My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 122 Shanghai Forty-Eight

Zhang Pingan pretended to be a wave invisibly. Sometimes pretending to beep is quite funny. No wonder the hits of those test-like spoof videos in the future will be so high. Knowing that it is a scripted 'candid filming', but there are quite a few people who like to watch such small videos. To put it bluntly, it is just to satisfy the evil taste of the mind.

Coming out of the hotel, Zhang Ping'an's vehicle drove countless people back on the street. Because these two Ferraris are not in the same shape as those rented Ferraris that we usually see. Anyone who doesn’t know cars knows that this exaggerated shape must be expensive, let alone those who know a little bit about cars. Following the recommendations of those friends who knew cars, Zhang Ping searched on Du Niang and found the address of the gas station.

On the way to refuel, Zhang Pingan's phone rang and it was from Xiaoxiao, because he invited him to watch "Shanghai 48" last night and said he wanted to take him to pretend to beep.

And after he went back last night, he told the little fat man who lived with him that Zhang Ping'an was going to see "Shanghai 48" today, which made the little fat man excited, and he even notified his girlfriend immediately.

Because rich people at Zhang Ping'an's level are the real 'ticket warehouses', if his girlfriend's friends can get Zhang Ping's likes, they can easily get tens of thousands of votes. When the little fat man had a chance to help his girlfriend, he definitely didn't want to miss it. Even if the object of help is not his girlfriend himself, he feels that he can improve the face of himself and his girlfriend in front of his girlfriend's friends. (a bit of a mouthful?)

To sum it up in one sentence: his girlfriend can show off to his friends, look, my man knows people of this level.

So after laughing and talking about this matter yesterday, they thought about asking Zhang Pingan to have a meal at noon? At that time, she can call her friend out to introduce Zhang Pingan.

Zhang Pingan's vehicle pulled over and answered the phone: "Are you so impatient? It's only lunch time, can't you wait?"

"Hehe~~Brother An, where are you? The little fat man said he wanted to invite you to have a meal at noon." Xiaoxiao said clearly on the phone that it was 'little fat man', which already explained the hidden things After all, he only complained to Zhang Pingan last night.

Hearing what Xiaoxiao said, Zhang Pingan laughed immediately: "Hey, are you arranging a Hongmen banquet for me? Even if it is a Hongmen banquet, I have to find a few beautiful ones. Let me choose to see who I like? Which If she recommends it, I will accept it, what do you think?"

"Got it, I'll tell him, Brother Ang, what's for lunch."

"Whatever you want, I don't care what I eat. But you must find a good parking place, and don't find any alleys for me.

How about going to Yunnan South Road, I want to eat boiled chicken and salted duck. "Suddenly Zhang Ping'an remembered the Yunnan South Road where he went with Yin Suwan last time. The shops there are all close to a century-old shop, and the taste is really good.

"Okay, then we will meet at Yunnan South Road."

After making an appointment at the meeting place, Zhang Pingan drove the vehicle to refuel, and then set off towards Yunnan South Road.

When his eye-catching Ferrari entered Yunnan South Road, many young diners who came here cast surprised glances. Because such a super trendy car comes in from such an old street shop? It stands to reason that people who drive Ferraris should go to places like the Bund to eat?

Zhang Pingan parked the car on the side of the road casually, then got out of the car and went to the Shengjian shop. When you come to such a food street, of course you want to eat this way, and you also want to eat that way, and Zhang Pingan, a foodie, is no exception. After he got off the Ferrari, many people looked at him in surprise, because he was wearing very ordinary sportswear, and it was still Adidas.

Bought a few pan-fried buns and Zhang Ping An sat comfortably in the store waiting for the little fat man to come with the girls from 'Shanghai 48'. Before they arrived, Zhang Ping An began to search for information about them: "Huh~~ Is she from 'Shanghai 48'? Ah... by the way, remember, she graduated from 'Shanghai 48', Xiaoju! I only saw it in TV dramas before, but now I don’t know what a real person is?"

Then Zhang Pingan took his mobile phone and began to search for the news of "the first beauty in four thousand years".

What kind of "the most beautiful woman in four thousand years" is she? Isn't this comparing Xi Shi, Diao Chan and others?

This news came back from the island country. Zhang Pingan also went to check the news of the island country. The headline of the news was "The birth of the first idol in China in four thousand years". I don't know who translated it. Xiaoju was added to it A photo of her has become a beautiful woman for four thousand years? This is 3,000 years longer than the rare 'Hashimoto Kanna' in Japan?

Zhang Pingan bought six fried rice, and he ate two while checking the news. At this time, he was very hesitant to eat two more? But if I eat two more, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat the rest later, but I don't eat it. I sit here and look at the fried rice and I really want to eat it. So, when you come to such a food street, you still need a lot of people to be comfortable, because you can buy a lot of things you want to eat and share them with everyone.

