My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 97 Diving?

Zhang Pingan drove his Rolls-Royce on the streets of Seoul. Outside the car was the noisy city, but inside the car was a quiet world. Taking advantage of the tranquility in the car, Zhang Ping'an seriously thought about what happened in the coffee shop ahead. If it is a real lover, the man will definitely be shocked when he sees his girlfriend participating in such a social activity, and may become angry and lose his mind.

But looking back on Zhang Pingan now, he really didn't reach the level of anger at that moment. He must be a little angry, but the level of 'qi' did not make him lose his mind. After he found Yin Suwan at that time, he was stunned for two seconds. Although he was a little angry, he was more relieved. That's why he was able to deal with this matter so calmly on the spot.

Perhaps it is more appropriate for the two of them to choose to 'separate' at this time. Because Yin Suwan's recent live broadcast has gradually gained popularity, she needs to devote more time to her personal broadcasting business. The same is true for Zhang Ping'an, his personal career is about to officially start, and he will definitely devote more energy to work..

The most important thing is that the timing of the two of them is a little inconsistent. Zhang Pingan's working hours can be regarded as nine to five in the workplace. And Yin Suwan's working hours are from 8:00 pm to late night. When she was free during the day, he had to be busy with the company's affairs, and he basically rested after she downloaded the broadcast at night.

Recently, the way for the two to maintain this relationship is to 'sleep'. They have lost the series of steps that promote the relationship between lovers, such as eating, shopping, watching movies, and so on. So Zhang Pingan felt that it was best for this relationship to come to an end at this time, maybe she didn't love it as much as before?

Zhang Pingan was driving the car back to his home when his phone rang, and the caller ID was 'Yin Suwan', but Zhang Pingan didn't answer her call. The explanation in her mouth is actually not that important to Zhang Pingan. No matter what she said, she used a lie to Zhang Pingan, and this is what he couldn't accept her explanation.

Yin Suwan made two phone calls in a row, but Zhang Pingan didn't answer them. Finally, she sent a message: "Oppa, please give me a chance to explain. I'll wait for you at your home."

Looking at the message from Yin Suwan, Zhang Pingan originally planned to go home, but he chose to turn the car around and set off towards Hongdae. Perhaps today he is not willing to listen to Yin Suwan's explanation.

Before Zhang Pingan left without listening to her explanation, Yin Suwan cried bitterly in the coffee shop very aggrieved. By the time she chased them out, both Zhang Ping'an and Girls' Generation had disappeared from her sight. The fellowship organized by her friend just ended like this, Yin Suwan's friend was the one who felt the most guilty, if she hadn't brought Yin Suwan out to participate in this fellowship, such a thing would not have happened.

But the problem is that things have already happened, even if she feels guilty, sorry, what's the use? The only thing she can do is to accompany Yin Suwan to explain to Zhang Pingan. It was the first time for her to follow Yin Suwan to Zhang Ping'an's house. After seeing the luxury of Zhang Ping'an's house, she didn't have the mood to express emotion. Instead, he became more worried.

Zhang Ping'an is very rich, Yin Suwan's friends all know this. But how rich he is, this cannot be judged from the appearance. Even if she joined Zhang Ping'an's brokerage company, she couldn't make a judgment, after all, it was a very small brokerage company. But when she came to Zhang Ping'an's house today, she realized that it was difficult to describe Zhang Ping'an with the "rich" they usually understand.

Because the "rich" in their hearts may be people with billions of won, but Zhang Ping'an's home is in a high-end residential area with a very good geographical environment in Cheongdam-dong, and the home area is very large, and the interior decoration and so on ,

It has already surpassed the level of 'rich' they are familiar with.

If I ruin such a good marriage between my sisters, I guess I can't even be friends. So after she knew the mistake she had made, she decided that she would kneel down to Zhang Ping'an later, and hoped that he would forgive Yin Suwan! After all, Yin Suwan was right, it was her who was wrong! It was she who asked Yin Suwan to go to the friendship without any prior notice, and when Yin Suwan wanted to leave, she was the one who persuaded her to stay to fill up the number of people.


Sometimes life is such a pit. Some people cheat their parents, some people cheat their friends. Of course, there is the most disgusting thing: cheating relatives and friends... pyramid schemes! !

Zhang Pingan did not go home after receiving Yin Suwan's news, but set off for Hongdae. Arriving in Hongdae, Zhang Pingan drove directly towards Ha Dong Xun's store. His store has an exclusive parking space. On weekdays, when Ha Dong Xun is not shooting, he will park his car in the exclusive space. Today, when Zhang Ping'an arrived, it was still early before the evening meal. He Dongxun would not come to the store so early, so the parking space was empty.

