My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 101 Tokyo (Part 1)

The love of young people is vigorous when they are 'in', with all kinds of sweet words and vows. But when "it" leaves, there will be different ways of separation according to different people's personalities, while Zhang Ping'an and Yin Suwan's performance is relatively flat. Of course, some people's differences will be as vigorous and entangled as when "it" comes.

However, the 'vigorous' and 'entanglement' at the time of parting is not a good thing. There was a big fight when we left, this is the most minor thing. When some love leaves, it will even take you to 'leave' together. This is the most terrifying love!

However, the love between Zhang Ping'an and Yin Suwan did not have those horrible scenes when they left, and there were no quarrels and entanglements that often appear in daily life. On the other hand, when the two said 'parting' at this time, they were very calm, as simple as eating and drinking. Maybe it's because the 'love' in both of their hearts has decreased, so they don't have much nostalgia for parting.

Her work is on the rise, and so is his. So when we parted at the airport, there wasn't much retention or reluctance, maybe the short-lived love between the two of them shouldn't have started!

In fact, it's good to continue the relationship of friends from the beginning, so that I won't be unable to be friends. People often say, 'Can we still be friends after we break up? ’ And that’s what hurts the most.

There are also those who obviously broke up and cursed and complained, hoping that her/his future will not be as good as mine, or that he/she will never meet someone better than me. But I have to say hypocritically, 'I wish you happiness. ’ And this sentence is the greatest irony!


Tokyo, Zhang Pingan has not been back to this city for four years, and he has not been here since he was attracted to Seoul by a Korean girl group. Because he spent a long time studying in RB, he knows that Tokyo is actually an extremely depressive city!

For those travelers who came to Tokyo for a short time, or those who have never been here, what they see and hear about Tokyo are all about the city's "cleanness", "orderliness", "politeness" and so on.

In fact, behind the orderliness is a kind of morbid depression. Zhang Ping'an came to Tokyo at a lively age, and the way of life here is completely different from that in Huaxia. China's way of life is called 'freedom', whether you have money or not, your life is your business, and you can live it however you want.

But in Tokyo, everyone here lives with the principle of 'not causing trouble to others'. What do you mean by not causing trouble to others? This involves a wide range.

For example, one of the things that people often talk about is the voice of speaking. No matter where you are in Tokyo, if you speak loudly, you are causing trouble for others. For example, when I go to a restaurant, most of them start to eat by themselves after ordering. After eating, they just say thank you for the hospitality, and there are only two or three sentences during the whole meal time. This is like everyone around them and robots.

The most serious thing is not the restaurant, but the tram, where the atmosphere is almost as quiet as the library in the school. Even if you accidentally sneezed, you would attract everyone's attention, even some complaining eyes.

Because of the existence of such a depressive life, the society has opened some "windows" for you to release your true personality, such as izakaya at night, and various bars with side effects, sensual places and so on.

This is why people often say that RB people have two appearances during the day and at night. During the day, they are absolutely polite people. At night, when they can release themselves, it is the demons and ghosts that show their true colors.

Why are there so many "demons and ghosts" formed at night in Tokyo? This has to start with the working environment again. RB prohibits all personal topics during working hours, such as where to eat yesterday and what is super delicious.

For example, your clothes are very nice, where did you buy them? Even if you want to say that the weather is good today, it will not work!

During working hours at RB, I can only talk about work, not to mention playing with mobile phones and deserting. Therefore, the work pressure and psychological depression brought by RB's workplace need to be released after get off work at night, which is why there are more "demons and ghosts" in RB at night.

In contrast, Huaxia's working environment is much more relaxed. Even if you chat about your daily life properly during work, and occasionally take out your mobile phone to check, no one will say anything about you, of course, the premise is not to delay work! Huaxia is much more humane.


Zhang Ping'an took the Ueno Express and set off towards the urban area, which is the fastest way to enter the urban area of ​​Tokyo. Zhang Pingan heard a lot of accents from all over China while riding the train. For Zhang Pingan, these dialects from the motherland did not feel noisy, but he felt relieved.

Because dialects from all parts of the motherland appear in a train car, it means that our Chinese sons and daughters are really living a good life. In the past, when people's lives were not abundant, Chinese was rarely heard around the world.

Now that China is strong and its people are rich, we can hear all kinds of friendly Chinese dialects when we go all over the world. And what the various dialects reflect is.. In our great motherland, people everywhere are getting rich! !

