received information is similar to God's 360 degrees. Dead angle state.

Swish swish!

The venom in the full liberation mode and Cheng Yuxing were at the same time. Upon contact, Lin Yu finally understood why the venom was confident to blow Cheng Yuxing.

After all, the venom cloak is still fourth-order. Even if the full liberation mode maximizes the use of body structure to support death, some independent aspects such as explosive force or strength are barely equal to fifth-order. The reaction and speed are still difficult to keep up with Cheng Yuxing's plunder. The wings of the sky.

But Venom has a thing that humans hardly possess—combat instinct.

Venom has absorbed the instincts of countless dimensional creatures. After digesting and absorbing these essences, not only can it skillfully use the simulated limbs, but it also has an instinctive response far exceeding that of all creatures.

Not to mention, even if it is just a humble pet cat, its obstacle avoidance ability, evasion ability, and balance ability are so powerful that it is difficult for humans to reach for life, not to mention the integration of the fighting instincts of countless creatures. .

If the reaction of thinking control cannot keep up, then give up thinking and let the body react by itself purely by instinct.

Strike, dodge, sneak, bite, swat, flick, and a lot of dimensional creatures have evolved the fighting instinct for countless years. Made a killing weapon.

This is a killing machine purely for fighting!

There is no need to pay attention and observe deliberately. Before each time Cheng Yuxing's attack comes, Venom can dodge like a nerve reflex, and just after the dodge is completed, he even counterattacks more violently.

It is said that the double fist is invincible with four hands, the venom in the full liberation mode is more than four hands, six snake bodies and tails and bat wings are not furnishings, and when necessary, the body can also instantly alienate and grow simple structures such as tentacle silk threads. The sudden shower forced Cheng Yuxing to dare not get close.

For a while, the offensive and defensive exchanges, but instead it was venom's turn to actively provoke and chase Cheng Yuxing.

Although he can't catch up, Cheng Yuxing can only be embarrassed and exhausted. After all, this is the game field, he can't run directly, he can't just go around.

It's a pity that people's physical strength is always limited, and so is the dark energy of the awakeners. After chasing for a long time, Cheng Yuxing's movements are inevitably slower and slower, and the light wings behind him are dimmed.


Seizing a gap in Cheng Yuxing's delay, Venom spread his arms and wings and contracted the muscles of his body. He roared his head and snarled, striking a residual image directly and rushed up. In the battle, Cheng Yuxing was almost torn into the sky and **** fog in a blink of an eye.

"Technology team... win!"

The referee walked over with some guilty conscience, watching the humanoid creature made of venom and spitting it out, and then announced the result weakly.

The last victory, the technology team has won the first four games, undoubtedly the final champion of the national game.

But this time there was no cheering, but there was silence.

All the audience were frightened by the venomous appearance of the venom and the violent bite just now, and... they are really not sure whether this monster is Lin Yu, their familiar props, or what kind of variation and demonization really appeared Situation.

Scientists, especially those who like to play black technology, don't all the people in the movie like to make big news about biological mutation or ruin the world.

"Huh? I have won the championship. Can't you cheer and applaud without asking for a female fan of flowers?"

Lin Yu reacted and let Venom revoke the full emancipation mode to regenerate into the inner armor of the colony, and then joke around and looked around.

Obviously, this is not a variant that loses its senses, just a relatively special piece of equipment.


"Prop division! Prop division! Prop division!"

"Science and Technology Bulls! Big Brother Bulls!"

Applause and cheers came as scheduled, far warmer than any previous game.

Comparing this is the final victory of the national championship, the amount of gold is different, and I have to say that just now many people thought that this technology team was going to lose again, the Jedi comeback and the shocking eyeball monster turned, It is not uncommon to have such a scene.

After cheering, it is a direct voice of addiction and intense discussion.

"The lying trough, I was really scared just now, aren't the dimensional creatures so violent and weird?"

"You know a fart, it was just a venom suit with wood, just the real venom! It can all be transformed!"

"I don't think the genuine venom is so powerful? The body can be freely deformed, and the whole body is a deadly weapon. It is even chasing after the sky-wiping wings that can't see the movement. It's almost incomparable to watching movies. "

"Hahaha, I would like to call the prop master the king of the cottage!"


"...Congratulations to the Technology Team for winning the championship!"

After the play-off, the rest is the award ceremony and the closing ceremony.

A large number of complicated ceremonial speeches and everyone in the technology team were dragged through and dressed up without mentioning it. The scattered and scattered piles of debris were almost tired than the whole day of the battle. My thoughts are gone, and I went directly to the hotel arranged by the organizer.

The prize of the national competition is still a formal awakening pharmacy. The difference is that there is an extra large trophy that is said to be pure gold and a certificate of honor. In short, it is better than nothing. Everyone does not lack this money. Go show it.

Several people returned to the hotel for a restful rest, but the turbulence from outside was just beginning.

Countless reporters smelled the smell of the hotel where the contestants stayed.

The hotel arranged by the state also has a lot of security forces, otherwise these people may have to rush in.

Although I was not able to interview Lin Yu and their champion team members for the first time, the basic reports of the major media and even the media marketing number have not fallen shocked! The national championship is freshly released! Exoskeleton armor and venom appear in the arena! 》

"Shock! The firepower of these two people is comparable to an entire army! One of them is not yet an awakener! 》

"Technology team won the championship again! Win the national championship! 》

"Wuji and Promise! Into the grudges and hatred between Wei Wuji and the captain of the Promise team..."

"Black technology is emerging endlessly? Count the black tech props of the prop master! The strongest ordinary people's counterattack! 》

Hmm... Compared to the reports of the mainstream media, the report of the sand sculpture marketing number is more intimate and eye-catching.

In any case, after this battle, everyone in the technology team was completely hot, and it became very red.

Not only Lin, but also Wei Wuji, Fan Lei and others have stepped into the sights of thousands of households. A large number of self-media have caught them to open up special topics and analyze them. The reporters who want to interview have almost not stepped on the hotel. Floor.

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