When Zhang Pingan put the vehicle in this exclusive location, the employees in Hadong Xun's store saw this and had to call Hadong Xun's friend Gen Zhi, who opened the shop with HAHA and is also the owner of the shop.

Because of the 'RR' logo on the rear of Zhang Ping'an's car, the shop assistants didn't dare to come up and ask Zhang Ping'an to move away. Although it is an exclusive parking space, it is not the land they bought, it is a public area.

After Gen Zhi was called, he happened to watch Zhang Pingan get off the car. He only knew that Zhang Pingan was a friend of Kim Jong Kook. He didn't know exactly what Zhang Pingan did. And the last time he saw Zhang Ping'an, he came here in Jin Zhongguo's car. But when I saw him again today, I found out that he actually drove a Rolls Royce?

Zhang Pingan looked at Gen Zhi who was a little dazed, and he took the initiative to laugh: "Brother Gen Zhi, I'm here to eat, so it doesn't matter if the car stops here?"

Gen Zhi smiled and said, "It's okay. Your car is amazing."

"It's okay, do you want to try to drive two times?" Zhang Pingan handed the car keys to Gen Zhi. He took a look at the keys of the Rolls-Royce, and said hesitantly, "Can you drive two laps?"

Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "Of course. Can I get something to eat now?"

Because this time is just past four o'clock in the afternoon, and there is still nearly an hour and a half before their official market opening time, and their employees are still making final preparations.

"you alone?"

Zhang Pingan said, "Well, I'm alone. I wanted something to eat and drink, so I came here."

"Okay, let's go to the private room. In the car, I'll drive out for a couple of laps, and I'll pick him up by the way." He Dongxun's store only has one private room, and this private room is not open to the public. It is used by them for rest on weekdays. room. Or friends from the circle come to play, and they all stay in this private room, so as not to be disturbed by fans outside.

"Well. I'll go first." Zhang Pingan gave his car to Gen Zhi for a ride, and he entered Hedong Xun's shop alone.

This is the second time he entered the 'private room'. The last time he came here with Kim Jong Kook, there were many friends in the private room in this private room.

Today he wanted to drink a little bit, but he didn't know who to drink with, Ha Dongxun's shop became a very good choice. Because Hadong Xun, a variety artist, has no other work after the variety show stopped broadcasting recently, he basically comes to the store every day to help and increase the popularity of his store.

And as long as he comes to the store, he will inevitably drink. Isn't this a good drinking buddy?

As for those former wine and meat friends, Zhang Pingan has really rarely contacted him recently. Because those friends were partners who lived in a dream before, they are of no help to him who is doing his own business now.

The roast beer is paired with the firm Jeju black pork in the HAHA store, and it feels pretty good. Just sitting alone in a private room since four o'clock in the afternoon, this seems to be a bit of a drunkard's feeling.

Drinking alone is still a bit boring. Zhang Pingan picked up his mobile phone and opened kakao. The friend addition sent by Pani was already in the list. Zhang Pingan approved her friend application, and then sent an emoji to Pani .

Pani, sitting in the office at this time, was talking to the representative about her relationship issues. Jin Yingmin said with a headache: "It's only been three months, and you were photographed by 'D Club'?"

Today's Girls' Generation is no longer a 'little sheep' who just debuted, and the company will take care of them more, instead of just blindly managing with a tough attitude. So Pani didn't show timidity to the representative, but said helplessly: "I don't want to either. It's just that it has been photographed now, and my friend also told me that D agency will definitely announce me and I in these two days. His love affair, after discussing with him himself, I plan to admit this love relationship."

"Leave the confession aside. You can ask your friend if you can buy photos first?"

When Jin Yingmin said this, it happened that there was a kakao notification sound on Pani's mobile phone, and it happened to be the emoji sent by Zhang Ping'an. Pani nodded, picked up the phone and said, "Let me ask." So she sent a message to Zhang Ping'an.

Pani: "Companies ask if photos can be bought?"

Zhang Pingan: "No. Exclusive news brings 'brand value' to the media, and they will never sell it, and I can't tell my friend that I passed these inside information to you. Otherwise, next time he Definitely won’t tell me about your Girls’ Generation.”

"Understood, what happened today... I'm really sorry, I'll treat you to dinner when I come back from RB."

"Okay, I'll contact you when you come back."

In fact, Zhang Pingan personally thinks that the love news will not affect Girls' Generation too much. Although there are many fans who have exposed the love news, it will not affect their album sales! The empress is always the empress, as long as it doesn't affect the grades.

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