My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 694 Capturing a ‘Koi’

Under this intoxicating night, Zhang Pingan said such a "burning" word, which made Panny stare at him and laugh. Because Zhang Pingan's words were ambiguous, you can understand them in any way you want. What about the future life without her? What about the future life and Panny are serialized together?

You can listen to this as a hint of cheating, or you can understand it as a word to a confidante, Panny can define it in any way!

Because Zhang Pingan has prepared a "retreat" for himself, if Panny heard this and looked at Zhang Pingan in surprise and said: "You said this, you are not thinking about sleeping with me tonight?"

At this time, Zhang Pingan will definitely say: "What are you thinking, our relationship is so good, how can I bear to destroy it? And I have always treated me as my best friend..."

Well, if you say this, he is a scumbag! Uh, Zhang Pingan is a scumbag, and this is something Panny is very clear about. Let's not talk about other things, just say that when he was dating Jessica, didn't he maintain a very subtle relationship with Taeyeon? Moreover, she had seen everything that happened between Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon.

So at this time, when Zhang Pingan said these dirty words, the best way for Tiffany was not to respond, because if she responded, no matter what the two of them ended up like, it was Tiffany's choice. If it was wrong, it was also the path that Tiffany chose herself, just like the path that Taeyeon chose between him and Jessica, so now everything can only be borne by Taeyeon herself. However, Zhang Pingan had nothing to say about Taeyeon.

Zhang Pingan looked at Pani's smile at this time, and he couldn't tell what she wanted to express, so he just raised his eyebrows slightly and said: "Go back and rest early after dinner. Aren't you tired after a day of shopping? By the way, do you plan to stay in a hotel or my house?"

Pani smiled and said: "What hotel? It's not like I haven't slept in your house before. Am I still worried that you will come to attack me in the middle of the night?"

Unable to tell whether it was a hint or a warning, Zhang Pingan could only shake his head and said: "Okay, the bedroom is yours."

Pani smiled and said: "If you feel uncomfortable sleeping in the living room, you can go to the hotel. I will live in your bedroom anyway."

Zhang Pingan said: "Then I really go to the hotel?"

Pani waved at Zhang Pingan and said: "Why do you still want me to stay with you to sleep?"

The two of them had dinner and called a designated driver to leave the Bund and walked towards Zhang Pingan's home. The car came to the garage, and the designated driver left the community. After Zhang Pingan sent Pani back to his home, he really left home with a sports suit on his back.

Zhang Pingan did not stay far away this time, but chose the hotel where Taidi Xu and the other two stayed yesterday, Grand Hyatt, because it was very close to Zhang Pingan's home, and he walked there himself. Well, it was because he was drunk and did not dare to drive. After walking for ten minutes, Zhang Pingan arrived at the hotel. Register and check in.

Today, the two did not choose to live under the same roof, because Panny felt that Zhang Pingan's feelings were already very messy. If she added herself to it, wouldn't it be even more messy? And she really couldn't explain to Taeyeon. Taeyeon could generously let her play in Shanghai, but she couldn't have such a problem when Taeyeon gave her trust, right?

If she came to Shanghai secretly without Taeyeon's knowledge, then what happened could still be regarded as a dream. But now that Taeyeon gave her trust and let her stay in Shanghai, she couldn't hurt Taeyeon on trust, right? So today, no matter what, she couldn't live under the same roof with Zhang Pingan.

After Zhang Pingan left, Panny made a video call to Taeyeon who was far away in South Korea.

After Taeyeon connected the video, Taeyeon looked at Tiffany who was at Zhang Ping'an's house and said, "What's wrong? Didn't you go out to play today?"

Tiffany smiled and said, "I went out. I went out for an afternoon and made your Zhang Ping'an surrender?" Then Tiffany picked up a necklace and said, "How about this necklace? I picked it for you according to your preferences."

"Thank you, I like it very much. Where is Zhang Ping'an?"

Finally, Taeyeon asked Tiffany's heart. She smiled and said to Taeyeon, "He went to the hotel. I occupied his house today, so he can only go to the hotel to rest. If you are not here, I am embarrassed to let him rest in the living room, right?"

Taeyeon chatted with Tiffany for a while in the video and then hung up the phone. The purpose of Tiffany and Taeyeon's video call was achieved, which was to tell Taeyeon that I don't live under the same roof with Zhang Ping'an.

After Taeyeon and Tiffany talked, she immediately called Zhang Pingan on video. Zhang Pingan just lay on the bed in the room and saw Taeyeon's call. He sat up quickly and answered Taeyeon's video invitation: "Look where I am?"

A very distinctive hotel room, this is the same room type as Taeyeon and her friends stayed in, although it was not the room they stayed in last night.

