My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 107 Memories of Youth

RB is an island country, and its climate is as changeable as many islands in the Pacific Ocean. It might be clear one minute, but suddenly cloudy the next minute.

Zhang Ping'an was enjoying a leisurely walk after dinner in Ginza. As a result, before the food in his stomach was digested, raindrops fell from the sky.

Zhang Ping'an looked up at the sky after being drenched in raindrops. He originally wanted to observe the thickness of the clouds and see if the rain would intensify? But it was night at this time, even with the city lights of Ginza, he couldn't tell whether the clouds in the sky might intensify the rain when he looked up.

Helpless, Zhang Ping'an had no choice but to get in a taxi and go home. Because the afternoon sun was quite beautiful when he went out, who knew it would rain now?

Back home, Zhang Pingan leaned on the balcony door with a can of cold beer and looked at the raindrops of Tokyo. The rain makes the city's air fresh. Some people like rainy days, and some people don't like rainy days so much. And Zhang Pingan is neutral, it doesn't matter if it rains or not, he has lived in Tokyo for so many years, and he has long been used to the sudden rain.

The rain adds a bit of romance to the night in Tokyo. But in this quiet night where the sound of rain could be heard, Zhang Ping'an inexplicably felt a feeling in his heart that even he couldn't express.

I don't know that the tranquility at night is too scary, or he is still not used to being alone. When I was busy last month, I didn’t feel lonely at all. It was also the first two days because he drank several rounds of alcohol every day. After returning home, he was basically drunk, and most of them fell asleep on the bed. , I don't feel any loneliness.

But when the sudden rain came today and he went home early to face the tranquility, the feeling of loneliness struck again. The last time he was with Yin Suwan in a daze because he couldn't bear this 'loneliness', this time he faced this loneliness again...

Zhang Pingan shook his head with a smile. He picked up the can of beer in his hand and drank more than half of it in one go.

At this moment, he thought that it would be nice if he could pass out with one sip, so that he would not be entangled by this loneliness. But he is a person who often soaks in alcohol, let alone a sip, this can of beer is only enough to quench his thirst.

The rainy night made Zhang Ping'an's heart less stable, so he went back to the room and put down the beer in his hand, turned around and came to the study. Maybe some comics in the study can make him forget this loneliness? In RB, if young people don't have a few comics in their homes, it will definitely be unreasonable.

And Zhang Pingan, who has lived in RB for so many years, must also have favorite comics. He took a copy of "Naruto Shippuden" from the bookshelf in the study room, and after flipping through two pages at random, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: " I'm the one who watched the finale!"

Flipping through the comics casually, Zhang Ping'an couldn't stop reading. Because he knows all about the ending of the story, looking at this comic that was published in 2010 does not feel too fresh.

He got up, put the book back on the shelf, and then slid his finger on the shelf to select comics...Suddenly, his fingers landed on the '2007 Sunrise High School Graduation Album'. Zhang Pingan took down the graduation album and returned to the desk, and opened the album that had been dusty for seven years.

RB's graduation photo albums are all very delicate. There is a protective case on the outside of the photo album, and the photo album is pulled out of the protective case.

Zhang Pingan took out this graduation photo album and flipped through it.

The home page introduced the school, and then introduced the teacher and the principal, but he was not interested in reading any of these. He was flipping through the records of his classmates who graduated this school year. With the opening of the photo album, his memories were also opened.

The photo is a group photo of graduation. In the photo, each of them is wearing a school uniform and standing on the school playground.

The girls sit in the front row, and the boys stand in the back. There was a youthful smile on everyone's face. Zhang Pingan found himself in the pitifully small face in the photo. At that time, he was still combing his hair separately. The pixels of the graduation photo are not very high, so I can only see the outline, and I can barely recognize myself.

Afterwards, he flipped through the graduation photo of the class, Class A of the 3rd year, Zhang Pingan saw his childish appearance in high school, and his youthful smile in the camera was a bit silly.

But in the graduation photo of the class, there is a person who has a very attractive graduation photo. Her name is written under her photo, "Aragaki Yui".

Seeing Yui Aragaki appearing in his class, Zhang Pingan frowned and began to try hard to recall the news about her, while muttering: "Hey... isn't this 'wife'? Isn't she a year younger than me ? Why is it a classmate? Ah~~~ That's right."

Zhang Pingan finally remembered the situation at that time, because after he came to RB, he re-read the first year of high school, which means that he had been in the first year of high school for two years, so he was in the same grade as Yui Aragaki.

