My Enhanceable Equipment

Vol 2 Chapter 371: Strike the Slayer III


Lin Yu didn't turn his head back, copying the impact grenade and throwing it out behind him.

After four upgrades, the high-pressure gas contained in the impact grenade has already condensed into a solidified state. Under the fan-shaped impact mode, it quickly burns and expands as the grenade detonates, and because of the limited space in the fork, it instantly becomes a stout. The fire dragon raged inside the fork.

It is a pity that the basis of the impact grenades is still weaker. If it is unexpected, it may still be effective. The conversion of the archbishop in the face of the full sprint can only play a role in blocking the sight.


The flames exploded, and the conversion of the Archbishop did not stop at all. He lived through the land covered by the fire dragon, and brought a ray of flame around his body and turned into a igniting star. It flew with the wind. It looked like a rebirth of fire, and it was amazing.

However, after this hindrance, Lin Yu's track was lost again in his vision.

"Really enough to hide."

The footsteps stopped, and a plain male face under the hood frowned slightly, looked at the three branch branches that appeared in front of his eyes, and quickly caught the slight clues, and started to chase up to the leftmost passage.

At the same time, the most central branch road and the like, Lin Yu covered with black marks, held his breath, quickly calmed down the rapid breathing brought by the violent exercise, and the whole person, like a sleeping snake, generally converged the sound.

"Since the previous spider-shaped predator was found, it is now difficult to monitor the movement of the Archbishop to convert..."

After glancing at the burn marks on his hands, Lin Yu pulled the corner of his mouth in pain.

The detonation of the impact grenade just now not only blocked the line of sight, but used the shock wave and the ejection magnetic field of the magnetic storm cannon blade to directly push itself into the central passage.

As for why he was injured...because the venom cloak is no longer on him.

Although the venom cloak is a close-fitting armor, it can also be regarded as an independent living creature like a deformed monster. Knowing that he can't throw away the converted Archbishop by speed, he used the firelight at the moment of detonating the impact grenade Separated from his own soldiers.

Ruling that the temple can hide the voice, but this does not mean that the action will not leave any traces, only to use this risky method to lead the conversion to the archbishop.

However, it is only a matter of time before the venom is caught up. His spiritual connection with the venom is already vague, and it is even weaker when he leaves the body. Now it is difficult to use the self-explosive robot to monitor the movement. Applying the classic theory of old Liu, he can now say It's in a dark jungle, and you can hit a big'surprise' in the corner of the underground in all directions.

"Hurry up... hurry up..."

No one can really completely ignore life and death, and Lin Yu is the same.

At this time, his nerves were tightly controlled involuntarily, and he felt a sudden attack on the slaughterer in the tactical prop bag, and urged himself anxiously.

There was a dead silence all around, needle drop was audible, claustrophobia and silence mixed with the anxiety between life and death, making the air seem to be frozen together. If it is not for the lucid dream to exercise the rational thinking that has prevailed for a long time, I am afraid that even he cannot hold this At least calm.

Time passes by one minute and one second.


Under the depressive atmosphere, every second becomes extraordinarily long. I don't know how long it has passed, a roar of high speed galloping into my ears.


Lin Yu's spirit tightened, and he stood up and ran deeper into the passage.

But as soon as he turned a corner and ran for a distance, his footsteps stopped.

"It's really too early to come by chance."

There was a smile on Lin Yu's face.

The faint blue light in the tactical props bag gradually dissipated, and the renewed assailants appeared.


【Type III of the assailants】

[Level] LV2: 0/5000W

[Introduction]: Type Ⅲ of the assailants, equipped with a three-core cold nuclear fusion reactor, T3 memory metal armor, a 50-ton class detachable power mechanical arm, a full-body plasma propulsion system, a brain wave interactive system, and its powerful melee combat Offense and defense capabilities.

[Evaluation]: Advance! go ahead! keep going! Crush the enemy!


Through the perception of the tactical prop package, the appearance of the assailants has changed greatly, the whole is thick and thick, and the height has reached two meters, five or six, and the tough man-like breath is more prominent.

In addition, the energy supply has been reduced to three cold nuclear fusion reactors, one on the chest and one on the shoulders of the two arms, but they are all hidden under the metal armor and not exposed.

Then there was the unexpected but reasonable plasma propulsion system. The Strike Slayer II had steam propulsion. This time, it used experience transfer to absorb a lot of real experience from the silver wing armor. The steam vents on the back and soles were all upgraded to plasma propeller vents.

Type Ⅲ assault slaughterers are too heavy, and there is no propeller as a flight stabilizer on the palm. Therefore, this propulsion system does not allow the assault slaughterers to fly, but it can assist jumping and posture adjustments, such as elbow and The propeller on the back can also greatly enhance the punching force and thrust.

"It's time for me to catch you the real mouse."

Lin Yu took a breath and chuckled, took out the new assailants and put them on.

The power output of the mechanical arm changed from 20 tons to 50 tons. It is not as simple as one plus one. The type III of the assault slaughterer is a single arm power output of 50 tons. Combined with the whole body power transmission, it will also increase exponentially, let alone use the hand. Propellers such as elbows can also use a rocket punch to greatly enhance boxing power.

"The assailants have been deployed and started self-checking..."

"The self-test is completed, the energy is sufficient, the modules are operating normally, and the brainwave connection signal is stable."

"Welcome to drive this body, and the type III armor of the assailants can attack at any time!"

The visor drops, the field of vision lights up, various data panels flash by, and soon a finger-like feeling emerges.

The type III interactive system of the Raiders has been upgraded from somatosensory interaction to brainwave interaction such as intelligent auxiliary brain and tactical prop package. This establishment of brainwave connection, the difference between them is fully reflected.

Originally, he could actually control some of the assailants through Xiao Ke, but after all, there was a medium in the middle, and the armor itself did not have the corresponding functional components.

Now establish a connection directly with the The entire armor seems to have become an extension of his limbs, and an extremely substantial sense of power and solidity haunts the heart, which is almost intoxicating.

This interactive mode not only brings convenience and efficiency in control, but more importantly, feedback!

The brainwave control technique that attacked the slaughterer is much more subtle than the shallow brainwave control that the earth is still trying. , But at least can perceive the status of various parts of the armor, and can receive feedback such as vibration after being attacked.

The reason why organisms evolved tactile sensation and pain sensation is not for self-masochism. Pain sensation and tactile sensation are biological protection mechanisms, to ensure that after being injured, you can know that you are injured and respond to evasion.

As the volume of the exoskeleton armor becomes larger and the surface armor becomes thicker and thicker, this "feel" is also a problem that will be faced. Without feedback of pain and touch, this kind of feedback is not aware of the enemy's attack, even if it is really made. The mech is also a live target that is unresponsive and stiff.

Today's raiders have clearly solved this problem very well. Both the controllability and the offensive and defensive capabilities have turned countless times, and even if this set of brainwave interaction technology can be parsed, the mecha can be directly created.

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