My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 728 Dinner with foreigners

Men, at least 60% of them like cars very much, so Zhang Pingan's Rolls-Royce was surrounded by them like a car show. Because they rarely have the opportunity to see such luxury cars, there are more people who buy ostentatious sports cars among artists. They may have played with someone's Ferrari or Daniel, but few artists buy Rolls-Royce.

I don't know if this car feels too business-like or something, anyway, those young artists who make a lot of money rarely buy this car. In fact, in terms of price alone, there is not much difference between Rolls-Royce and Daniel.. Maybe this car is still too old-fashioned for young artists. It's not that they can't afford it, but they don't want to buy it. After all, they are just artists, not big bosses of companies.

Rolls-Royce gives people the impression of being calm, atmospheric, and a boss car. It is understood that among the artists, it seems that only Quan Zhilong bought a Rolls-Royce, but he sold it less than half a year after buying it.

So the people who came here to shoot the show today may not have really sat in a Rolls-Royce to feel it specially. Zhang Pingan opened the car door, started the engine, and let them visit. Some of them took out the umbrella of Rolls-Royce, and some reached out to touch the starry sky above their heads.

"The interior of Rolls-Royce is comfortable to look at, especially the starry sky ceiling is so beautiful." Because the lights in the garage are not as bright as those outdoors, the clear starry sky ceiling looks particularly beautiful. The most high-end thing about Rolls-Royce is not the "goddess statue" on the front of the car but this starry sky ceiling!

After they visited the vehicles, they got into their own nanny cars and headed towards the hotel. In Zhang Pingan's car, Zhang Yu'an and the young man from Italy sat together.

On the way, Zhang Yu'an said to Zhang Ping'an: "PD Zhang, there will definitely be netizens who will talk about it after the show is broadcast. You have to be mentally prepared. Especially the hatred of the rich in Korea has almost reached a pathological level. All rich people are described as damned on the Korean Internet."

The Italian guy followed Zhang Yu'an's topic and said: "Hate for the rich exists more or less in any country, but only in Korea are there people who whip the corpses of rich kids every day."

Zhang Ping'an laughed: "In fact, I also think that the hatred of the rich in China is not serious. The principal has posted his extravagant life on the Internet many times, and even put an Apple watch on his dog. But on the Chinese Internet, people think he is showing off his wealth, and at most say some weird words. Hatred of the rich, whipping the corpse, really not? But the most amazing thing is Japan. People in this country are more envious of the rich. There are fewer anti-rich remarks, and more weird netizens."

It's true. There is no particularly strong hatred of the rich in China now. Perhaps most netizens are people who can afford to eat, so they don’t really hate the rich. When they see someone buy a top sports car worth tens of millions, most people will say: This car is so handsome. Or they will say something sour: He is so rich. At most, they will curse: Shabu! Then they will click on the picture to see the handsome car.

However, it is different in South Korea. The poor people curse some rich people on the Internet for no reason, as if the rich people’s money must be donated to live a hard life with them. The most serious area of ​​hatred for the rich is the entertainment industry. Koreans think that celebrities make money too quickly, so they are unwilling to accept it. Every day, they wait for someone in the entertainment industry to make a mistake, and then they will attack them online and use public opinion to ruin their reputation, and even better, they will applaud happily.

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, the Italian said: "In fact, Italians are not bad. There are also many people in our country who show off their wealth in life. At most, they are 'parasites' who can only rely on their parents and family. They have such good conditions but don't make money by themselves. They only know to ask for money from their family every day to live a luxurious life." So Zhang Pingan smiled and talked about the people in China who acquired his live broadcast platform: "... In fact, they want to start their own business, but the family wants a successor. If they don't take over the family business, will the family business be handed over to others in the future?" Zhang Yu'an smiled and said: "PD Zhang, don't you need to take over the family business in the future?" Zhang Pingan smiled and responded: "I don't need it, because our family is not in the real industry, so whoever leads our company in the future will be the same." Yes, the financial industry is like that. Whoever can lead everyone to make money together can be the boss. Because the financial sponsors behind them only care about making money! Zhang Pingan just simply said that his family does not do real industry. But there are many companies that are not in the real industry, such as digital technology, finance, software, etc. These are not real industries, and no one can guess what Zhang Pingan's family does.

Zhang Yu'an continued to ask: "So, PD Zhang, do you plan to continue to work in the entertainment industry in the future?"