"Is it celebrity privilege again? Why did she use the stills? We are the photo shoot?" Zhang Pingan began to try hard to recall the news about Aragaki Yui. In 2007, during the graduation season, she happened to be filming the movie " So she didn't come to the school to attend the graduation ceremony.

In Zhang Ping'an's memories, there are few memories of Aragaki Yui, because the high school he attended was originally a college for cultivating artists. And when she was in high school, Yui Aragaki had already made her debut. She would not come to school when she had a job. Everyone was used to her not being in the class, so naturally there was nothing about Yui Aragaki.

In my memory, Yui Aragaki was not there on the day when the graduation commemorative photo was taken, so she used the stills for her graduation photo. She also played a high school student in "Love in the Sky", so she directly excerpted the stills. This is why Yui Aragaki's graduation photos spread on the Internet are only photos of her when she was very young, because it was a junior high school graduation photo!

Looking at the photos in the memoir, Zhang Pingan also saw photos of Aragaki Yui participating in club activities. Because she is the manager of the basketball department, but the problem is that Zhang Pingan did not belong to the basketball club in high school, he joined the music club!

In addition, Yui Aragaki rarely had time to come to school when he was working, so the two had no time to meet. Even if she came to the class, countless men like her because of her eye-catching appearance. At that time, Zhang Pingan rarely approached girls who were too popular.

After Yui Aragaki graduated, "Love in the Sky" instantly became the favorite object of many boys. At that time, Zhang Ping'an only went to her meeting. At that meeting, the two had a brief chat, that is, they said some cheering words to each other.

And at that meet and greet, the group photo of Zhang Ping'an and Yui Aragaki also became his only "star chasing photo" showing his true colors! '


There is such a big star hidden in a graduation album? Zhang Pingan couldn't help laughing, but unfortunately the two of them didn't have much communication. If I had known that she would become a big star, Zhang Ping'an should have gotten in touch with her more.

After putting together the album, Zhang Pingan laughed at himself and said, "It would be great if I could share some of the bad relationship between myself and Sika with Yui Aragaki."

He and Sika are simply in a constant 'bad relationship'. Little did he know that Yui Aragaki actually received the evil fate that Zhang Ping'an was looking forward to, because he participated in a variety show "Following Your Home" by RB passers-by!

This program has not yet aired, it is understood that it will air next week.

At that time, Yui Aragaki was resting at home, memorizing the script, because her movie was going to start at the beginning of next month. Yui Aragaki, who is at home every day, sleeps until she wakes up naturally. After waking up, she first watches cartoons and flips through some funny jokes. In the afternoon, she slowly memorizes the script. In the evening, when she was a little tired from memorizing the script, she would watch some videos on the Internet to change her mind. And it was at that time that she suddenly saw her high school classmate Zhang Ping'an.

This student from Huaxia also attracted her attention when she was in school, because Yui Aragaki was also considered a foreigner. At the beginning of the school year, he was very unsocial in school, just because he was not very proficient in Japanese, so basically he was a loner.

And Yui Aragaki's deepest impression on him is that he remembers that he was not very familiar with the language when he was in the first year of high school, so some male students from RB wanted to bully him. Who knew that this classmate from Huaxia was quite irritable. Facing the provocation of three classmates, he caught one of them and beat him up. No matter what, he concentrated on beating that one person, and ended up breaking the bridge of that classmate's nose and losing all his teeth.

And this is not over, because the next day a lawyer came to the door to file a legal lawsuit against that classmate. No one knows how to solve it in the end, and there are many gossips circulating. Anyway, the classmate who was beaten badly never came to school again, and no one would dare to trouble Zhang Pingan at school anymore!

Because everyone knows that this Huaxia is a ruthless person!

It wasn't until Yui Aragaki saw him on TV that he knew that he was very rich. It is also possible to hire a lawyer to run the classmate away. Can there be no background? And he lived in a mansion of more than 800 million yen! But these have nothing to do with her, right?

At this time, sitting on the chair in the study, Zhang Pingan took out his mobile phone and flipped through the dynamics of the idols he followed today.

Taeyeon sent a photo of lying on the bed looking at the camera, Zhang Pingan immediately went to see Baekhyun's photo, and sure enough he also sent such a photo a few days ago.

Zhang Pingan just put the two photos together and sent them to Taeyeon: "Aren't you stupid, you. Even a layman like me can see that something is wrong. How dare you post such a photo? Look at Panido To be honest, I dived after the relationship was exposed."

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