Taeyeon looked at the familiar room and said with a smile: "Grand Hyatt Hotel Shanghai. Is it the room we stayed in last night?"

"No, it's on another floor. You don't know, Tiffany took me away for an entire afternoon today, a whole afternoon." Zhang Pingan began to complain to Taeyeon on the phone.

Taeyeon, who was far away in Korea, was also amused by Zhang Pingan's story, and her laughter was more of a sense of peace and reassurance.

Taeyeon also told Zhang Pingan on the phone that the release time of her album has been announced at 24:00 on the evening of the 7th, which is actually the beginning of the 8th. Zhang Pingan said that she plans to go to Korea in the next two days. .

The reason why Taeyeon's album is scheduled to be released at the beginning of the month is because Zhang Pingan has already inquired with Li Zhien. The recording of Li Zhien's album has been completed, and the MV shooting will be arranged in these two days. Zhien could actually arrange her comeback around the 10th, but Zhang Pingan told her that he would be the producer of Taeyeon's album this time.

Li Zhien could only choose to give in and said that his album would be released at the end of the month, so that he could stagger the time of competing with Taeyeon.

Fans of Lee Ji Eun are not afraid of fighting with Taeyeon. And Lee Ji-eun herself is confident that she will not lose to Taeyeon if their music collides.

Whether it's Kim Taeyeon or Lee Ji-eun, they are both extremely popular idols. If there is really a winner, it's really hard to say.


Zhang Pingan was probably really tired after spending a day shopping with Pani. He fell asleep while chatting with Taeyeon on the phone. At first we were sitting, then we started lying on the bed and chatting, then slowly we closed our eyes and fell asleep. Taeyeon fell asleep while watching Zhang Pingan chatting in the screen. She really felt how tired Pani was because she took him shopping today. After he fell asleep, Taeyeon hung up on Zhang Pingan. Telephone.

The night passed like that, and when Zhang Pingan woke up naturally, the sky outside was already bright. He fell asleep while chatting last night, so the curtains in the room were not closed, and he was woken up by the light in the morning. Zhang Ping'an woke up and looked at the time. It happened to be breakfast opening time.

Zhang Pingan thought for a while and sent a message to Pani: "Call me when you wake up." Then he ignored the phone.

I waited for Zhang Ping'an to have breakfast and even went to the gym but didn't receive a call from her. It was almost ten o'clock in the morning.

In fact, this time is still very early, especially for Pani who is more tired than Zhang Pingan, because yesterday afternoon when he was shopping, he sat down and rested when he entered the store, while she was still shopping in the store. If you look at the health software on your iPhone, you’ll probably have taken thousands of steps more than Zhang Pingan, right?

After checking out of the hotel, Zhang Pingan wanted to find a coffee shop to sit. At this time, there is a very mysterious cafe, which has never been known to the outside world, on the fifth floor of Aurora Building! Of course, Zhang Pingan must know this news, after all, it later became an Internet celebrity spot.

After coming out of the hotel, Zhang Ping'an carried his bag and walked among the early morning crowds. There were many tourists in Lujiazui early in the morning. These were either individual tours or group tours. Everyone wanted to take advantage of the good weather in the morning. Climb to the top to see the Shanghai skyline.

Also because it is the National Day holiday, there are a lot of tourists here. The traffic attracted a lot of people who came to hand out flyers, and there were also some people wearing cartoon costumes for promotion.

Zhang Pingan saw a recently popular game "Ball Fight" being promoted on the street. He was very willing to spend money to promote this game, and many anchors in the live broadcast were playing this game (promotion).

At this time, a girl with short hair handed Zhang Pingan a promotional leaflet. Because Zhang Pingan was wearing an Adidas sports T-shirt, a backpack, and a baseball cap, he seemed to be traveling here. of tourists.

When Zhang Pingan took the flyer, he suddenly found that the short-haired girl who gave him the flyer seemed a bit familiar. Where had he seen it before? So he stopped and looked at the back of the girl who was enthusiastically handing out leaflets. One side of her reminded Zhang Ping'an of who she was!

It’s actually this huge ‘koi’!

Zhang Ping'an didn't recognize her at first glance because she had short hair parted in the middle, while the 'Koi' in his impression had long flowing hair.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and followed Koi, watching her enthusiastically handing out orders promoting the game. After following for a while, Zhang Pingan walked towards the koi with a smile: "Hello."

She looked at Zhang Ping'an with vigilance, nodded and said, "Hello." Then she continued to hand out flyers.

Zhang Ping'an laughed: "Do you have time? Let's chat?"

"Sorry, I'm at work."

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "I can provide you with a better job. You can search for my information on Du Niang. My name is Zhang Pingan, and I am not a liar."

Koi looked at Zhang Pingan and tilted his head and said, "I don't know you!"

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