"At least the next five years will be the development period of China's entertainment industry, so it is a good choice to expand our entertainment industry at this time." Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "However, after five years, that me I don’t know what I want to do anymore. Maybe I’ve suffered enough from the mental torture of the entertainment industry in five years, so I might retire and take my girlfriend with me to travel around the world while we are still young. Look. Many people say that only by working hard when you are young can you enjoy life when you are old. But as you get older, your desire to see the world fades away, so I want to see more when I am young.”

Only Zhang Pingan can express his thoughts on retiring at thirty-five. What else can they say except envy. Isn't the ultimate dream of ordinary people working hard for their careers: not to want to go to work, but to have fun every day as they please?

And Zhang Pingan can do it easily. The Italian guy said: "I really envy this kind of life. Enjoy the beauty of the world when you are young, and enjoy your old age with children and grandchildren when you are old."

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "Maybe I was born with a silver spoon. So for my future, I don't think about how to make money for retirement, and my children's education and other daily life. I think more about what I should do." How to enrich my life. I am doing things in the entertainment industry out of interest. When the passion is gone, I will not stay in this industry just to make money."

Zhang Yuan said with a smile: "Only people like you and the principal have such confidence, right?"

Zhang Ping'an laughed: "No, the principal is different from me because his family is in industry. Hahaha~~~"


Soon, Zhang Ping'an and the other three arrived at the hotel, and his car was handed over to the parking attendant for parking. When he entered the hotel, the general manager standing in the hotel lobby greeted him: "Hello, Zhang Pinganxi. We have prepared the seat you reserved. I will take you up."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said to Zhang Yu'an and others: "This is the general manager of Shilla Hotel Seoul, surnamed Li."

The two of them shook hands with the general manager under Zhang Pingan's introduction. Zhang Pingan directly called the hotel general manager to order food. Moreover, the general manager was not off work when he arrived and went to the lobby to greet him in person. This made Zhang Yu'an and the Italian guy's eyes change once again when they looked at Zhang Pingan.

The three of them were led into the restaurant by the general manager. As he walked, he said: "Liu Shiyun and a few friends have arrived. They are waiting in the private room."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Thank you, I have troubled you with today's affairs, but you came down and waited for me in person."

"Yes, you have always been a valued customer of our hotel. Please..." The general manager opened the private room door and guided Zhang Pingan and others into the private room of the restaurant. This is a large private room, and there is no large round table in the private room. , instead, four-person square tables were spliced ​​together to form an extra-long long table.

For fifteen people, there is only one host seat because of the long dining table. Exquisite tableware, wine glasses, and folded flowers on dinner plates that are common in Chinese food.

After Zhang Pingan entered the private room, Liu Shiyun and several members who had arrived with him stood up to greet him. Zhang Ping'an first turned to the manager and said, "Prepare me a bottle of aged Moutai and a bottle of red wine from a famous winery, any famous winery will do."

"Okay, I'll get ready right away." The manager nodded and turned around and left the private room.

Zhang Ping'an then said to the person who arrived first: "Sorry, I'm driving slowly."

Liu Shiyun and others said: "It's okay, we just arrived."

Because there were still some people who hadn't arrived yet, Liu Shiyun asked after Zhang Ping'an sat at the main seat: "PD Zhang, in the previous program you said that you don't recommend collecting shoes. Why is that?"

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "Aren't shoes a consumable? Besides, don't they have no collection value? Collecting means loving it and at the same time, the product also has collection value."

At this time, the American guest said: "There are many sneaker collectors in the United States."

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "I know, but I still don't recommend it, because there are many shoe OEM factories in China that are very fond of so-called ball collectors. Do you know why? I used to be a classmate in elementary school, and my home was for Jordan. For basketball shoe OEMs, the raw materials were provided by Nike more than ten years ago, and they were only responsible for assembly line production. At that time, they said that there would be a loss in production. One-time production may be 100,000 pairs, and there may be 1,000 pairs of defective products. Although the so-called "defective products" are decided by the brand's quality inspection, a thousand pairs of "defective products" are sold to the world in exchange for hundreds of thousands of dollars, so there is no one who is not impressed by the quality inspection. When he was studying in our class, all the male students in our class wore Jordan sneakers, and they were given free of charge. Now this classmate specializes in hyping the value of shoes on the overseas Internet, because the higher the value, the greater the profit for him. High, just like the coconut shoes that are being hyped this time. The raw materials of shoes nowadays are not sophisticated and high-tech. Can such shoes be said to be fake? So just buy them and wear them. Keep them. ? It’s not that valuable yet!”

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