My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 578 Tonight is romantic

Tiffany and Taeyeon really feel that they can't talk to Zhang Pingan, because their understanding of "making money" is not on the same level. Although they dream of getting rich, they still want to honestly make products and open stores. But Zhang Pingan can play a pyramid scheme even if it's just a "store". I really don't know how to describe the weird ways of making money in his head, because the speed of making money... sounds a bit scary.

As public figures, they really don't dare to touch those things. Taeyeon shook her head and said, "What milk tea, what coffee, we don't play, and we don't dare to play. Don't encourage us to do such bad things in the future. If this is known to the outside world...we will be miserable. We are idols and public figures, and we have to pay attention to the impact of many private matters." Zhang Pingan laughed: "Haha, are you afraid of making money? Then Tiffany talks about making money every day. What money is she making? Is she going to find a store in Korea to open a coffee shop and wait for fans to consume? You haven't seen Chinese stars, that's what a star is! Just spread the word in the stock market, which company I want to invest in, and retail investors buy it when they hear it? Did the stars know some inside information? Then retail investors kept pouring money into it, and when the stock price went high, the stars put their hands He sold the stocks in the store and released the news, and he made 100 million US dollars! "

Hearing Zhang Pingan's words, Tiffany's eyes widened: "No way, when a star releases such news, is there no one in the supervision department to supervise it?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and responded: "Yes, how could there be no one? Because the stock price collapsed in the end, many people lost everything. Afterwards, the management bureau came to the door, and the star immediately said that my stock was handed over to the manager to manage, and I didn't know anything about it."

Taeyeon said: "So shameless? In South Korea, public figures who spread rumors to hype stock prices will be sentenced."

Zhang Pingan said contemptuously: "If you have money, what face do you need?"

Taeyeon and Tiffany were speechless: "..."

Yes, some Chinese stars are shameless and go to the stock market to cut leeks. Just like what Zhang Pingan said, if you have money, what face do you need? In today's society, people with a lot of money have a big face. If you don't have money, what face do you still talk about?

After the last sip of wine, Zhang Pingan put down his glass and said to Taeyeon and Tiffany: "Remember to give me the money tomorrow, I will use it to help you invest." Then Zhang Pingan turned his eyes to Tiffany and laughed: "Don't stare at me like that, if you want to make money, give me the money. But you have to bear the risk of investment failure. I still say that any investment that says there is no risk is a lie! The only way without risk is to deposit it in a bank." Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, Taeyeon laughed happily, and then she said casually: "Okay, okay, I'll give it to you!" Taeyeon's words Zhang Pingan looked up at Tiffany proudly: "See, huh? Tiffany, this is so cool, 100 million, it's like giving 100,000. My Taeyeon is still the best~~"

"Yeah, that's because Taeyeon is rich, I don't have money."

Zhang Pingan immediately glared and said: "You don't make money if you don't have money? Of course, you won't lose money if you save it with interest. Okay, enough of today. Taeyeon, eat, we'll leave after eating."


Taeyeon ate her favorite pork chop beautifully and left with Zhang Pingan. Of course, Zhang Pingan still paid the bill at the end. Tiffany herself knew that although she said she would treat Zhang Pingan, he would definitely not ask her to pay.

Sitting in Zhang Pingan's "Kia", Taeyeon drove this domestic car with a sweet smile on her face. Because he was by her side, even the air was comfortable. With him by her side, everything was beautiful. Taeyeon really likes the feeling of him being by her side. It is an indescribable feeling. As long as he is around, Taeyeon feels that her heart is opened and she is very happy.

Taeyeon first sent Tiffany back to the dormitory, and then drove away with Zhang Pingan. Tiffany sighed deeply as she watched the two of them leave, and then went upstairs. In the elevator, she clenched her fists hard. She wanted to use her strength to suppress the envy in her heart. Obviously, their love was a little deformed, but she didn't know why she had a little envy in her heart.

Driving this not-so-luxury car, Taeyeon felt quite relaxed. While driving leisurely, she said to Zhang Pingan: "Oppa, do you want to go for a walk?"

Zhang Pingan didn't drink too much tonight, a glass of beer, a glass of carbonated wine, and two small glasses of champagne, which was not so intoxicating. So when he heard Taeyeon wanted to go out for a walk, he nodded and said, "Okay, let's go for a walk. It's rare to have such a car to cover us today. Why don't we go to Namsan? I'll buy a hat when I pass by the store later."

