My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 691 Pani (4)

Shopping with women is absolutely physical work. Zhang Pingan even feels that the intensity is much more tiring than going to the gym for two hours. In particular, the structure of the 'Global Harbor' is quite 'scientific', because it does not concentrate restaurants on a certain floor or in a certain section. The restaurants here are scattered. You may get tired after shopping for a while. A coffee shop happened to appear, and I sat down to have a cup of coffee and continue. As soon as I got tired again, another cold drink seller appeared... This is really a perpetual motion machine with an infinite loop.

How enthusiastic can a woman be about the project of "shopping"? Pani gave Zhang Pingan a perfect answer today. Zhang Pingan went shopping with Sika, and also went shopping with Yoona, and even went shopping with Zhien during the trip, but they were really far behind compared to Pani. Only now did Zhang Ping'an know that during the last Spring Festival, because she had the 'Paper Man' Taeyeon with her, she didn't show her fighting power at all.

Today, she wanted to go through the entire department store one by one. It was too scary. If it were just a quick tour, Zhang Ping'an would still accept it, but Pani had to go in and take a look at any brand he saw. Especially in the jewelry store, well, it's not a luxury jewelry store, but a 'Swarovski' store with relatively affordable prices. I tried on different things, from rings, necklaces to earrings.

Finally, when it was time to go home in the afternoon, Zhang Ping'an accompanied Pani into the store and sat alone in the rest area, waiting for her to take a stroll. Xiaoju, on the other hand, was simply bribed by a few clothes and a few pieces of jewelry that Pani bought for her. Zhang Ping'an really felt that Xiaoju had suffered a big loss, so he spent a whole day shopping with this fierce man. He entered the department store around lunch time and went shopping until it was almost five o'clock in the afternoon.

At around one o'clock at noon, I randomly found a restaurant here to have a meal. During lunch, Xiao Ju said something that even Zhang Pingan said was eye-opening.

It is normal for a girl group to have some competition within it, because there are too many members in a girl group, and everyone wants to get more attention, so internal competition is inevitable. Whether it's Korea or Japan, there is definitely a certain amount of competition within the group, but this competition is definitely good-natured.

And some of the things Xiaoju said made Zhang Pingan, who is used to competition among girl groups, think it was subversive of imagination.

Their 'group' follows the AKB development model, but their group's popularity at this time is really pitiful, so every fan at this stage is very precious to them. Also because there are not many people who follow them, they occasionally meet some fans who come to the theater to watch performances on their way to and from get off work, and they don't shy away from meeting fans in private, and everyone just chats together. Ah or something.

There is no taboo, which leads to some members secretly hooking up with fans, especially those who are willing to spend money. Xiaoju just told some inside stories that she had heard, and some people were even secretly dating fans for the sake of their votes. Zhang Ping'an remembered that this was how the little fat man was fooled.

The most ridiculous thing is that a certain member of the team has "big brother level" fans, and another member actually asked for "prestige" in private. What happened later... It goes without saying, anyway, she successfully gained from the big brother fans. Got the ticket.

Later Xiaoju asked Pani how to get along with his teammates in the team? Pani's answer was also very direct. Although everyone in the team has a pretty good relationship with each other, there are also some who have particularly good relationships, such as her relationship with Taeyeon.

In fact, she told Xiaoju directly,

Even if they are in the same team... there are also people who are 'particularly close to each other'.

Just like Girls' Generation has secrets that must be shared within the team, but that 'secret' is just a secret to the outside world. To put it bluntly, it is something that falls within the scope of their work. For example, if they are in love, they should inform everyone in advance, so that even if they are discovered, the members will not be particularly panicked, because after they tell the members, everyone will definitely think of countermeasures. For example, what should you say when facing the camera? Everyone should be on the same page.

In other words, someone in the circle has a bad character, so he told his members to be careful and not to be deceived. After all, they are all women, and there will definitely be men approaching them. So if they know the other person's character in advance, they won't have any surprises.

But the real secrets are usually not told to all members. Even if they are told, they are only told to the best friend who is particularly close to them.

Pani also told Xiaoju the most important point, the entertainment industry is the workplace, and it is darker than the traditional workplace! So even if you are facing your teammates, you have to know what you can and cannot say!


It was almost dinner time, and Zhang Pingan and Pani were going home to have dinner together. So I said goodbye to Xiaoju in the department store so that she could take the subway back.