Looking at the publicity photos of 'Xiaoju and Fat Di' on 'Du Niang' in their 48 official promotional photos on their mobile phone, after a comparison, Zhang Pingan said regretfully: "Although Xiaoju is not bad, but Xiaodi's western style Too charming."


Just as Zhang Pingan was sitting in the store, looking for celebrity photos on Du Niang with his mobile phone, to compare his ideal type, his phone rang, and he picked it up and said, "In the pan fried shop , come and find me."

Xiaoxiao came within two minutes, but he came alone, Zhang Pingan waved to him.

Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Pingan, who was wearing sportswear, and walked over with a smile. After approaching, his first sentence was: "Brother An, there is a Ferrari parked outside Xiao Shaoxing. You are a handsome thief. I have never seen it before." Ferrari. I heard from the onlookers that the car cost at least several million dollars?"

Zhang Pingan felt amused when he heard those laymen talking about the frame: "Do they understand cars? How many millions of Rafa? Do they think 'Rafa' as '458'?"

Although everyone knows the brand 'Ferrari', its price is prohibitively expensive, so non-car fans generally don't know too much about the specific models and prices of Ferrari. At most, I looked at the pictures of Ferrari on the Internet, thought it was very handsome, and then... no more, because I couldn't afford it!

Xiaoxiao didn't know what 'Rafa' was, so he asked, "Oh, then... how much is that car?"

"Search for yourself, La Ferrari."

The name is a bit weird, and she tilted her head curiously with a smile and said, "The name is: La Ferrari?"

"Well, 'La Ferrari' is Italian, and when translated it means: I am Ferrari!"

Xiaoxiao nodded and casually searched for "La Ferrari" on his mobile phone. When he saw the price introduced in the article, his eyes widened in surprise: "22.5 million?? This..."

"22.5 million is just the official guide price, and you can't buy it at this price. Because the manufacturer requires you to buy other Ferrari models five times, and there are other conditions. So you use 22.5 million banknotes for this limited edition car. It cannot be bought."

Xiaoxiao listened to Zhang Pingan's "conditions" and he could only smirk and say: "I really don't understand the world of local tyrants!"

"When you figure it out, you'll become a local tyrant too. Where's the little fat man? Why are you alone?"

Xiaoxiao looked very wretched and said: "Little Fatty and his wife are waiting for her friends. This time she brought three friends! I came here first, and I will order some fried rice first."

Zhang Pingan gave the change on the table with a smile: "Leave less, try a little bit of all kinds of things in a while, don't be full here all at once."

"Understood, let's count as two fried rice for one person."

Xiaoxiao bought Shengjian while waiting, the little fat man and a group of women came in, Zhang Pingan looked at the group of young girls, there was no 'four thousand years' among them, and he was a little disappointed in his heart. Fortunately, they are better than young, each of them looks youthful.

After seeing Zhang Ping'an, the little fat man smiled and brought his girlfriend and others over, and then he sat next to Zhang Ping'an: "Brother An, these are my girlfriend's teammates, all from 'Shanghai 48'." 'a member of!"

On the way here, the little fat man's girlfriend has already told them that this person is 'Zhang Ping'an' who recently became a hot topic on the scarf, and is the one who posted a mansion worth 55 million Huaxia coins in Tokyo, and at the same time Also the owner of PandaTV.

It's just that Zhang Ping'an is wearing an 'Adidas' that can be seen everywhere today, which is far from the feeling of 'boss'.

Looking at the group of little sisters, Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "Sit down, Xiaoxiao went to buy you fried pancakes. Xiaopang, I just bought this. If you're hungry, eat first."

"Thanks, Brother An." Xiaopang didn't say politely, he took the chopsticks and started eating first. As for the girls, just wait for Xiaoxiao to buy fresh ones.

While chewing the pan fried, Xiaopang said, "Brother An, just smiled and said, are you going to the small theater tonight?"

"Well, I plan to go and see it. I have seen AKB's small theater several times in Japan. I want to see the difference between our place and AKB theater."

One of the members said: "Actually, we have only practiced for more than two months, so there must be a big difference compared with AKB's seniors. And we are also incomparable with Korean idols."

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "I will never confuse Japanese idols with Korean idols. Japanese idols only need to be funny and cute in the camera, while Korean idols are more professional. And Korean idols Knife group dance is basically impossible for people who do not have a foundation in dance. Moreover, if Korean idols with a foundation in dance want to stand on stage, they must practice for at least three months, and within three months, only Dance that one song. Instead of practicing a dozen songs at once like your theater performances."

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