When Taeyeon heard about going to Namsan, she burst out laughing. Because it's unrealistic. The two places with the most couples at night after the weather turns warmer are the riverside park and Namsan. The riverside park is very large and not easy to be discovered. But Namsan is just a small observation deck. Even if you hide well, you will be discovered by the people next to you.

After Zhang Pingan mentioned Nanshan, he knew it was impossible. The car happened to stop at the traffic light at this time. He looked up at the road sign above his head. He smiled and said to Taeyeon beside him, "Go to Incheon!"

"Huh?" As Zhang Pingan said he was going to Incheon, Mr. Taeyeon was stunned for two seconds and then smiled immediately, because when winter was approaching last year, she suddenly said she wanted to go to Incheon, and Zhang Pingan drove her there to see the night sea. There are not many people on the Incheon beach at night, so it is very safe and convenient to go there.

Taeyeon smiled and nodded, and the two drove to Incheon immediately. Along the way, Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon hummed songs excitedly, feeling like they were going on an outing. After nearly an hour, the two arrived at Incheon Seaside Park.

There are no street lights on the beach at night, only the moon in the sky emitting a little light, and the restaurant sign in the distance. The two walked quietly on the beach hand in hand, listening to the waves washing the beach.

Zhang Pingan held Taeyeon's hand and kept swinging it, with an increasing amplitude, but the two were happy to indulge in such a small happiness. As the amplitude of the hand wave increased, Taeyeon laughed out loud: "Hahaha, suddenly I found that we are so childish? High school students nowadays don't swing hand in hand like this, right?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and responded: "I don't know, anyway, when I was in high school, I didn't see this kind of love. But I like walking hand in hand with you like this."

In fact, this is a manifestation of happiness, a way of expressing "love".

Taeyeon smiled and said: "Although it is childish, I also like it~~Walking on the beach reminds me of the New Year, when we also walked quietly in Maldives. But it was sunny at that time..."

Zhang Pingan immediately followed up: "Now it is a bright moon in the sky, the same, the same. Where you are, whether it is night or day, I feel happy."

"Hehe, sometimes I think your words are corny, but I like to hear them."

Yes, love words, it is sweet when there are only two people. But when there are outsiders, it seems a little corny, I don't know if it is because of shyness or other reasons.

The two of them walked slowly along the coast holding hands, listening to the waves and each other's gentle words. The feeling of happiness really overwhelmed everything.

After walking a few dozen meters along the coastline, the two of them sat casually on the beach. Zhang Pingan took off his Adidas jacket and spread it on the beach. He smiled and said, "This is when the benefits of sportswear are revealed." Because of the fabric problem, even if the sportswear is spread on the beach, all the sand on it will fall off as long as it is shaken.

Taeyeon sat on the beach with him. She looked at the half moon in the sky and said regretfully, "Hey, it would be nice if it was a full moon."

Zhang Pingan smiled and looked at Taeyeon's side, a very beautiful outline. He smiled and said, "I think it doesn't matter what kind of moon it is. The important thing is to enjoy this night quietly with you."

Taeyeon heard the voice and turned her head to meet Zhang Pingan's eyes. She wanted to say something. But looking at the tenderness in his eyes, she couldn't say anything. Under the moonlight, the two heads slowly moved closer together.

Under the moonlight, the kiss on the coast seemed particularly romantic, but this romance could not be discovered by the outside world. However, the two of them enjoyed it, which was very good.

After the two kissed sweetly, Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "Why is it sweet?"

Taeyeon rolled her eyes shyly and said "Puff~~", then she looked up and continued to appreciate the moon: "Such silence is really good."

"Although silence is good, it is perfect with you by my side. So I think today is romantic."

"Hehe~~" Taeyeon smiled happily and got up and patted her butt: "Let's go, go back, it will take another hour to drive back."

"Well, let's go. Go back to sleep, go back and hug our soft and sticky Taeyeon to sleep."

When Taeyeon watched Zhang Pingan get up and shake his clothes, she playfully poked a handful of sand with her feet and threw it towards Zhang Pingan, just like the day when she kicked water towards Zhang Pingan in the Maldives.

After Taeyeon kicked the sand, she ran away immediately, and Zhang Pingan deliberately shouted from behind, chasing her: "Hey, stop right there!!"


A familiar scene, a romantic scene, all of which made Taeyeon feel very comfortable. As for whether her relationship with Zhang Pingan is "abnormal", it doesn't matter. What's important is that he is by her side and in her heart! !

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