Zhang Pingan was sitting near the aisle, and next to him was a young couple from Huaxia. Their accents were as full of 'Yudu' as their smiles. The main reason was that their words were very special, such as "what to eat? People in Yudu would say, "What do you eat?"

Another point is that there are really many beauties in Yudu, and although the girl in front of her is about the same size as Taeyeon, her facial features are very delicate and beautiful. Zhang Pingan listened to their young couple talking about going to the shop of the "Sushi God" to see if they could eat?

After Zhang Pingan heard it, he smiled and said to them: "You are talking about the store in Ginza, right? After "The God of Sushi" established his status after 2012, this store needs to be booked half a year in advance. You can’t eat at your door, unless you know the regular customers of this store. Such top sushi restaurants have ordinary reservation seats and regular customer seats that are specially vacated. The regular customer seats are for some people who have dined with them before and Seats for some top gourmets, in a word, people who have a good relationship with the boss."

Hearing that Zhang Ping'an knew this store so well, they thought Zhang Ping'an was a food writer. The man asked Zhang Pingan: "Have you ever been to that restaurant?"

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "I have eaten it before they were featured in the documentary. Sushi is a food, every restaurant has its own characteristics, and it doesn't mean that his cooking method is suitable for you. And for those of you who come from 'Yudu', I don't recommend going to their home for the first time, because the taste of Yudu people is relatively large, and their family pays attention to the taste of the food itself. Hmm~~ You want to eat sushi , Tsukiji Market is a good choice, and there are many delicacies there, you can try them all. If you choose a high-end sushi restaurant, I recommend Kyubei in Ginza.”

Along the way, like a guide, Zhang Pingan told them where to eat delicious and cheap food in Tokyo. As for shopping, Zhang Pingan didn't recommend it. Anyway, department stores can buy everything. What Zhang Pingan recommends the most is to go to the maid cafe to experience RB's more distinctive otaku culture.

After arriving at Tokyo Station, Zhang Pingan separated from them. Along the way, they consulted Zhang Pingan a lot about traveling here, and he told them everything he knew. After all, he was quite familiar with this city.

After four years, Zhang Ping'an returned to his home in Tokyo again. Although all the doors and windows were closed when he left, there was still a thick layer of dust on the furniture. Zhang Pingan quickly called the housekeeping service and told them that he needed at least two sanitary aunts to come to the door, because there were Four years have not come back.

While waiting for the housekeeping company to come to the door, he ran to the terrace alone and looked at the Imperial Palace in front of him. The reason why he bought this house at the beginning was that it was facing the Imperial Palace.

In China, this is equivalent to saying that you can directly see the Forbidden City from the balcony of your home. This is the center of the center!

His home is located near the 'Nagatacho' subway station, and Nagatacho is where the National Assembly and the Prime Minister's residence are located. You can imagine the security here. Moreover, Chiyoda District has a very small population compared to Minato City and other places, so it is very quiet here.

A host of the RB show jokingly said: The people living in the port area are a bunch of idiots, the overall level of education is low, and there are all a bunch of flamboyant things playing there. To use Huaxia's words to describe it, it is the place where the rich second generation, Internet celebrities, gather together.

The location of Zhang Ping'an's family is the center of political power! Naturally, the housing price of his house is also ridiculously high! When it was completed and purchased in 2009, it reached 45 million Huaxia coins (700 million yen), which is more expensive than the most expensive Tangcheng Yipin in China! Because the masks used here are only 240 square meters, and the house his family bought in Tomson Yipin is also 430 square meters.

Of course, top-level apartment buildings like RB are all well-decorated and come with top-brand furniture. You buy a house, you bring your clothes and you move in. When Zhang Pingan bought the house here, he spent 45 million Huaxia coins all at once, which alarmed Zhang Pingan's mother. She called directly to ask Zhang Ping'an, did you buy a plane?

And Zhang Pingan said that he bought a top-level apartment next to the RB Imperial Palace. Zhang Ping'an's father immediately said that it was worth the money! It was indeed worth the money, because in the third year after buying the house, that is, in 2012, someone contacted Zhang Pingan and asked him if the house was for sale? At that time, the bid was 55 million Huaxia currency, which means that the house price has increased by 30% in three years, which is 10 million!

This is a scary number, because the base of the housing prices here is very high!

Zhang Ping'an lay on the balcony and looked at the Imperial Palace in front of him, the feeling of familiarity with Tokyo came back. At this moment, he was thinking about where he was going to play after his aunt came to clean up.

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