On the way back, Pani looked at the trophies piled up in the back seat with satisfaction, including the autumn and winter clothing she had purchased in advance, as well as some short boots sold very cheaply in China, as well as accessories and so on. On this holiday today, Pani is quite satisfied. Because I didn't buy any luxury goods, I didn't have much money after shopping this day, just over 10,000 yuan. You must know that if you enter a luxury store, you can't get out without tens of thousands.

Zhang Pingan was driving, and Pani was sitting next to him, humming a tune happily, looking through some trinkets he bought: "I will give this to Taeyeon when I go home, it suits her very well. I will give this to Xiuying next time we meet..."

It turns out that the things she bought were not just for herself, but also for the members! Zhang Pingan said deliberately: "Then when you give them to them, can you say that I bought them with money?"

Pani smiled and looked at Zhang Pingan, and said simply: "No! Although you paid for it, these are my thoughts. Who asked you to take away all my savings? Just treat it as interest.”

Zhang Ping'an quickly glanced at Pani and said: "Hey~~~ It's strange. Not only do I help you invest and make money, but you still have to pay interest? Do you think this is a capital-guaranteed fund launched by the bank?"

Pani smiled extremely brightly, shook her hands and said, "No, no, no, you are much better than the bank!"

The two started chatting in the car again. Anyway, Zhang Pingan and Pani always had endless topics to talk about when they were together.

The vehicle quickly arrived at the gate of Zhang Pingan's parents' house. The security personnel standing at the door saluted after looking at Zhang Pingan's license plate. At the same time, the oversized iron gate opened.

Tan Gong, Shanghai's top luxury residential area.

From the bustling department store to the quiet villa community, Pani also put away the joy brought by his previous 'purchase'.

This oversized iron fence isolates the 'social class' and the people who can live in it are either rich or noble! So after entering the villa area, Pani quickly put away his smile.

When Zhang Pingan saw Pani put away her smile because of her nervousness, he reached out and patted her shoulder: "Relax, it's not like you've never been here before. Why are you so nervous?"

Pani rolled her eyes at Zhang Ping'an and said, "Are you not nervous? Last time I came here, wasn't Taeyeon sharing the psychological pressure with me? But this time I was the only one, so I felt a little panicked. "

Zhang Ping'an glanced at Pani and slowed down the car towards his home: "I saw you talking on the phone with my mother earlier. Aren't you speaking very neatly?"

Pani immediately retorted: "I couldn't see anyone when we were talking on the phone. It was like doing a broadcast at that time. We have already learned how to deal with it. But now... forget it, you don't understand. "

"It's okay, my mother has always said she likes you." Maybe such words will give Pani some comfort?

Zhang Pingan's car stopped in front of his house. Pani adjusted his appearance in the rearview mirror of the car, and at the same time took out his makeup bag and touched up her makeup again. After she finished tidying up, Zhang Pingan got out of the car with her.

Zhang Ping'an stood at the door and stretched out his palm. The moment the door was unlocked as the sound of identifying palm prints sounded, Pani felt himself getting more and more nervous.

The door opened, and she followed Zhang Pingan through the corridor and entered the living room. The first thing that came into her eyes was the familiar Roman columns standing in the living room. The rooms in the corridor were brightly lit...

When they came to the room, they faced the dining room directly. In the dining room, Aunt Li was preparing the food. They received the news when Zhang Pingan passed the door in front, and Aunt Li quickly brought the food to the table.

Zhang's mother and father in the large living room on the right got up and walked towards the dining room after they returned home.

Mother Zhang is still so luxurious, wearing a short-sleeved silk embroidered cheongsam, her hair is very delicately combed, and today she is wearing a gold and jade hairpin.

Zhang's mother smiled gently at Zhang Pingan and Pani and said, "Go wash your hands and get ready to eat. I'll wait for you two to start eating."

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "There's a traffic jam, there's nothing we can do about it. There are too many tourists coming to Shanghai during the holidays."

After Zhang Ping'an finished speaking, Pani bowed to Zhang's mother and father and said, "Hello, aunt and uncle, you must be in good health recently."

Mother Zhang smiled and waved to Pani: "Thank you for your concern, we are fine. Come on, Pani, come next to me."

Zhang Pingan said dumbfounded: "Mom, doesn't she wash her hands?"

"Hehehe, go ahead, go wash your hands with Ping An and get ready for dinner. Let's chat while we eat."

Pani followed Zhang Pingan to the kitchen and washed his hands first. When passing by the dining table, Zhang Pingan looked at today's dishes, which were mainly home-cooked dishes.

In the middle is a can of sour radish and duck soup, which is a nourishing soup that can relieve dryness in summer. And it also fits the Korean taste of pani.

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